The big question about life on other planets: 1000000000000000000000 planets in the universe

This, according to some estimate, give or take quite a few zeroes I'm sure. A deeper philosophical question which goes beyond theology, though it certainly entangles it.

So, this number again, 1000000000000000000000 planets! According to The Institute of Astronomy at University of Cambridge. How many solar systems are there? | Institute of Astronomy

Putting the exact estimation aside. We would have to take a massive leap of faith to think that not only is there NOT other life in the universe, but, also of such existences, that there aren't many far more advanced than us.

Imagine a planet the size of Jupiter, 100's of billions of citizens. Imagine them not having our reptilian instincts of rage and violence, or developing weapons of war to be used against each other. Consider if they had the average brain power 250x that of our smartest humans, and existed for much longer, maybe lived on average 10000 years.

What would be the end result? Is there any religion that makes any consideration for this possibility (outside, I think Scientology)? It really is a daunting concept. We could be the most advanced by far, we might be Gods great creation. It would hardly seem we could be alone though based on the odds and even plain randomness.

Here is why:

God states in prophecy that He is going to destroy The Earth and The Heavens at the End of The Age. This is after Judgment Day, and He says a New Earth and New Heaven will be created.

Why? Because the current one is corrupted and is in a state of sin, death and entropy. This is what Original Sin Brought us. We went from a dimension of "Eternity" to one of "Time" and "Entropy" due to The Original Sin test we failed. We will be restored to the Dimension of "Eternity" per God's Word, through The Sacrifice and Victory of Jesus Christ over Sin and Death, Time and Entropy.

The Universe (Ours) was created for man to explore and colonize throughout eternity. Once we Fell, God restricted us through "Time" and "Entropy" and allowed The Earth, Life, and Universe to be subject to Death and Decay.

There is No Life on other planets. God would not wipe out an Entire Universe full of Life just for Man's Sin. He would restrict that Virus to one Planet, and then redeem it, purge it, and create a New Universe and New Earth as he did prior to Original Sin that is Eternal for his Eternal Creatures to Explore Infinitely.
Please post your voodoo chanting in the religion section. This is the science section. Thanks.

Oh, there you are. Stop hiding and accept the truth from the others
This, according to some estimate, give or take quite a few zeroes I'm sure. A deeper philosophical question which goes beyond theology, though it certainly entangles it.

So, this number again, 1000000000000000000000 planets! According to The Institute of Astronomy at University of Cambridge. How many solar systems are there? | Institute of Astronomy

Putting the exact estimation aside. We would have to take a massive leap of faith to think that not only is there NOT other life in the universe, but, also of such existences, that there aren't many far more advanced than us.

Imagine a planet the size of Jupiter, 100's of billions of citizens. Imagine them not having our reptilian instincts of rage and violence, or developing weapons of war to be used against each other. Consider if they had the average brain power 250x that of our smartest humans, and existed for much longer, maybe lived on average 10000 years.

What would be the end result? Is there any religion that makes any consideration for this possibility (outside, I think Scientology)? It really is a daunting concept. We could be the most advanced by far, we might be Gods great creation. It would hardly seem we could be alone though based on the odds and even plain randomness.

Here is why:

God states in prophecy that He is going to destroy The Earth and The Heavens at the End of The Age. This is after Judgment Day, and He says a New Earth and New Heaven will be created.

Why? Because the current one is corrupted and is in a state of sin, death and entropy. This is what Original Sin Brought us. We went from a dimension of "Eternity" to one of "Time" and "Entropy" due to The Original Sin test we failed. We will be restored to the Dimension of "Eternity" per God's Word, through The Sacrifice and Victory of Jesus Christ over Sin and Death, Time and Entropy.

The Universe (Ours) was created for man to explore and colonize throughout eternity. Once we Fell, God restricted us through "Time" and "Entropy" and allowed The Earth, Life, and Universe to be subject to Death and Decay.

There is No Life on other planets. God would not wipe out an Entire Universe full of Life just for Man's Sin. He would restrict that Virus to one Planet, and then redeem it, purge it, and create a New Universe and New Earth as he did prior to Original Sin that is Eternal for his Eternal Creatures to Explore Infinitely.
Please post your voodoo chanting in the religion section. This is the science section. Thanks.

Oh, there you are. Stop hiding and accept the truth from the others
Jesus is Called The LOGOS. You cannot have Science without KNOWLEDGE
Did Fort Fun Indiana run away? What a coward!
Perhaps 007 scared him off
The Left and The Atheists claim The Earth is going to be destroyed and that we only have 11 Years to save it. When you agree with them, and say yes, not only The Earth is going to be destroyed but so are The Heavens, they RUN.

They Run, because their claim of The Earth being Destroyed by Man is a Lie and a Bluff to push Global Governance. When you tell them God is going to Purify The Earth and Universe with Fire and Burn up The Wicked and Create a New Earth and Heavens, it Shocks their Wicked Souls.

Anyone else who dismisses something like that, has a hardened and calloused soul and is lost For Eternity. So, Better to be Shocked and Afraid than Unmoved.

I'd rather they flee in terror than stay and seal their doom with their own wicked words.
Did Fort Fun Indiana run away? What a coward!
Perhaps 007 scared him off
The Left and The Atheists claim The Earth is going to be destroyed and that we only have 11 Years to save it. When you agree with them, and say yes, not only The Earth is going to be destroyed but so are The Heavens, they RUN.

They Run, because their claim of The Earth being Destroyed by Man is a Lie and a Bluff to push Global Governance. When you tell them God is going to Purify The Earth and Universe with Fire and Burn up The Wicked and Create a New Earth and Heavens, it Shocks their Wicked Souls.

Anyone else who dismisses something like that, has a hardened and calloused soul and is lost For Eternity. So, Better to be Shocked and Afraid than Unmoved.

I'd rather they flee in terror than stay and seal their doom with their own wicked words.
The 2000 problem was also going to end civilization

These farts are mocking themselves

Let them go, the masses are choosing trump
Did Fort Fun Indiana run away? What a coward!
Perhaps 007 scared him off
The Left and The Atheists claim The Earth is going to be destroyed and that we only have 11 Years to save it. When you agree with them, and say yes, not only The Earth is going to be destroyed but so are The Heavens, they RUN.

They Run, because their claim of The Earth being Destroyed by Man is a Lie and a Bluff to push Global Governance. When you tell them God is going to Purify The Earth and Universe with Fire and Burn up The Wicked and Create a New Earth and Heavens, it Shocks their Wicked Souls.

Anyone else who dismisses something like that, has a hardened and calloused soul and is lost For Eternity. So, Better to be Shocked and Afraid than Unmoved.

I'd rather they flee in terror than stay and seal their doom with their own wicked words.
Do not spam the science section with yout religious horseshit. There is an entire section of the messageboard dedicated to it. Thanks.
Believing in a Creator, The Great Scientist, The Great Watchmaker, The Universal Law Giver, and belief that HE and HE Alone is The Author of our Laws of Physics, The Creator of Mathematics, and The Craftsman and Creator of our Universe and ourselves IS SCIENCE.
Wrong section, shaman.
God is science kid,
What that amounted to for Einstein, according to a 2006 paper, was a “cosmic religious feeling” that required no “anthropomorphic conception of God.” He explained this view in the New York Times Magazine: “The religious geniuses of all ages have been distinguished by this kind of religious feeling, which knows no dogma and no God conceived in man’s image; so that there can be no church whose central teachings are based on it. Hence it is precisely among the heretics of every age that we find men who were filled with this highest kind of religious feeling and were in many cases regarded by their contemporaries as atheists, sometimes also as saints. Looked at in this light, men like Democritus, Francis of Assisi, and Spinoza are closely akin to one another.””
My bold filters out the noise. You're welcome.

I'll add commonly found insistence upon "having it both ways" is simply trying to be clever. Attempting to fool or please everyone at once. A juvenile drive or "feeling" ranging from duplicity to duplicitousness. Some cowardice.. lack of conviction.. certainly not genius.
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The Persian empire started about 550 BC.

The Sumerian civilization started about 4000 BC.

So why did you call "SUMERIAN GOD" an artefact in context of the Persian god Ahura Mazda, which shows the eternal human spirit on his good way forward, while leaving bad ways behind?

So reword your question, and I can possibly answer.

Where did you find this symbol (where was it found), which shows a kind of (fire?-)bird with a kind of [steering?-]wheel and shows parallels to christian and shoroastrian symbols? What is the original culture, where it comes from (You say it is Sumerian. Why do you say so?) What is the symbolism of this artefact (What means it)?

Sorry buddy but I have no idea what you're trying to say. Can you please quote it? And then I'll be more than happy to explain.
This is where it started... Winged flying gods in a circle... Sumer. 4000 BC.


Sometimes, I forget we are discussing something because you do not reply to my post ....

Which post?

It wasn't you I was talking to. It was RWS. An example would be his post #922.
So is zaangealewa another sock puppet?
This, according to some estimate, give or take quite a few zeroes I'm sure. A deeper philosophical question which goes beyond theology, though it certainly entangles it.

So, this number again, 1000000000000000000000 planets! According to The Institute of Astronomy at University of Cambridge. How many solar systems are there? | Institute of Astronomy

Putting the exact estimation aside. We would have to take a massive leap of faith to think that not only is there NOT other life in the universe, but, also of such existences, that there aren't many far more advanced than us.

Imagine a planet the size of Jupiter, 100's of billions of citizens. Imagine them not having our reptilian instincts of rage and violence, or developing weapons of war to be used against each other. Consider if they had the average brain power 250x that of our smartest humans, and existed for much longer, maybe lived on average 10000 years.

What would be the end result? Is there any religion that makes any consideration for this possibility (outside, I think Scientology)? It really is a daunting concept. We could be the most advanced by far, we might be Gods great creation. It would hardly seem we could be alone though based on the odds and even plain randomness.

Here is why:

God states in prophecy that He is going to destroy The Earth and The Heavens at the End of The Age. This is after Judgment Day, and He says a New Earth and New Heaven will be created.

Why? Because the current one is corrupted and is in a state of sin, death and entropy. This is what Original Sin Brought us. We went from a dimension of "Eternity" to one of "Time" and "Entropy" due to The Original Sin test we failed. We will be restored to the Dimension of "Eternity" per God's Word, through The Sacrifice and Victory of Jesus Christ over Sin and Death, Time and Entropy.

The Universe (Ours) was created for man to explore and colonize throughout eternity. Once we Fell, God restricted us through "Time" and "Entropy" and allowed The Earth, Life, and Universe to be subject to Death and Decay.

There is No Life on other planets. God would not wipe out an Entire Universe full of Life just for Man's Sin. He would restrict that Virus to one Planet, and then redeem it, purge it, and create a New Universe and New Earth as he did prior to Original Sin that is Eternal for his Eternal Creatures to Explore Infinitely.
Please post your voodoo chanting in the religion section. This is the science section. Thanks.
God is the first known scientist
Your God is letting us all wipe ourselves out for the past 4000 years, since he was invented. He actually encourages it, promotes it, and does it himself when unfulfilled.

He just wants to kill us! Shite!

Maybe there's another reason he acts that way....
God does not love us, when he sends us into battle with each other. As he has done for the past 4000 years.

He's just playing a game. He's playing with our lives.

To me, he's not so nice. And I will say he's actually an asshole and a monster!

Anybody who plays with your lives is an asshole. So God is either an asshole, or he doesn't exist.
No, He's designing ever more intricate, exquisite ways for us to kill each other off. War has evolved in such a way that only a designer could be responsible. Slugs, maggots, and potato beetles as well.

But He really doesn't care..
Except when he does.
Does so!
Here's another article that explains more in detail about the universe is a computer simulation -- Are We Living in a Computer Simulation?.

I especially liked:

'But some were more contemplative, saying the possibility raises some weighty spiritual questions. “If the simulation hypothesis is valid then we open the door to eternal life and resurrection and things that formally have been discussed in the realm of religion,” Gates suggested. “The reason is quite simple: If we’re programs in the computer, then as long as I have a computer that’s not damaged, I can always re-run the program.”

And if someone somewhere created our simulation, would that make this entity God? “We in this universe can create simulated worlds and there’s nothing remotely spooky about that,” Chalmers said. “Our creator isn’t especially spooky, it’s just some teenage hacker in the next universe up.” Turn the tables, and we are essentially gods over our own computer creations. “We don’t think of ourselves as deities when we program Mario, even though we have power over how high Mario jumps,” Tyson said. “There’s no reason to think they’re all-powerful just because they control everything we do.” And a simulated universe introduces another disturbing possibility. “What happens,” Tyson said, “if there’s a bug that crashes the entire program?”'

If a bug crashes the entire program, then we are all dead and headed for final judgement, of course.

But god is not a liar. So I'm sure we don't live in "the matrix". Our problems are real problems - and every solution is worth to be done - independent how hard the job is to do it. Same in case the solution is very little and seems to be nearly unimportant. Also little things have to be done and this is as important as big things. Perhaps my important job in this world here is only to bring an old lady save over a street - who knows? But when I have to do so on very important reasons, which I perhaps never will be able to understand, then I hope god will lead me and I will do it without to hesistate. By the way: God never will ask to murder someone or such stupid things. I'm always shocked when godless terrorists speak such a denial of god in the name of god. But that's the way it is. Everyone has to take care not to poison the own heart with a deadly wrongness.

I didn't say God was a liar.

I did not say you said god is a liar. I "said": 'The world is real creation - and we are able to find out what is really going on' (=God is not a liar).

Maybe one of panel members, David Chalmers, brought him up. I pointed out that the evolutionists on the panel (don't think any creation scientists were invited) have thought about our universe acts like a video game and and we are creations of some "alien" designer. It was enough, so one considered it could be God. At least, the writer of the article inferred that. But then Tyson interjected his atheism with there was not reason to think "they're all-powerful just because they control everything we do." That's really a stupid, stupid, stupid comment by him. The he follows up with his bug comment. Sheesh.

What US-Americans (but Brits too) say in context "evolution vs creation" sounds very empty in my ears.

It's perhaps interesting to know in this context that religion was not an invention of a civilisation, where people had enough time to have funny ideas like religion, because they had invented agriculture. Indeed it were hunter gatherers, who created on reason of their religion (=rebound in god) the first civilisation of the world. I think they made a sanctuary and because they liked to live in the near of this sanctuary they started to invent agriculture. For me it's totally clear, that in all times of human history religion was a very important motor for the human progress.

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The Persian empire started about 550 BC.

The Sumerian civilization started about 4000 BC.

So why did you call "SUMERIAN GOD" an artefact in context of the Persian god Ahura Mazda, which shows the eternal human spirit on his good way forward, while leaving bad ways behind?

So reword your question, and I can possibly answer.

Where did you find this symbol (where was it found), which shows a kind of (fire?-)bird with a kind of [steering?-]wheel and shows parallels to christian and shoroastrian symbols? What is the original culture, where it comes from (You say it is Sumerian. Why do you say so?) What is the symbolism of this artefact (What means it)?

Sorry buddy but I have no idea what you're trying to say. Can you please quote it? And then I'll be more than happy to explain.

Forget it. My English is bad - but not so bad. I don't have the feeling you know what you try to speak about.

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There is only life on Earth...God created the heavens and the Earth.
And he came from the heavens with life
And waited 200,000 years to reveal himself to humans. But only to some of them. And only through iron aged ideas. Weird!
Look the fact is that DeGrasse Tyson is now claiming that the universe is literally a computer simulation, which incidentally requires a programmer of considerable talent. The dumb thing about this poor turd is that he thinks this idea is new when it is not as once upon a time a programmer coded and when he was done the code walked away and made new improved code on it's own.


Are you quoting dat black science guy? LOL!
This, according to some estimate, give or take quite a few zeroes I'm sure. A deeper philosophical question which goes beyond theology, though it certainly entangles it.

So, this number again, 1000000000000000000000 planets! According to The Institute of Astronomy at University of Cambridge. How many solar systems are there? | Institute of Astronomy

Putting the exact estimation aside. We would have to take a massive leap of faith to think that not only is there NOT other life in the universe, but, also of such existences, that there aren't many far more advanced than us.

Imagine a planet the size of Jupiter, 100's of billions of citizens. Imagine them not having our reptilian instincts of rage and violence, or developing weapons of war to be used against each other. Consider if they had the average brain power 250x that of our smartest humans, and existed for much longer, maybe lived on average 10000 years.

What would be the end result? Is there any religion that makes any consideration for this possibility (outside, I think Scientology)? It really is a daunting concept. We could be the most advanced by far, we might be Gods great creation. It would hardly seem we could be alone though based on the odds and even plain randomness.

Here is why:

God states in prophecy that He is going to destroy The Earth and The Heavens at the End of The Age. This is after Judgment Day, and He says a New Earth and New Heaven will be created.

Why? Because the current one is corrupted and is in a state of sin, death and entropy. This is what Original Sin Brought us. We went from a dimension of "Eternity" to one of "Time" and "Entropy" due to The Original Sin test we failed. We will be restored to the Dimension of "Eternity" per God's Word, through The Sacrifice and Victory of Jesus Christ over Sin and Death, Time and Entropy.

The Universe (Ours) was created for man to explore and colonize throughout eternity. Once we Fell, God restricted us through "Time" and "Entropy" and allowed The Earth, Life, and Universe to be subject to Death and Decay.

There is No Life on other planets. God would not wipe out an Entire Universe full of Life just for Man's Sin. He would restrict that Virus to one Planet, and then redeem it, purge it, and create a New Universe and New Earth as he did prior to Original Sin that is Eternal for his Eternal Creatures to Explore Infinitely.
Please post your voodoo chanting in the religion section. This is the science section. Thanks.
God is the first known scientist
Your God is letting us all wipe ourselves out for the past 4000 years, since he was invented. He actually encourages it, promotes it, and does it himself when unfulfilled.

He just wants to kill us! Shite!

Maybe there's another reason he acts that way....

Nope God has left us with all his ability and disability, the human race will survive, here and elsewhere as well, because we are now reaching out to the heavens from which we came

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