The big question about life on other planets: 1000000000000000000000 planets in the universe

This is all I know about nietschie. :)

What for heavens sake is this? Ugly! ... Ah: Monthy Python: The British experts in wrong understanding and irreal nonsense. ... Boris Johnson seems to walk in their footsteps now.

No, that's a classic movie, you should watch immediately... I hate British humor, but this is the best!

A Fish Called Wanda

Watch that!

For sure not. I grow meanwhile angry when I see Monty Python, because idiots made out of their antihistoric nonsense a kind of antichristian ideology - without any form of humor but with a lot of hate.

I hate Monty Python too. And Benny Hill,... Maybe not for the same reasons, I just never got the British humor. I didn't find it funny. But this is different.... This is American humor. I highly recommend this movie. Please give it a try.
Though nowadays, it would probably be deemed politically incorrect in a few ways. But it's friggin funny!
And what is the intelligent reason for this answer?
For why we imagine aliens? Because it is plausible,even inight of modern knowledge. That's why we arent imagining flaming chariots or dragons.
It's also why flying angels/gods in bright lights and halos are working magic upon us, in biblical texts 2000 bc. In Sumerian texts they plagiarized, back in 4000 bc, it starts to make sense. Because they were the Anunnaki.
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Gods in a disc, that flew, and could land.

AN.UN.NA.KI means "Those who from the heavens to earth came"

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Again. no one educated really doubt that amoeba and bacteria may well exist on other planets. Who knows, multi-cellular life might even exist. Human kind will never know one way or the other.

I am well educated and I "really doubt that amoeba and bacteria" exists outside planet Earth. I am quite certain of it, in fact. The reason is the insuperable statistics of polypeptide synthesis.

1/20 to the x power approaches zero very quickly, and the largest polypeptide in humans is 34,350 amino acid residues in length.

Someone tell me, what is 1/20 to the 34,350th power?
This is all I know about nietschie. :)

What for heavens sake is this? Ugly! ... Ah: Monthy Python: The British experts in wrong understanding and irreal nonsense. ... Boris Johnson seems to walk in their footsteps now.

No, that's a classic movie, you should watch immediately... I hate British humor, but this is the best!

A Fish Called Wanda

Watch that!

For sure not. I grow meanwhile angry when I see Monty Python, because idiots made out of their antihistoric nonsense a kind of antichristian ideology - without any form of humor but with a lot of hate.

I hate Monty Python too. And Benny Hill,... Maybe not for the same reasons, I just never got the British humor. I didn't find it funny. But this is different.... This is American humor. I highly recommend this movie. Please give it a try.

I asked my wife. She said it's a nice film. She had laughed a lot.


What exactly is this? A cross in the form of the cross of the templars - made like a wheel - carried from the Holy Spirit?


But that bass relieif was done by the Sumerians circa 4000 BC. Way before the idea of Templars even started. Templars could have taken Sumerian mythology in their depiction, and they wouldn't be the first. The emblem for medicine today is directly derived from the Sumerian depiction of EN.KI. Pilots still wear the winged disk.





What exactly is this? A cross in the form of the cross of the templars - made like a wheel - carried from the Holy Spirit?


But that bass relieif was done by the Sumerians circa 4000 BC. ...

What you called "SUMERIAN GOD" is an artefact from Persia. It is called Faravahar and shows not a god. It symbolizes the human spirit.
Take a look here: F A R A V A H A R The most powerful spiritual symbol of true Iranians

Are you able to tell me where this artefact in top was found and/or what this picture symbolizes? Is it really Sumerian?

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The Persian empire started about 550 BC.

The Sumerian civilization started about 4000 BC.

So reword your question, and I can possibly answer.
The Persian empire started about 550 BC.

The Sumerian civilization started about 4000 BC.

So why did you call "SUMERIAN GOD" an artefact in context of the Persian god Ahura Mazda, which shows the eternal human spirit on his good way forward, while leaving bad ways behind?

So reword your question, and I can possibly answer.

Where did you find this symbol (where was it found), which shows a kind of (fire?-)bird with a kind of [steering?-]wheel and shows parallels to christian and shoroastrian symbols? What is the original culture, where it comes from (You say it is Sumerian. Why do you say so?) What is the symbolism of this artefact (What means it)?

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The Persian empire started about 550 BC.

The Sumerian civilization started about 4000 BC.

So why did you call "SUMERIAN GOD" an artefact in context of the Persian god Ahura Mazda, which shows the eternal human spirit on his good way forward, while leaving bad ways behind?

So reword your question, and I can possibly answer.

Where did you find this symbol (where was it found), which shows a kind of (fire?-)bird with a kind of [steering?-]wheel and shows parallels to christian and shoroastrian symbols? What is the original culture, where it comes from (You say it is Sumerian. Why do you say so?) What is the symbolism of this artefact (What means it)?

Conan the maid fucker says hi
And waited 200,000 years to reveal himself to humans. But only to some of them. And only through iron aged ideas. Weird!

Not weird. He only reveals himself to those with faith. The evidence is right in front of your nose, but you can't see it.

I've yet to see anyone say you're right and an one of the smarter posters here. I know why. Even those who do not know you and post a couple of times with you do not think that. Maybe you do that with God, too. It could be you hate God.
This is where it started... Winged flying gods in a circle... Sumer. 4000 BC.


Sometimes, I forget we are discussing something because you do not reply to my post, but post a standalone reply. I never see it in my alert box. Thus, I figure that was the end, but you posted something. What are we to get from these figures? You say winged gods? What did the people believe or why do you post winged figures? Are you still referring to halos as the circle? Refresh my memory.
This is all I know about nietschie. :)

What for heavens sake is this? Ugly! ... Ah: Monthy Python: The British experts in wrong understanding and irreal nonsense. ... Boris Johnson seems to walk in their footsteps now.

No, that's a classic movie, you should watch immediately... I hate British humor, but this is the best!

A Fish Called Wanda

Watch that!

For sure not. I grow meanwhile angry when I see Monty Python, because idiots made out of their antihistoric nonsense a kind of antichristian ideology - without any form of humor but with a lot of hate.

I hate Monty Python too. And Benny Hill,... Maybe not for the same reasons, I just never got the British humor. I didn't find it funny. But this is different.... This is American humor. I highly recommend this movie. Please give it a try.

I saw it, but don't remember it any more. It was funny. Maybe I'll watch again.

The last movie I saw couple days ago was Joker. Not funny. I didn't read anything about it, so was like wtf am I watching? I don't know if it follows the normal storyline. It doesn't appear to be, but it was a good movie for a violent and bloody one. Reminded me of Taxi Driver. I think if it does follow the normal story line, then it had a twist at the ending.

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