The biggest problem with the rightwing is a lack of critical thinking skills


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
This is a deficit that I think the right should be aware of. Critical thinking involves seeing the nuance in political issues. It's judging objective information and deciding what is true, false, or partially true.

The rightwing ideology is very emotionally driven. Rightwingers reason more with emotion than they do factual information. They see issues in very black and white terms. They only examine the extremes of a political ideology and fail to see the nuance within. It causes them to misunderstand many progressive issues and progressives themselves.

Let me give you all some examples:

Income inequality.

When a liberal discusses this issue, it really doesn't matter what he or she says about it. The crazy Rightwinger automatically jumps to the extreme conclusion of "you're just jealous of their wealth! You want to get rid of capitalism and have the government own us all derp, derp, derp!"

This is of course ridiculous. Liberals simply want to save the middle class from diminishing and boost wages for the poor. It has nothing to do with "paying everyone the same" or "getting rid of the wealthy class." Obviously this economy needs rich people, there simply must be something done about stagnant or declining wages and not letting the wealthy have all of the income gains.

Government regulation

Again, the automatic extreme conclusion is "you want to end capitalism! You want the government to own all the jobs!"

Once again ridiculous. We simply don't want corporations to do whatever the fuck they want. We want laws that protect consumers and the economy at large. Believe it or not, the private market can still thrive with reasonable regulation. Contrary to what repubs tell you, regulations rarely have anything to do with a failing business. The BLS proves that.

Gun control

When Obama said that something must be done about mass shootings, the automatic reaction by the right is "he's coming for our guns - for realz this time derp, derp, derp!"

Now granted liberal opinion of gun control is pretty varied, but what repubs can't seem to grasp is that a very tiny minority in this country actually want to abolish the second amendment. I personally just want strict background checks and registration. Anyone that does want to ban all guns, has no political voice anyway. Gun control legislation of any kind rarely ever passes yet repubs like to pretend the right is in jeopardy which is so stupid it's not even funny. I don't understand why you people kid yourselves.


Now socialism is a very broad term. Rightwingers think any context of the word involves the absence of the private market. This is completely false. Our defense budget is one of the biggest socialist institutions in the world yet repubs are too dumb to appreciate that fact. Bernie Sanders is a democratic socialist. He supports capitalism, he simply wants it strictly regulated to protect the lower classes. He wants socialist programs that provide free college tuition and paid medical leave (both of which are paid for through taxes). In the context of our government system, that really is no different than paying taxes for the government maintaining our highways or our badass military.

If you take the emotion out of politics when it matters, you understand them more.
Billy00000000000 posts this about once every six months and gets it rammed up his backside.

The whole fallacy being that it only exists on the right wing.

I have no issues calling the Hannity worshippers nutjobs.

Ed Shultz had many who were just as rabid on the other end.

The same arguments apply to both sides.

So applying this to just the right is simply stupid.

Another Fail thread by Billy-The-dumber-than-a-kid (as in goat).
This is a deficit that I think the right should be aware of. Critical thinking involves seeing the nuance in political issues. It's judging objective information and deciding what is true, false, or partially true.

The rightwing ideology is very emotionally driven. Rightwingers reason more with emotion than they do factual information. They see issues in very black and white terms. They only examine the extremes of a political ideology and fail to see the nuance within. It causes them to misunderstand many progressive issues and progressives themselves.

Let me give you all some examples:

Income inequality.

When a liberal discusses this issue, it really doesn't matter what he or she says about it. The crazy Rightwinger automatically jumps to the extreme conclusion of "you're just jealous of their wealth! You want to get rid of capitalism and have the government own us all derp, derp, derp!"

This is of course ridiculous. Liberals simply want to save the middle class from diminishing and boost wages for the poor. It has nothing to do with "paying everyone the same" or "getting rid of the wealthy class." Obviously this economy needs rich people, there simply must be something done about stagnant or declining wages and not letting the wealthy have all of the income gains.

Government regulation

Again, the automatic extreme conclusion is "you want to end capitalism! You want the government to own all the jobs!"

Once again ridiculous. We simply don't want corporations to do whatever the fuck they want. We want laws that protect consumers and the economy at large. Believe it or not, the private market can still thrive with reasonable regulation. Contrary to what repubs tell you, regulations rarely have anything to do with a failing business. The BLS proves that.

Gun control

When Obama said that something must be done about mass shootings, the automatic reaction by the right is "he's coming for our guns - for realz this time derp, derp, derp!"

Now granted liberal opinion of gun control is pretty varied, but what repubs can't seem to grasp is that a very tiny minority in this country actually want to abolish the second amendment. I personally just want strict background checks and registration. Anyone that does want to ban all guns, has no political voice anyway. Gun control legislation of any kind rarely ever passes yet repubs like to pretend the right is in jeopardy which is so stupid it's not even funny. I don't understand why you people kid yourselves.


Now socialism is a very broad term. Rightwingers think any context of the word involves the absence of the private market. This is completely false. Our defense budget is one of the biggest socialist institutions in the world yet repubs are too dumb to appreciate that fact. Bernie Sanders is a democratic socialist. He supports capitalism, he simply wants it strictly regulated to protect the lower classes. He wants socialist programs that provide free college tuition and paid medical leave (both of which are paid for through taxes). In the context of our government system, that really is no different than paying taxes for the government maintaining our highways or our badass military.

If you take the emotion out of politics when it matters, you understand them more.

What I find funny is you accusing the repubs of lacking critical thinking skills then post a General Discussion thread in Politics. Not helping your cause there bucko.

Putting Mod hat on....

MOVED to General Discussion
This is a deficit that I think the right should be aware of. Critical thinking involves seeing the nuance in political issues. It's judging objective information and deciding what is true, false, or partially true.

The rightwing ideology is very emotionally driven. Rightwingers reason more with emotion than they do factual information. They see issues in very black and white terms. They only examine the extremes of a political ideology and fail to see the nuance within. It causes them to misunderstand many progressive issues and progressives themselves.

Let me give you all some examples:

Income inequality.

When a liberal discusses this issue, it really doesn't matter what he or she says about it. The crazy Rightwinger automatically jumps to the extreme conclusion of "you're just jealous of their wealth! You want to get rid of capitalism and have the government own us all derp, derp, derp!"

This is of course ridiculous. Liberals simply want to save the middle class from diminishing and boost wages for the poor. It has nothing to do with "paying everyone the same" or "getting rid of the wealthy class." Obviously this economy needs rich people, there simply must be something done about stagnant or declining wages and not letting the wealthy have all of the income gains.

Government regulation

Again, the automatic extreme conclusion is "you want to end capitalism! You want the government to own all the jobs!"

Once again ridiculous. We simply don't want corporations to do whatever the fuck they want. We want laws that protect consumers and the economy at large. Believe it or not, the private market can still thrive with reasonable regulation. Contrary to what repubs tell you, regulations rarely have anything to do with a failing business. The BLS proves that.

Gun control

When Obama said that something must be done about mass shootings, the automatic reaction by the right is "he's coming for our guns - for realz this time derp, derp, derp!"

Now granted liberal opinion of gun control is pretty varied, but what repubs can't seem to grasp is that a very tiny minority in this country actually want to abolish the second amendment. I personally just want strict background checks and registration. Anyone that does want to ban all guns, has no political voice anyway. Gun control legislation of any kind rarely ever passes yet repubs like to pretend the right is in jeopardy which is so stupid it's not even funny. I don't understand why you people kid yourselves.


Now socialism is a very broad term. Rightwingers think any context of the word involves the absence of the private market. This is completely false. Our defense budget is one of the biggest socialist institutions in the world yet repubs are too dumb to appreciate that fact. Bernie Sanders is a democratic socialist. He supports capitalism, he simply wants it strictly regulated to protect the lower classes. He wants socialist programs that provide free college tuition and paid medical leave (both of which are paid for through taxes). In the context of our government system, that really is no different than paying taxes for the government maintaining our highways or our badass military.

If you take the emotion out of politics when it matters, you understand them more.
There is nothing quite so pathetic as a dummy who thinks they're brilliant. This is nothing but liberal talking points. No critical thinking here. Nope. None at all.
This is a deficit that I think the right should be aware of. Critical thinking involves seeing the nuance in political issues. It's judging objective information and deciding what is true, false, or partially true.

The rightwing ideology is very emotionally driven. Rightwingers reason more with emotion than they do factual information. They see issues in very black and white terms. They only examine the extremes of a political ideology and fail to see the nuance within. It causes them to misunderstand many progressive issues and progressives themselves.

Let me give you all some examples:

Income inequality.

When a liberal discusses this issue, it really doesn't matter what he or she says about it. The crazy Rightwinger automatically jumps to the extreme conclusion of "you're just jealous of their wealth! You want to get rid of capitalism and have the government own us all derp, derp, derp!"

This is of course ridiculous. Liberals simply want to save the middle class from diminishing and boost wages for the poor. It has nothing to do with "paying everyone the same" or "getting rid of the wealthy class." Obviously this economy needs rich people, there simply must be something done about stagnant or declining wages and not letting the wealthy have all of the income gains.

Government regulation

Again, the automatic extreme conclusion is "you want to end capitalism! You want the government to own all the jobs!"

Once again ridiculous. We simply don't want corporations to do whatever the fuck they want. We want laws that protect consumers and the economy at large. Believe it or not, the private market can still thrive with reasonable regulation. Contrary to what repubs tell you, regulations rarely have anything to do with a failing business. The BLS proves that.

Gun control

When Obama said that something must be done about mass shootings, the automatic reaction by the right is "he's coming for our guns - for realz this time derp, derp, derp!"

Now granted liberal opinion of gun control is pretty varied, but what repubs can't seem to grasp is that a very tiny minority in this country actually want to abolish the second amendment. I personally just want strict background checks and registration. Anyone that does want to ban all guns, has no political voice anyway. Gun control legislation of any kind rarely ever passes yet repubs like to pretend the right is in jeopardy which is so stupid it's not even funny. I don't understand why you people kid yourselves.


Now socialism is a very broad term. Rightwingers think any context of the word involves the absence of the private market. This is completely false. Our defense budget is one of the biggest socialist institutions in the world yet repubs are too dumb to appreciate that fact. Bernie Sanders is a democratic socialist. He supports capitalism, he simply wants it strictly regulated to protect the lower classes. He wants socialist programs that provide free college tuition and paid medical leave (both of which are paid for through taxes). In the context of our government system, that really is no different than paying taxes for the government maintaining our highways or our badass military.

If you take the emotion out of politics when it matters, you understand them more.

What I find funny is you accusing the repubs of lacking critical thinking skills then post a General Discussion thread in Politics. Not helping your cause there bucko.

Putting Mod hat on....

MOVED to General Discussion
You and I both know that is bullshit. It has everything to do with politics. Can't you be unbiased for once? Do you have to be a crybaby about it?
This is a deficit that I think the right should be aware of. Critical thinking involves seeing the nuance in political issues. It's judging objective information and deciding what is true, false, or partially true.

The rightwing ideology is very emotionally driven. Rightwingers reason more with emotion than they do factual information. They see issues in very black and white terms. They only examine the extremes of a political ideology and fail to see the nuance within. It causes them to misunderstand many progressive issues and progressives themselves.

Let me give you all some examples:

Income inequality.

When a liberal discusses this issue, it really doesn't matter what he or she says about it. The crazy Rightwinger automatically jumps to the extreme conclusion of "you're just jealous of their wealth! You want to get rid of capitalism and have the government own us all derp, derp, derp!"

This is of course ridiculous. Liberals simply want to save the middle class from diminishing and boost wages for the poor. It has nothing to do with "paying everyone the same" or "getting rid of the wealthy class." Obviously this economy needs rich people, there simply must be something done about stagnant or declining wages and not letting the wealthy have all of the income gains.

Government regulation

Again, the automatic extreme conclusion is "you want to end capitalism! You want the government to own all the jobs!"

Once again ridiculous. We simply don't want corporations to do whatever the fuck they want. We want laws that protect consumers and the economy at large. Believe it or not, the private market can still thrive with reasonable regulation. Contrary to what repubs tell you, regulations rarely have anything to do with a failing business. The BLS proves that.

Gun control

When Obama said that something must be done about mass shootings, the automatic reaction by the right is "he's coming for our guns - for realz this time derp, derp, derp!"

Now granted liberal opinion of gun control is pretty varied, but what repubs can't seem to grasp is that a very tiny minority in this country actually want to abolish the second amendment. I personally just want strict background checks and registration. Anyone that does want to ban all guns, has no political voice anyway. Gun control legislation of any kind rarely ever passes yet repubs like to pretend the right is in jeopardy which is so stupid it's not even funny. I don't understand why you people kid yourselves.


Now socialism is a very broad term. Rightwingers think any context of the word involves the absence of the private market. This is completely false. Our defense budget is one of the biggest socialist institutions in the world yet repubs are too dumb to appreciate that fact. Bernie Sanders is a democratic socialist. He supports capitalism, he simply wants it strictly regulated to protect the lower classes. He wants socialist programs that provide free college tuition and paid medical leave (both of which are paid for through taxes). In the context of our government system, that really is no different than paying taxes for the government maintaining our highways or our badass military.

If you take the emotion out of politics when it matters, you understand them more.

What I find funny is you accusing the repubs of lacking critical thinking skills then post a General Discussion thread in Politics. Not helping your cause there bucko.

Putting Mod hat on....

MOVED to General Discussion
You and I both know that is bullshit. It has everything to do with politics. Can't you be unbiased for once? Do you have to be a crybaby about it?

I would agree that you really just showed you are nothing but a far left brownshirt.

Sorry've been outed.
This is a deficit that I think the right should be aware of. Critical thinking involves seeing the nuance in political issues. It's judging objective information and deciding what is true, false, or partially true.

The rightwing ideology is very emotionally driven. Rightwingers reason more with emotion than they do factual information. They see issues in very black and white terms. They only examine the extremes of a political ideology and fail to see the nuance within. It causes them to misunderstand many progressive issues and progressives themselves.

Let me give you all some examples:

Income inequality.

When a liberal discusses this issue, it really doesn't matter what he or she says about it. The crazy Rightwinger automatically jumps to the extreme conclusion of "you're just jealous of their wealth! You want to get rid of capitalism and have the government own us all derp, derp, derp!"

This is of course ridiculous. Liberals simply want to save the middle class from diminishing and boost wages for the poor. It has nothing to do with "paying everyone the same" or "getting rid of the wealthy class." Obviously this economy needs rich people, there simply must be something done about stagnant or declining wages and not letting the wealthy have all of the income gains.

Government regulation

Again, the automatic extreme conclusion is "you want to end capitalism! You want the government to own all the jobs!"

Once again ridiculous. We simply don't want corporations to do whatever the fuck they want. We want laws that protect consumers and the economy at large. Believe it or not, the private market can still thrive with reasonable regulation. Contrary to what repubs tell you, regulations rarely have anything to do with a failing business. The BLS proves that.

Gun control

When Obama said that something must be done about mass shootings, the automatic reaction by the right is "he's coming for our guns - for realz this time derp, derp, derp!"

Now granted liberal opinion of gun control is pretty varied, but what repubs can't seem to grasp is that a very tiny minority in this country actually want to abolish the second amendment. I personally just want strict background checks and registration. Anyone that does want to ban all guns, has no political voice anyway. Gun control legislation of any kind rarely ever passes yet repubs like to pretend the right is in jeopardy which is so stupid it's not even funny. I don't understand why you people kid yourselves.


Now socialism is a very broad term. Rightwingers think any context of the word involves the absence of the private market. This is completely false. Our defense budget is one of the biggest socialist institutions in the world yet repubs are too dumb to appreciate that fact. Bernie Sanders is a democratic socialist. He supports capitalism, he simply wants it strictly regulated to protect the lower classes. He wants socialist programs that provide free college tuition and paid medical leave (both of which are paid for through taxes). In the context of our government system, that really is no different than paying taxes for the government maintaining our highways or our badass military.

If you take the emotion out of politics when it matters, you understand them more.

What I find funny is you accusing the repubs of lacking critical thinking skills then post a General Discussion thread in Politics. Not helping your cause there bucko.

Putting Mod hat on....

MOVED to General Discussion
You and I both know that is bullshit. It has everything to do with politics. Can't you be unbiased for once? Do you have to be a crybaby about it?

No, it has to do with political philosophy which isn't a Politics thread (which pretty clearly states "Discuss Government policies and Candidates"), but it it most certainly is a General Discussion thread.
This is a deficit that I think the right should be aware of. Critical thinking involves seeing the nuance in political issues. It's judging objective information and deciding what is true, false, or partially true.

The rightwing ideology is very emotionally driven. Rightwingers reason more with emotion than they do factual information. They see issues in very black and white terms. They only examine the extremes of a political ideology and fail to see the nuance within. It causes them to misunderstand many progressive issues and progressives themselves.

Let me give you all some examples:

Income inequality.

When a liberal discusses this issue, it really doesn't matter what he or she says about it. The crazy Rightwinger automatically jumps to the extreme conclusion of "you're just jealous of their wealth! You want to get rid of capitalism and have the government own us all derp, derp, derp!"

This is of course ridiculous. Liberals simply want to save the middle class from diminishing and boost wages for the poor. It has nothing to do with "paying everyone the same" or "getting rid of the wealthy class." Obviously this economy needs rich people, there simply must be something done about stagnant or declining wages and not letting the wealthy have all of the income gains.

Government regulation

Again, the automatic extreme conclusion is "you want to end capitalism! You want the government to own all the jobs!"

Once again ridiculous. We simply don't want corporations to do whatever the fuck they want. We want laws that protect consumers and the economy at large. Believe it or not, the private market can still thrive with reasonable regulation. Contrary to what repubs tell you, regulations rarely have anything to do with a failing business. The BLS proves that.

Gun control

When Obama said that something must be done about mass shootings, the automatic reaction by the right is "he's coming for our guns - for realz this time derp, derp, derp!"

Now granted liberal opinion of gun control is pretty varied, but what repubs can't seem to grasp is that a very tiny minority in this country actually want to abolish the second amendment. I personally just want strict background checks and registration. Anyone that does want to ban all guns, has no political voice anyway. Gun control legislation of any kind rarely ever passes yet repubs like to pretend the right is in jeopardy which is so stupid it's not even funny. I don't understand why you people kid yourselves.


Now socialism is a very broad term. Rightwingers think any context of the word involves the absence of the private market. This is completely false. Our defense budget is one of the biggest socialist institutions in the world yet repubs are too dumb to appreciate that fact. Bernie Sanders is a democratic socialist. He supports capitalism, he simply wants it strictly regulated to protect the lower classes. He wants socialist programs that provide free college tuition and paid medical leave (both of which are paid for through taxes). In the context of our government system, that really is no different than paying taxes for the government maintaining our highways or our badass military.

If you take the emotion out of politics when it matters, you understand them more.

What I find funny is you accusing the repubs of lacking critical thinking skills then post a General Discussion thread in Politics. Not helping your cause there bucko.

Putting Mod hat on....

MOVED to General Discussion
You and I both know that is bullshit. It has everything to do with politics. Can't you be unbiased for once? Do you have to be a crybaby about it?
You were not discussing politics. You were offering your biased opinion of a group of the voting populace. That's not politics. It's a rant. It should have been moved to the rubber room, imho.
This is a deficit that I think the right should be aware of. Critical thinking involves seeing the nuance in political issues. It's judging objective information and deciding what is true, false, or partially true.

The rightwing ideology is very emotionally driven. Rightwingers reason more with emotion than they do factual information. They see issues in very black and white terms. They only examine the extremes of a political ideology and fail to see the nuance within. It causes them to misunderstand many progressive issues and progressives themselves.

Let me give you all some examples:

Income inequality.

When a liberal discusses this issue, it really doesn't matter what he or she says about it. The crazy Rightwinger automatically jumps to the extreme conclusion of "you're just jealous of their wealth! You want to get rid of capitalism and have the government own us all derp, derp, derp!"

This is of course ridiculous. Liberals simply want to save the middle class from diminishing and boost wages for the poor. It has nothing to do with "paying everyone the same" or "getting rid of the wealthy class." Obviously this economy needs rich people, there simply must be something done about stagnant or declining wages and not letting the wealthy have all of the income gains.

Government regulation

Again, the automatic extreme conclusion is "you want to end capitalism! You want the government to own all the jobs!"

Once again ridiculous. We simply don't want corporations to do whatever the fuck they want. We want laws that protect consumers and the economy at large. Believe it or not, the private market can still thrive with reasonable regulation. Contrary to what repubs tell you, regulations rarely have anything to do with a failing business. The BLS proves that.

Gun control

When Obama said that something must be done about mass shootings, the automatic reaction by the right is "he's coming for our guns - for realz this time derp, derp, derp!"

Now granted liberal opinion of gun control is pretty varied, but what repubs can't seem to grasp is that a very tiny minority in this country actually want to abolish the second amendment. I personally just want strict background checks and registration. Anyone that does want to ban all guns, has no political voice anyway. Gun control legislation of any kind rarely ever passes yet repubs like to pretend the right is in jeopardy which is so stupid it's not even funny. I don't understand why you people kid yourselves.


Now socialism is a very broad term. Rightwingers think any context of the word involves the absence of the private market. This is completely false. Our defense budget is one of the biggest socialist institutions in the world yet repubs are too dumb to appreciate that fact. Bernie Sanders is a democratic socialist. He supports capitalism, he simply wants it strictly regulated to protect the lower classes. He wants socialist programs that provide free college tuition and paid medical leave (both of which are paid for through taxes). In the context of our government system, that really is no different than paying taxes for the government maintaining our highways or our badass military.

If you take the emotion out of politics when it matters, you understand them more.

What I find funny is you accusing the repubs of lacking critical thinking skills then post a General Discussion thread in Politics. Not helping your cause there bucko.

Putting Mod hat on....

MOVED to General Discussion
You and I both know that is bullshit. It has everything to do with politics. Can't you be unbiased for once? Do you have to be a crybaby about it?

I would agree that you really just showed you are nothing but a far left brownshirt.

Sorry've been outed.
Didn't you mean brown pants?
This is a deficit that I think the right should be aware of. Critical thinking involves seeing the nuance in political issues. It's judging objective information and deciding what is true, false, or partially true.

The rightwing ideology is very emotionally driven. Rightwingers reason more with emotion than they do factual information. They see issues in very black and white terms. They only examine the extremes of a political ideology and fail to see the nuance within. It causes them to misunderstand many progressive issues and progressives themselves.

Let me give you all some examples:

Income inequality.

When a liberal discusses this issue, it really doesn't matter what he or she says about it. The crazy Rightwinger automatically jumps to the extreme conclusion of "you're just jealous of their wealth! You want to get rid of capitalism and have the government own us all derp, derp, derp!"

This is of course ridiculous. Liberals simply want to save the middle class from diminishing and boost wages for the poor. It has nothing to do with "paying everyone the same" or "getting rid of the wealthy class." Obviously this economy needs rich people, there simply must be something done about stagnant or declining wages and not letting the wealthy have all of the income gains.

Government regulation

Again, the automatic extreme conclusion is "you want to end capitalism! You want the government to own all the jobs!"

Once again ridiculous. We simply don't want corporations to do whatever the fuck they want. We want laws that protect consumers and the economy at large. Believe it or not, the private market can still thrive with reasonable regulation. Contrary to what repubs tell you, regulations rarely have anything to do with a failing business. The BLS proves that.

Gun control

When Obama said that something must be done about mass shootings, the automatic reaction by the right is "he's coming for our guns - for realz this time derp, derp, derp!"

Now granted liberal opinion of gun control is pretty varied, but what repubs can't seem to grasp is that a very tiny minority in this country actually want to abolish the second amendment. I personally just want strict background checks and registration. Anyone that does want to ban all guns, has no political voice anyway. Gun control legislation of any kind rarely ever passes yet repubs like to pretend the right is in jeopardy which is so stupid it's not even funny. I don't understand why you people kid yourselves.


Now socialism is a very broad term. Rightwingers think any context of the word involves the absence of the private market. This is completely false. Our defense budget is one of the biggest socialist institutions in the world yet repubs are too dumb to appreciate that fact. Bernie Sanders is a democratic socialist. He supports capitalism, he simply wants it strictly regulated to protect the lower classes. He wants socialist programs that provide free college tuition and paid medical leave (both of which are paid for through taxes). In the context of our government system, that really is no different than paying taxes for the government maintaining our highways or our badass military.

If you take the emotion out of politics when it matters, you understand them more.

What I find funny is you accusing the repubs of lacking critical thinking skills then post a General Discussion thread in Politics. Not helping your cause there bucko.

Putting Mod hat on....

MOVED to General Discussion
You and I both know that is bullshit. It has everything to do with politics. Can't you be unbiased for once? Do you have to be a crybaby about it?

No, it has to do with political philosophy which isn't a Politics thread (which pretty clearly states "Discuss Government policies and Candidates"), but it it most certainly is a General Discussion thread.
Oh right so me discussing specific policies makes no never mind to you? You're full of shit.
This is a deficit that I think the right should be aware of. Critical thinking involves seeing the nuance in political issues. It's judging objective information and deciding what is true, false, or partially true.

The rightwing ideology is very emotionally driven. Rightwingers reason more with emotion than they do factual information. They see issues in very black and white terms. They only examine the extremes of a political ideology and fail to see the nuance within. It causes them to misunderstand many progressive issues and progressives themselves.

Let me give you all some examples:

Income inequality.

When a liberal discusses this issue, it really doesn't matter what he or she says about it. The crazy Rightwinger automatically jumps to the extreme conclusion of "you're just jealous of their wealth! You want to get rid of capitalism and have the government own us all derp, derp, derp!"

This is of course ridiculous. Liberals simply want to save the middle class from diminishing and boost wages for the poor. It has nothing to do with "paying everyone the same" or "getting rid of the wealthy class." Obviously this economy needs rich people, there simply must be something done about stagnant or declining wages and not letting the wealthy have all of the income gains.

Government regulation

Again, the automatic extreme conclusion is "you want to end capitalism! You want the government to own all the jobs!"

Once again ridiculous. We simply don't want corporations to do whatever the fuck they want. We want laws that protect consumers and the economy at large. Believe it or not, the private market can still thrive with reasonable regulation. Contrary to what repubs tell you, regulations rarely have anything to do with a failing business. The BLS proves that.

Gun control

When Obama said that something must be done about mass shootings, the automatic reaction by the right is "he's coming for our guns - for realz this time derp, derp, derp!"

Now granted liberal opinion of gun control is pretty varied, but what repubs can't seem to grasp is that a very tiny minority in this country actually want to abolish the second amendment. I personally just want strict background checks and registration. Anyone that does want to ban all guns, has no political voice anyway. Gun control legislation of any kind rarely ever passes yet repubs like to pretend the right is in jeopardy which is so stupid it's not even funny. I don't understand why you people kid yourselves.


Now socialism is a very broad term. Rightwingers think any context of the word involves the absence of the private market. This is completely false. Our defense budget is one of the biggest socialist institutions in the world yet repubs are too dumb to appreciate that fact. Bernie Sanders is a democratic socialist. He supports capitalism, he simply wants it strictly regulated to protect the lower classes. He wants socialist programs that provide free college tuition and paid medical leave (both of which are paid for through taxes). In the context of our government system, that really is no different than paying taxes for the government maintaining our highways or our badass military.

If you take the emotion out of politics when it matters, you understand them more.

What I find funny is you accusing the repubs of lacking critical thinking skills then post a General Discussion thread in Politics. Not helping your cause there bucko.

Putting Mod hat on....

MOVED to General Discussion
You and I both know that is bullshit. It has everything to do with politics. Can't you be unbiased for once? Do you have to be a crybaby about it?
A supposed wise sage told us to leave emotion out of our response. Exhibit A - ^
This is a deficit that I think the right should be aware of. Critical thinking involves seeing the nuance in political issues. It's judging objective information and deciding what is true, false, or partially true.

The rightwing ideology is very emotionally driven. Rightwingers reason more with emotion than they do factual information. They see issues in very black and white terms. They only examine the extremes of a political ideology and fail to see the nuance within. It causes them to misunderstand many progressive issues and progressives themselves.

Let me give you all some examples:

Income inequality.

When a liberal discusses this issue, it really doesn't matter what he or she says about it. The crazy Rightwinger automatically jumps to the extreme conclusion of "you're just jealous of their wealth! You want to get rid of capitalism and have the government own us all derp, derp, derp!"

This is of course ridiculous. Liberals simply want to save the middle class from diminishing and boost wages for the poor. It has nothing to do with "paying everyone the same" or "getting rid of the wealthy class." Obviously this economy needs rich people, there simply must be something done about stagnant or declining wages and not letting the wealthy have all of the income gains.

Government regulation

Again, the automatic extreme conclusion is "you want to end capitalism! You want the government to own all the jobs!"

Once again ridiculous. We simply don't want corporations to do whatever the fuck they want. We want laws that protect consumers and the economy at large. Believe it or not, the private market can still thrive with reasonable regulation. Contrary to what repubs tell you, regulations rarely have anything to do with a failing business. The BLS proves that.

Gun control

When Obama said that something must be done about mass shootings, the automatic reaction by the right is "he's coming for our guns - for realz this time derp, derp, derp!"

Now granted liberal opinion of gun control is pretty varied, but what repubs can't seem to grasp is that a very tiny minority in this country actually want to abolish the second amendment. I personally just want strict background checks and registration. Anyone that does want to ban all guns, has no political voice anyway. Gun control legislation of any kind rarely ever passes yet repubs like to pretend the right is in jeopardy which is so stupid it's not even funny. I don't understand why you people kid yourselves.


Now socialism is a very broad term. Rightwingers think any context of the word involves the absence of the private market. This is completely false. Our defense budget is one of the biggest socialist institutions in the world yet repubs are too dumb to appreciate that fact. Bernie Sanders is a democratic socialist. He supports capitalism, he simply wants it strictly regulated to protect the lower classes. He wants socialist programs that provide free college tuition and paid medical leave (both of which are paid for through taxes). In the context of our government system, that really is no different than paying taxes for the government maintaining our highways or our badass military.

If you take the emotion out of politics when it matters, you understand them more.

What I find funny is you accusing the repubs of lacking critical thinking skills then post a General Discussion thread in Politics. Not helping your cause there bucko.

Putting Mod hat on....

MOVED to General Discussion
You and I both know that is bullshit. It has everything to do with politics. Can't you be unbiased for once? Do you have to be a crybaby about it?

No, it has to do with political philosophy which isn't a Politics thread (which pretty clearly states "Discuss Government policies and Candidates"), but it it most certainly is a General Discussion thread.
Oh right so me discussing specific policies makes no never mind to you? You're full of shit.
Your emotional responses are hilarious.
This is a deficit that I think the right should be aware of. Critical thinking involves seeing the nuance in political issues. It's judging objective information and deciding what is true, false, or partially true.

The rightwing ideology is very emotionally driven. Rightwingers reason more with emotion than they do factual information. They see issues in very black and white terms. They only examine the extremes of a political ideology and fail to see the nuance within. It causes them to misunderstand many progressive issues and progressives themselves.

Let me give you all some examples:

Income inequality.

When a liberal discusses this issue, it really doesn't matter what he or she says about it. The crazy Rightwinger automatically jumps to the extreme conclusion of "you're just jealous of their wealth! You want to get rid of capitalism and have the government own us all derp, derp, derp!"

This is of course ridiculous. Liberals simply want to save the middle class from diminishing and boost wages for the poor. It has nothing to do with "paying everyone the same" or "getting rid of the wealthy class." Obviously this economy needs rich people, there simply must be something done about stagnant or declining wages and not letting the wealthy have all of the income gains.

Government regulation

Again, the automatic extreme conclusion is "you want to end capitalism! You want the government to own all the jobs!"

Once again ridiculous. We simply don't want corporations to do whatever the fuck they want. We want laws that protect consumers and the economy at large. Believe it or not, the private market can still thrive with reasonable regulation. Contrary to what repubs tell you, regulations rarely have anything to do with a failing business. The BLS proves that.

Gun control

When Obama said that something must be done about mass shootings, the automatic reaction by the right is "he's coming for our guns - for realz this time derp, derp, derp!"

Now granted liberal opinion of gun control is pretty varied, but what repubs can't seem to grasp is that a very tiny minority in this country actually want to abolish the second amendment. I personally just want strict background checks and registration. Anyone that does want to ban all guns, has no political voice anyway. Gun control legislation of any kind rarely ever passes yet repubs like to pretend the right is in jeopardy which is so stupid it's not even funny. I don't understand why you people kid yourselves.


Now socialism is a very broad term. Rightwingers think any context of the word involves the absence of the private market. This is completely false. Our defense budget is one of the biggest socialist institutions in the world yet repubs are too dumb to appreciate that fact. Bernie Sanders is a democratic socialist. He supports capitalism, he simply wants it strictly regulated to protect the lower classes. He wants socialist programs that provide free college tuition and paid medical leave (both of which are paid for through taxes). In the context of our government system, that really is no different than paying taxes for the government maintaining our highways or our badass military.

If you take the emotion out of politics when it matters, you understand them more.

What I find funny is you accusing the repubs of lacking critical thinking skills then post a General Discussion thread in Politics. Not helping your cause there bucko.

Putting Mod hat on....

MOVED to General Discussion
You and I both know that is bullshit. It has everything to do with politics. Can't you be unbiased for once? Do you have to be a crybaby about it?

No, it has to do with political philosophy which isn't a Politics thread (which pretty clearly states "Discuss Government policies and Candidates"), but it it most certainly is a General Discussion thread.
Oh right so me discussing specific policies makes no never mind to you? You're full of shit.
Your emotional responses are hilarious.
Where are you getting this idea i am against emotional response to this thread?
What I find funny is you accusing the repubs of lacking critical thinking skills then post a General Discussion thread in Politics. Not helping your cause there bucko.

Putting Mod hat on....

MOVED to General Discussion
You and I both know that is bullshit. It has everything to do with politics. Can't you be unbiased for once? Do you have to be a crybaby about it?

No, it has to do with political philosophy which isn't a Politics thread (which pretty clearly states "Discuss Government policies and Candidates"), but it it most certainly is a General Discussion thread.
Oh right so me discussing specific policies makes no never mind to you? You're full of shit.
Your emotional responses are hilarious.
Where are you getting this idea i am against emotional response to this thread?
Look Klown, reversals don't work with me.
You and I both know that is bullshit. It has everything to do with politics. Can't you be unbiased for once? Do you have to be a crybaby about it?

No, it has to do with political philosophy which isn't a Politics thread (which pretty clearly states "Discuss Government policies and Candidates"), but it it most certainly is a General Discussion thread.
Oh right so me discussing specific policies makes no never mind to you? You're full of shit.
Your emotional responses are hilarious.
Where are you getting this idea i am against emotional response to this thread?
Look Klown, reversals don't work with me.
And how is that a reversal?
This is a deficit that I think the right should be aware of. Critical thinking involves seeing the nuance in political issues. It's judging objective information and deciding what is true, false, or partially true.

The rightwing ideology is very emotionally driven. Rightwingers reason more with emotion than they do factual information. They see issues in very black and white terms. They only examine the extremes of a political ideology and fail to see the nuance within. It causes them to misunderstand many progressive issues and progressives themselves.

Let me give you all some examples:

Income inequality.

When a liberal discusses this issue, it really doesn't matter what he or she says about it. The crazy Rightwinger automatically jumps to the extreme conclusion of "you're just jealous of their wealth! You want to get rid of capitalism and have the government own us all derp, derp, derp!"

This is of course ridiculous. Liberals simply want to save the middle class from diminishing and boost wages for the poor. It has nothing to do with "paying everyone the same" or "getting rid of the wealthy class." Obviously this economy needs rich people, there simply must be something done about stagnant or declining wages and not letting the wealthy have all of the income gains.

Government regulation

Again, the automatic extreme conclusion is "you want to end capitalism! You want the government to own all the jobs!"

Once again ridiculous. We simply don't want corporations to do whatever the fuck they want. We want laws that protect consumers and the economy at large. Believe it or not, the private market can still thrive with reasonable regulation. Contrary to what repubs tell you, regulations rarely have anything to do with a failing business. The BLS proves that.

Gun control

When Obama said that something must be done about mass shootings, the automatic reaction by the right is "he's coming for our guns - for realz this time derp, derp, derp!"

Now granted liberal opinion of gun control is pretty varied, but what repubs can't seem to grasp is that a very tiny minority in this country actually want to abolish the second amendment. I personally just want strict background checks and registration. Anyone that does want to ban all guns, has no political voice anyway. Gun control legislation of any kind rarely ever passes yet repubs like to pretend the right is in jeopardy which is so stupid it's not even funny. I don't understand why you people kid yourselves.


Now socialism is a very broad term. Rightwingers think any context of the word involves the absence of the private market. This is completely false. Our defense budget is one of the biggest socialist institutions in the world yet repubs are too dumb to appreciate that fact. Bernie Sanders is a democratic socialist. He supports capitalism, he simply wants it strictly regulated to protect the lower classes. He wants socialist programs that provide free college tuition and paid medical leave (both of which are paid for through taxes). In the context of our government system, that really is no different than paying taxes for the government maintaining our highways or our badass military.

If you take the emotion out of politics when it matters, you understand them more.

What I find funny is you accusing the repubs of lacking critical thinking skills then post a General Discussion thread in Politics. Not helping your cause there bucko.

Putting Mod hat on....

MOVED to General Discussion
You and I both know that is bullshit. It has everything to do with politics. Can't you be unbiased for once? Do you have to be a crybaby about it?

No, it has to do with political philosophy which isn't a Politics thread (which pretty clearly states "Discuss Government policies and Candidates"), but it it most certainly is a General Discussion thread.
Oh right so me discussing specific policies makes no never mind to you? You're full of shit.

This is "critical thinking" ????

This is a deficit that I think the right should be aware of. Critical thinking involves seeing the nuance in political issues. It's judging objective information and deciding what is true, false, or partially true.

The rightwing ideology is very emotionally driven. Rightwingers reason more with emotion than they do factual information. They see issues in very black and white terms. They only examine the extremes of a political ideology and fail to see the nuance within. It causes them to misunderstand many progressive issues and progressives themselves.

Let me give you all some examples:

Income inequality.

When a liberal discusses this issue, it really doesn't matter what he or she says about it. The crazy Rightwinger automatically jumps to the extreme conclusion of "you're just jealous of their wealth! You want to get rid of capitalism and have the government own us all derp, derp, derp!"

This is of course ridiculous. Liberals simply want to save the middle class from diminishing and boost wages for the poor. It has nothing to do with "paying everyone the same" or "getting rid of the wealthy class." Obviously this economy needs rich people, there simply must be something done about stagnant or declining wages and not letting the wealthy have all of the income gains.

Government regulation

Again, the automatic extreme conclusion is "you want to end capitalism! You want the government to own all the jobs!"

Once again ridiculous. We simply don't want corporations to do whatever the fuck they want. We want laws that protect consumers and the economy at large. Believe it or not, the private market can still thrive with reasonable regulation. Contrary to what repubs tell you, regulations rarely have anything to do with a failing business. The BLS proves that.

Gun control

When Obama said that something must be done about mass shootings, the automatic reaction by the right is "he's coming for our guns - for realz this time derp, derp, derp!"

Now granted liberal opinion of gun control is pretty varied, but what repubs can't seem to grasp is that a very tiny minority in this country actually want to abolish the second amendment. I personally just want strict background checks and registration. Anyone that does want to ban all guns, has no political voice anyway. Gun control legislation of any kind rarely ever passes yet repubs like to pretend the right is in jeopardy which is so stupid it's not even funny. I don't understand why you people kid yourselves.


Now socialism is a very broad term. Rightwingers think any context of the word involves the absence of the private market. This is completely false. Our defense budget is one of the biggest socialist institutions in the world yet repubs are too dumb to appreciate that fact. Bernie Sanders is a democratic socialist. He supports capitalism, he simply wants it strictly regulated to protect the lower classes. He wants socialist programs that provide free college tuition and paid medical leave (both of which are paid for through taxes). In the context of our government system, that really is no different than paying taxes for the government maintaining our highways or our badass military.

If you take the emotion out of politics when it matters, you understand them more.

What I find funny is you accusing the repubs of lacking critical thinking skills then post a General Discussion thread in Politics. Not helping your cause there bucko.

Putting Mod hat on....

MOVED to General Discussion
You and I both know that is bullshit. It has everything to do with politics. Can't you be unbiased for once? Do you have to be a crybaby about it?

No, it has to do with political philosophy which isn't a Politics thread (which pretty clearly states "Discuss Government policies and Candidates"), but it it most certainly is a General Discussion thread.
Oh right so me discussing specific policies makes no never mind to you? You're full of shit.

Wow, are you really that stupid? How is a general discussion of political philosophy a talk about the government and its policies? Hmmmm????

Whoever said you knew how to critically think, was lying to you, bub.
This is a deficit that I think the right should be aware of. Critical thinking involves seeing the nuance in political issues. It's judging objective information and deciding what is true, false, or partially true.

The rightwing ideology is very emotionally driven. Rightwingers reason more with emotion than they do factual information. They see issues in very black and white terms. They only examine the extremes of a political ideology and fail to see the nuance within. It causes them to misunderstand many progressive issues and progressives themselves.

Let me give you all some examples:

Income inequality.

When a liberal discusses this issue, it really doesn't matter what he or she says about it. The crazy Rightwinger automatically jumps to the extreme conclusion of "you're just jealous of their wealth! You want to get rid of capitalism and have the government own us all derp, derp, derp!"

This is of course ridiculous. Liberals simply want to save the middle class from diminishing and boost wages for the poor. It has nothing to do with "paying everyone the same" or "getting rid of the wealthy class." Obviously this economy needs rich people, there simply must be something done about stagnant or declining wages and not letting the wealthy have all of the income gains.

Government regulation

Again, the automatic extreme conclusion is "you want to end capitalism! You want the government to own all the jobs!"

Once again ridiculous. We simply don't want corporations to do whatever the fuck they want. We want laws that protect consumers and the economy at large. Believe it or not, the private market can still thrive with reasonable regulation. Contrary to what repubs tell you, regulations rarely have anything to do with a failing business. The BLS proves that.

Gun control

When Obama said that something must be done about mass shootings, the automatic reaction by the right is "he's coming for our guns - for realz this time derp, derp, derp!"

Now granted liberal opinion of gun control is pretty varied, but what repubs can't seem to grasp is that a very tiny minority in this country actually want to abolish the second amendment. I personally just want strict background checks and registration. Anyone that does want to ban all guns, has no political voice anyway. Gun control legislation of any kind rarely ever passes yet repubs like to pretend the right is in jeopardy which is so stupid it's not even funny. I don't understand why you people kid yourselves.


Now socialism is a very broad term. Rightwingers think any context of the word involves the absence of the private market. This is completely false. Our defense budget is one of the biggest socialist institutions in the world yet repubs are too dumb to appreciate that fact. Bernie Sanders is a democratic socialist. He supports capitalism, he simply wants it strictly regulated to protect the lower classes. He wants socialist programs that provide free college tuition and paid medical leave (both of which are paid for through taxes). In the context of our government system, that really is no different than paying taxes for the government maintaining our highways or our badass military.

If you take the emotion out of politics when it matters, you understand them more.

What I find funny is you accusing the repubs of lacking critical thinking skills then post a General Discussion thread in Politics. Not helping your cause there bucko.

Putting Mod hat on....

MOVED to General Discussion
You and I both know that is bullshit. It has everything to do with politics. Can't you be unbiased for once? Do you have to be a crybaby about it?

I would agree that you really just showed you are nothing but a far left brownshirt.

Sorry've been outed.
Didn't you mean brown pants?

Apparently....he's really crapping up a fit.

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