The Biggest Threat To Americans ..... Is Now AMERICANS


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Democrats have violated civil and Constitutional Rights of Americans through COVID-19 quarantine, mask, and vaccine mandates.

They have villainized Americans for exercising their Constitutional right of free choice and not getting vaccinated, calling them terrorists and murderers while endangering American lives by trafficking hundreds of thousands of virus-infected illegals all over the US without requiring them to be checked for the virus or vaccinated.

The recently exposed criminal Federal Bureau of Investigation has been illegally been spying on Americans, reporters, the media, US Congress members, USSC Justices, political candidates, and even newly elected Presidents and their teams...have engaged in attempts to overthrow the United States Government by attempting to criminally remove a newly elected President from office. More recently it has been exposed that the FBI has had agents infiltrate groups and incite / encourage crimes, and have completely ignored known crimes by pedophiles against children / young women on the US Olympics team.

The Democrats orchestrated and carried out a plan to label political opposition - Americans who oppose their Marxist / Socialist / Tyrannical ideology, agenda, and practices - as 'violent criminals' and 'TERRORISTS' by claiming a 'mostly peaceful protest' at the capitol to be an 'Insurrection' resulting in the arrest, violation of legal and Constitutional rights, to include illegal incarceration, of American citizens who participated. Despite the US Judicial System charging these individuals with crimes to include trespassing and destruction of govt property, Democrats and snowflakes continue to make the false accusation that 1/6 was an 'insurrection' perpetrated by 'terrorists'.

P{resident Biden is having his US AG 'go after' parents who are opposing the Marxist / Socialist radical agenda of imposing CRT (which teaches children to hate each other and their country), mask, and vaccination mandates on children. Once again, Democrats / the Biden administration is attempting to brand anyone who opposes THEIR political beliefs to be 'violent criminals' and 'terrorists'.

NOW the Biden administration / Democrats want to give the Internal Revenue Service the authority / ability to access EVERY SINGLE American Citizen's bank accounts when those Americans deposit, withdraw, or spend $600 or more of their own money on ANYTHING.

The proposed intrusion into the lives of American citizens would be the greatest Un-Constitutional intrusion by government into the lives of American citizens. Amazingly enough this tyrannical action being sought is coming from a compromised, scandal-plagued, treasonous dementia-ravaged President who owes the IRS as much as $500,000 he tried and failed to hide from the IRS. (So much for EVERYONE paying THEIER 'fair share'!)

THIS, btw, is part of Biden's plan on how to pay for the $5.5 TRILLION dollar self-enriching, pork-bloated deficit bomb Biden and Psaki claim 'DOES NOT COST A DIME / COSTS ZERO'.

Bank Tax Reporting Is a Critical Component of Biden’s Build Back Better Agenda​

:auiqs.jpg:You guys kill me what with yer redundant load...
Lets say that you actually had more than that 10 spot in your bank account, would you want the IRS
to look at your transactions of 600 or more without a subpoena?

Doesn't it kind of feel like you have to prove your innocence? seriously
Obama promised a smooth transition when he entered the WH - it was anything BUT. Just about every appointment nominee was exposed as not having paid their taxes. The funniest one was Obama's choice for Secretary of the TREASURY, lil' Timmy Tax Cheat Geithner.
They have villainized Americans for exercising their Constitutional right
Unfortunately, these myopic morons can't see the forest for the trees. We ARE currently a Chinese satellite country. Every move the government has been making has been in preparation for the Chinese to control. We have been sold down the river by the democrats and it has taken less than a year. Our sheeple are still saying "It couldn't happen here." It already has.
THIS, btw, is part of Biden's plan on how to pay for the $5.5 TRILLION dollar self-enriching, pork-bloated deficit bomb Biden and Psaki claim 'DOES NOT COST A DIME / COSTS ZERO'.
It's amazing what you can accomplish once you convince one half of the population to hate the other half so much that you'll accept ANY OUTRAGE by government IF it harms "the others".
This is what a Authoritarian Government looks like.
The liberals are fine with it.

All those who oppose the actions of the PM/DSA Democrat Commies are now terrorists of the State.
Welcome to the United Socialist States of Amerika..


“Pandora Papers”​

'The Left-Wing Media are a Tool for Soros and They’re Too Dumb to Notice'​

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Communist Chinese States of Amerika, nothing united about them anymore.
American government has always been America's biggest threat.

The few times I mention I was in the army I get thanked for protecting this country. I didn't protect shit in this country.

Every single right, liberty or freedom we have ever lost or will ever lose will be lost to our own government. In short of another country invading us and completely taking over we will always lose our rights to our own government. And most people are too stupid, or blind to understand that.

And in a very real and very big way Americans are to blame. Me, you, everyone here and in the country are to blame right now when something bad happens. Why? Because we're all cucks. We let shit like this happen. Oh sure people will rally for a "racist founding father" statue to be removed or rally to rename an offensively named Street but no one will rally to protect America or stick up for what America is.

We all sit and watch out proverbial wife go out and fuck other men while we just sit and wait on her to come home like good little cuckolds too scared to say we don't want to out up with this.

We're the reason why this country is going to shit.
American government has always been America's biggest threat.

The few times I mention I was in the army I get thanked for protecting this country. I didn't protect shit in this country.

Every single right, liberty or freedom we have ever lost or will ever lose will be lost to our own government. In short of another country invading us and completely taking over we will always lose our rights to our own government. And most people are too stupid, or blind to understand that.

And in a very real and very big way Americans are to blame. Me, you, everyone here and in the country are to blame right now when something bad happens. Why? Because we're all cucks. We let shit like this happen. Oh sure people will rally for a "racist founding father" statue to be removed or rally to rename an offensively named Street but no one will rally to protect America or stick up for what America is.

We all sit and watch out proverbial wife go out and fuck other men while we just sit and wait on her to come home like good little cuckolds too scared to say we don't want to out up with this.

We're the reason why this country is going to shit.
And when Feinstein is outed for having a Chinese operative in her midst for twelve years, and Swalwell dates another Chinese operative, all we hear is CRICKETS. WTF?
When the federal govt - such as the President, US AG, and FBI - injects itself illegally into local / state events to intimidate and silence parents / American citizens THAT is a form of 'terrorism'.

Biden called George Soros-paid activists illegally entering a secure building, harassing, and chasing a federal politician into a bathroom 'part of the Democratic process....but he and his moronic US AG call parents appearing at a school board meeting and passionately voicing their objections to Un-Constitutional, anti-Science mask and vaccine mandates and Marxist CRT to indoctrinate children is somehow 'terrorism'.

This is all that is required to prove Biden and the Marxist extremists have ventured into Tyranny and are trying to drag the US / Americans along with them.
This is what a Authoritarian Government looks like.
The liberals are fine with it.

You don't speak for me, azzhat. I think it sucks, too. And I congratulate Easyt65 for using Reuters and NBC as his sources and not Breitbart or GatewayPoondat.
I'm not afraid to criticize Biden.
Something you Trumptards NEVER EVER did with Duh Donald, aka Mar A Lago Fats.

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