The bill passed Tuesday in Michigan takes language verbatim from ALEC's model legisla


Active Member
Dec 3, 2012
The bill passed Tuesday in Michigan takes language verbatim from ALEC's model legislation

The Republican-backed right-to-work bill given final approval Tuesday in Michigan contains language cribbed verbatim from a model anti-union bill created by ALEC, according to a watchdog group.

The American Legislative Exchange Council, of course, is the corporate-backed, conservative-leaning organization that has become a bugaboo for liberals by pushing legislation to do everything from roll back environmental regulation to weaken gun control laws, as brought to the fore this year by the murder of Trayvon Martin. ALEC, like lots of groups that work in state capitols, creates “model legislation” that friendly lawmakers can introduce in whole or as a basis for their own bills.

Both Michigan’s HB 4003, which affects public sector unions, and HB 4054, which affects private sector unions, appears to pull language directly from ALEC’s model right-to-work bill. The Center for Media and Democracy, a liberal watchdog group which has been working for years to expose ALEC’s activities, created these chart comparing the language:

Michigan’s right-to-work bill cribs ALEC -
Michigan's Governor and Legislature bought lock, stock and barrel by corporations. You can't get the people's you buy their representation.

Same as Wisconsin. Same as Florida.

We must stop private campaign funding. We are getting as corrupt as any Third World backwater.

Campaiign finance reform NOW.

Regards from Rosie
Wah Wahhh Wahhh

The Governor should have made every UAW cocksucker move to Detroit and pay them in a card that only works at local stores
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Greedy idiot disgraceful megarich Pubs and the silly getting WAY too obvious...65% of the country is for raising taxes on the bloated rich and protecting "entitlements"...
You never heard bit hit libtards like Rosie complain about unions buying elections! Suck on it Rosie!
caused the Golden Age of the Middle class and America, dismantled over 1982-2009 by greedy MORONS.
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You never heard bit hit libtards like Rosie complain about unions buying elections! Suck on it Rosie!

Blow a plutocrat and swallow Willlow. Then get penicillin at the public health clinic 'cuz rich men screw EVERYTHING.

Regards from Rosie
Michigan's Governor and Legislature bought lock, stock and barrel by corporations. You can't get the people's you buy their representation.

Same as Wisconsin. Same as Florida.

We must stop private campaign funding. We are getting as corrupt as any Third World backwater.

Campaiign finance reform NOW.

Regards from Rosie

Funny, liberals pleaded that the words "General Welfare" meant anything the government wanted to have power over for redistribution of wealth to the poor and now complain that the same constitutional interpretation allows for subsidization of industry, and thus, opening the pandoras box to political corruption. Thanks FDR!
Michigan's Governor and Legislature bought lock, stock and barrel by corporations. You can't get the people's you buy their representation.

Same as Wisconsin. Same as Florida.

We must stop private campaign funding. We are getting as corrupt as any Third World backwater.

Campaiign finance reform NOW.

Regards from Rosie

Yes! Silence those people!
caused the Golden Age of the Middle class and America, dismantled over 1982-2009 by greedy MORONS.

Unions caused the Golden Age of America? LOL

And yes, Unions are greedy and have brought their own downfall.
You never heard bit hit libtards like Rosie complain about unions buying elections! Suck on it Rosie!

Blow a plutocrat and swallow Willlow. Then get penicillin at the public health clinic 'cuz rich men screw EVERYTHING.

Regards from Rosie

What is this hostility to the rich? Does it bother you that someone makes more money than you that much?

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