The Biology Of Warfare

Mr. Shaman

Senior Member
May 4, 2010
Genetic Soldiers?
(i.e. super-soldiers??)


"It sounds like something out of a dystopian science fiction novel, but it's not.

A new report from a secretive, highly influential group of scientists is urging the Department of Defense to begin collecting and mapping the full genome of all military personnel -- a move that could well give the Pentagon the ability to select for certain genetic predispositions.

Noting the dramatic decrease in the cost of fully mapping individuals' genomes, the report suggests that some traits relevant to war-fighting "are likely to have a strong genetic component, for which better understanding may lead to improved military capabilities."

And, possibly even more attractive to the Pentagon brass, gene-mapping could even lead to "medical cost containment."

Whew!!!! I smell a growth-industry, here!!!!

Can you imagine....if you were deemed Unfit-To-Serve....what your DNA would be WORTH, to some politician's or businessman's kid??!!!!


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