The Birmingham Three: A Media Drink


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Here's a nice media-sarcasm tale (perhaps appropriate for our arguably commerce-obsessed 'TrumpUSA') inspired by the paranormal-detection documentary-film The Blair Witch Project and involving the commerce-symbolic area of Detroit, Michigan and the nefarious case of the Oakland County Child Killer (1976-1977).

Isn't media revolutionary?

Maybe media is not all 'Facebook fanaticism.'


The American actress Jennifer Connelly accepted a dare from her actor-friend Leo DiCaprio that she could find two random bloggers on the Internet who were interested in investigating a witch-colony or witch-presence myth in America and join them in a secret 'dominion investigation.' Jennifer accepted the dare/bet, since she knew she could keep her identity a secret if she found two trustworthy 'witch-hunters' on the Internet who were seeking evidence of a witch-presence in America but were not interested in any kind of religious persecution. Jennifer found two individuals on one religion-based discussion forum, a Caucasian named Albert and an Algerian-American named Ajay.

The three decided to meet at a hotel room Jennifer booked with her bodyguards that summer. They discussed Albert and Ajay's interest in witchcraft detection and witch-hunt historianship. Ajay in particular had developed the hypothesis that pockets/groups of practicing witches were secretly conducting their rituals in forest-areas of otherwise 'normal' areas of America --- Maryland, Michigan, Virginia. Ajay had a special theory that a hidden cult of witches was hiding in the forests of the suburbs outside Detroit, Michigan (since Detroit was such a symbolic city of commerce and industry and even culture).

The trio, calling themselves the the Birmingham Three, did their little detective-mission in the suburban neighborhood of Birmingham, Michigan. Birmingham was a nice idyllic town with nicely-spread out homes and municipal buildings and nice field-clearings and trees and walkways. Ajay's theory was that a special witch-cult was hiding there, with members 'integrated' into the town as employees and civilians and were 'connected' somehow to the infamous Oakland County Child Killer of the late 1970s. Jennifer was disguised in hat and sunglasses and a head-scarf to make her celebrity-status hidden, and Albert and Ajay were dressed in their usual fare.

The Birmingham Three decided to videotape their entire experience, wandering around the Michigan town interviewing people about strange folklore, witchcraft-beliefs/gossip, Oakland County Child Killer memories, and other things. They knocked on the house of one eerie woman who claimed that Ajay's theory was correct --- that there was indeed some strange witch-cult hiding out in Birmingham and responsible for random unsolved acts/crimes of vandalism, theft, and others (also perhaps related to the Oakland County Child Killer's 'footprints'). The woman (named Mary) seemed rather odd, and when the trio left her house, Jennifer confessed that the woman herself seemed very very much like a 'witch.' Albert wondered if Mary was actually some kind of 'messenger' of the witch-cult they were tracking...

Albert wanted to go off on his own for one day to do a solo-investigation of the Oakland County Child Killer case, but when he never returned, Jennifer and Ajay freaked out and even theorized that Albert had somehow fallen victim to some random undetected member of the witch-cult hiding in Michigan and perhaps even related to the Oakland County Child Killer. Jennifer and Ajay decided to close off their investigation and return to their homes and simply hope that someday Albert would show up. Three years later, Ajay received a note in his mailbox from an anonymous man who claimed he found the witch-cult in Birmingham and that it was indeed related to the Oakland County Child Killer who was actually a horror-film 'fanatic.'



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