The "birther" issue has not gone away...

The 'birther' issue has not gone away yet: A new poll surfaces - Washington Times

Wow..I am shocked that 16% of democrats think he isn't a NBC...

Why? Hillary started the whole thing and the first lawsuit was filed by a PA democrat. Of course the democrats want people to forget so they just assign birthers to Republcians, cause that is what democrats do.

Oh? But I thought President Obama wasn't vetted/investigated before the 2008 election.'s wonderful to see the Birther movement....maybe it should blend with the "Obama is Gay" movement. Way to show the sanity of the Right. :D

And don’t forget the ‘Obama is a “Muslim”’ movement.
It's just not spoken of as publicly by conservatives as it had been. The mockery and contempt they got was just too much, although entirely deserved. But most conservatives are birthers.
The only retardation at issue here is the people who think Obama is eligible when he is clearly not. He was never born a Article 2 Section 1 natural born Citizen. His birth was governed by the British Nationality Act of 1948.

You know there is no evidence Ann Dunham ever set foot in Kenya, right? .
Correct. He was most likely born in Canada not far from where his mother went to college in Washington St. just days after his alleged birth date.

Now he's a Canadian! Like Ted Cruz!

Obama the Magical Negro Fetus.
I still find it ironic that this movement was not started by the right but the left and supporters of Hillary Clinton who will most likely run in '16.

Where did this idea come from? Who started it? And is there a grain of truth there?...The answer lies in Democratic, not Republican politics, and in the bitter, exhausting spring of 2008. At the time, the Democratic presidential primary was slipping away from Hillary Clinton and some of her most passionate supporters grasped for something, anything that would deal a final reversal to Barack Obama.

Read more: Birtherism: Where it all began - Ben Smith and Byron Tau -

Forgotten Truth: Hillary Clinton Mother of ‘Birther’ Movement!

Forgotten Truth: Hillary Clinton Mother of ?Birther? Movement!

And who could forget it was Hillary's Clinton's campaign that released the photo of him dressed in "Muslim Garb" to scare Americans into thinking he had terrorist ties!!

Barack Obama tribal photo 'sent to Drudge Report by Hillary Clinton staff'
Barack Obama tribal photo 'sent to Drudge Report by Hillary Clinton staff' - Telegraph

And after Obama accused Clinton of running a divisive campaign, what was Hillary's campaign response?

Clinton campaign manager Maggie Williams said, "If Barack Obama's campaign wants to suggest that a photo of him wearing traditional Somali clothing is divisive, they should be ashamed."

Read more: Dust up over Somali photo has Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton fighting hard - NY Daily News
Shhhh you are bringing facts into this! You are scaring the libtards!
Wanna hear something funny.

I was listening to a local radio show the other day.

At some point, a guest was on bemoaning the fact that when he and others criticize Obama, they're called racists.

But that's not the funny part.

The funny part is the show started off with a audio clip of Ann Coulter saying that Obama would have been Impeached by now if he was White.

Further more, the guest was on to plug a book he had just written. I don't recall the title, but it was about a supposed resurgence of Black on White crime.

Then someone called into the show and, in what was probably a reference to Coulter's statement which was broadcast earlier, he said that if Obama had been White, he never would have been elected in the first place.

No, they're not racists!
Shhhh you are bringing facts into this! You are scaring the libtards!


Please, by all means, post some FACTS.


Facts are posted you are ignoring them. Yes, or no. Clinton campaign released photos of Obama in "Muslim garb" and Obama accused her of releasing such to scare the American Public?. Then the Clinton campaign said Obama should be ASHAMED to state the release of such was divisive.

His campaign manager, David Plouffe, said: "On the very day that Senator Clinton is giving a speech about restoring respect for America in the world, her campaign has engaged in the most shameful, offensive fear-mongering we've seen from either party in this election".

"If Barack Obama's campaign wants to suggest that a photo of him wearing traditional Somali clothing is divisive, they should be ashamed," she said.

Philip J. Berg a DEMOCRAT was the FIRST to file a lawsuit against Obama stating he was ineligible to run because he was Kenyan. Yes or No? In fact he filed said lawsuit right before the nominees were announced for the Democratic Convention.

Berg filed a complaint in federal district court on August 21, 2008, against Democratic Party presidential nominee Senator Barack Obama.

Barack Obama presidential eligibility litigation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Barack Obama tribal photo 'sent to Drudge Report by Hillary Clinton staff'


Barack Obama tribal photo 'sent to Drudge Report by Hillary Clinton staff' - Telegraph

Mr Obama's campaign felt the photo was another attempt to tar their candidate by associating him with a faith that evokes powerful emotions in America following the September 11 attacks.

Barack Obama tribal photo 'sent to Drudge Report by Hillary Clinton staff' - Telegraph
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The only retardation at issue here is the people who think Obama is eligible when he is clearly not. He was never born a Article 2 Section 1 natural born Citizen. His birth was governed by the British Nationality Act of 1948.

You know there is no evidence Ann Dunham ever set foot in Kenya, right? .
Correct. He was most likely born in Canada not far from where his mother went to college in Washington St. just days after his alleged birth date.

Take it up with state of Hawaii
CaféAuLait;8652615 said:
Shhhh you are bringing facts into this! You are scaring the libtards!


Please, by all means, post some FACTS.


Facts are posted you are ignoring them. Yes, or no. Clinton campaign released photos of Obama in "Muslim garb" and Obama accused her of releasing such to scare the American Public?. Then the Clinton campaign said Obama should be ASHAMED to state the release of such was divisive.

Philip J. Berg a DEMOCRAT was the FIRST to file a lawsuit against Obama stating he was ineligible to run because he was Kenyan. Yes or No? In fact he filed said lawsuit right before the nominees were announced for the Democratic Convention.

Berg filed a complaint in federal district court on August 21, 2008, against Democratic Party presidential nominee Senator Barack Obama.

Barack Obama presidential eligibility litigation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Barack Obama tribal photo 'sent to Drudge Report by Hillary Clinton staff'


Barack Obama tribal photo 'sent to Drudge Report by Hillary Clinton staff' - Telegraph

Mr Obama's campaign felt the photo was another attempt to tar their candidate by associating him with a faith that evokes powerful emotions in America following the September 11 attacks.

Barack Obama tribal photo 'sent to Drudge Report by Hillary Clinton staff' - Telegraph

And ...?

Almost all of what you posted is opinion.

I've read miles of this birther stuff and there is never an end to it. There's never anything definitive.

No matter what else the nutters say, they can't change the fact that his mother was a US citizen.

Nor can they explain those two inconvenient birth announcements that Obama posted in two Honolulu papers before he was born and then flew back to Kenya to be born.

More to the point, millions of dollars have been spent by rw nutters trying desperately to discredit the president and they have failed.

Birthers are an American embarrassment.
CaféAuLait;8652615 said:

Please, by all means, post some FACTS.


Facts are posted you are ignoring them. Yes, or no. Clinton campaign released photos of Obama in "Muslim garb" and Obama accused her of releasing such to scare the American Public?. Then the Clinton campaign said Obama should be ASHAMED to state the release of such was divisive.

Philip J. Berg a DEMOCRAT was the FIRST to file a lawsuit against Obama stating he was ineligible to run because he was Kenyan. Yes or No? In fact he filed said lawsuit right before the nominees were announced for the Democratic Convention.

Barack Obama presidential eligibility litigation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Barack Obama tribal photo 'sent to Drudge Report by Hillary Clinton staff'


Barack Obama tribal photo 'sent to Drudge Report by Hillary Clinton staff' - Telegraph

Mr Obama's campaign felt the photo was another attempt to tar their candidate by associating him with a faith that evokes powerful emotions in America following the September 11 attacks.

Barack Obama tribal photo 'sent to Drudge Report by Hillary Clinton staff' - Telegraph

And ...?

Almost all of what you posted is opinion.

I've read miles of this birther stuff and there is never an end to it. There's never anything definitive.

No matter what else the nutters say, they can't change the fact that his mother was a US citizen.

Nor can they explain those two inconvenient birth announcements that Obama posted in two Honolulu papers before he was born and then flew back to Kenya to be born.

More to the point, millions of dollars have been spent by rw nutters trying desperately to discredit the president and they have failed.

Birthers are an American embarrassment.

( emphasis added)

Seriously, everything I posted was an opinion?

Are you stating a Democrat did not file the first birther lawsuit? That democrats did not release the photo of Obama in "Muslim Garb" to scare the public and to add to the belief he was Kenyan born? Those are commonly referred to as FACTS not opinions.

I am not a birther. However, your contention is "Birthers are an American embarrassment". Since that is your contention, you should be really ticked and embarrassed by the Democrats who filed lawsuits stating Obama was not American and those who fanned the flames with statements and photos to support the propaganda during the campaign between Obama and Clinton. And those like Clinton who did not condemn Bergs lawsuit. This mainly started on the left as political smear and has grown to epic proportions.

The Left released the genie out of the bottle and they can't stuff it back in, nor can they claim they did not start this garbage on a national level.
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CaféAuLait;8652738 said:
CaféAuLait;8652615 said:
Facts are posted you are ignoring them. Yes, or no. Clinton campaign released photos of Obama in "Muslim garb" and Obama accused her of releasing such to scare the American Public?. Then the Clinton campaign said Obama should be ASHAMED to state the release of such was divisive.

Philip J. Berg a DEMOCRAT was the FIRST to file a lawsuit against Obama stating he was ineligible to run because he was Kenyan. Yes or No? In fact he filed said lawsuit right before the nominees were announced for the Democratic Convention.

Barack Obama presidential eligibility litigation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Barack Obama tribal photo 'sent to Drudge Report by Hillary Clinton staff'


Barack Obama tribal photo 'sent to Drudge Report by Hillary Clinton staff' - Telegraph

Barack Obama tribal photo 'sent to Drudge Report by Hillary Clinton staff' - Telegraph

And ...?

Almost all of what you posted is opinion.

I've read miles of this birther stuff and there is never an end to it. There's never anything definitive.

No matter what else the nutters say, they can't change the fact that his mother was a US citizen.

Nor can they explain those two inconvenient birth announcements that Obama posted in two Honolulu papers before he was born and then flew back to Kenya to be born.

More to the point, millions of dollars have been spent by rw nutters trying desperately to discredit the president and they have failed.

Birthers are an American embarrassment.

( emphasis added)

Seriously, everything I posted was an opinion?

Are you stating a Democrat did not file the first birther lawsuit? That democrats did not release the photo of Obama in "Muslim Garb" to scare the public and to add to the belief he was Kenyan born? Those are commonly referred to as FACTS not opinions.

I am not a birther. However, your contention is "Birthers are an American embarrassment". Since that is your contention, you should be really ticked and embarrassed by the Democrats who filed lawsuits stating Obama was not American and those who fanned the flames with statements and photos to support the propaganda during the campaign between Obama and Clinton. And those like Clinton who did not condemn Bergs lawsuit. This mainly started on the left as political smear and has grown to epic proportions.

The Left released the genie out of the bottle and they can't stuff it back in, nor can they claim they did not start this garbage on a national level.

And, where did I write that only rw birthers are an embarrassment?

I wrote that birthers are an American embarrassment and that is my opinion.
CaféAuLait;8652615 said:

Please, by all means, post some FACTS.


Facts are posted you are ignoring them. Yes, or no. Clinton campaign released photos of Obama in "Muslim garb" and Obama accused her of releasing such to scare the American Public?. Then the Clinton campaign said Obama should be ASHAMED to state the release of such was divisive.

Philip J. Berg a DEMOCRAT was the FIRST to file a lawsuit against Obama stating he was ineligible to run because he was Kenyan. Yes or No? In fact he filed said lawsuit right before the nominees were announced for the Democratic Convention.

Barack Obama presidential eligibility litigation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Barack Obama tribal photo 'sent to Drudge Report by Hillary Clinton staff'


Barack Obama tribal photo 'sent to Drudge Report by Hillary Clinton staff' - Telegraph

Mr Obama's campaign felt the photo was another attempt to tar their candidate by associating him with a faith that evokes powerful emotions in America following the September 11 attacks.

Barack Obama tribal photo 'sent to Drudge Report by Hillary Clinton staff' - Telegraph

And ...?

Almost all of what you posted is opinion.

I've read miles of this birther stuff and there is never an end to it. There's never anything definitive.

No matter what else the nutters say, they can't change the fact that his mother was a US citizen.

Nor can they explain those two inconvenient birth announcements that Obama posted in two Honolulu papers before he was born and then flew back to Kenya to be born.

More to the point, millions of dollars have been spent by rw nutters trying desperately to discredit the president and they have failed.

Birthers are an American embarrassment.

Despite the mother being a citizen doesn't matter. According to citizenship laws in 1961, she was 4 months shy of conferring U.S. citizenship to Barack when he was born on the alleged date of August 4, 1961.

As for the birth announcements in the Hawaii newspapers, I will let Lt. Mike Zullo of the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office Cold Case Posse explain that situation. Go to exactly 118:00 in the video of the press conference.

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CaféAuLait;8652738 said:
CaféAuLait;8652615 said:
Facts are posted you are ignoring them. Yes, or no. Clinton campaign released photos of Obama in "Muslim garb" and Obama accused her of releasing such to scare the American Public?. Then the Clinton campaign said Obama should be ASHAMED to state the release of such was divisive.

Philip J. Berg a DEMOCRAT was the FIRST to file a lawsuit against Obama stating he was ineligible to run because he was Kenyan. Yes or No? In fact he filed said lawsuit right before the nominees were announced for the Democratic Convention.

Barack Obama presidential eligibility litigation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Barack Obama tribal photo 'sent to Drudge Report by Hillary Clinton staff'


Barack Obama tribal photo 'sent to Drudge Report by Hillary Clinton staff' - Telegraph

Barack Obama tribal photo 'sent to Drudge Report by Hillary Clinton staff' - Telegraph

And ...?

Almost all of what you posted is opinion.

I've read miles of this birther stuff and there is never an end to it. There's never anything definitive.

No matter what else the nutters say, they can't change the fact that his mother was a US citizen.

Nor can they explain those two inconvenient birth announcements that Obama posted in two Honolulu papers before he was born and then flew back to Kenya to be born.

More to the point, millions of dollars have been spent by rw nutters trying desperately to discredit the president and they have failed.

Birthers are an American embarrassment.

( emphasis added)

Seriously, everything I posted was an opinion?

Are you stating a Democrat did not file the first birther lawsuit? That democrats did not release the photo of Obama in "Muslim Garb" to scare the public and to add to the belief he was Kenyan born? Those are commonly referred to as FACTS not opinions.

I am not a birther. However, your contention is "Birthers are an American embarrassment". Since that is your contention, you should be really ticked and embarrassed by the Democrats who filed lawsuits stating Obama was not American and those who fanned the flames with statements and photos to support the propaganda during the campaign between Obama and Clinton. And those like Clinton who did not condemn Bergs lawsuit. This mainly started on the left as political smear and has grown to epic proportions.

The Left released the genie out of the bottle and they can't stuff it back in, nor can they claim they did not start this garbage on a national level.


I did not write "everything I posted was an opinion".

Go ahead and check. What I wrote was, "almost all of what you posted is opinion".

See the difference? I put the key word in pink bold so you could find it.
CaféAuLait;8652615 said:
Facts are posted you are ignoring them. Yes, or no. Clinton campaign released photos of Obama in "Muslim garb" and Obama accused her of releasing such to scare the American Public?. Then the Clinton campaign said Obama should be ASHAMED to state the release of such was divisive.

Philip J. Berg a DEMOCRAT was the FIRST to file a lawsuit against Obama stating he was ineligible to run because he was Kenyan. Yes or No? In fact he filed said lawsuit right before the nominees were announced for the Democratic Convention.

Barack Obama presidential eligibility litigation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Barack Obama tribal photo 'sent to Drudge Report by Hillary Clinton staff'


Barack Obama tribal photo 'sent to Drudge Report by Hillary Clinton staff' - Telegraph

Barack Obama tribal photo 'sent to Drudge Report by Hillary Clinton staff' - Telegraph

And ...?

Almost all of what you posted is opinion.

I've read miles of this birther stuff and there is never an end to it. There's never anything definitive.

No matter what else the nutters say, they can't change the fact that his mother was a US citizen.

Nor can they explain those two inconvenient birth announcements that Obama posted in two Honolulu papers before he was born and then flew back to Kenya to be born.

More to the point, millions of dollars have been spent by rw nutters trying desperately to discredit the president and they have failed.

Birthers are an American embarrassment.

Despite the mother being a citizen doesn't matter. According to citizenship laws in 1961, she was 4 months shy of conferring U.S. citizenship to Barack when he was born on the alleged date of August 4, 1961.

As for the birth announcements in the Hawaii newspapers, I will let Lt. Mike Zullo of the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office Cold Case Posse explain that situation. Go to exactly 118:00 in the video of the press conference.

LOL ...

Okay, so why haven't the Rs acted on this? Where is this "proof" Arpaio (and Trump) say they have?

If the R had anything, they would have acted on it before the last election.
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CaféAuLait;8652738 said:
And ...?

Almost all of what you posted is opinion.

I've read miles of this birther stuff and there is never an end to it. There's never anything definitive.

No matter what else the nutters say, they can't change the fact that his mother was a US citizen.

Nor can they explain those two inconvenient birth announcements that Obama posted in two Honolulu papers before he was born and then flew back to Kenya to be born.

More to the point, millions of dollars have been spent by rw nutters trying desperately to discredit the president and they have failed.

Birthers are an American embarrassment.

( emphasis added)

Seriously, everything I posted was an opinion?

Are you stating a Democrat did not file the first birther lawsuit? That democrats did not release the photo of Obama in "Muslim Garb" to scare the public and to add to the belief he was Kenyan born? Those are commonly referred to as FACTS not opinions.

I am not a birther. However, your contention is "Birthers are an American embarrassment". Since that is your contention, you should be really ticked and embarrassed by the Democrats who filed lawsuits stating Obama was not American and those who fanned the flames with statements and photos to support the propaganda during the campaign between Obama and Clinton. And those like Clinton who did not condemn Bergs lawsuit. This mainly started on the left as political smear and has grown to epic proportions.

The Left released the genie out of the bottle and they can't stuff it back in, nor can they claim they did not start this garbage on a national level.


I did not write "everything I posted was an opinion".

Go ahead and check. What I wrote was, "almost all of what you posted is opinion".

See the difference? I put the key word in pink bold so you could find it.

Yet, nothing I posted was an opinion. Everything I focused on were facts. Facts of what the Hillary campaign and her supporters did and said and FACTS on what the Obama campaign responded with.

The blunt truth of the matter on "birtherism" is quite simple. The left handed some on the right a 'gift' they ran with. Those are the facts.

I don't see this as any worse than Truthers on the left to be honest. One side or actually BOTH left and right claimed Obama was born in Kenya the other (or both) claims Bush engineered 9-11 and set off bombs to destroy the Twin Towers, killing thousands of American citizens.

It's BS and propaganda from both sides. :eusa_hand:

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