The "birther" issue has not gone away...

Why would Democrats let there favorite issue die? Anything to distract the American Public from what they are doing.
And ...?

Almost all of what you posted is opinion.

I've read miles of this birther stuff and there is never an end to it. There's never anything definitive.

No matter what else the nutters say, they can't change the fact that his mother was a US citizen.

Nor can they explain those two inconvenient birth announcements that Obama posted in two Honolulu papers before he was born and then flew back to Kenya to be born.

More to the point, millions of dollars have been spent by rw nutters trying desperately to discredit the president and they have failed.

Birthers are an American embarrassment.

Despite the mother being a citizen doesn't matter. According to citizenship laws in 1961, she was 4 months shy of conferring U.S. citizenship to Barack when he was born on the alleged date of August 4, 1961.

As for the birth announcements in the Hawaii newspapers, I will let Lt. Mike Zullo of the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office Cold Case Posse explain that situation. Go to exactly 118:00 in the video of the press conference.

LOL ...

Okay, so why haven't the Rs acted on this? Where is this "proof" Arpaio (and Trump) say they have?

If the R had anything, they would have acted on it before the last election.
They've already revealed his birth certificate is a 100% forgery at the last press conference and there will be more released information from Arpaio next month who has assigned two seasoned new detectives to the new criminal case that was initiated 4 months ago.
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CaféAuLait;8652887 said:
CaféAuLait;8652738 said:
( emphasis added)

Seriously, everything I posted was an opinion?

Are you stating a Democrat did not file the first birther lawsuit? That democrats did not release the photo of Obama in "Muslim Garb" to scare the public and to add to the belief he was Kenyan born? Those are commonly referred to as FACTS not opinions.

I am not a birther. However, your contention is "Birthers are an American embarrassment". Since that is your contention, you should be really ticked and embarrassed by the Democrats who filed lawsuits stating Obama was not American and those who fanned the flames with statements and photos to support the propaganda during the campaign between Obama and Clinton. And those like Clinton who did not condemn Bergs lawsuit. This mainly started on the left as political smear and has grown to epic proportions.

The Left released the genie out of the bottle and they can't stuff it back in, nor can they claim they did not start this garbage on a national level.


I did not write "everything I posted was an opinion".

Go ahead and check. What I wrote was, "almost all of what you posted is opinion".

See the difference? I put the key word in pink bold so you could find it.

Yet, nothing I posted was an opinion. Everything I focused on were facts. Facts of what the Hillary campaign and her supporters did and said and FACTS on what the Obama campaign responded with.

The blunt truth of the matter on "birtherism" is quite simple. The left handed some on the right a 'gift' they ran with. Those are the facts.

I don't see this as any worse than Truthers on the left to be honest. One side or actually BOTH left and right claimed Obama was born in Kenya the other (or both) claims Bush engineered 9-11 and set off bombs to destroy the Twin Towers, killing thousands of American citizens.

It's BS and propaganda from both sides. :eusa_hand:

Actually it was Obama who was the first birther back in 1991.


Then in 2004.

Shhhh you are bringing facts into this! You are scaring the libtards!


Please, by all means, post some FACTS.

Cafe has several times.

Wanna hear something funny.

I was listening to a local radio show the other day.

At some point, a guest was on bemoaning the fact that when he and others criticize Obama, they're called racists.

But that's not the funny part.

The funny part is the show started off with a audio clip of Ann Coulter saying that Obama would have been Impeached by now if he was White.

Further more, the guest was on to plug a book he had just written. I don't recall the title, but it was about a supposed resurgence of Black on White crime.

Then someone called into the show and, in what was probably a reference to Coulter's statement which was broadcast earlier, he said that if Obama had been White, he never would have been elected in the first place.

No, they're not racists!
So facts are racist? That's some weird shit.
Shhhh you are bringing facts into this! You are scaring the libtards!

Facts? But you just suggested to me that you're not a birfer.

Facts are a damn book dumb ass...the Clinton camp started this crap...did the same to the McCain campaign...see he actually proved he was a NBC and no I never said I wasn't a Birther. I said show me where I said it.
Despite the mother being a citizen doesn't matter. According to citizenship laws in 1961, she was 4 months shy of conferring U.S. citizenship to Barack when he was born on the alleged date of August 4, 1961.

False interpretation of citizenship.
Shhhh you are bringing facts into this! You are scaring the libtards!


Please, by all means, post some FACTS.

Cafe has several times.

So facts are racist? That's some weird shit.
Shhhh you are bringing facts into this! You are scaring the libtards!

Facts? But you just suggested to me that you're not a birfer.

Facts are a damn book dumb ass...the Clinton camp started this crap...did the same to the McCain campaign...see he actually proved he was a NBC and no I never said I wasn't a Birther. I said show me where I said it.

I do read books. Just not birfer fantasy books. Fuckstain.
Even if the Birthers are right, the issue is dead. Obama is president and will remain president until his term is up. No court is going to confirm that Obama does not meet the citizen by birth requirement after he has already been in office this long.
Are you a sock puppet of 007? I am starting to think you are.

This Kenyan newspaper account was a modified AP story. The AP story did not say he was born in Kenya. An overzealous Kenyan reporter put that bit in, modifying the first paragraph.

Here are other newspapers which carried the very same AP story. They do not have the Kenyan-born invention:

The Seattle Times: Nation & World: Ryan ends Senate bid

Ryan drops out of race for Illinois Senate amid damaging sex club allegations

Here is the original first paragraph of the story:

llinois Senate candidate Jack Ryan dropped out of the race yesterday amid a furor over lurid sex-club allegations that horrified fellow Republicans and caused his once-promising candidacy to implode in four short days.

Here is a New York Times 1990 article: First Black Elected to Head Harvard's Law Review

The new president of the Review is Barack Obama, a 28-year-old graduate of Columbia University who spent four years heading a community development program for poor blacks on Chicago's South Side before enrolling in law school. His late father, Barack Obama, was a finance minister in Kenya and his mother, Ann Dunham, is an American anthropologist now doing fieldwork in Indonesia. Mr. Obama was born in Hawaii.
Like I said, there is no cure for mental retardation. Arguing with a birther is like trying to teach someone in a coma to dance.

Please, by all means, post some FACTS.

Cafe has several times.

So facts are racist? That's some weird shit.
Facts? But you just suggested to me that you're not a birfer.

Facts are a damn book dumb ass...the Clinton camp started this crap...did the same to the McCain campaign...see he actually proved he was a NBC and no I never said I wasn't a Birther. I said show me where I said it.

I do read books. Just not birfer fantasy books. Fuckstain.

I think this fool is a teenager who is supposed to be in school but quit...I mean he misspells shit on purpose it feels like I am arguing with a child.
The 'birther' issue has not gone away yet: A new poll surfaces - Washington Times

Wow..I am shocked that 16% of democrats think he isn't a NBC...

And who started the "Birther" crap? None other than the Clintons...The Hildebeast in particular.

Yeah Clinton tossed the ball on the field, so, does that make her the wining quarterback?

The Clinton Slime Machine at its best.

But I'm pretty sure the Clintons aren't posting dumbass birfer shit on the Internet in 2014. They don't want to look like braindead morons.
Cafe has several times.

So facts are racist? That's some weird shit.

Facts are a damn book dumb ass...the Clinton camp started this crap...did the same to the McCain campaign...see he actually proved he was a NBC and no I never said I wasn't a Birther. I said show me where I said it.

I do read books. Just not birfer fantasy books. Fuckstain.

I think this fool is a teenager who is supposed to be in school but quit...I mean he misspells shit on purpose it feels like I am arguing with a child.

Go eat some more nazi cock, you racist sack of human shit.

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