The "Black lives matter" movement


Gold Member
Jun 9, 2014
Pinetop, AZ
Sure that one of the videos I will post here has already been discussed since it has gone viral and the author had been on the news.

I am not racist, I judge the person not the skin color; been doing that all my 55 years. IMHO racism is OVER. Yet, it seems as though some of those who are not white still want to play the race card. Why? OK, on to the entertainment:

And the viral one, the one that really hits home:

Sure that one of the videos I will post here has already been discussed since it has gone viral and the author had been on the news.

I am not racist, I judge the person not the skin color; been doing that all my 55 years. IMHO racism is OVER. Yet, it seems as though some of those who are not white still want to play the race card. Why? OK, on to the entertainment:

And the viral one, the one that really hits home:

Black lives don't matter when blacks kill blacks.
Jroc, your quote by Rabbi Simon Jacobson is commendable, however, in the case of Islam; those in the faith who foment and carry out violence in its name, are neither displacing nor distorting the religion. Its founder was a tribal, murdering warrior who in his latter years preached the hatred and violence. The Quran is replete with calls for violence against all who do not heed his teachings. Those who kill in his name are merely following the teachings of its founder. Monotheistic religions are inherently violent in their teachings. Until mankind can rise above religion and stand with reason and intellect, we are doomed to continue the violence in the name of faith and I don't see that happening in our future.
Oh, and....ALL lives matter, not just blacks.
Sure that one of the videos I will post here has already been discussed since it has gone viral and the author had been on the news.

I am not racist, I judge the person not the skin color; been doing that all my 55 years. IMHO racism is OVER. Yet, it seems as though some of those who are not white still want to play the race card. Why? OK, on to the entertainment:

And the viral one, the one that really hits home:

This and other racially motivated movements are steeped in politics.
Politics of identity. Politics of greed.
If there were no political points to be made, no profit to be garnered, these race baiters would have to find real jobs.
The Revrnnnnnnnnnnd Jacsnnnnnnnn Has made a very comfortable living by extorting business with the race card.
The formerly over sized Al Sharpton has made a living off fanning the flames of victimhood.
These and other radical left wing blacks have increased the racial divide to a level that resembles the Grand Canyon
Jroc, your quote by Rabbi Simon Jacobson is commendable, however, in the case of Islam; those in the faith who foment and carry out violence in its name, are neither displacing nor distorting the religion. Its founder was a tribal, murdering warrior who in his latter years preached the hatred and violence. The Quran is replete with calls for violence against all who do not heed his teachings. Those who kill in his name are merely following the teachings of its founder. Monotheistic religions are inherently violent in their teachings. Until mankind can rise above religion and stand with reason and intellect, we are doomed to continue the violence in the name of faith and I don't see that happening in our future.
Oh, and....ALL lives matter, not just blacks.

Which is why muslims need to go though the reformation like Christians have done. Rabbi Simon Jacobson is a nice guy, I've met him. you can read his piece here..

Simon Jacobson OP-ED Weekly > 02.05.15$Yitro: Beauty or the Beast?

The Left

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Why does everyone in the world want to get rid of the white people? What did we do wrong? We brought everyone civilization, technologies and other cool things and yet we are hated for no reason. Maybe blacks and asians are just jealous of our success?
There is a simple solution. Only black cops will patrol black neighborhoods. Let's see what happens. How you like them now? To pretend that cops in cities like St. Louis, Dallas and Chicago have the same risks as cops in Podunkville and Hicksburg is ridiculous.
Sure that one of the videos I will post here has already been discussed since it has gone viral and the author had been on the news.

I am not racist, I judge the person not the skin color; been doing that all my 55 years. IMHO racism is OVER. Yet, it seems as though some of those who are not white still want to play the race card. Why? OK, on to the entertainment:

And the viral one, the one that really hits home:

All anyone needs to do is read this board to realize racism is not dead
if white people were to go away, then say good-bye to doctors. then blacks will see how succsessful Obama care is.

You mean all the Asian and Indian doctors I see in the hospital would not treat them?
take away all the white people, and then lets see if anyone comes to your neighborhood to restore power after a bad storm/tornado/blizzard, etc.
What a bunch of nutjobs:uhoh3:

Solidarity Demonstration in Nazareth Ferguson to Palestine HD


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