The Blessedness of Brokenness

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
In Mrs. Cowman's devotion this morning we see the blessedness of brokenness. King David thought about why the wicked prospered and were not troubled as the righteous. He envied their estate until God showed him their end:

Truly God is good to Israel, even to such as are of a clean heart.
But as for me, my feet were almost gone; my steps had well nigh slipped.
For I was envious at the foolish, when I saw the prosperity of the wicked.
For there are no bands in their death: but their strength is firm.
They are not in trouble as other men; neither are they plagued like other men.
Therefore pride compasseth them about as a chain; violence covereth them as a garment.
Their eyes stand out with fatness: they have more than heart could wish.
They are corrupt, and speak wickedly concerning oppression: they speak loftily.
They set their mouth against the heavens, and their tongue walketh through the earth.
Therefore his people return hither: and waters of a full cup are wrung out to them.
And they say, How doth God know? and is there knowledge in the most High?
Behold, these are the ungodly, who prosper in the world; they increase in riches.
Verily I have cleansed my heart in vain, and washed my hands in innocency.
For all the day long have I been plagued, and chastened every morning.
If I say, I will speak thus; behold, I should offend against the generation of thy children.
When I thought to know this, it was too painful for me;

Until I went into the sanctuary of God; then understood I their end. (see link below for Psalm 73)
Bible Gateway passage: Psalm 73 - King James Version

So whatever we are going through we should rejoice in the fact that God permits adversities into the lives of those whom He loves. He is creating something beautiful in the midst of our trials and tribulations and if He did not love us so much, He would leave us to our own devices and we would share the same fate at the wicked who have rejected God in their thoughts and in their hearts. God has a purpose and a plan for our lives and He is faithful to fulfill it. The only thing required of us is to surrender ourselves fully to Him and trust in the LORD. God is in full control.

Mrs. Cowman's morning devotion:

Broken Things

"By reason of breakings they purify themselves" (Job 41:25).

God uses most for His glory those people and things which are most perfectly broken. The sacrifices He accepts are broken and contrite hearts. It was the breaking down of Jacob's natural strength at Peniel that got him where God could clothe him with spiritual power. It was breaking the surface of the rock at Horeb, by the stroke of Moses' rod that let out the cool waters to thirsty people.

It was when the 300 elect soldiers under Gideon broke their pitchers, a type of breaking themselves, that the hidden lights shone forth to the consternation of their adversaries. It was when the poor widow broke the seal of the little pot of oil, and poured it forth, that God multiplied it to pay her debts and supply means of support.

It was when Esther risked her life and broke through the rigid etiquette of a heathen court, that she obtained favor to rescue her people from death. It was when Jesus took the five loaves and broke them, that the bread was multiplied in the very act of breaking, sufficient to feed five thousand. It was when Mary broke her beautiful alabaster box, rendering it henceforth useless, that the pent-up perfume filled the house. It was when Jesus allowed His precious body to be broken to pieces by thorns and nails and spear, that His inner life was poured out, like a crystal ocean, for thirsty sinners to drink and live.

It is when a beautiful grain of corn is broken up in the earth by DEATH, that its inner heart sprouts forth and bears hundreds of other grains. And thus, on and on, through all history, and all biography, and all vegetation, and all spiritual life, God must have BROKEN THINGS.

Those who are broken in wealth, and broken in self-will, and broken in their ambitions, and broken in their beautiful ideals, and broken in orldly reputation, and broken in their affections, and broken ofttimes in health; those who are despised and seem utterly forlorn and helpless, the Holy Ghost is seizing upon, and using for God's glory. "The lame take the prey," Isaiah tells us.


O break my heart; but break it as a field
Is by the plough up-broken for the corn;
O break it as the buds, by green leaf seated,
Are, to unloose the golden blossom, torn;
Love would I offer unto Love's great Master,
Set free the odor, break the alabaster.

O break my heart; break it victorious God,
That life's eternal well may flash abroad;
O let it break as when the captive trees,
Breaking cold bonds, regain their liberties;
And as thought's sacred grove to life is springing,
Be joys, like birds, their hope, Thy victory singing. --Thomas Toke Bunch

Streams in the Desert - Oct. 14
So if I have cancer, I should rejoice in this gift from God?
Your signature reads:

I'm agnostic, I see no real proof either way for or against the possibility of a god, but am willing to change my mind given real proof.

The KJV Bible is full of proof. Why don't you read it and do what it says? How can you know something is not true if you do not examine the evidence? There are testimonies of people who have been healed of cancer. God lengthened King Hezekiah's life by 15 years. With God all things are possible.
Your signature reads:

I'm agnostic, I see no real proof either way for or against the possibility of a god, but am willing to change my mind given real proof.

The KJV Bible is full of proof. Why don't you read it and do what it says? How can you know something is not true if you do not examine the evidence? There are testimonies of people who have been healed of cancer. God lengthened King Hezekiah's life by 15 years. With God all things are possible.
There's is no proof of anything in the bible, it's all hearsay. Give it a try, give me your 3 best examples of "proof" in the bible.
1) David was a begotten son of YHWH
therefore Jesus can't be YHWH's only begotten son, he has to be Baal's only begotten because Baal's son was the morning star, claimed to be Jesus-rev 22:16
2)in the description of David's battle with the wicked he describes his hands and feet are being tied (expression) and yet Christianity lies to people not knowing Hebrew and reincent & claim the word means pierced and is about Jesus.
IF YOUR FAITH DID NOT LIE TO YOU then you would have your answer to that difficult question as to why wicked succeeds over the righteous. I've said it many times regarding our battle with wickedness today.
We have codes of conduct, we strive to directly strike the cancer cells and leave innocents from being impacted, however when the cancer cells hide amongs the good cells even using them as shields, hiding in religious structures, schools, hospitals all these things " tie our hands and feet" from having a fair playong field. So our righteous behavior is a detriment to a battle with evil, that has no code or morals and will attack innocents to get to us, or use innocents to protect themselves.
3) If people learned from the King David stories & his dirty laundry then people like
Bill Clinton would not have fell to infidelity.

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