‘The blinkers have been removed’: American voters are changing their minds on Netanyahu and Israel

Colonizing occupied land is a crime under international law. Be careful what you wish for.

It's a good thing that nothing of the sort has happened, then, Islamist.

Jewish people have lived on the land for over 3 thousand years.

So have the Arabs. They have been in Palestine since Abraham. Remember in 700 BC Sargon 2 settled 4 Arab tribes in Samaria.. Then there are the Greek cities of the Decapolis.. and Scythipolois (Gog and Magog)

Both Abraham and Moses had Arab wives.
bullshit-----you have INVENTED a very broad definition of "ARAB" as if everyone in the
LEVANT and its precincts read and wrote ARABIC for the past 8000 years. Now for the
facts------the term "arab" refers to people whose MOTHER TONGUE, language and
literature is ARABIC -----arabic was not even a written language until about
300 AD and UNTIL TODAY most of its speakers are actually ILLITERATE. In ancient writing
the land of ARAV was a distant place-----OVER THERE_---past the horizon----the people from
that area were known as ISHMAELI which means Nomadic criminals ---unwashed and
illiterate and DANGEROUS

Right.. and the sons of Jacob sold Joseph to the Ishmaelite traders.

How's that moral or civilized?

Colonizing occupied land is a crime under international law. Be careful what you wish for.

It's a good thing that nothing of the sort has happened, then, Islamist.

Jewish people have lived on the land for over 3 thousand years.

So have the Arabs. They have been in Palestine since Abraham. Remember in 700 BC Sargon 2 settled 4 Arab tribes in Samaria.. Then there are the Greek cities of the Decapolis.. and Scythipolois (Gog and Magog)

Both Abraham and Moses had Arab wives.
Yes, these so-called "Palestinians" are nothing but Arabs.

Which places the conflict in proper focus, as 78% of the Mandate of Palestine was given to Arabs. In addition, when Arabs attacked Jews during the creation of the nation-state of Israel, 700,000 Arabs left the area. Very soon after that, Arab states expelled over 900,000 Jews.

You Islamic Arabs have already had your tit for tat. There is no reason for you to create this phony internet identity of yours trying to pretend you are a Christian. Have you people ever considered doing something positive for the world like Israel does, instead of just devoting yourself to killing Jews because your Arab supremacist mindset was humiliated when you tried to exterminate them in 1967, but failed?
It is possible for reasonable people to debate some of Israel's actions with respect to some indigenous Arabs since 1947, however, it is not possible for reasonable people to disagree about Hamas. It is a terrorist organization that is EVIL, by any rational, civilized definition. Hamas has no political legitimacy even within its own controlled territory. Nor does the P.A.
I'm not defending terrorist acts by any means but explain why the indigenous people of Palestine have no right to defend themselves from a military occupation? The right to defend yourself, your family and your property is considered a natural right. Why is that not applicable to the Palestinians?
The fact that you consider the intentional murder of Jews as an act taken to "defend themselves" says all we need to know about you.
If you agree that people have the right to defend themselves you can't be totally unsympathetic to the Palestinians. They didn't ask for any of this. The super-powers drew some lines on the map and took a side. What we have now is the result. Palestinians got the shitty end of every stick and still some people can't figure out why they are so angry. Israel is doing to them what we did to the Indians.
What is this self defense that you keep talking about related to this Palestinians. Be specific.

is it firing rockets at civilians?
In asymmetric warfare the oppressed have to take whatever targets are available. It's the price of occupation. We saw it when we tried to own Iraq and Afghanistan. When you are trying to occupy territory it's going to cost you.
Well, that is one strong vote for murdering Jews, anyway.
It's a fact of life everywhere when you decide to snatch someone's land and occupy it by force. People are going to fight for what is theirs and the animosity will never go away. You can shove the antisemitic crap up your ass.
Then we should get out of the way and let the law of conquest rule. Take back your land or shut the fuck up.

Colonizing occupied land is a crime under international law. Be careful what you wish for.
Ok---according to "INTERNATIONAL LAW"---the ENTIRE era of "GLORIOUS
CRIME_------I agree

International laws on coloniztion were not been in effect 1200 years ago . They weren't in effect when the North coast Cannanites arrived in the hill country either.. or when Europeans settled America..
so? try thinking in terms of MORALITY-----no matter how painful for you

What's moral about European refugees stealing land and killing the natves who resist? Is that YOUR particular morality?
when did Europeans steal land and from whom? Did I suggest that it is ok for "EUROPEANS" to steal land?-------why are you trying to change the subject? "europeans" ???? as to LAW----
try to keep in mind-------according to your muslim informants----KORANIC LAW preceded the
creation of the universe

Most of the early Zionists who immigrated to Palestine were European or Russian Jews. The Arabs didn't immigrate to Palestine.

Colonizing occupied land is a crime under international law. Be careful what you wish for.

It's a good thing that nothing of the sort has happened, then, Islamist.

Jewish people have lived on the land for over 3 thousand years.

So have the Arabs. They have been in Palestine since Abraham. Remember in 700 BC Sargon 2 settled 4 Arab tribes in Samaria.. Then there are the Greek cities of the Decapolis.. and Scythipolois (Gog and Magog)

Both Abraham and Moses had Arab wives.
Yes, these so-called "Palestinians" are nothing but Arabs.

Which places the conflict in proper focus, as 78% of the Mandate of Palestine was given to Arabs. In addition, when Arabs attacked Jews during the creation of the nation-state of Israel, 700,000 Arabs left the area. Very soon after that, Arab states expelled over 900,000 Jews.

You Islamic Arabs have already had your tit for tat. There is no reason for you to create this phony internet identity of yours trying to pretend you are a Christian. Have you people ever considered doing something positive for the world like Israel does, instead of just devoting yourself to killing Jews because your Arab supremacist mindset was humiliated when you tried to exterminate them in 1967, but failed?

90% of Palestinians are descended from Jewish farmers who stayed behind after the Temple was destroyed according to Ben Gurion and Slomo Sands.

Read Moshe Dayan.. The Zioists planned the 1967 war since 1953 because the wanted more land and water.. They attacked Eyypt while Egyptian troops were deployed fighting the civil war in Yemen from 1962 to 1970.

You don't have much education.

Yet it’s not just in the halls of power that Netanyahu’s embrace of the GOP has been a losing bet. Support for Israel, long a political article of faith in the US Jewish community, has been tempered by a concern for human rights among American Jews, particularly those in the younger generation who did not appreciate the way he treated the Obama administration.

Logan Bayroff, a spokesperson for the liberal pro-Israel group J Street, said Netanyahu’s 2015 speech was a “huge inflection point”. He explained that groups like J Street were able to successfully make the case to US officials that Netanyahu did not actually speak for all Israelis, and that there were “a number of voices in Israel, and in the Israeli security establishment in particular, who thought the [Iran nuclear] deal was good and good for Israel… and that Democrats and Americans don’t have to go along with things just because he said so.”

Mr Bayroff sounds like the voice of reason. These right wing extremists need to be isolated so that saner voices can be heard, However Trump still needs the support of the Christian second coming crowd to get elected. His upcoming convictions may hamper that dread event.
One of many points left unaddressed in that amateurish opinion piece is the fact that those homeless Gazans are a direct result of Hamas waging war using civilians as cover.

Did you know that there are credible reports claiming 20% of the Iranian supplied rockets malfunctioned and fell into Gaza, killing Gaza civilians?

The fumbling, incompetent heroes of the self-hating left are very selective about the content of their opinions,

Most Gazans were't born in Gaza, They were forced out of East Jeruslem, the West Bank and the Negev.. Its pretty crowded.
Forced out? Like, at the point of a gun?


The spin is so pathetic.

Let Israel either completely destroy Gaza or be destroyed. It matters not, as long as we get the fuck out of the way.

Yes.. Israel continues to take homes, farmland and destroy 10s of thousands of olive trees. Most Gazans are refugees.
beyond bullshit------but to paraphrase an entertainer of the past----YOU AIN'T SEEN
NUTHIN' YET-----for pure unbridled shit and filth-----visit a mosque on friday----where
ENGLISH IS USED (mosques which serve persons of southeast Asia use english)---for a lesson
in REALLY STINKING SHIT OF BULLS------stay for the KHUTBAH JUMAAT----that is a kind of
shitty call to islamic filth in place of the usual christian SERMON. Of course the KHUTBAHS in arabic are just as shitty-----but----it's arabic

Why do you go to mosque if you hate Islam and Arabs?
I was very young and very friendly and CURIOUS-----and was invited. I learned
quite a bit by the experience. Your question is silly as is your idiot accusation.

So that was 50 years ago. Why did you marry an Arab feeling as you do?
from where did you get the idea that I married an ARAB?----I married a
what else is new?------in the fantastical world of islam-----REFUGEE STATUS
a refugee----and his kids---and me----RIGHT?

I thought you said he was from a shithole.. and I thought he was Yemeni. I like Palestinians.. always have and was around lots of them every day growing up.
wrong again----he is YEMENITE----that means a person of the COMMUNITY OF JEWS OF YEMEN who had been residing in Yemen for more than 2500 years but according to the
arabs whose asses you lick------HAVE NO RIGHTS IN THAT LAND because it is
MUSLIM LAND. For more than 2000 years prior to the 1960s when some arabs DECIDED to adopt the moniker PALESTINIAN----the ONLY PALESTINIANS in the world were jews---living
in the land (Judea/israel) that the romans ---early in the christian era,, DECIDED TO CALL
"PALESTINA"----try to learn some history. For the sake of your LEARNED STATUS---check out
a library that holds microfilm on old journals-------travel journals from the 1800s describe
JEWS of the Levant as "PALESTINIANS"------muslims? NOPE. I simply stumbled on these
facts. I was not LOOKING

Oh yes. Of course. The Jewish kings of Yemen burned the Christians of Najran.. I am fascinated about the Jewish warriors of Yemen who were hired body guards for the King of Jordan.
keep being fascinated------you seem to LOVE MYTHS------jews as doctors and bodyguards
for muslims is nothing new------the persons who muslim rulers NEVER TRUST with their
lives is--------other muslims. It is a situation similar to the SIKH body guards for hindu
royalty. Here is some more for YOUR INTEREST. The synagogue I frequent hires
SIKH guards for the vulnerable event-----like New Years. Those men are damned
good------they watch every passing vehicle. Would you like to hear about my SAUDI patient
who ALWAYS asked for me-----ONLY ME. Jewish kings nevah burnt anyone------you are recounting a bit of islamo nazi propaganda which ALSO includes BLOOD RECIPES. Ever hear of the DAMASCUS BLOOD LIBEL?
It is possible for reasonable people to debate some of Israel's actions with respect to some indigenous Arabs since 1947, however, it is not possible for reasonable people to disagree about Hamas. It is a terrorist organization that is EVIL, by any rational, civilized definition. Hamas has no political legitimacy even within its own controlled territory. Nor does the P.A.
I'm not defending terrorist acts by any means but explain why the indigenous people of Palestine have no right to defend themselves from a military occupation? The right to defend yourself, your family and your property is considered a natural right. Why is that not applicable to the Palestinians?
The fact that you consider the intentional murder of Jews as an act taken to "defend themselves" says all we need to know about you.
If you agree that people have the right to defend themselves you can't be totally unsympathetic to the Palestinians. They didn't ask for any of this. The super-powers drew some lines on the map and took a side. What we have now is the result. Palestinians got the shitty end of every stick and still some people can't figure out why they are so angry. Israel is doing to them what we did to the Indians.
What is this self defense that you keep talking about related to this Palestinians. Be specific.

is it firing rockets at civilians?
In asymmetric warfare the oppressed have to take whatever targets are available. It's the price of occupation. We saw it when we tried to own Iraq and Afghanistan. When you are trying to occupy territory it's going to cost you.
Well, that is one strong vote for murdering Jews, anyway.
It's a fact of life everywhere when you decide to snatch someone's land and occupy it by force. People are going to fight for what is theirs and the animosity will never go away. You can shove the antisemitic crap up your ass.
Then we should get out of the way and let the law of conquest rule. Take back your land or shut the fuck up.

Colonizing occupied land is a crime under international law. Be careful what you wish for.
Ok---according to "INTERNATIONAL LAW"---the ENTIRE era of "GLORIOUS
CRIME_------I agree

International laws on coloniztion were not been in effect 1200 years ago . They weren't in effect when the North coast Cannanites arrived in the hill country either.. or when Europeans settled America..
so? try thinking in terms of MORALITY-----no matter how painful for you

What's moral about European refugees stealing land and killing the natves who resist? Is that YOUR particular morality?
when did Europeans steal land and from whom? Did I suggest that it is ok for "EUROPEANS" to steal land?-------why are you trying to change the subject? "europeans" ???? as to LAW----
try to keep in mind-------according to your muslim informants----KORANIC LAW preceded the
creation of the universe

Most of the early Zionists who immigrated to Palestine were European or Russian Jews. The Arabs didn't immigrate to Palestine.
true----the arabs did not-----the JEWS did. The very first and still existing TOWN----
RITZON L'TZION--------consisted largely of jews from arab lands (1882 it was FINALLY
declared a "TOWN") Islamo/nazi propaganda has it that DA JOOOOS were SOOO HAPPY living under the stench and filth
of shariah shit.-------wrong again----it was actually ILLEGAL for a jew ----under the filth and stench of shariah shit to TRAVEL without the consent of the local IMAM PIG and even then---they had to PAY------an "escort" and ever shit hole muslim village they passed thru. Learn some history.
This kind of stink and filth is not LIMITED to islam------it was something like that for the serfs of
Russia and----lots of MEDIEVAL Europe. An interesting reality is that lots of the details of SHARIAH SHIT were derived from Canon Law

Colonizing occupied land is a crime under international law. Be careful what you wish for.

It's a good thing that nothing of the sort has happened, then, Islamist.

Jewish people have lived on the land for over 3 thousand years.

So have the Arabs. They have been in Palestine since Abraham. Remember in 700 BC Sargon 2 settled 4 Arab tribes in Samaria.. Then there are the Greek cities of the Decapolis.. and Scythipolois (Gog and Magog)

Both Abraham and Moses had Arab wives.
Yes, these so-called "Palestinians" are nothing but Arabs.

Which places the conflict in proper focus, as 78% of the Mandate of Palestine was given to Arabs. In addition, when Arabs attacked Jews during the creation of the nation-state of Israel, 700,000 Arabs left the area. Very soon after that, Arab states expelled over 900,000 Jews.

You Islamic Arabs have already had your tit for tat. There is no reason for you to create this phony internet identity of yours trying to pretend you are a Christian. Have you people ever considered doing something positive for the world like Israel does, instead of just devoting yourself to killing Jews because your Arab supremacist mindset was humiliated when you tried to exterminate them in 1967, but failed?

90% of Palestinians are descended from Jewish farmers who stayed behind after the Temple was destroyed according to Ben Gurion and Slomo Sands.
mnch education.
Damn, those Jews are fiendish and clever!

How they got Nasser to keep bragging that he was going to drive them into the sea is a complete mystery to me!

Colonizing occupied land is a crime under international law. Be careful what you wish for.

It's a good thing that nothing of the sort has happened, then, Islamist.

Jewish people have lived on the land for over 3 thousand years.

So have the Arabs. They have been in Palestine since Abraham. Remember in 700 BC Sargon 2 settled 4 Arab tribes in Samaria.. Then there are the Greek cities of the Decapolis.. and Scythipolois (Gog and Magog)

Both Abraham and Moses had Arab wives.
Yes, these so-called "Palestinians" are nothing but Arabs.

Which places the conflict in proper focus, as 78% of the Mandate of Palestine was given to Arabs. In addition, when Arabs attacked Jews during the creation of the nation-state of Israel, 700,000 Arabs left the area. Very soon after that, Arab states expelled over 900,000 Jews.

You Islamic Arabs have already had your tit for tat. There is no reason for you to create this phony internet identity of yours trying to pretend you are a Christian. Have you people ever considered doing something positive for the world like Israel does, instead of just devoting yourself to killing Jews because your Arab supremacist mindset was humiliated when you tried to exterminate them in 1967, but failed?

90% of Palestinians are descended from Jewish farmers who stayed behind after the Temple was destroyed according to Ben Gurion and Slomo Sands.
mnch education.
Damn, those Jews are fiendish and clever!

How they got Nasser to keep bragging that he was going to drive them into the sea is a complete mystery to me!
You are brave for GOING THERE------muslims and their fans still deny it. -------

Colonizing occupied land is a crime under international law. Be careful what you wish for.

It's a good thing that nothing of the sort has happened, then, Islamist.

Jewish people have lived on the land for over 3 thousand years.

So have the Arabs. They have been in Palestine since Abraham. Remember in 700 BC Sargon 2 settled 4 Arab tribes in Samaria.. Then there are the Greek cities of the Decapolis.. and Scythipolois (Gog and Magog)

Both Abraham and Moses had Arab wives.
Yes, these so-called "Palestinians" are nothing but Arabs.

Which places the conflict in proper focus, as 78% of the Mandate of Palestine was given to Arabs. In addition, when Arabs attacked Jews during the creation of the nation-state of Israel, 700,000 Arabs left the area. Very soon after that, Arab states expelled over 900,000 Jews.

You Islamic Arabs have already had your tit for tat. There is no reason for you to create this phony internet identity of yours trying to pretend you are a Christian. Have you people ever considered doing something positive for the world like Israel does, instead of just devoting yourself to killing Jews because your Arab supremacist mindset was humiliated when you tried to exterminate them in 1967, but failed?

90% of Palestinians are descended from Jewish farmers who stayed behind after the Temple was destroyed according to Ben Gurion and Slomo Sands.
mnch education.
Damn, those Jews are fiendish and clever!

How they got Nasser to keep bragging that he was going to drive them into the sea is a complete mystery to me!
You are brave for GOING THERE------muslims and their fans still deny it. -------
I watched the entire 6 day war unfold on the news and saw him, myself. It was translated, of course, but nobody questioned the accuracy of the translation.

It's always amusing when you have seen something for yourself, only to have propagandists posing as something they are not trying to fool people into thinking otherwise.

Yet it’s not just in the halls of power that Netanyahu’s embrace of the GOP has been a losing bet. Support for Israel, long a political article of faith in the US Jewish community, has been tempered by a concern for human rights among American Jews, particularly those in the younger generation who did not appreciate the way he treated the Obama administration.

Logan Bayroff, a spokesperson for the liberal pro-Israel group J Street, said Netanyahu’s 2015 speech was a “huge inflection point”. He explained that groups like J Street were able to successfully make the case to US officials that Netanyahu did not actually speak for all Israelis, and that there were “a number of voices in Israel, and in the Israeli security establishment in particular, who thought the [Iran nuclear] deal was good and good for Israel… and that Democrats and Americans don’t have to go along with things just because he said so.”

Mr Bayroff sounds like the voice of reason. These right wing extremists need to be isolated so that saner voices can be heard, However Trump still needs the support of the Christian second coming crowd to get elected. His upcoming convictions may hamper that dread event.

As if a British publication, or a British fool who reads it, have any knowledge, credibility, or standing with regard to what Americans think.
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Colonizing occupied land is a crime under international law. Be careful what you wish for.

It's a good thing that nothing of the sort has happened, then, Islamist.

Jewish people have lived on the land for over 3 thousand years.

So have the Arabs. They have been in Palestine since Abraham. Remember in 700 BC Sargon 2 settled 4 Arab tribes in Samaria.. Then there are the Greek cities of the Decapolis.. and Scythipolois (Gog and Magog)

Both Abraham and Moses had Arab wives.
Yes, these so-called "Palestinians" are nothing but Arabs.

Which places the conflict in proper focus, as 78% of the Mandate of Palestine was given to Arabs. In addition, when Arabs attacked Jews during the creation of the nation-state of Israel, 700,000 Arabs left the area. Very soon after that, Arab states expelled over 900,000 Jews.

You Islamic Arabs have already had your tit for tat. There is no reason for you to create this phony internet identity of yours trying to pretend you are a Christian. Have you people ever considered doing something positive for the world like Israel does, instead of just devoting yourself to killing Jews because your Arab supremacist mindset was humiliated when you tried to exterminate them in 1967, but failed?

The Israelis attacked Egypt in 1967..Nasser ha already called a summit to resolve the problem of the Straits of Tiran.

Arab Jews trickled out in 1948, 1956, 1967 and 1973. Persian Jews in Iran had been there 2500 years or more.

By the birth of Christ most Jews didn't live in Palestine.. They lived in Alexandria, Tripoli, Iraq, Iran, Aleppo, Baghdad, Damascus and Rome.

You have no education..

Colonizing occupied land is a crime under international law. Be careful what you wish for.

It's a good thing that nothing of the sort has happened, then, Islamist.

Jewish people have lived on the land for over 3 thousand years.

So have the Arabs. They have been in Palestine since Abraham. Remember in 700 BC Sargon 2 settled 4 Arab tribes in Samaria.. Then there are the Greek cities of the Decapolis.. and Scythipolois (Gog and Magog)

Both Abraham and Moses had Arab wives.
Yes, these so-called "Palestinians" are nothing but Arabs.

Which places the conflict in proper focus, as 78% of the Mandate of Palestine was given to Arabs. In addition, when Arabs attacked Jews during the creation of the nation-state of Israel, 700,000 Arabs left the area. Very soon after that, Arab states expelled over 900,000 Jews.

You Islamic Arabs have already had your tit for tat. There is no reason for you to create this phony internet identity of yours trying to pretend you are a Christian. Have you people ever considered doing something positive for the world like Israel does, instead of just devoting yourself to killing Jews because your Arab supremacist mindset was humiliated when you tried to exterminate them in 1967, but failed?

90% of Palestinians are descended from Jewish farmers who stayed behind after the Temple was destroyed according to Ben Gurion and Slomo Sands.
mnch education.
Damn, those Jews are fiendish and clever!

How they got Nasser to keep bragging that he was going to drive them into the sea is a complete mystery to me!
You are brave for GOING THERE------muslims and their fans still deny it. -------
I watched the entire 6 day war unfold on the news and saw him, myself. It was translated, of course, but nobody questioned the accuracy of the translation.

It's always amusing when you have seen something for yourself, only to have propagandists posing as something they are not trying to fool people into thinking otherwise.
sheeesh me too-----I was in college---finals were OVER by the end of May----my
Summer job did not KICK IN until July-----I spend DAYS in front of the TV watching
"CRISIS IN THE MIDDLE EAST"-------some of it was entertaining---arabs wearing
sunglasses----IN THE UN BUILDING----smiled incessantly. Those poor guys
were SO OPTIMISTIC. I do remember that some jerk OFFERED a compromise
in EXCHANGE FOR HAIFA (???) By early June----one of the MUSLIM diplomats
delivered a speech and actually SOBBED. As far as I recall-----not an arab

Colonizing occupied land is a crime under international law. Be careful what you wish for.

It's a good thing that nothing of the sort has happened, then, Islamist.

Jewish people have lived on the land for over 3 thousand years.

So have the Arabs. They have been in Palestine since Abraham. Remember in 700 BC Sargon 2 settled 4 Arab tribes in Samaria.. Then there are the Greek cities of the Decapolis.. and Scythipolois (Gog and Magog)

Both Abraham and Moses had Arab wives.
Yes, these so-called "Palestinians" are nothing but Arabs.

Which places the conflict in proper focus, as 78% of the Mandate of Palestine was given to Arabs. In addition, when Arabs attacked Jews during the creation of the nation-state of Israel, 700,000 Arabs left the area. Very soon after that, Arab states expelled over 900,000 Jews.

You Islamic Arabs have already had your tit for tat. There is no reason for you to create this phony internet identity of yours trying to pretend you are a Christian. Have you people ever considered doing something positive for the world like Israel does, instead of just devoting yourself to killing Jews because your Arab supremacist mindset was humiliated when you tried to exterminate them in 1967, but failed?

90% of Palestinians are descended from Jewish farmers who stayed behind after the Temple was destroyed according to Ben Gurion and Slomo Sands.
mnch education.
Damn, those Jews are fiendish and clever!

How they got Nasser to keep bragging that he was going to drive them into the sea is a complete mystery to me!

Read Moshe Dayan... They Israelis had done everything in their power to provoke a war since 1953.

Colonizing occupied land is a crime under international law. Be careful what you wish for.

It's a good thing that nothing of the sort has happened, then, Islamist.

Jewish people have lived on the land for over 3 thousand years.

So have the Arabs. They have been in Palestine since Abraham. Remember in 700 BC Sargon 2 settled 4 Arab tribes in Samaria.. Then there are the Greek cities of the Decapolis.. and Scythipolois (Gog and Magog)

Both Abraham and Moses had Arab wives.
Yes, these so-called "Palestinians" are nothing but Arabs.

Which places the conflict in proper focus, as 78% of the Mandate of Palestine was given to Arabs. In addition, when Arabs attacked Jews during the creation of the nation-state of Israel, 700,000 Arabs left the area. Very soon after that, Arab states expelled over 900,000 Jews.

You Islamic Arabs have already had your tit for tat. There is no reason for you to create this phony internet identity of yours trying to pretend you are a Christian. Have you people ever considered doing something positive for the world like Israel does, instead of just devoting yourself to killing Jews because your Arab supremacist mindset was humiliated when you tried to exterminate them in 1967, but failed?

The Israelis attacked Egypt in 1967..Nasser ha already called a summit to resolve the problem of the Straits of Tiran.

Arab Jews trickled out in 1948, 1956, 1967 and 1973. Persian Jews in Iran had been there 2500 years or more.

By the birth of Christ most Jews didn't live in Palestine.. They lived in Alexandria, Tripoli, Iraq, Iran, Aleppo, Baghdad, Damascus and Rome.

You have no education..
try again-----jews have lived HERE AND THERE for a long time-----by the time Jesus was born----what you call PALESTINE, was a majority Jewish country and a real pain to the OCCUPYING PIGS----the romans--- who stole and murdered and elaborated many of the laws that were later aped by the filth and shit SHARIAH "scholars" Under the roman/sharia filth----Jesus,. a pharisee jew---was CRUCIFIED ------to the delight of the roman/shariah sharmootahs ----get an education

Colonizing occupied land is a crime under international law. Be careful what you wish for.

It's a good thing that nothing of the sort has happened, then, Islamist.

Jewish people have lived on the land for over 3 thousand years.

So have the Arabs. They have been in Palestine since Abraham. Remember in 700 BC Sargon 2 settled 4 Arab tribes in Samaria.. Then there are the Greek cities of the Decapolis.. and Scythipolois (Gog and Magog)

Both Abraham and Moses had Arab wives.
Yes, these so-called "Palestinians" are nothing but Arabs.

Which places the conflict in proper focus, as 78% of the Mandate of Palestine was given to Arabs. In addition, when Arabs attacked Jews during the creation of the nation-state of Israel, 700,000 Arabs left the area. Very soon after that, Arab states expelled over 900,000 Jews.

You Islamic Arabs have already had your tit for tat. There is no reason for you to create this phony internet identity of yours trying to pretend you are a Christian. Have you people ever considered doing something positive for the world like Israel does, instead of just devoting yourself to killing Jews because your Arab supremacist mindset was humiliated when you tried to exterminate them in 1967, but failed?

90% of Palestinians are descended from Jewish farmers who stayed behind after the Temple was destroyed according to Ben Gurion and Slomo Sands.
mnch education.
Damn, those Jews are fiendish and clever!

How they got Nasser to keep bragging that he was going to drive them into the sea is a complete mystery to me!

Read Moshe Dayan... They Israelis had done everything in their power to provoke a war since 1953.
Bullshit -----I read just about all the islamo nazi propaganda----even the stuff you quote
written by NAZI WAR CRIMINALS on the LAM in Syria and Egypt

Colonizing occupied land is a crime under international law. Be careful what you wish for.

It's a good thing that nothing of the sort has happened, then, Islamist.

Jewish people have lived on the land for over 3 thousand years.

So have the Arabs. They have been in Palestine since Abraham. Remember in 700 BC Sargon 2 settled 4 Arab tribes in Samaria.. Then there are the Greek cities of the Decapolis.. and Scythipolois (Gog and Magog)

Both Abraham and Moses had Arab wives.
Yes, these so-called "Palestinians" are nothing but Arabs.

Which places the conflict in proper focus, as 78% of the Mandate of Palestine was given to Arabs. In addition, when Arabs attacked Jews during the creation of the nation-state of Israel, 700,000 Arabs left the area. Very soon after that, Arab states expelled over 900,000 Jews.

You Islamic Arabs have already had your tit for tat. There is no reason for you to create this phony internet identity of yours trying to pretend you are a Christian. Have you people ever considered doing something positive for the world like Israel does, instead of just devoting yourself to killing Jews because your Arab supremacist mindset was humiliated when you tried to exterminate them in 1967, but failed?

90% of Palestinians are descended from Jewish farmers who stayed behind after the Temple was destroyed according to Ben Gurion and Slomo Sands.

Read Moshe Dayan.. The Zioists planned the 1967 war since 1953 because the wanted more land and water.. They attacked Eyypt while Egyptian troops were deployed fighting the civil war in Yemen from 1962 to 1970.

You don't have much education.
I have lots of education------I read the propaganda pamphlets that were INUNDATED upon my
WASPY suburban USA town in the 1950s------authored by escapees from the NUREMBURG
TRIALS. (muslim heroes) The Egyptian army was ARRAYED armed with RUSSIAN MADE TANKS and supported by RUSSIAN MILITARY in the field on the border between Sinai and Israel-----they were not in Yemen------for more information -----ask a YEMENI ----there are lots in the USA---generally running little news paper shops.
Tanehole weeping again about a tiny nation that has the courage to stand up for itself against homeless invaders .
Wow, sounds like our border issue. When will we focus on ourselves instead of trying to be fake PR agent of the planet?
These right wing extremists need to be isolated so that saner voices can be heard

Well, Booby, if you think you are the man for the job and if your tummy doesn't hurt you too much, come on down and try to shut the Right up!!!

Yet it’s not just in the halls of power that Netanyahu’s embrace of the GOP has been a losing bet. Support for Israel, long a political article of faith in the US Jewish community, has been tempered by a concern for human rights among American Jews, particularly those in the younger generation who did not appreciate the way he treated the Obama administration.

Logan Bayroff, a spokesperson for the liberal pro-Israel group J Street, said Netanyahu’s 2015 speech was a “huge inflection point”. He explained that groups like J Street were able to successfully make the case to US officials that Netanyahu did not actually speak for all Israelis, and that there were “a number of voices in Israel, and in the Israeli security establishment in particular, who thought the [Iran nuclear] deal was good and good for Israel… and that Democrats and Americans don’t have to go along with things just because he said so.”

Mr Bayroff sounds like the voice of reason. These right wing extremists need to be isolated so that saner voices can be heard, However Trump still needs the support of the Christian second coming crowd to get elected. His upcoming convictions may hamper that dread event.
And once again you are wrong.
A small band of idiots, having no idea what they are "standing" for... think they support Hamas.

As noted on another thread, "Queers for Palestine" was a small band of idiots proclaiming support.
Too stupid to know that as late as 2016 Hamas was still executing gays by firing squad.
Do you not find that wrong?

Do you have a lnk about HAMAS killing gays?
Do you really need one? They kill babies.
Kinda hard to take the article seriously when they misqoute the title.
Pretty sure it should say Blinders not Blinkers.

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