The “Bombshell”: President Trump reached for steering wheel of limo and fought with Secret Service Agents.

It's sworn testimony of hearsay, and hearsay is not evidence. Now if the guy she claims told her that was put under oath and he WAS an actual eyewitness and testified that it happened, THAT would be evidence. Now, she, in sworn testimony, stated several times that TRUMP! was riding in the Beast at the time, correct? Have you SEEN how far it is from the back seat of that thing to the steering wheel and how difficult it would be to do what he's accused of doing? If it wasn't the Beast but an SUV (as some are claiming), then her testimony is false and cannot be believed. This is why hearsay is not considered evidence, it falls apart so quickly. Add to that the SS has stated it is willing to testify that it did NOT happen. If they did that, I would certainly take their word for it over hers, but the last I heard the kangaroo court may not let them testify.

She wasn't in the SUV. She reported what she was told by the secret service guys. Of course they can testify.
Do you believe they'll be called to testify?

I don't.
They can volunteer. The republicans can call on them. Also, I heard the committee was going to be talking with them, so we will see. I don’t credit anything that is not under oath.

It's sworn testimony of hearsay, and hearsay is not evidence. Now if the guy she claims told her that was put under oath and he WAS an actual eyewitness and testified that it happened, THAT would be evidence. Now, she, in sworn testimony, stated several times that TRUMP! was riding in the Beast at the time, correct? Have you SEEN how far it is from the back seat of that thing to the steering wheel and how difficult it would be to do what he's accused of doing? If it wasn't the Beast but an SUV (as some are claiming), then her testimony is false and cannot be believed. This is why hearsay is not considered evidence, it falls apart so quickly. Add to that the SS has stated it is willing to testify that it did NOT happen. If they did that, I would certainly take their word for it over hers, but the last I heard the kangaroo court may not let them testify.
It isn’t a court. And her testimony was given under oath which means she most likely reiterating what she heard.
They can volunteer. The republicans can call on them. Also, I heard the committee was going to be talking with them, so we will see. I don’t credit anything that is not under oath.

There is no cross examination in the kangaroo court.

It all the Democrat filth and two batshit crazy Never Trumper RINOs.
There is no cross examination in the kangaroo court.

It all the Democrat filth and two batshit crazy Never Trumper RINOs.
For the upteenth time, this isn’t a court :rolleyes:
The Bombshell;

I don’t fucking care that they have weapons, they’re not here to hurt me.," "They’re not here to hurt me. Take the fucking mags away. Let my people in. They can march to the Capitol from here, let the people in and take the mags away.”

You won’t be able to spin that one away lemming.
Is there a recording of him saying that, or is that what the young woman who wasn't there said he said?
It makes the left look absolutely terrible when they bring out this kind of horseshit. Democrats have clearly not learned their lesson. They are about to in November.
They'll lose, but they won't learn anything from it -- they'll just cheat and lie even harder.
That testimony spanked Trump even harder than Stormy Daniels did.

Hence the butthurt.
You just believe everything you're told without hesitation or question. Don't you dare consider your masters are lying to you.
I won't argue the point of whether illegal behavior by trump has been exposed multiple times in the past (it has) or that republicans gave him a pass while admitting he was guilty, but I will say he should be held accountable for his actions.
You mean the actions he actually performed, or the actions Democrat say he did?

That's a vastly different list.

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