The “Bombshell”: President Trump reached for steering wheel of limo and fought with Secret Service Agents.

They bypassed the actual witnesses and cut a back room deal with someone they could get to make false claims,man’s the. The whole thing blew up in their fraudulent faces and now they’re doing cleanup. That’s what happened.


You have more egg on your face. Again, retard, you claim the agents involved refuted her claims.

Quote them with a link to such a quote or you're lying...

Easy, right?
eh shadap, did you forget about Robert Byrd the longest serving Democrat and ex KKK cyclops, who was best friends with Bidung, Kennedy, Clinton and Obama and they all wept and gave moving Eulogies at his funeral a few appears ago. What’s funny is you fools and convenient idiots actually believe the Left cares about race or gender. These are just ways to divide people as they have done for hundreds of years. They have nothing else.

dead Democrats are KKK but live ones are Republican. Great point ya got there.


You have more egg on your face. Again, retard, you claim the agents involved refuted her claims.

Quote them with a link to such a quote or you're lying...

Easy, right?
Maybe if you lifted your head out of the Leftist propaganda toilet bowl.

Citing “a source close to the Secret Service,” NBC News White House reporter Peter Alexander said Tuesday evening that this didn’t happen.
“Both Bobby Engel, the lead agent, and the presidential limousine/SUV driver are prepared to testify under oath that neither man was assaulted and that Mr. Trump never lunged for the steering wheel,” Mr. Alexander posted on Twitter.

dead Democrats are KKK but live ones are Republican. Great point ya got there.

All the Democrat leaders attended and cried for him at his funeral a few years ago and his statue still stands in the Senate hall. Shove it.
Maybe if you lifted your head out of the Leftist propaganda toilet bowl.

Citing “a source close to the Secret Service,” NBC News White House reporter Peter Alexander said Tuesday evening that this didn’t happen.
“Both Bobby Engel, the lead agent, and the presidential limousine/SUV driver are prepared to testify under oath that neither man was assaulted and that Mr. Trump never lunged for the steering wheel,” Mr. Alexander posted on Twitter.

Citing a source


Holyfuckingshit. :eusa_doh:

Moron, you claimed those agents said the opposite of what she said...

It is false when the people being described are secret service officials who are claiming the opposite, Numb nuts.

I already knew they haven't which is why I challenged you to quote them; knowing you can't because they haven't. You're such a fucking idiot, you tried passing off a quote by an unnamed source, and not either of the two agents involved.
All the Democrat leaders attended and cried for him at his funeral a few years ago and his statue still stands in the Senate hall. Shove it.

No one is KKK just because they cry. Still, we've established, dead KKK are Democrats but live ones are Republican.
Ha ha ha. It’s fun watching how all these ignorant undereducated Leftards scatter like bugs as soon as the truth comes out.
Ha ha ha. It’s fun watching how all these ignorant undereducated Leftards scatter like bugs as soon as the truth comes out.


By "truth," you mean you lying that those two agents refuted Hutchinson's testimony?

eh shadap, did you forget about Robert Byrd the longest serving Democrat and ex KKK cyclops, who was best friends with Bidung, Kennedy, Clinton and Obama and they all wept and gave moving Eulogies at his funeral a few appears ago. What’s funny is you fools and convenient idiots actually believe the Left cares about race or gender. These are just ways to divide people as they have done for hundreds of years. They have nothing else.

These fuckers have no idea what they're dealing with. No one does. Proud Boys? lol A few hundred strong? At most?

We're the uniters, not the dividers. Prejudice will keep your numbers down. And numbers are necessary.

Yes, the left is prejudiced. The right is prejudiced too. Up until recently, the trick in politics was to ACCOMMODATE peoples' prejudices. Now the effort is to DESTROY them. And that will never ever work, not in a million billion years.
No one is KKK just because they cry. Still, we've established, dead KKK are Democrats but live ones are Republican.
Yeah sure. keep Dreaming. Here’s your Jim Crow Joe.

By "truth," you mean you lying that those two agents refuted Hutchinson's testimony?

You obviously are mentally ill because those are Lefty news sources like NBC that are saying you’re full of shit.
These fuckers have no idea what they're dealing with. No one does. Proud Boys? lol A few hundred strong? At most?

We're the uniters, not the dividers. Prejudice will keep your numbers down. And numbers are necessary.

Yes, the left is prejudiced. The right is prejudiced too. Up until recently, the trick in politics was to ACCOMMODATE peoples' prejudices. Now the effort is to DESTROY them. And that will never ever work, not in a million billion years.
Obama taught them how to divide. He stated with the 99 per enters and when that didn’t work he moved on to race-baiting and perfected It. He’s now running the Biden presidency from behind the scenes because Democrats actually think the same person who angered Americans to the point that Trump was elected instead of Hillary Is now going to do a better job.
You obviously are mentally ill because those are Lefty news sources like NBC that are saying you’re full of shit.


Dayum, are you ever fucking deranged. When did I say they're full of shit? Did NBC News falsely claim Ornato and Engel refuted Hutchinson but then point out it was really an unnamed source who said that and not Ornato or Engel??

No, idiot -- that was you who did that. You're the one who was caught lying. Not NBC News.

Holding someone's hand also doesn't make them KKK. A shame you don't know the KKK is not a communicable disease.
How old you, you sound like an ignorant juvenile. All of them including Biden gave moving eulogies for their ex KKK grand wizard And best friend.
Obama taught them how to divide. He stated with the 99 per enters and when that didn’t work he moved on to race-baiting and perfected It. He’s now running the Biden presidency from behind the scenes because Democrats actually think the same person who angered Americans to the point that Trump was elected instead of Hillary Is now going to do a better job.


Dayum, are you ever fucking deranged. When did I say they're full of shit? Did NBC News falsely claim Ornato and Engel refuted Hutchinson but then point out it was really an unnamed source who said that and not Ornato or Engel??

No, idiot -- that was you who did that. You're the one who was caught lying. Not NBC News.

NBC reporter claimed the agents are refuting Huchinson’s claim.
They immediately refuted her claims
Of course, they did, under oath?
NO, in the people, other than themselves.

and said they would be willing to testify.
No, they didn't, those other people saying that.
Where is their direct quotes?
All you have are people SAYING they're willing to testify, which is hearsay.
So she lied. Your committee is a fraud manned by clowns who have lied and failed before.
"We’ve got lots of theories. We just don’t have the evidence," Giuliani said.

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