The “Bombshell”: President Trump reached for steering wheel of limo and fought with Secret Service Agents.

Their quotes are as reported by Lefty NBC reporter “they are prepared to testify that none of what she described happened”. You people are intellectually dishonest crooks just like the party you are a member of.

"prepared to"

"about to"

"ready to"

betcha a steak dinner it never hapoens
Still doesn't make Obama KKK. Dead KKK are Democrats. Live ones are Republican.
Makes them showing respect and adoration for an ex KKK cyclops. The proof is in their own words.
next time you start blabbering about racism, just remember who’s side your on, the party of frauds and racists. You can’t have it both ways.
Makes them showing respect and adoration for an ex KKK cyclops. The proof is in their own words.
next time you start blabbering about racism, just remember who’s side your on, the party of frauds and racists. You can’t have it both ways.

Yes, I remember. Dead KKK are Democrats and live ones are Republican.
I’m quoting a Democrat reporter who has talked to and quoting the head of the secret service.
Yeah, quoting a REPORTER, still no direct quotes from them.
I already said that I believe the reporter was told they would testify.

Whether they are or not remains to be seen.
So your hair on fire episode over her bombshell testimony turned out to be a dud like all the other Democrat hoaxes in the last 6 years.
October 15 2020
At least 18 people connected to President Trump have been locked up, indicted, or arrested since the real-estate mogul announced his candidacy in 2015.

2 years ago, likely doubled by now.
You must have reading comprehension problems Or other mental illness associated with being a Leftist:

Citing “a source close to the Secret Service,” NBC News White House reporter Peter Alexander said Tuesday evening that this didn’t happen.
“Both Bobby Engel, the lead agent, and the presidential limousine/SUV driver are prepared to testify under oath that neither man was assaulted and that Mr. Trump never lunged for the steering wheel,” Mr. Alexander posted on Twitter.
WOW, Trump posted "proof" on his twitter account too.

None of that matters, Hutchinson never claimed the statement of Trump trying to get the steering wheel of the SUV was true or not, just that the statement was made.
Hutchinson never claimed the statement of Trump trying to get the steering wheel of the SUV was true or not, just that the statement was made.
In other words her testimony was completely worthless, whether under oath or not.

What the fuck is the matter with you stupid twits? You spend 50 pages defending worthless testimony .. why? For Nancy?

You think you're "exposing Republican lies"? You're not. No one cares. What people see is a dog and pony show, with selective evidence and the rest being suppressed.

No one's being fooled. This ain't no investigation.
In other words her testimony was completely worthless, whether under oath or not.
WOW, just when you think RWNJ's can't get any dumber...................they surprise you.
What the fuck is the matter with you stupid twits? You spend 50 pages defending worthless testimony .. why?
Because you morons claimed she was lying about what someone told her, you spent "50 pages" insisting she was lying.
For Nancy?

You think you're "exposing Republican lies"? You're not. No one cares. What people see is a dog and pony show, with selective evidence and the rest being suppressed.
Traitors and FOX bots, don't care, the rest of America does.
No one's being fooled. This ain't no investigation.
Sure it is, only fools believe it isn't.
Says the fucktard supporting the dog and pony show. Hypocrite much? your ilk are already on board to investigate the committee, next year, IF you traitors can.

They love investigation, just as long as they aren't the ones being investigated.

15 years and millions wasted on "investigating" Hillary.............................ONE charge.
THAT'S a dog and pony show. your ilk are already on board to investigate the committee, next year, IF you traitors can.

They love investigation, just as long as they aren't the ones being investigated.

15 years and millions wasted on "investigating" Hillary.............................ONE charge.
THAT'S a dog and pony show.

Oh, no. You don't understand. At all.

But you will.

For now you're just leaving town. That's where it starts.
Not mine.

How many times do I have to tell you?

"I don't care".

Read those three words slowly

See if you can make sense of them.
Then why are you defending them OR you could give a fuck about America OR is it "to own the libs" OR all three?

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