The “Bombshell”: President Trump reached for steering wheel of limo and fought with Secret Service Agents.

Different subject, different times. But you go right ahead and throw non related stories in as fact since it is the only way you think you can prove your idiocy.
You morons have been spewing "alternative facts" for years.
Aside from lies and gaslighting.
Just like your dear leader.
"Who paid for Trump's vanity wall"?
Yes, I remember. Dead KKK are Democrats and live ones are Republican.
Suffering from selective memory and outrage like a good Lefty. Also remember how your party leaders spoke highly of ex KKK Democrats.
You morons have been spewing "alternative facts" for years.
Aside from lies and gaslighting.
Just like your dear leader.
"Who paid for Trump's vanity wall"?
Now you are referencing your precious democrats with their alternative "facts".

Your type never wants questions asked as to the veracity of your claims. Sure way to achieve your desired claims. Never allow yur goals to be questioned, the sure sign of a fascist proceeding.
Patience sweetie.

Patience? Look gumdrop, if you wait long enough and walk far enough, they say you might even eventually meet yourself on the other side of the universe--- are you telling us that's your Trump legal strategy? Apparently it is. Meantime, if someone was still hounding Hillary as they no doubt should, what you you say? Oh yeah: blatent baseless rightwing triggered witch-hunt legal harrassment pure and simple.
Now you are referencing your precious democrats with their alternative "facts".

Your type never wants questions asked as to the veracity of your claims. Sure way to achieve your desired claims. Never allow yur goals to be questioned, the sure sign of a fascist proceeding.
They impeached a president twice on alternative facts.
Patience? Look gumdrop, if you wait long enough and walk far enough, they say you might even eventually meet yourself on the other side of the universe--- are you telling us that's your Trump legal strategy? Apparently it is. Meantime, if someone was still hounding Hillary as they no doubt should, what you you say? Oh yeah: blatent baseless rightwing triggered witch-hunt legal harrassment pure and simple.
Indict Hilary
Indict trump

Especially indict Eastman and Clark.
Those two are going to jail

Also indict pervert Gaetz
I can’t imagine Gaetz is innocent, so definitely indict him

Oh, do I need to say again, please indict Hilary.
Indict Hilary
Indict trump

Especially indict Eastman and Clark.
Those two are going to jail

Also indict pervert Gaetz
I can’t imagine Gaetz is innocent, so definitely indict him

Oh, do I need to say again, please indict Hilary.
The most crooked and corrupt among that list is the Biden crime family.
Pretty sure that title goes to trump.
All his life he has been a con man.
Then he did the unthinkable.
There is no bigger crook than POS trump.
at least trump provided a product and service known the world over for being well above the standard,,

all biden has done is enrich his family off of tax payer dollars while being a racist,,
Pretty sure that title goes to trump.
All his life he has been a con man.
Then he did the unthinkable.
There is no bigger crook than POS trump.
Trump has been a successful businessman that created tens of thousands of jobs. His kids are responsible, productive businessmen that live clean lives. Joe Biden has been a crooked corrupt do nothing politician for 47 years, with a drug addict pedophile rapist son Hunter who was getting bribes from foreign entities as a middleman front to gain influence to his father.
Then why are you defending them OR you could give a fuck about America OR is it "to own the libs" OR all three?
See? ^^^

You don't get it. AT ALL.

The mere fact that you could ask the question 'why are you defending them" shoes how MUCH you don't get it.

You've been blinded. Your thought process is muddled. You're not thinking clearly. Too much Kool Aid for too long.
Now you are referencing your precious democrats with their alternative "facts".
THAT was Kellyanne Conway, MORON.
Your type never wants questions asked as to the veracity of your claims. Sure way to achieve your desired claims. Never allow yur goals to be questioned, the sure sign of a fascist proceeding.
Sure, idiot, more alternative "facts" and gaslighting, just like Trump.
THAT was Kellyanne Conway, MORON.

Sure, idiot, more alternative "facts" and gaslighting, just like Trump.
You do realize that the more you try to defend your false narrative and accuse others of your own deeds that you continually prove just how wrong you are and expose your hate oof due process, right?
Pretty sure that title goes to trump.
All his life he has been a con man.
Then he did the unthinkable.
There is no bigger crook than POS trump.
Have you even looked at the history of the Biden crime family? Or are you just to busy swallowing all their crap without question?
Have you even looked at the history of the Biden crime family? Or are you just to busy swallowing all their crap without question?
Like the firing of Shokin.
You think that Biden committed a crime?

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