The “Bombshell”: President Trump reached for steering wheel of limo and fought with Secret Service Agents.

Absolutely NOT.

Multiple Other People.

Rudy, Jim Jordan, etc, <<<< those clowns don't count.
Did Cipollone, trumps lawyer, confirm that CH lied?
You are really reaching for anything that you think will cause harm to Trump.

You, on your own, discount any testimony that opposed what you want to have said. In an actual democratic republic that would prove you to be a total clown.
Answer these question liberals:

Why haven't they let the other side ask questions? Why do you fear them calling their own witnesses and asking their own questions? Why are you scared of letting the other side on the field? You know damn good and well they would tear your little narrative apart in 10 minutes. Is that what it is?
They had their chance. Kevin McCarthy blew it.
If you send Donny another $50 you get promoted to Corporal MAGA in the Trump Army! A step up from your real life rank. And by rank I mean you really stink of sump pumps.
It's funny you keep bringing up my military service. All I have to do in return is point out that you wouldn't...or more likely, couldn't...wear the uniform.

Oh, but hey, thanks for playing in a USO band for the men and women you hold in such contempt because they did something you were afraid to do, Space-A.
Number of secret service agents who testified under oath and said Cassidy Hutchison was wrong: 0

Number of secret service agents who testified under oath and said there was a scuffle in the car: 1


“Both Bobby Engel, the lead agent, and the presidential limousine/SUV driver are prepared to testify under oath that neither man was assaulted and that Mr. Trump never lunged for the steering wheel,” Mr. Alexander posted on Twitter.

And obviously Hutchinson is lying because this was a full sized GMC Suburban.
That is 2 Secret Service testifying Hutchinson is lying.
Sorry, there Satanic Ivan, you are just deflecting and it's not working out so well. The Garland already announced that there was at least one Felony that can be brought up to Rump. And it looks like it's going to be a hell of a ride for many MAGA Domestic Terrorists and Traitors as well. Maybe the DOJ may get around to you.

No, by conducting the testimony in public, it has tainted the jury pool, so now no one can be charged with anything, (discussed in the public testimony).
Answer these question liberals:

Why haven't they let the other side ask questions?
Because it's a hearing, moron, not court.
Why do you fear them calling their own witnesses and asking their own questions?
See above, idiot.
It's like a grand jury, if you know what that is.
Why are you scared of letting the other side on the field?
ALL of them are, every one was Trump's own people, why didn't they defend him?
You know damn good and well they would tear your little narrative apart in 10 minutes. Is that what it is?
Then why didn't they?
Instead of testifying, they're part of the peanut gallery.

“Both Bobby Engel, the lead agent, and the presidential limousine/SUV driver are prepared to testify under oath that neither man was assaulted and that Mr. Trump never lunged for the steering wheel,” Mr. Alexander posted on Twitter.
IS "prepared' but hasn't testified.


Citing “a source close to the Secret Service,” NBC News White House reporter Peter Alexander said Tuesday evening that this didn’t happen.
Citing a "source", not an agent who was there?
And obviously Hutchinson is lying because this was a full sized GMC Suburban.
No, she didn't.
She repeated what Ornato said, not what vehicle, they were driving, not if Ornato's statement is true or not, only that the statement was made.
That is 2 Secret Service testifying Hutchinson is lying.

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