The “Bombshell”: President Trump reached for steering wheel of limo and fought with Secret Service Agents.

NO, there isn't you lying POS.
It's fucking hearsay from RWNJ's.
Why would Trump "offer" troops for just another of his pity rallies?

FOX "facts" are more fake than Trump's.
haha so now you have a problem with hearsay?
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You haven't actually shown something wasn't factual.
you are the one that said it wasn’t suppose to be factual

and that’s was your excuse for why the “committee” refuses fact witnesses and instead used people that testified about rumors they heard
you are the one that said it wasn’t suppose to be factual

and that’s was your excuse for why the “committee” refuses fact witnesses and instead used people that testified about rumors they heard

I never said it's not supposed to be factual. I said the event about Trump lunging for the steering wheel may not be factual. I didn't say Cassidy Hutchinson was not being factual in her testimony that Oranato told her Trump lunged for the wheel.
I never said it's not supposed to be factual. I said the event about Trump lunging for the steering wheel may not be factual. I didn't say Cassidy Hutchinson was not being factual in her testimony th
No one is saying that event was factual.

gotcha, so what events are suppose to be factual? what’s the point if some stuff is factual ans some not?
What hasn't been factual?
you tell me…clearly we can’t say what has or hasn’t been…as yoj said it doesn’t matter, hence why the “committee” has decided to call no fact witness to the show hearing, ans instead used folks that could only discuss rumors they heard
Yeah, testimony under oath vs hearsay in the RW "press" you choose to believe the press.

Of course, and you believe a "source" that said the Secret Service agent said Hutchinson was lying.

You regurgitate FOX, and Trump enough said, gas lighter.
You’re just an idiot. Piggy Cheney is running away from everything Hutchinson lied about (meaning the committee suborned perjury) already. The committee is too chicken to allow the agents who were there to testify . You just regurgitate CNN and MSNBC loser.
You're FOS, as usual.

March 1 2020
Former President Trump told Fox News late Sunday that he expressed concern over the crowd size near the Capitol days before last month's deadly riots and personally requested 10,000 National Guard troops be deployed in response.

February 4 2022
As he has done before, Sean Hannity claimed on Friday night that Donald Trump ordered 20,000 soldiers deployed to keep the peace in Washington in Jan. 6, 2021. However, he said, Speaker Nancy Pelosi declined them.

Pilosi can't refuse, what the president "ordered' you moron.

Stupid, lying, gullible Trumptard, just like your dear leader.
Showing that words confuse you again. Trump wanted to order troops to guard the Capitol. Order meaning request in this instance. Pisslosi denied security as stated by the former Capitol police chief.
you tell me…clearly we can’t say what has or hasn’t been…as yoj said it doesn’t matter, hence why the “committee” has decided to call no fact witness to the show hearing, ans instead used folks that could only discuss rumors they heard

So you can't cite anything. Thanks.
Showing that words confuse you again. Trump wanted to order troops to guard the Capitol. Order meaning request in this instance. Pisslosi denied security as stated by the former Capitol police chief.

Quote Pelosi denying such a request...
yeah we don’t know what is fact or truth because as you highlighted already the committee isn’t interested in facts


You're delusional. I highlighted no such thing and in fact, nothing has been proven to be false.

You're delusional. I highlighted no such thing and in fact, nothing has been proven to be false.
um you certainly did you said it in this thread. I’ve quoted you. You said it didn’t matter if what someone testified to was factual or not at these hearings
um you certainly did you said it in this thread. I’ve quoted you. You said it didn’t matter if what someone testified to was factual or not at these hearings
The committee has served its purpose: It got easily-manipulated leftist morons riled up, as we've seen in this thread.
why would there be an order for the guard if the folks at the capitol and the mayor refused?

geez you dembot cultist are dumb
No one in DC Metro, nor in the Capitol, can call up the DC National guard. The DCNG is under the full control and authority of the President of the U.S. All other State National Guard, the Governor of each state has full Authority.

Paperwork kiddo.... government bureaucracy..... The order for the DCNG to be called up, comes from the President, or from his designee..... There would be an order for it, for it to happen.

Allegedly, in a phone convo about something else with his admin, Trump allegedly made a 10 second comment about wanting his protester rally goers at the Ellipse, to be safe etc

Really? That's what you call Trump ordering 10,000 or 20,000 National Guard Troops? Seriously?

Dc national guard has less than 1500 men. Where did the Tens of thousands of other guards he allegedly wanted come from? Was there a request for the surrounding States for their guard and those governors agreed to send them?

Why would the capitol police and Pelosi and McConnell sergeant of arms make a decision about the National guard needed to protect Trump followers at the Ellipse, two miles away from the Capitol?

Why did Trump, illegally send his followers narching to the Capitol, when he asked for no permits for the march nor permits for a protest at the capitol? Why did he want and request his rally organizers to keep it a secret, until he announced it at the Ellipse speach?

Why didn't he call the guard in and anyone else needed, immediately upon the Capitol riot and break in? Why did he do NOTHING for hours and hours?

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