The Book of Mormon

The play "The Book of Mormon," which opened on Broadway Thursday night, has stirred up some controversy over its satirical approach to the Church of Latter Day Saints.

Written by the creators of South Park, Matt Stone and Trey Parker, "The Book of Mormon" examines blind belief in religion through a constant back-and-forth between fantasy and reality.

Read more: "The Book of Mormon" opens to controversy - Celebrity Circuit - CBS News
It's satire, written by the South Park guys. I think Romney's smart enough to realize it's not serious.

Unlike you. :lol:
The Mormons really do believe all that. That Jesus has his own planet, for instance, or that the Garden of Eden was in Missouri. God miraculously changed his mind about black people in 1978.
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Did you read Deans post? Didn't you find it offensive? Why pick on Mormons?

How was dean "picking on" Mormons?

You know this thread is about a Broadway musical, right? Called "The Book Of Mormon"?

It just won a bunch of Tonys last night. Rdean started a thread about how he thinks Mitt Romney would be upset about it. I don't see how that's "hating" Mormons.

The only "hate" in this thread has been people mocking rdean. (Which is justifiable, in this case).

It is an rdean thread, the last thing it is about is the Tony awards. I suggest you reread the OP paying attention to the the parts I bolded.

Just watched "I Believe" from the "Book of Mormon" on the Tony Awards.

This can't possibly be making Mitt Romney happy.

The song starts off with "What will this day be like? I wonder? What will my future be? I wonder? It could be so exciting, to be out in the world.....". Just like the song from the "Sound of Music". Then it goes off into Mormon beliefs. I thought the reference to blacks no longer having the "Mark of Cain" from the 70's was hilarious.

Mormons wouldn't let blacks into their church because they thought being black was the sign of the "Mark of Cain". God turned blacks, black because they are decedents of Cain who committed the "original sin" of murder.

When the Mormon Church was on the verge of losing their "tax exempt status", God sent a message that "black" isn't the mark of Cain. We don't know what it is, but it isn't that. Looks like God was "just in time".

As you can see it is plainly about mocking Mormons in general and Mitt Romney specifically. Most of the people who responded have, as you noticed, mocked rdean, mostly because we can see how pathetic rdean is in trying to tie Romney to beliefs he was not responsible for, and has, as far as I know, never expressed.

There's no question that rdean was attempting to bash Mitt Romney - and failing.

I was responding only to the poster who claimed this thread was full of "liberal morons" "hating" Mormons, it's more accurately full of people mocking rdean - which is just fine in my book.
Did you read Deans post? Didn't you find it offensive? Why pick on Mormons?

How was dean "picking on" Mormons?

You know this thread is about a Broadway musical, right? Called "The Book Of Mormon"?

It just won a bunch of Tonys last night. Rdean started a thread about how he thinks Mitt Romney would be upset about it. I don't see how that's "hating" Mormons.

The only "hate" in this thread has been people mocking rdean. (Which is justifiable, in this case).

It is an rdean thread, the last thing it is about is the Tony awards. I suggest you reread the OP paying attention to the the parts I bolded.

Just watched "I Believe" from the "Book of Mormon" on the Tony Awards.

This can't possibly be making Mitt Romney happy.

The song starts off with "What will this day be like? I wonder? What will my future be? I wonder? It could be so exciting, to be out in the world.....". Just like the song from the "Sound of Music". Then it goes off into Mormon beliefs. I thought the reference to blacks no longer having the "Mark of Cain" from the 70's was hilarious.

Mormons wouldn't let blacks into their church because they thought being black was the sign of the "Mark of Cain". God turned blacks, black because they are decedents of Cain who committed the "original sin" of murder.

When the Mormon Church was on the verge of losing their "tax exempt status", God sent a message that "black" isn't the mark of Cain. We don't know what it is, but it isn't that. Looks like God was "just in time".

As you can see it is plainly about mocking Mormons in general and Mitt Romney specifically. Most of the people who responded have, as you noticed, mocked rdean, mostly because we can see how pathetic rdean is in trying to tie Romney to beliefs he was not responsible for, and has, as far as I know, never expressed.

I agree with you on this..

Romney's religion should not be a litmus test for his ability to hold office.
I actually read part of the Book Of Moremoan a while back. Pretty funny stuff.

I missed the part about the password to get into heaven and the magic underwear though.

Joseph Smith had witnesses to the golden plates. Some of those witnesses later quit the church yet they NEVER recanted their witness of the Plates.
Sadly i do not know any Broadway religious satire of islam... guess they don't have a very good sense of humor.

This is the best i can do on short notice... play it with volume way up though!

hello infidel ringtone

movie 'the infidel'....about a muslim man who learns he was born jewish and adopted into a muslim family....

i dont think romney can be elected...i dont see the religious right going for a mormon.
The play "The Book of Mormon," which opened on Broadway Thursday night, has stirred up some controversy over its satirical approach to the Church of Latter Day Saints.

Written by the creators of South Park, Matt Stone and Trey Parker, "The Book of Mormon" examines blind belief in religion through a constant back-and-forth between fantasy and reality.

Read more: "The Book of Mormon" opens to controversy - Celebrity Circuit - CBS News
It's satire, written by the South Park guys. I think Romney's smart enough to realize it's not serious.

Unlike you. :lol:
The Mormons really do believe all that. That Jesus has his own planet, for instance, or that the Garden of Eden was in Missouri. God miraculously changed his mind about black people in 1978.

So, you think the South Park guys wrote a musical documentary? :lol:
Sadly i do not know any Broadway religious satire of islam... guess they don't have a very good sense of humor.

This is the best i can do on short notice... play it with volume way up though!

hello infidel ringtone

movie 'the infidel'....about a muslim man who learns he was born jewish and adopted into a muslim family....

i dont think romney can be elected...i dont see the religious right going for a mormon.
Why not? It may be out there on the east coast they are pariah. Here in Oregon they are quite common and no one pays much attention.

The problem for Romney and the right is he is too left to satisfy us. As for the religion part, that isn't a big deal.
The play "The Book of Mormon," which opened on Broadway Thursday night, has stirred up some controversy over its satirical approach to the Church of Latter Day Saints.

Written by the creators of South Park, Matt Stone and Trey Parker, "The Book of Mormon" examines blind belief in religion through a constant back-and-forth between fantasy and reality.

Read more: "The Book of Mormon" opens to controversy - Celebrity Circuit - CBS News
It's satire, written by the South Park guys. I think Romney's smart enough to realize it's not serious.

Unlike you. :lol:
who cares what rommey thinks his church is open to ridicule just like any other religion
The play "The Book of Mormon," which opened on Broadway Thursday night, has stirred up some controversy over its satirical approach to the Church of Latter Day Saints.

Written by the creators of South Park, Matt Stone and Trey Parker, "The Book of Mormon" examines blind belief in religion through a constant back-and-forth between fantasy and reality.

Read more: "The Book of Mormon" opens to controversy - Celebrity Circuit - CBS News
It's satire, written by the South Park guys. I think Romney's smart enough to realize it's not serious.

Unlike you. :lol:
who cares what rommey thinks his church is open to ridicule just like any other religion
Dean cares what Romney thinks, obviously. No doubt deanie is fervently combing the interwebs even as we speak looking for videos of Romney publicly and angrily denouncing the musical. :lol:
The play "The Book of Mormon," which opened on Broadway Thursday night, has stirred up some controversy over its satirical approach to the Church of Latter Day Saints.

Written by the creators of South Park, Matt Stone and Trey Parker, "The Book of Mormon" examines blind belief in religion through a constant back-and-forth between fantasy and reality.

Read more: "The Book of Mormon" opens to controversy - Celebrity Circuit - CBS News
It's satire, written by the South Park guys. I think Romney's smart enough to realize it's not serious.

Unlike you. :lol:
The Mormons really do believe all that. That Jesus has his own planet, for instance, or that the Garden of Eden was in Missouri. God miraculously changed his mind about black people in 1978.
well they some stupid beliefs same as any other religion
llke christians believing in a a virgin birth
like moslins thinking when they die they will have virgins waiting for them
like jews thinking they are the chosen ones
they all are good subjects for satire and ridicule lets have more of it
Why is it that the "Mormonism" of Mitt Romney seems to be a problem for socialist Democrats and left wing independents, but the "Mormonism" of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is OK? Oh! I think I know! Romney is a Republican and Reid is a Democrat. Sorry to bother you when I already knew the answer.
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Why is it that the "Mormonism" of Mitt Romney seems to be a problem for socialist Democrats and a left wing independents, but the "Mormonism" of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is OK? Oh! I think I know! Romney is a Republican and Reid is a Democrat. Sorry to bother you when I already knew the answer.

If the left didn't have double standards, they'd have no standards at all.
Why is it that the "Mormonism" of Mitt Romney seems to be a problem for socialist Democrats and left wing independents, but the "Mormonism" of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is OK? Oh! I think I know! Romney is a Republican and Reid is a Democrat. Sorry to bother you when I already knew the answer.

Ohh Perhaps because the right is so controlled by the pentecostals.
And the left does not care about religion as much as long as it stays out of govt.
The play "The Book of Mormon," which opened on Broadway Thursday night, has stirred up some controversy over its satirical approach to the Church of Latter Day Saints.

Written by the creators of South Park, Matt Stone and Trey Parker, "The Book of Mormon" examines blind belief in religion through a constant back-and-forth between fantasy and reality.

Read more: "The Book of Mormon" opens to controversy - Celebrity Circuit - CBS News
It's satire, written by the South Park guys. I think Romney's smart enough to realize it's not serious.

Unlike you. :lol:
The Mormons really do believe all that. That Jesus has his own planet, for instance, or that the Garden of Eden was in Missouri. God miraculously changed his mind about black people in 1978.
well they some stupid beliefs same as any other religion
llke christians believing in a a virgin birth
like moslins thinking when they die they will have virgins waiting for them
like jews thinking they are the chosen ones
they all are good subjects for satire and ridicule lets have more of it

Good post, the more we can mock religion out in the open, without hypersensitive people freaking out, the better it is for society.

I think de-sensitizing society is for the better, on all subjects.

Mormonism isn't any crazier than the more mainstream religions, it's just younger. When something has been crazy for 2000+ years, compared to another one only being crazy for 150+ years, humanity hasn't had enough time to become numb to it yet.

Being able to live inside a whale, your soul coming back in the form of giraffe or something, dozens of virgins waiting for you in Utopia etc, all these things become "uncrazy" with time.
Why is it that the "Mormonism" of Mitt Romney seems to be a problem for socialist Democrats and left wing independents, but the "Mormonism" of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is OK? Oh! I think I know! Romney is a Republican and Reid is a Democrat. Sorry to bother you when I already knew the answer.

You should take issue with everyone within your own party who won't vote for him because he's mormon.

I'm an independent, and a hardcore atheist, and the only politician I support is a hardcore Bible thumper to the point where he even denies basic science like evolution. Why? Because I don't give a damn about my bureacrat's religion if they do a good job in office.
The Mormons really do believe all that. That Jesus has his own planet, for instance, or that the Garden of Eden was in Missouri. God miraculously changed his mind about black people in 1978.
well they some stupid beliefs same as any other religion
llke christians believing in a a virgin birth
like moslins thinking when they die they will have virgins waiting for them
like jews thinking they are the chosen ones
they all are good subjects for satire and ridicule lets have more of it

Good post, the more we can mock religion out in the open, without hypersensitive people freaking out, the better it is for society.

I think de-sensitizing society is for the better, on all subjects.

Mormonism isn't any crazier than the more mainstream religions, it's just younger. When something has been crazy for 2000+ years, compared to another one only being crazy for 150+ years, humanity hasn't had enough time to become numb to it yet.

Being able to live inside a whale, your soul coming back in the form of giraffe or something, dozens of virgins waiting for you in Utopia etc, all these things become "uncrazy" with time.

Because, of course, being a dick about someone's beliefs is the best way to create a constructive dialogue.

There is a difference betweem criticism and parody, which are fine, and going out of your way to be a smarmy psuedo-intellctual jackass, which seems to be the method of choice for you more outspoken atheist types.

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