The Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act Redeux

Would you like to begin participating in this discussion, or are you going to keep trolling and trying to push it off the rails?

The OP derailed itself by having an utterly false premise to begin with.
The premise was that there is a bill called H.R. 3504, which was written and sponsored by Rep Franks of Arizona and is concerned with guaranteeing personhood to all born humans. It was passed by the House roughly a week ago with 74 votes and will soon be put before the Senate. Are you denying that part of that is factual?

This fake "law" is unconstitutional and is so vague that it could be used to indict someone for double parking outside a clinic.
Look, mamooth, you should generally read something before telling the world your opinion of its contents. We'll see what happens when it's put before the Senate.
The new law would go by a legal definition of life and not by general observation of course.

You could arrest people for farting. Doesn't mean it will happen.

So exactly who is going to make the determination when a doctor should have tried to save the spooge? Are we going to do biopsy of every aborted fetus to see if they took a breathe?

A fetus goes through 10,000 kinds of hell during a late abortion.

Not really. The methods are very quick and efficient.


In a just world, this clown would be picked up on the street. Taken to a secluded location, stripped of it's clothing and placed in a bladder, which is submerged in a tank of warm water. It would be fitted with a scuba regulator, with its hands and feet bound.

Down from the bag's orifice, an acid would be injected into the solution sufficient that such would quickly eat away at its skin, quickly making its way into it's body through the respective orifices of its anatomy.

Once this had been given sufficient time to work on the body, taking it beyond the means to do much but lay there in agony... a scissor would be inserted into the bladder, which would remove an arm, then a leg... then repeated on the other side... once all appendages were removed, the bladder would be pressurized, so that the subjects head was forced to through the bags orifice, where it would be asked if it was feeling any discomfort, by the 'Doctor' standing above him holding a large pair of scissors... .

Naturally, the exercise would require a cocktail of drugs to keep the subject conscious ... so that we could be sure that it experienced the entire exercise, giving it a solid chance to understand what it is advocating for HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF OTHERS... who unlike it... those hundreds of millions of innocent babies had never uttered an offensive word to anyone, had never caused anyone pain and had never offended anyone, in any way and in NO WAY do any of them deserve to have ass-hats like it, running around DEMANDING A RIGHT FOR THEIR OWN MOTHERS... To MURDER THEM!, in precisely the same way that it was being murdered.
The new law would go by a legal definition of life and not by general observation of course.

You could arrest people for farting. Doesn't mean it will happen.

So exactly who is going to make the determination when a doctor should have tried to save the spooge? Are we going to do biopsy of every aborted fetus to see if they took a breathe?

A fetus goes through 10,000 kinds of hell during a late abortion.

Not really. The methods are very quick and efficient.


In a just world, this clown would be picked up on the street. Taken to a secluded location, stripped of it's clothing and placed in a bladder, which is submerged in a tank of warm water. It would be fitted with a scuba regulator, with its hands and feet bound.

Down from the bag's orifice, an acid would be injected into the solution sufficient that such would quickly eat away at its skin, quickly making its way into it's body through the respective orifices of its anatomy.

Once this had been given sufficient time to work on the body, taking it beyond the means to do much but lay there in agony... a scissor would be inserted into the bladder, which would remove an arm, then a leg... then repeated on the other side... once all appendages were removed, the bladder would be pressurized, so that the subjects head was forced to through the bags orifice, where it would be asked if it was feeling any discomfort, by the 'Doctor' standing above him holding a large pair of scissors... .

Naturally, the exercise would require a cocktail of drugs to keep the subject conscious ... so that we could be sure that it experienced the entire exercise, giving it a solid chance to understand what it is advocating for HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF OTHERS... who unlike it... those hundreds of millions of innocent babies had never uttered an offensive word to anyone, had never caused anyone pain and had never offended anyone, in any way and in NO WAY do any of them deserve to have ass-hats like it, running around DEMANDING A RIGHT FOR THEIR OWN MOTHERS... To MURDER THEM!, in precisely the same way that it was being murdered.
Why continue playing into his agenda?
If you're not bright enough to be here, please leave.

I think you missed the point I was making. No one is having an abortion at 25 weeks.

For medical reason late terms are permitted. Women that find out they have cancer have to have an abortion before treatment can begin. Other illnesses can cause health complication from a pregnancy. When it risks the woman's life, the woman's life is priority, always.
If you're not bright enough to be here, please leave.

I think you missed the point I was making. No one is having an abortion at 25 weeks.

For medical reason late terms are permitted. Women that find out they have cancer have to have an abortion before treatment can begin. Other illnesses can cause health complication from a pregnancy. When it risks the woman's life, the woman's life is priority, always.

Which very few people are contesting.

What we are contesting is the use of Abortion as a means of late term birth control. Which happens regularly and which is an incomprehensible evil that must be stopped.
When it risks the woman's life, the woman's life is priority, always.

A lot of women disagree with you.

If the woman dies, so does the fetus. If the woman lives, she can adopt and in some cases even give birth later on.
Doctors will always try to save the woman first.

The Pre-born Baby is only inviable outside the mother's body up to about 21 weeks, so the 25 week premise provides a very high potential for the baby's survival outside of it's mother's body.
The new law would go by a legal definition of life and not by general observation of course.

You could arrest people for farting. Doesn't mean it will happen.

So exactly who is going to make the determination when a doctor should have tried to save the spooge? Are we going to do biopsy of every aborted fetus to see if they took a breathe?

A fetus goes through 10,000 kinds of hell during a late abortion.

Not really. The methods are very quick and efficient.


In a just world, this clown would be picked up on the street. Taken to a secluded location, stripped of it's clothing and placed in a bladder, which is submerged in a tank of warm water. It would be fitted with a scuba regulator, with its hands and feet bound.

Down from the bag's orifice, an acid would be injected into the solution sufficient that such would quickly eat away at its skin, quickly making its way into it's body through the respective orifices of its anatomy.

Once this had been given sufficient time to work on the body, taking it beyond the means to do much but lay there in agony... a scissor would be inserted into the bladder, which would remove an arm, then a leg... then repeated on the other side... once all appendages were removed, the bladder would be pressurized, so that the subjects head was forced to through the bags orifice, where it would be asked if it was feeling any discomfort, by the 'Doctor' standing above him holding a large pair of scissors... .

Naturally, the exercise would require a cocktail of drugs to keep the subject conscious ... so that we could be sure that it experienced the entire exercise, giving it a solid chance to understand what it is advocating for HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF OTHERS... who unlike it... those hundreds of millions of innocent babies had never uttered an offensive word to anyone, had never caused anyone pain and had never offended anyone, in any way and in NO WAY do any of them deserve to have ass-hats like it, running around DEMANDING A RIGHT FOR THEIR OWN MOTHERS... To MURDER THEM!, in precisely the same way that it was being murdered.

Wow, dude, you have some sick fantasies. Have you seen a shrink for your issues?
For medical reason late terms are permitted. Women that find out they have cancer have to have an abortion before treatment can begin. Other illnesses can cause health complication from a pregnancy. When it risks the woman's life, the woman's life is priority, always.

Not for Rightwingers like WhereIsMyBrain and PedroSanitaryPads. No, no, no. In their world, the fetus is paramount, and that woman is just some slutty breeding machine who should have thought twice before getting pregnant.

Forget that a second or third trimester abortion is only performed if the woman's life is in danger or the fetus is horribly deformed. The thought of women controlling their own hoo-has horrifies them.
Forget that a second or third trimester abortion is only performed if the woman's life is in danger or the fetus is horribly deformed. The thought of women controlling their own hoo-has horrifies them.

Those are lies. Late-term abortion kills perfectly formed fetuses, and they are performed solely to protect the health of the mother or other reasons also.

The Reality of Late-Term Abortion Procedures | Charlotte Lozier Institute

The actual number of surgical abortions performed after 20 weeks in the United States cannot be known due to a lack of national reporting. ...

For many years, abortion-rights advocates have asserted that abortions after 20 weeks are performed because of maternal health complications or lethal fetal anomalies discovered late in pregnancy.[8] However, wider data from both the medical literature and late-term abortion providers indicates that most late-term procedures are not performed for these reasons. Previous survey studies of late-term abortion patients have confirmed that most late-term abortions are performed because of a delay in pregnancy diagnosis and for reasons similar to those given by first-trimester abortion patients: financial stressors, relationship problems, education concerns or parenting challenges.​
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Forget that a second or third trimester abortion is only performed if the woman's life is in danger or the fetus is horribly deformed. The thought of women controlling their own hoo-has horrifies them.

Those are lies. Late-term abortion kills perfectly formed fetuses, and they are performed solely to protect the health of the mother also.
Acknowledging this damages his agenda so it cannot be true. That's the definition of delusion, yes, but it's also a pretty accurate description of most pro-choice factions at this point.

While we're still off topic, though, it'd be fun to point out that I'm only a right winger from the perspective of the furthest left you can go. The best conclusion I can come to is that I'm some form of radical centrist with socialism and the odd Catholic social doctrine thrown in. I still can't really explain how I came to the latter without being Catholic.
Forget that a second or third trimester abortion is only performed if the woman's life is in danger or the fetus is horribly deformed. The thought of women controlling their own hoo-has horrifies them.

Those are lies. Late-term abortion kills perfectly formed fetuses, and they are performed solely to protect the health of the mother or other reasons also.

The Reality of Late-Term Abortion Procedures | Charlotte Lozier Institute

The actual number of surgical abortions performed after 20 weeks in the United States cannot be known due to a lack of national reporting. ...

For many years, abortion-rights advocates have asserted that abortions after 20 weeks are performed because of maternal health complications or lethal fetal anomalies discovered late in pregnancy.[8] However, wider data from both the medical literature and late-term abortion providers indicates that most late-term procedures are not performed for these reasons. Previous survey studies of late-term abortion patients have confirmed that most late-term abortions are performed because of a delay in pregnancy diagnosis and for reasons similar to those given by first-trimester abortion patients: financial stressors, relationship problems, education concerns or parenting challenges.​

Late term are for medical reason. The woman's choice of abortion is before the 20th week.
A fetus goes through 10,000 kinds of hell during a late abortion.

Not really. The methods are very quick and efficient.

My guess is the abortionists keep some of their "methods" a secret, and I couldn't find any information on them. Maybe, someone else can.

Of course, you are callously oblivious to the suffering of the fetus which doesn't change the facts.

Feticide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists recommends feticide be performed "before medical abortion after 21 weeks and 6 days of gestation to ensure that there is no risk of a live birth".[13] In abortions after 20 weeks, an injection of digoxin or potassium chloride into the fetal heart to stop the fetal heart can be used to achieve feticide.
Late Term Abortion Procedure

Dilation and Extraction (D&X) is another late term abortion procedure. In a D&X, the abortionist dismembers the fetal part that has been pulled out of the vagina and removes it. The rest of the fetus stays in the uterus while dismemberment occurs.

Instillation abortion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Instillation abortion is a rarely used method of late term abortion, performed by injecting a solution into the uterus.


Instillation abortion is performed by injecting a chemical solution consisting of either saline, urea, or prostaglandin through the abdomen and into the amniotic sac. The cervix is dilated prior to the injection, and the chemical solution induces uterine contractions which expel the fetus.

Intact dilation and extraction - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Once the cervix is sufficiently dilated, the doctor uses an ultrasound and forceps to grasp the fetus's leg. The fetus is turned to a breech position, if necessary, and the doctor pulls one or both legs out of the cervix, which some refer to as "partial birth" of the fetus. The doctor subsequently extracts the rest of the fetus, leaving only the head still inside the uterus. An incision is made at the base of the skull, a blunt dissector (such as a Kelly clamp) is inserted into the incision and opened to widen the opening,[4] and then a suction catheter is inserted into the opening. The brain is suctioned out, which causes the skull to collapse and allows the fetus to pass more easily through the cervix.
Late term are for medical reason. The woman's choice of abortion is before the 20th week.

That is what they say, and they "produce" evidence of it, or there is some relatively minor health problem stated, but that doesn't expose the REAL reason the women has it.
Would you like to begin participating in this discussion, or are you going to keep trolling and trying to push it off the rails?

The OP derailed itself by having an utterly false premise to begin with.
The premise was that there is a bill called H.R. 3504, which was written and sponsored by Rep Franks of Arizona and is concerned with guaranteeing personhood to all born humans. It was passed by the House roughly a week ago with 74 votes and will soon be put before the Senate. Are you denying that part of that is factual?

This fake "law" is unconstitutional and is so vague that it could be used to indict someone for double parking outside a clinic.
Look, mamooth, you should generally read something before telling the world your opinion of its contents. We'll see what happens when it's put before the Senate.

The Senate isn't going to bring this to the floor because it lacks substance. If it does come to the floor it will be filibustered. If it manages to get around the filibuster it will be vetoed.

Your OP topic is a failure and your insistence upon beating a dead horse doesn't make it any less deceased.

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