The bottom half of Manchinema, Kyrsten Sinema Hits A Record 8% Approval Rating

I'm aware of her bribes, you call it "war chest".

She's being supported by 56 billionaires, yes, w/a "B", none of whom live in her state.

That should tell you how corrupt that scumbag is.
:link: could you cite (by name) just 10% (5) of these alleged "billionaires" ? and how much they "supported" her with>
I suppose in "Marc Land" it's fine for someone like George Soros to buy political races all across this country but AWFUL when 56 wealthy individuals see Sinema as something that the country needs to keep the far left's agenda in check? That's not "corruption", Marc...that's people spending money because they see the country they love in dire danger!
If that's the case they should be spending their money fighting white supremacy, so attacks on the nation's Capitol and even assorted state's Capitols, ie. Michigan aren't attacked by white supremacists and brushed under the table by the authorities.

It's America's biggest threat.
She isn't voted into office nationally...her chance for re election in AZ is 78%...she has support from across the political spectrum....Zonie's are not as dumb as you think....she will win re election and so will Manchin...
You forgot to tell MarcATL that he's an idiot.
:link: could you cite (by name) just 10% (5) of these alleged "billionaires" ? and how much they "supported" her with>
If I can provide this list for you, what are you willing to bet for? Willing to wager your membership on this site?
If that's the case they should be spending their money fighting white supremacy, so attacks on the nation's Capitol and even assorted state's Capitols, ie. Michigan aren't attacked by white supremacists and brushed under the table by the authorities.

It's America's biggest threat.
I thought Blacks breaking into electronics stores in Blue cities was America's biggest threat.
If that's the case they should be spending their money fighting white supremacy, so attacks on the nation's Capitol and even assorted state's Capitols, ie. Michigan aren't attacked by white supremacists and brushed under the table by the authorities.

It's America's biggest threat.
White supremacists are the biggest threat to America? Really, Marc? Who are you more likely to be shot by in 2022...a white supremacist...or a gang banger? Who's more likely to burn down your neighborhood in a protest turned riot...a far left anarchist or a white supremacist? (eye roll)
White supremacists are the biggest threat to America? Really, Marc? Who are you more likely to be shot by in 2022...a white supremacist...or a gang banger? Who's more likely to burn down your neighborhood in a protest turned riot...a far left anarchist or a white supremacist? (eye roll)
Marc has the IQ of a brussel sprout.
The filibuster is an ancient tradition no one has ever considered risking.
This is not the time to experiment with means of suppressing dissent.
Maybe she just has had a major, political change of heart. About 20 years ago, I also was a Green party member, and now am a Republican, having voted for Trump 3 times.
I'm aware of her bribes, you call it "war chest".

She's being supported by 56 billionaires, yes, w/a "B", none of whom live in her state.

That should tell you how corrupt that scumbag is.

If taking donations from billionaires that don't live in your state makes you a corrupt scumbag that doesn't belong in Congress ...
You could pretty much gut the entire House and Senate.

Glad to see you still support the janitor on the second floor though.
He's a pretty straight fellow from what I understand ... :thup:

Yep, she's on a roll folks...straight DOWN that is.

Is she going to run again, or she's going to do the expected money grab and cut and run to work directly for her donors?
8% approval from Democrats?

Welcome to the real world Kyrsten!
If that's the case they should be spending their money fighting white supremacy, so attacks on the nation's Capitol and even assorted state's Capitols, ie. Michigan aren't attacked by white supremacists and brushed under the table by the authorities.

It's America's biggest threat.
"White supremacists" is suitable for comic books. Black supremacy (CRT, Affirmative Action, America Rescue Plan, black judicial favoritism) is America's racial problem.

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