The Boys from Brazil - Rise of the Bolsonaros

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

Im not an expert on Brazilian politics so I found this doc quite interesting. It charts the rise of Brazils Trump from poverty to President via the army.

Bolsonaro is running for re-election and the stance of the film is that his victory would put the worlds climate at risk as well as Brazils tenuous grip on democracy.

Episode 1 gives the background of Brazils murky background including the military rule. Bolsonaro very much approved of martial law and as not impressed when democracy was introduced.

Further episodes covered his rise to power and his political philosophy which is basically culture wars.
His anti corruption stance has been damaged by scandals surrounding 2 of his sons.

The obvious comparison is with Trump and they share many traits. Nepotism, populism, opportunism and stupidity. Oh, and corruption.

Like Trump he is already questioning the result of the upcoming election and there are fears that he wont accept the result if he loses. Such is the fashion in banana republics.

Bannon makes an appearance to give Bolsonaro his full support. He makes a dick of himself by refusing to be interveiwed unless the camera crew remove their masks. Other contributors range from friends to former friends politicos and historians.

Its a BBC doc but is quite recent so may be available over there. Its a good primer to the current state of Brazil.

nb I found a lot of the subtitles unreadable as they were imposed on to the screen rather than on a black background. Annoying.
I was just going to say this is looking very interesting. And of are on the wrong side...soooooo, that tells me that I AM on the right side.

you should read this:


Im not an expert on Brazilian politics so I found this doc quite interesting. It charts the rise of Brazils Trump from poverty to President via the army.

Bolsonaro is running for re-election and the stance of the film is that his victory would put the worlds climate at risk as well as Brazils tenuous grip on democracy.

Episode 1 gives the background of Brazils murky background including the military rule. Bolsonaro very much approved of martial law and as not impressed when democracy was introduced.

Further episodes covered his rise to power and his political philosophy which is basically culture wars.
His anti corruption stance has been damaged by scandals surrounding 2 of his sons.

The obvious comparison is with Trump and they share many traits. Nepotism, populism, opportunism and stupidity. Oh, and corruption.

Like Trump he is already questioning the result of the upcoming election and there are fears that he wont accept the result if he loses. Such is the fashion in banana republics.

Bannon makes an appearance to give Bolsonaro his full support. He makes a dick of himself by refusing to be interveiwed unless the camera crew remove their masks. Other contributors range from friends to former friends politicos and historians.

Its a BBC doc but is quite recent so may be available over there. Its a good primer to the current state of Brazil.

nb I found a lot of the subtitles unreadable as they were imposed on to the screen rather than on a black background. Annoying.
It should also be a good primer to the rise of rightwing neo-fascism.
I'm so old I remember when a sick Progressive Jihadist tried to murder Bolsonaro.

Save the Climate, leave China alone, right?

Im not an expert on Brazilian politics so I found this doc quite interesting. It charts the rise of Brazils Trump from poverty to President via the army.

Bolsonaro is running for re-election and the stance of the film is that his victory would put the worlds climate at risk as well as Brazils tenuous grip on democracy.

Episode 1 gives the background of Brazils murky background including the military rule. Bolsonaro very much approved of martial law and as not impressed when democracy was introduced.

Further episodes covered his rise to power and his political philosophy which is basically culture wars.
His anti corruption stance has been damaged by scandals surrounding 2 of his sons.

The obvious comparison is with Trump and they share many traits. Nepotism, populism, opportunism and stupidity. Oh, and corruption.

Like Trump he is already questioning the result of the upcoming election and there are fears that he wont accept the result if he loses. Such is the fashion in banana republics.

Bannon makes an appearance to give Bolsonaro his full support. He makes a dick of himself by refusing to be interveiwed unless the camera crew remove their masks. Other contributors range from friends to former friends politicos and historians.

Its a BBC doc but is quite recent so may be available over there. Its a good primer to the current state of Brazil.

nb I found a lot of the subtitles unreadable as they were imposed on to the screen rather than on a black background. Annoying.

^ Supports recently minted billionaire Zelen$ky
Lula’s presidency saw rapid improvements in the Brazilian economy. So yeah, bring back Lula!

However, Lula’s first victory brought hope and important changes. Not of course any “socialist dictatorship.” The situation is far more dangerous and complex this time, and political violence from the right is likely.

Bolsonaro is indeed a threat. He is a demagogic rightwing populist like Trump. Hopefully he, like Trump, will lose power in the upcoming democratic election. But Brazil has experienced 20 years of horrid military dictatorship just in my own lifetime, plenty of corruption exists among its business elites and throughout society, it remains a deeply divided country, and more violence threatens.

Fortunately, Trump is not at this moment U.S. President … to give Bolsonaro and his campaign open support and State Department/CIA backing!


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