The brain hardwired to believe in God.

Of course I can... but i think providing links to current and historical prevalence of religion would an academic exercise. Beieve it or don't, up to you.

No, you can't. If you could, you would. The same functional advantages that existed 6000 years ago still exist today. You just don't have a fucking clue what they are.

Of course, the correct answer is, "we do not know". But, there are several proposals as to why. Clearly, some sort of selective force favored acceptance of religious belief.

You aren't even close. We know exactly what they are.

Yes, of course, I already covered that. Pay attention, you annoying twit!

You don't know the first thing about natural selection. If you did, you would understand why religion has been so prevalent throughout the history of mankind. Which you don't. I do. Suck on that.
The same functional advantages that existed 6000 years ago, still exist today.
False, as we are not subjected to the same selective forces we were as primitive people. Secular ideas like scientific enlightenment, reason-based morality, and secular government have slowly replaced many of the functions of religion.

Of course, delusion will ALWAYS be in vogue, so I don't see any of this magical bullshit disappearing for good anytime soon. ;)
How would you know? You have no idea what functional advantages believing in a higher power provides. You are ignorant on this subject. All you are doing is waving your arms. Your argument is all fur coat and no knickers.
How would you know? You have no idea what functional advantages believing in a higher power provides. You are ignorant on this subject. All you are doing is waving your arms. Your argument is all fur coat and no knickers.
Pot. Kettle. Black.
How would you know? You have no idea what functional advantages believing in a higher power provides. You are ignorant on this subject. All you are doing is waving your arms. Your argument is all fur coat and no knickers.
Pot. Kettle. Black.
Pot. Kettle. Black.

one's an atheist and the other a christian .... birds of a feather flock together.
The brain hardwired to believe in God

Sure. God put that wire there. Only atheists with bad wiring or some ego problem with accepting a higher power than themselves don't get it.
So god fucked up while wiring some people?

No. People fuck with the wiring all of the time in all your various institutions because they want to be separate from God. The greatest illusion in the world is the illusion that you are in charge of your own life.
I was just browsing recently and came across this interesting article I had never seen;

Why we are born to believe in God: It's wired into the brain, says psychologist | Daily Mail Online

I found it quite stimulating , it caused some thoughts. Did I believe in God, before I started believing in him? Was the perception of him just already there? The author made some interesting suggestions that seemed to match my personal experience in my life. I was aware of the other ways of influence of actually how one can " Learn about God", from parents, educational venues, peers and just naturally growing on in your life experiences with learning. But actually being born with belief patterns already there, I had not given much thought to it before.

The thought does cross a few biblical concepts, such as " Predestination" , and our destiny is a subject the bible certainly mentions. Its like " Presuppose", or to believe or suppose " In Advance." Interesting, almost like presuming before any evidence is involved. Its always better to go after evidence first, but between the ages of lets say 5 to 10 years old, who actually does that? I mean were just children, we don't know how to collect evidence just that well yet; and the evidence is not so clear on the topic to all any way.

We can then say the first humans who perceived there may be a God, that perception may have just already been " In them." And it just started coming out.

Being " Born that way", covers more than belief in God , there are many things we can accept that we were most likely born with. Its been proven some are born gay , or some with more emotional content in one area of their make up than another. Some seem born with much more talent in areas, or just something seems to have already been there.

I tell you, learning is just interesting.

Yes, there are several books on this subject of hardwired religion now --- and I have three of them, haven't read a one since I do believe this so it would be "preaching to the choir." I'd like to read ideas on WHY this happened: is it a side effect of the human organizing factor that we follow leaders? My idea. We quickly sort out who is a leader and follow. That's my best guess, anyway. That the idea of a meta-leader, an imaginary leader, floats up in our minds pretty readily.

I just finished playing Assassin's Creed: Origins, which goes pretty deeply into the death-ridden religious fervor in Roman-empire times Egypt. They did a good job of showing that the Egyptians really believed in all that jackal-headed God business, and the Greeks and Romans also in Egypt were equally fervent about their different gods.

It simply doesn't matter how silly the basis for the religion: Mormonism, for instance. It only matters that society reinforces the religion so it's respectable and supported to believe in it all, however weird. The society can be broad, as in Egypt, or Utah, or very restricted, as in early Christians at the same time as this game, which were essentially a small persecuted cult, too small to include.
The brain hardwired to believe in God

Sure. God put that wire there. Only atheists with bad wiring or some ego problem with accepting a higher power than themselves don't get it.
So god fucked up while wiring some people?

No. People fuck with the wiring all of the time in all your various institutions because they want to be separate from God. The greatest illusion in the world is the illusion that you are in charge of your own life.
So people who eat badly and get cancer aren't in charge of their own life?
The brain hardwired to believe in God

Sure. God put that wire there. Only atheists with bad wiring or some ego problem with accepting a higher power than themselves don't get it.
So god fucked up while wiring some people?

No. People fuck with the wiring all of the time in all your various institutions because they want to be separate from God. The greatest illusion in the world is the illusion that you are in charge of your own life.
So people who eat badly and get cancer aren't in charge of their own life?

You obviously don't understand and don't want to be in a position to understand, you take credit for all of the good things you do in life, then blame God for all of the bad things, or explain it as proof he is not there. People are unique in that they are given the choice to accept God or not. You've chosen the latter. Good luck with that.
The brain hardwired to believe in God

Sure. God put that wire there. Only atheists with bad wiring or some ego problem with accepting a higher power than themselves don't get it.
So god fucked up while wiring some people?

No. People fuck with the wiring all of the time in all your various institutions because they want to be separate from God. The greatest illusion in the world is the illusion that you are in charge of your own life.
So people who eat badly and get cancer aren't in charge of their own life?

You obviously don't understand and don't want to be in a position to understand, you take credit for all of the good things you do in life, then blame God for all of the bad things, or explain it as proof he is not there. People are unique in that they are given the choice to accept God or not. You've chosen the latter. Good luck with that.
No, I'm agnostic, I don't see that god has been proven either way yet, but am keeping an open mind in case real proof emerges some day. Do you have any proof of your god?
Sure. God put that wire there. Only atheists with bad wiring or some ego problem with accepting a higher power than themselves don't get it.
So god fucked up while wiring some people?

No. People fuck with the wiring all of the time in all your various institutions because they want to be separate from God. The greatest illusion in the world is the illusion that you are in charge of your own life.
So people who eat badly and get cancer aren't in charge of their own life?

You obviously don't understand and don't want to be in a position to understand, you take credit for all of the good things you do in life, then blame God for all of the bad things, or explain it as proof he is not there. People are unique in that they are given the choice to accept God or not. You've chosen the latter. Good luck with that.
No, I'm agnostic, I don't see that god has been proven either way yet, but am keeping an open mind in case real proof emerges some day. Do you have any proof of your god?

Yes, but God is not anything that you can hold out and show another. Nor can you rationalize his Being. You either find him (by His choice when he feels you are ready) or you don't. It starts with a sincere openness, desire and faith in wanting to approach Him, wanting something more than yourself, and that is something which comes from the heart, you either have it or you do not.
In my view, awareness of God has absolutely nothing to do with human choice , decision , or anything at all; I think its God who must move on the human consciousness first. Or we just don't yet get it, but we all will one day;

just not today.
The brain hardwired to believe in God

Sure. God put that wire there. Only atheists with bad wiring or some ego problem with accepting a higher power than themselves don't get it.
So god fucked up while wiring some people?

No. People fuck with the wiring all of the time in all your various institutions because they want to be separate from God. The greatest illusion in the world is the illusion that you are in charge of your own life.
So people who eat badly and get cancer aren't in charge of their own life?

I don't think people can get cancer from eating; I have cancer myself and none of the material they gave me suggested that. But they really did not nail down how it came to be in humanity, not that I have seen.
Sure. God put that wire there. Only atheists with bad wiring or some ego problem with accepting a higher power than themselves don't get it.
So god fucked up while wiring some people?

No. People fuck with the wiring all of the time in all your various institutions because they want to be separate from God. The greatest illusion in the world is the illusion that you are in charge of your own life.
So people who eat badly and get cancer aren't in charge of their own life?

You obviously don't understand and don't want to be in a position to understand, you take credit for all of the good things you do in life, then blame God for all of the bad things, or explain it as proof he is not there. People are unique in that they are given the choice to accept God or not. You've chosen the latter. Good luck with that.
No, I'm agnostic, I don't see that god has been proven either way yet, but am keeping an open mind in case real proof emerges some day. Do you have any proof of your god?

Some years ago I took a swipe at trying to prove God ; don't know how I did, but I still look at it from time to time. Here's some of the article I wrote, may give you some ideas;

Is God Real?
So god fucked up while wiring some people?

No. People fuck with the wiring all of the time in all your various institutions because they want to be separate from God. The greatest illusion in the world is the illusion that you are in charge of your own life.
So people who eat badly and get cancer aren't in charge of their own life?

You obviously don't understand and don't want to be in a position to understand, you take credit for all of the good things you do in life, then blame God for all of the bad things, or explain it as proof he is not there. People are unique in that they are given the choice to accept God or not. You've chosen the latter. Good luck with that.
No, I'm agnostic, I don't see that god has been proven either way yet, but am keeping an open mind in case real proof emerges some day. Do you have any proof of your god?

Yes, but God is not anything that you can hold out and show another. Nor can you rationalize his Being. You either find him (by His choice when he feels you are ready) or you don't. It starts with a sincere openness, desire and faith in wanting to approach Him, wanting something more than yourself, and that is something which comes from the heart, you either have it or you do not.
The Ukrainian immigrant, who lives in Russia and shits on Russia. Mom paid you for the Internet?


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