"The Brand is So Toxic". Democrats Fear Extinction in Rural US.

Exalted one like your Fuhrer Soros?

Only ONE group scapegoats a group of people based on race.
You Nazis always try to blame your victims for what you do.

You enslaved people - but now lie that it was really Republicans. You had your terrorist Ku Klux Klan rape, murder, and terrorize people (you still do, the KKK and BLM are the same group) but lie that it was really Republicans.

We just need to say no to your lies. You are evil fascists, racists, violent scumbags.

Hitler was a socialist who used hatred of a race to fuel his Reich. Just like you're a socialist who uses hatred of Der Juden - the whites, to fuel your filthy Reich.

You ARE a Nazi - everyone here, especially you, knows that well.

Thank you so much. I couldn't have asked for a more perfect example of the extreme end of the Absurdities I was talking about.

Keep up the good work.
Not at all. Those are code words used by the Neo-GOP wordsmiths on their constituents. They encapsulate the propagandists messages to his audience, the easily manipulated, who then feel empowered to use them in humorous and derogatory ways in all manner of communication, mostly to their friends. Thus the Cult self affirms the false narrative as fact among the Cult. It is not a technique limited to just the Neo-GOPeither.
Code words like " trickle down theory" , " I can see Russia from my house" , " drag a $5 dollar bill through a trailer park" those code words?
Code words like " trickle down theory" , " I can see Russia from my house" , " drag a $5 dollar bill through a trailer park" those code words?
Words, phrases.... yes. Our politics and culture is replete with it. "I created the internet" , "Let them eat cake"
Not at all. Those are code words used by the Neo-GOP wordsmiths on their constituents. They encapsulate the propagandists messages to his audience, the easily manipulated, who then feel empowered to use them in humorous and derogatory ways in all manner of communication, mostly to their friends. Thus the Cult self affirms the false narrative as fact among the Cult. It is not a technique limited to just the Neo-GOPeither.

So Woke was made up by the GOP? Is that your claim?

You've got your Reich, which leaves you no room for integrity.

Guess you lied again, Nazi.

You lie incessantly - you are a fucking Nazi and that's what you vermin do.

The next time you tell the truth about anything will be the first time, Nazi.
She was right. Jews are an ethnic group not a race. No critical thinking for you, aye, Mac.
Lol…she was so right, that she was immediately suspended, issued an apology, and was denounced by your masters….
Recently there seems to be an obsession with comparing current politicians to Hitler.

Such comparison are usually invalid and foolish.

Not so invalid:

  • democrats have a scapegoat based on race. Whites are the new "Juden."
  • democrats are collectivist, seeking control of the means of production by their Reich.
  • democrats are totalitarian. Well duh.
  • democrats supplant civil rights with group privilege
  • democrats eradicate the rule of law and create dictatorship based on the party
  • democrats forcibly suppress religion
  • democrats crush freedom of speech
  • democrats create a police state and "Roger Stone" enemies for even minor process crimes in order to create terror
Yeah sure, except no, most people don't believe that. It might have been a shock, but no doubt Lola was man.

Nazi please..

The Imaginary Cabal of Child Molesting Satan Worshipers says "Greetings Wacko"


Preach it Nazi

Yet the difference is woke and CRT is real
The words likely represent different things to the different audiences.

For example for me CRT is the real world study of the effects of the Golden Rule. The Light Skins from Europe had the Gold (and the technology) and thus made the Rules. The world we live in is a result of that. Teaching the history of how that happened is not CRT, imo.

I think I'm too old to be woke. Let me just say that I don't believe you can call your self a liberal and support and do illiberal things.
Jews still aren't a race. Hitler wasn't smart.

HItler, like Soros, was an evil pile of shit.

There is only one race, the human race. Whether Jews were biologically distinct from others was irrelevant to Hitler.

He sought a scapegoat, a focal point to focus hatred on. Just as you Soron Nazis do with whites. WHAT a tyrant focuses hate on is irrelevant, just as long as they can point to "them" as the source of all societal ills - as Nazi democrats do with Der Juden, the whites.

The Nazis under Soros were no different than the democrat Nazis are now. In 1930, Hitlers Nazis were just thug brown shirts pulling victims from cars the way BLM does today.

If democrats get enough power, they will advance to putting white people in death camps. democrats lack the power to have death camps, not the will.
The words likely represent different things to the different audiences.

For example for me CRT is the real world study of the effects of the Golden Rule. The Light Skins from Europe had the Gold (and the technology) and thus made the Rules. The world we live in is a result of that. Teaching the history of how that happened is not CRT, imo.

I think I'm too old to be woke. Let me just say that I don't believe you can call your self a liberal and support and do illiberal things.
But, you’ll still virtue signal your white guilt on this board won’t you?

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