"The Brand is So Toxic". Democrats Fear Extinction in Rural US.

If you look at Federal farm subsidies, they are listed by state, county and name. They are overwhelmingly Republican land owners who are paid not to plant. It's a form of price support.
Many of these things were started by politicians decades ago. Get rid of them than. Get rid of ethanol in gasoline also.
The democratic party of America can never go back to "normal", will never get a do over, and will never be forgiven by fully half the population of Americans. The democratic party has thrown its soul, lock, stock and barrel, in with the likes of such evil as mass infanticide, the abuse of women through transgender male worship, the destruction of the nuclear family, the butchering of the minds and bodies of children through the spread of transgender ideology, anti-Americanism, anti-Christian platforms, the intentional rebirth of racial tension, the championing of sadism and the full embrace of Satanism. The only chance the democrats have of clinging to power or gaining more is to change the whole system to serve their machinations, which they have been doing for decades. The democratic party has become the inhuman party.

Don't count on it. It's a two party system. Americans seem to forget how bad their party got before they lost the majority the last time. We're down to who doesn't suck as bad.

Republican voters have already forgotten how much the GOP spent in their last majority and how little anything conservative got done.
History dictates that the GOP will take the majority in the next midterm. They will keep it til a republican takes the white house in 2024. Two years of GOP control in the House, Senate and presidency.
Then republican voters will get tired of all the non conservative spending increases, repealing horrible democrat legislation and other issues. And the country will go back to democrat majorities.

170 years it's been this way. Why would it change now?
If you look at Federal farm subsidies, they are listed by state, county and name. They are overwhelmingly Republican land owners who are paid not to plant. It's a form of price support.
Also, Tanisha has 5 kids from different fathers and five abortions. No father figure for any of the kids. Why the subsidies for this also?
Many of these things were started by politicians decades ago. Get rid of them than. Get rid of ethanol in gasoline also.
Yep. They amount to billions of dollars. The programs that have helped rural farmers came out of FDR and the new deal. TV authority and new farming techniques to offset the hardships and failures of the dust bowl. Trump permanently destroyed US soybean farmers as soon as he took office. You should take a step back and look.
So you're saying the left gets manipulated/indoctrinated by woke and CRT and complain you can't do the same to the right?
Not at all. Those are code words used by the Neo-GOP wordsmiths on their constituents. They encapsulate the propagandists messages to his audience, the easily manipulated, who then feel empowered to use them in humorous and derogatory ways in all manner of communication, mostly to their friends. Thus the Cult self affirms the false narrative as fact among the Cult. It is not a technique limited to just the Neo-GOPeither.
That way when the Exalted one orders you to put those absurdly inhuman souls into the gas chambers, you'll do so with a calm joyful satisfaction in your heart, wontcha?

Exalted one like your Fuhrer Soros?

Only ONE group scapegoats a group of people based on race.
You Nazis always try to blame your victims for what you do.

You enslaved people - but now lie that it was really Republicans. You had your terrorist Ku Klux Klan rape, murder, and terrorize people (you still do, the KKK and BLM are the same group) but lie that it was really Republicans.

We just need to say no to your lies. You are evil fascists, racists, violent scumbags.

I'd tell ya to say hello to Hitler's Henchmen in Hell, if I believed in such a place,

Hitler was a socialist who used hatred of a race to fuel his Reich. Just like you're a socialist who uses hatred of Der Juden - the whites, to fuel your filthy Reich.

You ARE a Nazi - everyone here, especially you, knows that well.
Exalted one like your Fuhrer Soros?

Only ONE group scapegoats a group of people based on race.
You Nazis always try to blame your victims for what you do.

You enslaved people - but now lie that it was really Republicans. You had your terrorist Ku Klux Klan rape, murder, and terrorize people (you still do, the KKK and BLM are the same group) but lie that it was really Republicans.

We just need to say no to your lies. You are evil fascists, racists, violent scumbags.

Hitler was a socialist who used hatred of a race to fuel his Reich. Just like you're a socialist who uses hatred of Der Juden - the whites, to fuel your filthy Reich.

You ARE a Nazi - everyone here, especially you, knows that well.
Jews still aren't a race. Hitler wasn't smart.

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