"The Brand is So Toxic". Democrats Fear Extinction in Rural US.

The Hatred for Democrats in Rural America Has Reached Biblical Levels

'I Feel Like We're on the Run'

17 Feb 2022 ~~ By Matt Vespa
Well, this isn’t exactly a new story. The bleeding has been occurring for years, and Democrats have ignored it. It reached critical levels under Obama, where state party apparatuses truly withered away and died. Hillary Clinton pledged to fix that in 2016 but she lost the election. In the age-old debate about the allocation of outreach resources, the Left could have done what they should have which is double-down on rural white working-class voters or go all-in on the urban-based elites. The Democrats decided to do the latter. Four years later, Democrats saw their hopes of a huge House majority die thanks to their failure to reach out to people who aren’t unhinged ‘woke’ progressives from the cities. Trump lost, but Republicans made big gains in the House—whittling down the Democratic majority to just four seats.
Again, will Democrats try and right the ship. They’ve had years to do so, and they haven’t done it. They can’t do it, frankly. The money and the activist pool are all centered around the ‘woke’ slice of the Democratic base. That also poses another problem for the Left. White progressives are starting to take over the messaging as they fill the coffers at the expense of black and other nonwhite voters who have been loyal party voters for decades. Money talks. Also, nonwhite voters are not as intense when it comes to…almost every issue. On racial resentment issues especially, nonwhite voters are very different from their white progressive allies in the sense that they know and acknowledge progress. Sure, more work needs to be done, but white ‘woke’ liberals only see Apartheid South Africa in everything. Disagreement is not accepted. It’s considered enabling evil. How do you craft a successful messaging with that mindset? You can’t.

Odd, why are there numerous videos on youtube alone showing Progressive Maoist/DSA Democrat Antifa/BLM supporters chasing and beating Trump supporters. One of the worst is when the young boy was chased down and beaten during a protest.
Then there's the factual evidence showing that PM/DSA Democrats continually and intentionally increased the taxes, cost of food, gas, electricity and flout immigration laws, human trafficking, smuggling of opioids using fear mongering and draconian methods. Meanwhile, they believe Americans should love and thank them for it.
Even with all the cheating and fraud produced and directed by the lying deceitful PM/DSA Democrats, it’s a safe bet they will be beaten badly come the November midterm elections.
That's bullshit.
Rural areas always lean towards Republican
Genuine democrats rarely change their mind even after trump screwed the arse out of farmers with his tariffs.
But drumming up support for trump isn't illegal.
Because the majority of voters threw him out and you attempting to reverse their votes with propaganda, is stupid.
Most American farmers are republicans and hate those communist democrats. But the irony is they take the biggest portion of subsidies if any individuals in America.
That's socialism. The same socialism they all hate.
The hypocrisy is breathtaking.
Don't post your shit on here with research son.
Recently there seems to be an obsession with comparing current politicians to Hitler.

Such comparison are usually invalid and foolish.

True enough. However, even Hitler was the answer to a desperate enough people's prayers, as sick as that sounds. Such levels of desperation are running rampant again, both here in America and in other First World nations around the globe. For two years Western governments have tightened the authoritarian noose around all our necks, with zero slack in sight. For decades radical woke Leftists and their cult voters have forced sheer madness down Americans' throats to the point where many Americans no longer understand up from down, right from wrong. All it will take for good Americans to vote in a tyrant is the rise of the right man or woman who promises and can demonstrate the ability to make it all better, make it all go away. One way or another, we are very likely sitting on the eve of an American dictatorship. In order to banish one great evil, we very well could choose evil in some other form.
When pushed far enough people tend to break, eventually. Your vainglorious American political Left has been pushing the American people for over a century, testing their boundaries, attacking their most hallowed culture, attempting to convince them that the very bedrock of America's construction is faulty and stands upon a bed of lies. Perhaps your heroes might have pulled it off too, had they not come for our children. Good, patriotic, Christian, devoted Americans have reached their breaking point. Your side has driven them too it. Sooner or later the democrats, the woke, the wicked and the just plain stupidly evil will reap a very terrible whirlwind. History will cycle again, and the shoe will be on the opposite foot, the boot on the opposite neck.

At present your political party is engaged in a state of constant damage control, ceaselessly feeding misinformation to the American people, all in hopes of delaying the inevitable, which will come in the form of mass violent revolt or the election of a tyrant who will rid the earth of radical leftist evil; the swapping of one evil for another. So it goes. It is what it is.

You've been pushed over the edge and have lost grip with reality, The Rabid Right talking points have become an absurd psychotic reality for you. haven' they?

"You believe things that are incomprehensible, inconsistent, impossible because we have commanded you to believe them; go then and do what is injust because we command it. Such people show admirable reasoning. Truly, whoever can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. If the God‐given understanding of your mind does not resist a demand to believe what is impossible, then you will not resist a demand to do wrong to that God‐given sense of justice in your heart. As soon as one faculty of your soul has been dominated, other faculties will follow as well. And from this derives all those crimes of religion which have overrun the world."

Recently there seems to be an obsession with comparing current politicians to Hitler.

Such comparison are usually invalid and foolish.
Adding Nazi'ism to every group you hate was the Rabid Right Saint Rushbo's contribution to the current mainstream Neo-GOP's vernacular. But remember Hitler, like all cult leaders, had many henchmen who unwittingly carried out the will of their great leader. If there is a place for them in the afterlife..........
So you think Democrats need forgiveness? What about accountability?
NEED forgiveness. No. Not even if they think they deserve it. I want revenge.

One thing that democrats are just beginning to recognize is how much hatred has built up against them. They think it's only in rural areas. That would be wrong, it's everywhere.

The Hatred for Democrats in Rural America Has Reached Biblical Levels

'I Feel Like We're on the Run'

17 Feb 2022 ~~ By Matt Vespa
Well, this isn’t exactly a new story. The bleeding has been occurring for years, and Democrats have ignored it. It reached critical levels under Obama, where state party apparatuses truly withered away and died. Hillary Clinton pledged to fix that in 2016 but she lost the election. In the age-old debate about the allocation of outreach resources, the Left could have done what they should have which is double-down on rural white working-class voters or go all-in on the urban-based elites. The Democrats decided to do the latter. Four years later, Democrats saw their hopes of a huge House majority die thanks to their failure to reach out to people who aren’t unhinged ‘woke’ progressives from the cities. Trump lost, but Republicans made big gains in the House—whittling down the Democratic majority to just four seats.
Again, will Democrats try and right the ship. They’ve had years to do so, and they haven’t done it. They can’t do it, frankly. The money and the activist pool are all centered around the ‘woke’ slice of the Democratic base. That also poses another problem for the Left. White progressives are starting to take over the messaging as they fill the coffers at the expense of black and other nonwhite voters who have been loyal party voters for decades. Money talks. Also, nonwhite voters are not as intense when it comes to…almost every issue. On racial resentment issues especially, nonwhite voters are very different from their white progressive allies in the sense that they know and acknowledge progress. Sure, more work needs to be done, but white ‘woke’ liberals only see Apartheid South Africa in everything. Disagreement is not accepted. It’s considered enabling evil. How do you craft a successful messaging with that mindset? You can’t.

Odd, why are there numerous videos on youtube alone showing Progressive Maoist/DSA Democrat Antifa/BLM supporters chasing and beating Trump supporters. One of the worst is when the young boy was chased down and beaten during a protest.
Then there's the factual evidence showing that PM/DSA Democrats continually and intentionally increased the taxes, cost of food, gas, electricity and flout immigration laws, human trafficking, smuggling of opioids using fear mongering and draconian methods. Meanwhile, they believe Americans should love and thank them for it.
Even with all the cheating and fraud produced and directed by the lying deceitful PM/DSA Democrats, it’s a safe bet they will be beaten badly come the November midterm elections.

As I have said, this is not just a political reckoning. The Left has lost the culture. And now look, even The Daily Beast agrees.

* The Democratic party was never really a threat to anybody until the Clintons got into the White House. They are "The Beast" (if you want to talk biblical terms here). They changed the entire DNC, turning it into something more corrupt, more vile, more toxic, and more deadly than anybody could know. And they continually get more evil, violent, and deadly every year.

* Youtube had many videos from ex-Clinton employees, spilling their guts about how violent and deadly the Clintons are, especially Hitlery. It was no secret in the private world of the Clintions, that Hitlery "disappeared" ANYONE she thought was a fly in her soup.
And apparently these brave ex-employees have all been "disappeared" as well, as their videos no longer exist on Youtube.............and if I were to make a guess, neither do they.

* The Clintons turned as many Republicans into moles as they could........like the Bushes. Anybody cosying up to the Clintons under their "umbrella" are protected. Anybody that they think gets in their way, seeming disappears off this planet in a short period of time.

* Hitlery didn't win the presidential race and lost to Trump. Of course they cannot DO anything to Trump, without outing themselves for what they truly are, since Trump is a huge personality and brand name. So they use their corruption and Hitlery handedness to threaten, cajole, canive, coerce, and outright death-threat companies and people to create scenarios for them to win any way possible. We've all seen it happen, and continue to see it happen.

* There ARE some Democrats left from the "old ways" (pre-Clintons), that still believe in people first, government second. But they are part of the "disappearing" group of those DNC members that are either distancing themselves from the Despicable Dems or they have changed parties.

* Todays Democrats are evil, vile, despicable, and psychotically deranged murderous lunatics, hellbent on destroying all those that get in their way, on a massive scale.

* There were also many videos on Youtube about children who were attacked by Democrats
or their spawns of evil, who put kids into hospitals, as well as older people......just because of a hat, Tshirt, or flag. And yet, these people are not arrested, convicted, or sentenced with hate crimes, aggravated assault, or bodily harm to minors. This in itself should be proof positive to even the most mentally deficient fuktard, that the Democrats run this country, with their evil tentacles getting into everything.

* Again, in biblical terms here..............if you want to destroy The Beast........the only way to do that is to slay it.............as David did with Goliath. But this beast has many heads.......Clintons, Bushes, Obamas, Bidens, Pelosi's, Schumers, Soros, Gates, etc....and it will take a LOT of Davids to destroy these Goliaths.

The Hatred for Democrats in Rural America Has Reached Biblical Levels

'I Feel Like We're on the Run'

17 Feb 2022 ~~ By Matt Vespa
Well, this isn’t exactly a new story. The bleeding has been occurring for years, and Democrats have ignored it. It reached critical levels under Obama, where state party apparatuses truly withered away and died. Hillary Clinton pledged to fix that in 2016 but she lost the election. In the age-old debate about the allocation of outreach resources, the Left could have done what they should have which is double-down on rural white working-class voters or go all-in on the urban-based elites. The Democrats decided to do the latter. Four years later, Democrats saw their hopes of a huge House majority die thanks to their failure to reach out to people who aren’t unhinged ‘woke’ progressives from the cities. Trump lost, but Republicans made big gains in the House—whittling down the Democratic majority to just four seats.
Again, will Democrats try and right the ship. They’ve had years to do so, and they haven’t done it. They can’t do it, frankly. The money and the activist pool are all centered around the ‘woke’ slice of the Democratic base. That also poses another problem for the Left. White progressives are starting to take over the messaging as they fill the coffers at the expense of black and other nonwhite voters who have been loyal party voters for decades. Money talks. Also, nonwhite voters are not as intense when it comes to…almost every issue. On racial resentment issues especially, nonwhite voters are very different from their white progressive allies in the sense that they know and acknowledge progress. Sure, more work needs to be done, but white ‘woke’ liberals only see Apartheid South Africa in everything. Disagreement is not accepted. It’s considered enabling evil. How do you craft a successful messaging with that mindset? You can’t.

Odd, why are there numerous videos on youtube alone showing Progressive Maoist/DSA Democrat Antifa/BLM supporters chasing and beating Trump supporters. One of the worst is when the young boy was chased down and beaten during a protest.
Then there's the factual evidence showing that PM/DSA Democrats continually and intentionally increased the taxes, cost of food, gas, electricity and flout immigration laws, human trafficking, smuggling of opioids using fear mongering and draconian methods. Meanwhile, they believe Americans should love and thank them for it.
Even with all the cheating and fraud produced and directed by the lying deceitful PM/DSA Democrats, it’s a safe bet they will be beaten badly come the November midterm elections.
Lolol. Look who's pushing the latest crap.

The Hatred for Democrats in Rural America Has Reached Biblical Levels

'I Feel Like We're on the Run'

17 Feb 2022 ~~ By Matt Vespa
Well, this isn’t exactly a new story. The bleeding has been occurring for years, and Democrats have ignored it. It reached critical levels under Obama, where state party apparatuses truly withered away and died. Hillary Clinton pledged to fix that in 2016 but she lost the election. In the age-old debate about the allocation of outreach resources, the Left could have done what they should have which is double-down on rural white working-class voters or go all-in on the urban-based elites. The Democrats decided to do the latter. Four years later, Democrats saw their hopes of a huge House majority die thanks to their failure to reach out to people who aren’t unhinged ‘woke’ progressives from the cities. Trump lost, but Republicans made big gains in the House—whittling down the Democratic majority to just four seats.
Again, will Democrats try and right the ship. They’ve had years to do so, and they haven’t done it. They can’t do it, frankly. The money and the activist pool are all centered around the ‘woke’ slice of the Democratic base. That also poses another problem for the Left. White progressives are starting to take over the messaging as they fill the coffers at the expense of black and other nonwhite voters who have been loyal party voters for decades. Money talks. Also, nonwhite voters are not as intense when it comes to…almost every issue. On racial resentment issues especially, nonwhite voters are very different from their white progressive allies in the sense that they know and acknowledge progress. Sure, more work needs to be done, but white ‘woke’ liberals only see Apartheid South Africa in everything. Disagreement is not accepted. It’s considered enabling evil. How do you craft a successful messaging with that mindset? You can’t.

Odd, why are there numerous videos on youtube alone showing Progressive Maoist/DSA Democrat Antifa/BLM supporters chasing and beating Trump supporters. One of the worst is when the young boy was chased down and beaten during a protest.
Then there's the factual evidence showing that PM/DSA Democrats continually and intentionally increased the taxes, cost of food, gas, electricity and flout immigration laws, human trafficking, smuggling of opioids using fear mongering and draconian methods. Meanwhile, they believe Americans should love and thank them for it.
Even with all the cheating and fraud produced and directed by the lying deceitful PM/DSA Democrats, it’s a safe bet they will be beaten badly come the November midterm elections.

The moderate democrats let the radical progressives go to far. Pelosi use to keep these people on a tight leash. But after the 2016 nomination was discovered to be rigged in favor of Hillary, Pelosi allowed the radical progressives to do as they wish, in order to keep democrat voters. Rigging the nomination pissed a lot of democratic voters off.
It's a decision now, i'm sure she regrets. But it's too late.
The RP (radical progressives), wokers, blm and the other hate groups that have spawned since the Clinton nomination, have done their damage.
They have assaulted whites in all parties. White shaming became the new fad. And RP's didn't care that some of the whites they were shaming, were members of their own party. It get's a little old being called a racist just because you're white.

I'm not sure how many seats are going to be open in the coming mid term. I heard there's like 30 democrats who are getting out of politics, or abandoning their congressional race for some other position.
And considering the three school council members in SF that just got ousted, and for the reasons they were ousted, maybe even parts of California could become at least purple.
That's bullshit.
Rural areas always lean towards Republican
Genuine democrats rarely change their mind even after trump screwed the arse out of farmers with his tariffs.
But drumming up support for trump isn't illegal.
Because the majority of voters threw him out and you attempting to reverse their votes with propaganda, is stupid.
Most American farmers are republicans and hate those communist democrats. But the irony is they take the biggest portion of subsidies if any individuals in America.
That's socialism. The same socialism they all hate.
The hypocrisy is breathtaking.
Don't post your shit on here with research son.
So, you admit to socialism in a capitalist society. An evil capitalist society that has no socialism by Prog dictums. Prog shills bring up so many ways of we have no socialism. Nada.
So, you admit to socialism in a capitalist society. An evil capitalist society that has no socialism by Prog dictums. Prog shills bring up so many ways of we have no socialism. Nada.
If you look at Federal farm subsidies, they are listed by state, county and name. They are overwhelmingly Republican land owners who are paid not to plant. It's a form of price support.

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