"The Brand is So Toxic". Democrats Fear Extinction in Rural US.

Biden was a moron BEFORE he became senile, Surada! Now he's a doddering buffoon prone to farting at inopportune times! Genius? (eye roll)
And he kicked Trump's ass. I mean .... in the words of Michel Chabon, "every morning I wake to the thought of Trump being taken from white house on a gurney." LOL

"Forget it! Forget the panic we fomented for years--we didn't mean it! Forget it and Vote Dem again! Pleeeeaaase oh pretty please???"
That guy gaslights like he trained under Jen Psaki. He says things in different threads that completely contradict each other, probably just to get a rise out of people. He's like a much less entertaining basquebromance, not to be taken seriously.
This ^ kind of flaming disinformation is why dems are fearful of a red wave and frankly...populist revenge for the Party of BLM and Antifa..

You poor thing.

FOX has brainwashed beyond any hope of recovery. All you can do now is cower at home, terrrifed of the BLM/antifa bogeymen that your cult masters have ordered you to be afraid of.

No, we can't save you. You don't even reside in this reality any more, so there's no way to reach you. You'll spend the rest of your life as a terrified cultist, always on your knees begging your masters to save you from the terrors they created.
There are more people in the urban and suburban areas. People vote. Land doesn't vote.
Attitudes like this are what make you people unelectable....With what you people have done to the urban areas, people are moving to the country, and they vote too....You'll see...
You realize most of those were legit and were heavily researched FOR YEARS. But oh, not the precious mRNA Covid vaccines, nope.
Actually, they've been worked on since the 1960s. Your cult didn't want you to know that, so you don't know it. That's why you know almost nothing about the actual topic, and why almost everything you say is the exact opposite of reality.

We were in a full scale Moral Panic, so hide the data, get those shots in arms. Well, they didn't work, and that's just for starters. Now we get to the see the ramifications BEYOND blood clots and myocarditis. Won't be pretty. But you were warned. **shrug**

Your death cult was screaming those predictions a year ago. None of them have panned out.

How many years will it take before you admit you were totally and laughably wrong on every count, and that your crap pseudoscience helped kill thousands?

I know the answer to that is "never". When the data fails to materialize, you'll just claim the data is being covered up. Because cult.

PS It mostly won't be in older people, but in the young who were made to vaccinate to attend college and play sports. Say, after finding out the vaccines made them miscarry, have blood clots, gave them autoimmune issues and other problems, you think they'll be hot to vote Democrat?
Back in reality, COVID deaths are about 75% R / 25% D. Your death cult's murderous stupidity is giving democrats a vote advantage of hundreds of thousands. It will be interesting to see how many close races that swings.

It's pretty saintly of us to try to stop that, I must say. If we were just being practical, we'd encourage you imbeciles to keep offing yourselves, instead of working to save you.
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Interesting fact: The moderate rise in violent crime is pretty consistent over the whole USA, over both urban and rural regions, blue states and red states.

Thus, anyone trying to blamed one party for it would come across as wildly stupid, dishonest and partisan.

Thus, all the Trumptards do it.
Interesting fact: The moderate rise in violent crime is pretty consistent over the whole USA, over both urban and rural regions, blue states and red states.

Thus, anyone trying to blamed one party for it would come across as wildly stupid, dishonest and partisan.

Thus, all the Trumptards do it.
you are seriously a god damned moron.
The leftwing media seemingly has no clue why this would be. But Democrats, they say, are desperate for answers. It never occurs to them that stealing an election from their candidate might make rural voters exceedingly upset. No, the Marxist AP chalks it up to simple racism. These are white people after all. Quoting one of the few Democrat residents of Clarion, PA:

"22-year-old college student Eugenia Barboza, said the cafe is one of the few places in town she feels safe as a Latina immigrant. Just down the road, she said, a caravan of Trump supporters met up to drive to the deadly protests in Washington on Jan. 6, 2021."

Yeah, just a bunch of racist gun-totin' rednecks ready to pounce on any minority and overthrow the country. I notice AP didn't interview a single Republican to actually ask their point of view. Instead they talked only to Democrats, then went to the usual Marxist talking points. So much for journalistic digging for the truth. I can offer another reason rural people despise the left: hateful biased articles like this one.

I guess these snowflake democrats haven't heard that you reap what you sow. Five solid years of left wing hatred of conservatives 24/7 has a way of turning people away.
I guess these snowflake democrats haven't heard that you reap what you sow. Five solid years of left wing hatred of conservatives 24/7 has a way of turning people away.
"Now look what you made me do!"
-- The excuse of every PoS domestic abuser after they get violent.

Of course the right embraces a "blame-the-victims for our violence" philosophy. They always have. The only change is how open they've become about it.
What an ignorant post. Be sure to check in after election day this year.
How well the dems do in the midterms depends on how much Eric Holder's "Sue to Blue" scheme to sue until dems get districts redrawn to their liking and how much they can cheat. Poll numbers put the Biden administration's hard support in the low thirties; keeping the loyalty of only their far left base apologists who reside mostly on twitter and political forums.
This ^ kind of willful ignorance is another reason dems will lose this Fall,
Good that will remind the country how inept the Neo-GOP are and how corrupt they act when in power. Just in time for 2024. But I think all those good people in the country will come to their sense and see the vile corrupt nature of the Neo-GOP this fall.
Good that will remind the country how inept the Neo-GOP are and how corrupt they act when in power. Just in time for 2024. But I think all those good people in the country will come to their sense and see the vile corrupt nature of the Neo-GOP this fall.
You're so funny.

The Hatred for Democrats in Rural America Has Reached Biblical Levels

'I Feel Like We're on the Run'

17 Feb 2022 ~~ By Matt Vespa
Well, this isn’t exactly a new story. The bleeding has been occurring for years, and Democrats have ignored it. It reached critical levels under Obama, where state party apparatuses truly withered away and died. Hillary Clinton pledged to fix that in 2016 but she lost the election. In the age-old debate about the allocation of outreach resources, the Left could have done what they should have which is double-down on rural white working-class voters or go all-in on the urban-based elites. The Democrats decided to do the latter. Four years later, Democrats saw their hopes of a huge House majority die thanks to their failure to reach out to people who aren’t unhinged ‘woke’ progressives from the cities. Trump lost, but Republicans made big gains in the House—whittling down the Democratic majority to just four seats.
Again, will Democrats try and right the ship. They’ve had years to do so, and they haven’t done it. They can’t do it, frankly. The money and the activist pool are all centered around the ‘woke’ slice of the Democratic base. That also poses another problem for the Left. White progressives are starting to take over the messaging as they fill the coffers at the expense of black and other nonwhite voters who have been loyal party voters for decades. Money talks. Also, nonwhite voters are not as intense when it comes to…almost every issue. On racial resentment issues especially, nonwhite voters are very different from their white progressive allies in the sense that they know and acknowledge progress. Sure, more work needs to be done, but white ‘woke’ liberals only see Apartheid South Africa in everything. Disagreement is not accepted. It’s considered enabling evil. How do you craft a successful messaging with that mindset? You can’t.

Odd, why are there numerous videos on youtube alone showing Progressive Maoist/DSA Democrat Antifa/BLM supporters chasing and beating Trump supporters. One of the worst is when the young boy was chased down and beaten during a protest.
Then there's the factual evidence showing that PM/DSA Democrats continually and intentionally increased the taxes, cost of food, gas, electricity and flout immigration laws, human trafficking, smuggling of opioids using fear mongering and draconian methods. Meanwhile, they believe Americans should love and thank them for it.
Even with all the cheating and fraud produced and directed by the lying deceitful PM/DSA Democrats, it’s a safe bet they will be beaten badly come the November midterm elections.

The Hatred for Democrats in Rural America Has Reached Biblical Levels

'I Feel Like We're on the Run'

17 Feb 2022 ~~ By Matt Vespa
Well, this isn’t exactly a new story. The bleeding has been occurring for years, and Democrats have ignored it. It reached critical levels under Obama, where state party apparatuses truly withered away and died. Hillary Clinton pledged to fix that in 2016 but she lost the election. In the age-old debate about the allocation of outreach resources, the Left could have done what they should have which is double-down on rural white working-class voters or go all-in on the urban-based elites. The Democrats decided to do the latter. Four years later, Democrats saw their hopes of a huge House majority die thanks to their failure to reach out to people who aren’t unhinged ‘woke’ progressives from the cities. Trump lost, but Republicans made big gains in the House—whittling down the Democratic majority to just four seats.
Again, will Democrats try and right the ship. They’ve had years to do so, and they haven’t done it. They can’t do it, frankly. The money and the activist pool are all centered around the ‘woke’ slice of the Democratic base. That also poses another problem for the Left. White progressives are starting to take over the messaging as they fill the coffers at the expense of black and other nonwhite voters who have been loyal party voters for decades. Money talks. Also, nonwhite voters are not as intense when it comes to…almost every issue. On racial resentment issues especially, nonwhite voters are very different from their white progressive allies in the sense that they know and acknowledge progress. Sure, more work needs to be done, but white ‘woke’ liberals only see Apartheid South Africa in everything. Disagreement is not accepted. It’s considered enabling evil. How do you craft a successful messaging with that mindset? You can’t.

Odd, why are there numerous videos on youtube alone showing Progressive Maoist/DSA Democrat Antifa/BLM supporters chasing and beating Trump supporters. One of the worst is when the young boy was chased down and beaten during a protest.
Then there's the factual evidence showing that PM/DSA Democrats continually and intentionally increased the taxes, cost of food, gas, electricity and flout immigration laws, human trafficking, smuggling of opioids using fear mongering and draconian methods. Meanwhile, they believe Americans should love and thank them for it.
Even with all the cheating and fraud produced and directed by the lying deceitful PM/DSA Democrats, it’s a safe bet they will be beaten badly come the November midterm elections.
Kind of hypocritical for those who revel in hatred to reference the Bible. 😇

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