"The Brand is So Toxic". Democrats Fear Extinction in Rural US.

you say this in a thread predicting the demise of the Dems ... :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
Well yes

the power base of democrats is in the cities where there are vast majorities of No-pot-to-piss-in neer do wells

no one is suggesting that the party brand with its policy of wiping every nose will disappear
Hillary did a fine job dragging scandel ridden Trump, the Trump party, Fox News & the rest of the shitbags who continue to lie to suckers like you.
No one lies more than Hillary...you need to wake up...its amazing to watch today's liberals suck up everything The Man says...remember The Man?...
And now you libs are about to support a cold or hot war with Russia?...because the man says its our job to defend the Ukraine...the same nation that the Biden's got filthy rich off of....
The fact is Clipper...you libs are total hypocrites...you are empty people without a soul and zero convictions...the only thing you are sure of is your hated for Trump who did nothing but make lives better all across the nation...
The "rural US" is passing new voting laws that will make cheating and ballot stuffing much harder to do...the people will be amazed to witness an election void of dem dirty tricks...it will be such a lopsided victory for the GOP it will make the media turn away in horror....
The leftwing media seemingly has no clue why this would be. But Democrats, they say, are desperate for answers. It never occurs to them that stealing an election from their candidate might make rural voters exceedingly upset. No, the Marxist AP chalks it up to simple racism. These are white people after all. Quoting one of the few Democrat residents of Clarion, PA:

"22-year-old college student Eugenia Barboza, said the cafe is one of the few places in town she feels safe as a Latina immigrant. Just down the road, she said, a caravan of Trump supporters met up to drive to the deadly protests in Washington on Jan. 6, 2021."

Yeah, just a bunch of racist gun-totin' rednecks ready to pounce on any minority and overthrow the country. I notice AP didn't interview a single Republican to actually ask their point of view. Instead they talked only to Democrats, then went to the usual Marxist talking points. So much for journalistic digging for the truth. I can offer another reason rural people despise the left: hateful biased articles like this one.

Fewer voters in rural America. Land doesn't vote.....people vote.
you say this in a thread predicting the demise of the Dems ... :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
There is no doubt, the Democrat Party is here to stay.
They are masterful at cultivating voting blocks by way of compartmentalizing the citizenry and recruiting the worlds most desperate from Mexico….The filthy shameless fucks are fucking brilliant!
Democrats couldn't care any less about rural America...They consider it 'fly over country' and have for decades now....They think that people that farm, and other labor intensive jobs are uneducated rubes....
There are more people in the urban and suburban areas. People vote. Land doesn't vote.
Dude he was for the people...his reasons for being for the people may have not met with your approval but he is an America first president...he had been done with Washington insiders a long time ago...and he went after the ones he saw as selfish untrustworthy and greedy and corrupt...and the media that covered up their crimes....and they impeached him because of it and they are still trying to take him out today because of it.....
The swamp knows if he gets back in office many of them will be indicted....and so they still attack him over bullshit....
I don't believe his America First includes all Americans. He is the swamp. He wanted to "Fix" it.

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