"The Brand is So Toxic". Democrats Fear Extinction in Rural US.

This is all blown out of proportion. So we wore masks for a little while. Big deal. We social distanced for a little while. Big whoop. A few people quit their jobs. Again no harm. All this bantering. For what? Move on.


"Forget it! Forget the panic we fomented for years--we didn't mean it! Forget it and Vote Dem again! Pleeeeaaase oh pretty please???"
All my adult life one party has been predicting the demise of the other.

When when you all realize the very nature of a two party system makes that impossible.
Yes. I take daily Vitamin D, C and Zinc and procured IVM before the government made that nearly impossible. When I got Covid, I wasn't very sick at all. Now I have natural immunity which is undoubtedly better and longer-lasting than yours, as I assume you had two doses + a booster, right? So you pumped yourself full of those dangerous spike proteins but didn't get the good T cell immunity and have set yourself up for autoimmune issues. More pity you.
My shot card is 4 feet long .. boosters for yellow fever, typhoid, cholera, smallpox, polio, mengitus and so on for the past 70 years... Not to forget the flu vaccine.
My shot card is 4 feet long .. boosters for yellow fever, typhoid, cholera, smallpox, polio, mengitus and so on for the past 70 years... Not to forget the flu vaccine.

You realize most of those were legit and were heavily researched FOR YEARS. But oh, not the precious mRNA Covid vaccines, nope. We were in a full scale Moral Panic, so hide the data, get those shots in arms. Well, they didn't work, and that's just for starters. Now we get to the see the ramifications BEYOND blood clots and myocarditis. Won't be pretty. But you were warned. **shrug**

PS It mostly won't be in older people, but in the young who were made to vaccinate to attend college and play sports. Say, after finding out the vaccines made them miscarry, have blood clots, gave them autoimmune issues and other problems, you think they'll be hot to vote Democrat?
some assclown on here was "feeling sorry" for me yesterday because I dont live in a liberal run, inner city shit hole. :auiqs.jpg:

Its amazing how those who have never experienced anything outside their little bubble judge those who HAVE and decided having their car stolen out of their driveway or being shoved in front of a moving bus for no reason just isn't for them!!!!!!!!!
You realize most of those were legit and were heavily researched FOR YEARS. But oh, not the precious mRNA Covid vaccines, nope. We were in a full scale Moral Panic, so hide the data, get those shots in arms. Well, they didn't work, and that's just for starters. Now we get to the see the ramifications BEYOND blood clots and myocarditis. Won't be pretty. But you were warned. **shrug**

PS It mostly won't be in older people, but in the young who were made to vaccinate to attend college and play sports. Say, after finding out the vaccines made them miscarry, have blood clots, gave them autoimmune issues and other problems, you think they'll be hot to vote Democrat?

Spot on. One would think that when the public finds out en masse that these pharmas have withheld data showing how deadly these injections are that there will be hell to pay for doctors who pushed this, the media who lied and censored, govt who mandated these injections and pharma who withheld data.
They don't care.
There are vastly more votes to be found in more heavily populated area.
Populations far more easily manipulated than those out in the boonies.
That's essentially it, and that's what our current "system" incentivizes.

Unfortunately, that's one of the things that continues to divide us even further.

They don't care.

There are vastly more votes to be found in more heavily populated area.

Populations far more easily manipulated than those out in the boonies.
That's true. It's much easier to steal elections in cities. That's why all big cities are leftwing.
So you're bragging about your side being violent terrorists?

Not surprising. Thuggery is all the Republicans have left, since they know they can't win at the ballot box any more.
You little DemNazis 5 year long COUP and Insurrection and attack on our Democracy is finally being noticed by the good people of this country.
Expect more suffering ahead. Don't be a sore loser. Fascist DemNazi Global government eventually is The Norm when Satan rules The World as The AntiChrist in the very near future.
All my adult life one party has been predicting the demise of the other.

When when you all realize the very nature of a two party system makes that impossible.
And bingo.

And it's usually "they're IMPLODING" :laugh:

That's the system we keep in place, the one that incentivizes this crap.

The leftwing media seemingly has no clue why this would be. But Democrats, they say, are desperate for answers. It never occurs to them that stealing an election from their candidate might make rural voters exceedingly upset. No, the Marxist AP chalks it up to simple racism. These are white people after all. Quoting one of the few Democrat residents of Clarion, PA:

"22-year-old college student Eugenia Barboza, said the cafe is one of the few places in town she feels safe as a Latina immigrant. Just down the road, she said, a caravan of Trump supporters met up to drive to the deadly protests in Washington on Jan. 6, 2021."

Yeah, just a bunch of racist gun-totin' rednecks ready to pounce on any minority and overthrow the country. I notice AP didn't interview a single Republican to actually ask their point of view. Instead they talked only to Democrats, then went to the usual Marxist talking points. So much for journalistic digging for the truth. I can offer another reason rural people despise the left: hateful biased articles like this one.

utah is the most conservative states in america. What's the crime rate of white on all others crime there.
Its all so the most giving to charity of any state.
Yet it's probably the whitest and most conservative state in the union.
So ya might wanna check your truth meter
Um, no, I live in a good-sized city. One that's been stolen by Democrats.
I have lived in small towns which I love, medium sized and big cities. Each has their pros and cons. I think big cities offer more in arts, culture and opportunity. over all I am opposed to theocracy.. I have lived there too. In fact, I am a big fan of our constitution and bill of rights.
utah is the most conservative states in america. What's the crime rate of white on all others crime there.
Its all so the most giving to charity of any state.
Yet it's probably the whitest and most conservative state in the union.
So ya might wanna check your truth meter
I don't understand your point when you say 'check your truth meter'.
The leftwing media seemingly has no clue why this would be. But Democrats, they say, are desperate for answers. It never occurs to them that stealing an election from their candidate might make rural voters exceedingly upset. No, the Marxist AP chalks it up to simple racism. These are white people after all. Quoting one of the few Democrat residents of Clarion, PA:

"22-year-old college student Eugenia Barboza, said the cafe is one of the few places in town she feels safe as a Latina immigrant. Just down the road, she said, a caravan of Trump supporters met up to drive to the deadly protests in Washington on Jan. 6, 2021."

Yeah, just a bunch of racist gun-totin' rednecks ready to pounce on any minority and overthrow the country. I notice AP didn't interview a single Republican to actually ask their point of view. Instead they talked only to Democrats, then went to the usual Marxist talking points. So much for journalistic digging for the truth. I can offer another reason rural people despise the left: hateful biased articles like this one.

Democrats can’t win real Americans with their Change America / Hate America platform.
Democrats ONLY appeal to beggars, wetbacks, criminals, degenerates, weirdos, faggots, rug munchers, chicks with dicks, feminazis, woke white guilt filth and unwise retarded as fuck college kids.
Democrats can’t win real Americans with their Change America / Hate America platform.
Democrats ONLY appeal to beggars, wetbacks, criminals, degenerates, weirdos, faggots, rug munchers, chicks with dicks, feminazis, woke white guilt filth and unwise retarded as fuck college kids.
Yeah. You sound like a republican.
Yeah. You sound like a republican.
Too concise and overt for your fragile feelings?
Face it, the Dem constituency is fucked in the head and comprised primarily of abnormals….NOBODY normal, decent, moral, sane, accountable and productive votes Democrat.

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