"The Brand is So Toxic". Democrats Fear Extinction in Rural US.

I have to b
I have to be careful not to minimize the losses from COVID. I have lost several friends to COVID and the losses among extended family of black friends is shocking.

Every single human death is a tragedy. Every loss is someone's friend, husband, daughter, neighbor, etc. I hope I never forget that.

But death is also a part of life. You cannot STOP LIVING to prevent death.
Sorry, all things considered I think we have done a pretty good job with COVID. Could have been more effective if we had sent a US team of scientists to China in Feb 2020, but that's water under the bridge now. Americans are so tribal these days they have forgotten how to pull together. Trump's ego and preoccupation with his relection didn't help. He flipped it into a political fight immediately.

Are you kidding?

Covid was the blunder of a CENTURY, easily.

Are you kidding?

Covid was the blunder of a CENTURY, easily.

Adults shouldn't indulge in magical thinking. You could stomp your feet in protest of the virus or you can do your best to get through it.
Adults shouldn't indulge in magical thinking. You could stomp your feet in protest of the virus or you can do your best to get through it.

That was a self-awareness fail.

Masks WERE the magical thinking. Just for starters.
So you're bragging about your side being violent terrorists?

Not surprising. Thuggery is all the Republicans have left, since they know they can't win at the ballot box any more.
Lol, wait till the blood bath your party is going to get in this year's election. Then we can impeach the cheater in office.
What are your qualifications to say surgical masks didn't work? We used them during the Spanish flu and we use them on hospitals.

Do you know why and how surgeons use them? Do you know, for example, that this video--put out by no less than the Dept of Labor, a PPE training video for healthcare workers-- has been publicly available on YouTube since the beginning of the pandemic and everyone acts like it just doesn't even exist? It explicitly states that surgical masks ARE NOT mitigating for airborne respiratory viruses.

That's what a Moral Panic does to people. Congrats. You bought in. I did not.

A vote for a democrat is a vote for more crime less freedom and a lower standard of living....
Hillary did a fine job dragging scandel ridden Trump, the Trump party, Fox News & the rest of the shitbags who continue to lie to suckers like you.
What are your qualifications to say surgical masks didn't work? We used them during the Spanish flu and we use them on hospitals.

PS the healthcare training video I linked states that surgical masks are used IN SURGERY to catch large droplets so they don't drop into open wounds. Yeah. Spit, and boogers, and stuff. NOT AIRBORNE VIRUSES>

watch the video
PS the healthcare training video I linked states that surgical masks are used IN SURGERY to catch large droplets so they don't drop into open wounds. Yeah. Spit, and boogers, and stuff. NOT AIRBORNE VIRUSES>

watch the video
Wearing a mask, social distancing and hand washing has slowed the spread of viruses. Your video not with standing.
Wearing a mask, social distancing and hand washing has slowed the spread of viruses. Your video not with standing.

So your statement stands, and this information put out by the Dept of Labor is just crap. Right? But you, surada, just made the statement so it MUST BE TRUE.


What convinced you, the mannequin study? LOLOLOLOL

Or did you just get bamboozled?
So your statement stands, and this information put out by the Dept of Labor is just crap. Right? But you, surada, just made the statement so it MUST BE TRUE.


What convinced you, the mannequin study? LOLOLOLOL

Or did you just get bamboozled?
My community has done an excellent job of not spreading the virus for two years... And age wise we are a vulnerable community.
My community has done an excellent job of not spreading the virus for two years... And age wise we are a vulnerable community.

Sure that's very "scientific" compared to the actual data I have linked. Uh huh. Do you have a junior high education?
The leftwing media seemingly has no clue why this would be. But Democrats, they say, are desperate for answers. It never occurs to them that stealing an election from their candidate might make rural voters exceedingly upset. No, the Marxist AP chalks it up to simple racism. These are white people after all. Quoting one of the few Democrat residents of Clarion, PA:

"22-year-old college student Eugenia Barboza, said the cafe is one of the few places in town she feels safe as a Latina immigrant. Just down the road, she said, a caravan of Trump supporters met up to drive to the deadly protests in Washington on Jan. 6, 2021."

Yeah, just a bunch of racist gun-totin' rednecks ready to pounce on any minority and overthrow the country. I notice AP didn't interview a single Republican to actually ask their point of view. Instead they talked only to Democrats, then went to the usual Marxist talking points. So much for journalistic digging for the truth. I can offer another reason rural people despise the left: hateful biased articles like this one.

They don't care.

There are vastly more votes to be found in more heavily populated area.

Populations far more easily manipulated than those out in the boonies.
This is all blown out of proportion. So we wore masks for a little while. Big deal. We social distanced for a little while. Big whoop. A few people quit their jobs. Again no harm. All this bantering. For what? Move on.
Have you taken any precautions?

Yes. I take daily Vitamin D, C and Zinc and procured IVM before the government made that nearly impossible. When I got Covid, I wasn't very sick at all. Now I have natural immunity which is undoubtedly better and longer-lasting than yours, as I assume you had two doses + a booster, right? So you pumped yourself full of those dangerous spike proteins but didn't get the good T cell immunity and have set yourself up for autoimmune issues. More pity you.

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