"The Brand is So Toxic". Democrats Fear Extinction in Rural US.

A lot changed for the Democrats when they changed from (1) sincerely advocating for the cultural issues, to (2) attacking, insulting, intimidating and punishing people who didn't agree with them on the cultural issues.

THAT is what woke (no pun intended) up the Right and created Trump. And, more than anything else, that is what continues to animate them. And no more so than in Middle America, where they can't WAIT to vote.

Some Dems, like Carville and Maher, can see this. The rest of the party refuses to. Great timing folks, great job.
The leftwing media seemingly has no clue why this would be. But Democrats, they say, are desperate for answers. It never occurs to them that stealing an election from their candidate might make rural voters exceedingly upset. No, the Marxist AP chalks it up to simple racism. These are white people after all. Quoting one of the few Democrat residents of Clarion, PA:

"22-year-old college student Eugenia Barboza, said the cafe is one of the few places in town she feels safe as a Latina immigrant. Just down the road, she said, a caravan of Trump supporters met up to drive to the deadly protests in Washington on Jan. 6, 2021."

Yeah, just a bunch of racist gun-totin' rednecks ready to pounce on any minority and overthrow the country. I notice AP didn't interview a single Republican to actually ask their point of view. Instead they talked only to Democrats, then went to the usual Marxist talking points. So much for journalistic digging for the truth. I can offer another reason rural people despise the left: hateful biased articles like this one.

As I have said. The change here is not just political. It's cultural. And they did it to themselves. You might say: play cultural games, win cultural prizes. But they lost. No one deserves it more.
A lot changed for the Democrats when they changed from (1) sincerely advocating for the cultural issues, to (2) attacking, insulting, intimidating and punishing people who didn't agree with them on the cultural issues.

THAT is what woke (no pun intended) up the Right and created Trump. And, more than anything else, that is what continues to animate them. And no more so than in Middle America, where they can't WAIT to vote.

Some Dems, like Carville and Maher, can see this. The rest of the party refuses to. Great timing folks, great job.

You need Trump, Mac.

We don't. You're too ignorant to see it, and project on us. It's embarrassing to watch.
A lot changed for the Democrats when they changed from (1) sincerely advocating for the cultural issues, to (2) attacking, insulting, intimidating and punishing people who didn't agree with them on the cultural issues.

THAT is what woke (no pun intended) up the Right and created Trump. And, more than anything else, that is what continues to animate them. And no more so than in Middle America, where they can't WAIT to vote.

Some Dems, like Carville and Maher, can see this. The rest of the party refuses to. Great timing folks, great job.
I don't know, mac. Seems like it was the Republicans who brought us Iraq and Afghanistan.
I don't know, mac. Seems like it was the Republicans who brought us Iraq and Afghanistan.
The GOP brought us a lot more crap than that. But as each party gets further out of touch with so much of the country, things just get worse. That's how we got to where we are.

It's like each party is committed to doing whatever it takes to feed into the worst impulses of the other. The Dems do it mostly with the cultural issues.
The GOP brought us a lot more crap than that. But as each party gets further out of touch with so much of the country, things just get worse. That's how we got to where we are.

It's like each party is committed to doing whatever it takes to feed into the worst impulses of the other. The Dems do it mostly with the cultural issues.

The Dems advocated for putting a mask over children's faces (OR YOU WILL KILL GRANDMA!!) and injecting people with very very questionable vaccines (OR YOU WILL KILL GRANDMA!!) and that crap is toxic, politically and culturally. Yep, it cost the GOP when it came to "women's bodies" and now the Dems own it wholesale. But not just women, and not just abortion. They own it for OUR CHILDREN. The GOP looks bumbling and incompetent, but they left us alone. The Democrats will pay for a long, long time for their Covid panic. No one deserves it more.
The Dems advocated for putting a mask over children's faces (OR YOU WILL KILL GRANDMA!!) and injecting people with very very questionable vaccines (OR YOU WILL KILL GRANDMA!!) and that crap is toxic, politically and culturally. Yep, it cost the GOP when it came to "women's bodies" and now the Dems own it wholesale. But not just women, and not just abortion. They own it for OUR CHILDREN. The GOP looks bumbling and incompetent, but they left us alone. The Democrats will pay for a long, long time for their Covid panic. No one deserves it more.
What would you have done to fight COVID?
What would you have done to fight COVID?
This was just my perception, but it seems to be the whole vibe changed the day Biden announced the mandates. Sure, there are a lot of people who are controlled by their ideology and will think and behave as instructed by their tribe. But there are a lot of other Americans who have their own reasons and were turned off by that.

Just as I mentioned earlier in this thread, those mandates were an example of playing right into the hands of the GOP, and they sure as hell ran with it.
The leftwing media seemingly has no clue why this would be. But Democrats, they say, are desperate for answers. It never occurs to them that stealing an election from their candidate might make rural voters exceedingly upset. No, the Marxist AP chalks it up to simple racism. These are white people after all. Quoting one of the few Democrat residents of Clarion, PA:

My first inclination about this would be to say that "Centuries of Inbreeding is making them stupid".

But I'll try to be a little nicer.

We have failed our rural communities. In many ways, they are just as poor as the inner cities with just as few hopes. The family farm has given way to the factory farm, and their culture is largely subsidized by the government they hate.

yes, racism is part of it, as they can live their whole lives and never meet a person of color.

But the other part is that there is no hope of future for these communities, and the Republicans give them someone to blame.
This was just my perception, but it seems to be the whole vibe changed the day Biden announced the mandates. Sure, there are a lot of people who are controlled by their ideology and will think and behave as instructed by their tribe. But there are a lot of other Americans who have their own reasons and were turned off by that.

Just as I mentioned earlier in this thread, those mandates were an example of playing right into the hands of the GOP, and they sure as hell ran with it.

Vichy Mac wants a Democratic Party that doesn't stand for anything.
As long as businesses quit whining about how it's just so so hard to find employees I'm good with it. They should be told to shut their mouths. It simply is not true.
A lot changed for the Democrats when they changed from (1) sincerely advocating for the cultural issues, to (2) attacking, insulting, intimidating and punishing people who didn't agree with them on the cultural issues.

THAT is what woke (no pun intended) up the Right and created Trump. And, more than anything else, that is what continues to animate them. And no more so than in Middle America, where they can't WAIT to vote.

Some Dems, like Carville and Maher, can see this. The rest of the party refuses to. Great timing folks, great job.

Vichy Mac, why do you keep repeating this lie.

Trump did LESS well with white people than Romney did, and severely underperformed compared to Bush-43. He has gotten nowhere near the heady heights of Nixon, Reagan and Bush, Sr.

The ONLY reason he slipped by in 2016 was because too many pompous asses voted third party.

Carville was the guy who got out there and called every woman Clinton molested a slut. Maher is the guy who called our servicemen "Cowards" for firing missiles at a safe distance.

Neither one of these guys are moral authorities on anything.
This was just my perception, but it seems to be the whole vibe changed the day Biden announced the mandates. Sure, there are a lot of people who are controlled by their ideology and will think and behave as instructed by their tribe. But there are a lot of other Americans who have their own reasons and were turned off by that.

Just as I mentioned earlier in this thread, those mandates were an example of playing right into the hands of the GOP, and they sure as hell ran with it.
Sorry, all things considered I think we have done a pretty good job with COVID. Could have been more effective if we had sent a US team of scientists to China in Feb 2020, but that's water under the bridge now. Americans are so tribal these days they have forgotten how to pull together. Trump's ego and preoccupation with his relection didn't help. He flipped it into a political fight immediately.
Sorry, all things considered I think we have done a pretty good job with COVID. Could have been more effective if we had sent a US team of scientists to China in Feb 2020, but that's water under the bridge now. Americans are so tribal these days they have forgotten how to pull together. Trump's ego and preoccupation with his relection didn't help. He flipped it into a political fight immediately.
I'm not saying that we haven't don't well with COVID, especially when we elected a guy who actually takes it seriously. This was/is a completely unique and dangerous situation, there was/is simply no playbook for it, and we've done the best we could, all things considered, and after all the damage was done in the first year.

But addressing a problem can be taken too far, can't it? That's another similarity both ends of the spectrum display pretty regularly: Over-correction.
I have to b
I'm not saying that we haven't don't well with COVID, especially when we elected a guy who actually takes it seriously. This was/is a completely unique and dangerous situation, there was/is simply no playbook for it, and we've done the best we could, all things considered, and after all the damage was done in the first year.

But addressing a problem can be taken too far, can't it? That's another similarity both ends of the spectrum display pretty regularly: Over-correction.
I have to be careful not to minimize the losses from COVID. I have lost several friends to COVID and the losses among extended family of black friends is shocking.
You should tell us what the actual science is. A lot of epidemiologists have been working on the problem for 24 months.

Okay. Do you want to go back to "trusting the experts"? How did that work out? You realize that "trusting the experts" has landed the Dems right where they are now, yes?

From the beginning, we knew:

--Covid caused almost no harms to kids
--Cloth masking did almost nothing, and you can add surgical masks in there too. OSHA knew this. Medical professionals knew this too.
--Taking natural remedies, like Vitamin D and Zinc, could prevent severe outcomes
--Obesity was one of the biggest risk factors for severe outcomes

But what did we DO?

--Closed schools and forced children into remote learning, some for OVER A YEAR
--Forced people to wear masks that were nothing more than a virtue signal
--Did not promote information about natural remedies like vitamins
--CLOSED GYMS and did not promote information on obesity and Covid.

There are so many more examples. Just vaccines alone--another topic--well, that's another topic.

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