The Brexit Betrayal


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016

The political class is doing everything to sabotage Brexit. Will we let them?

Paul lays it out like it is. As they fear the Brexit, it's because they are fearing not being part of a new world order dictatorship. Which their leaders brainwashed them into thinking how great it is.
Paul puts it clear.
It's outrageous and unforgivable that the left-wing globalists are attempting to sabotage England for their "Brexit". The people have spoken. They desired to restore their sovereignty. It is deplorable that the left-wing fascists can't accept it.

EU Seeks Revenge Over Brexit

The political class is doing everything to sabotage Brexit. Will we let them?

Paul lays it out like it is. As they fear the Brexit, it's because they are fearing not being part of a new world order dictatorship. Which their leaders brainwashed them into thinking how great it is.
Paul puts it clear.

It's outrageous and unforgivable that the left-wing globalists are attempting to sabotage England for their "Brexit". The people have spoken. They desired to restore their sovereignty. It is deplorable that the left-wing fascists can't accept it.

EU Seeks Revenge Over Brexit
Every vote should have a do-over. If the crazy people win because the sane ones were fine with everything and stayed home, like with Trump and Brexit, there should be an, "uh.... are you sure?" vote.
Kudos to Iceland for speaking up on behalf of England and sovereignty...
Iceland’s foreign minister, Guðlaugur Þór Þórðarson, has voiced his government’s support for the UK as they navigate Brexit negotiations, citing Iceland’s own successes as a non-EU sovereign nation.
Iceland Warns EU Not to Punish UK In Brexit Negotiations
Yeah Iceland says, "hey, let's keep things as close to exactly how they were when the UK was part of the EU." A Brexit in name only. A BINO :rofl:
Kudos to Iceland for speaking up on behalf of England and sovereignty...
Iceland’s foreign minister, Guðlaugur Þór Þórðarson, has voiced his government’s support for the UK as they navigate Brexit negotiations, citing Iceland’s own successes as a non-EU sovereign nation.
Iceland Warns EU Not to Punish UK In Brexit Negotiations
Yeah Iceland says, "hey, let's keep things as close to exactly how they were when the UK was part of the EU." A Brexit in name only. A BINO :rofl:
Wow....propaganda from the fascist. Who would have ever seen that coming? Snowflake - not punishing England for desiring their sovereignty does not even remotely equate to wanting to "keep things as close to exactly how they were when the UK was part of the EU". You're so desperate to defend your indefensible left-wing fascism.
Every vote should have a do-over.
Spoken like a true fascist who refuses to accept the will of the people. Thank you for confirming what everyone on this board already knew about you.
Why do you think the World Series is a best of 7 competition? It's because anybody can win 1 game. Even the shittiest, most irresponsibly run teams win a game or 2.

Trump lost the popular vote by 3,000,000 votes. The "will of the people" spoke. Hold a do-ever vote, and he'd lose it by 10,000,000.
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Kudos to Iceland for speaking up on behalf of England and sovereignty...
Iceland’s foreign minister, Guðlaugur Þór Þórðarson, has voiced his government’s support for the UK as they navigate Brexit negotiations, citing Iceland’s own successes as a non-EU sovereign nation.
Iceland Warns EU Not to Punish UK In Brexit Negotiations
Yeah Iceland says, "hey, let's keep things as close to exactly how they were when the UK was part of the EU." A Brexit in name only. A BINO :rofl:
Wow....propaganda from the fascist. Who would have ever seen that coming? Snowflake - not punishing England for desiring their sovereignty does not even remotely equate to wanting to "keep things as close to exactly how they were when the UK was part of the EU". You're so desperate to defend your indefensible left-wing fascism.
The UK voted to leave the EU. So why do they want to keep things the same? One would assume they wanted to sacrifice the benefits of being in the EU in exchange for losing the negatives of being in the EU. But they want shit to stay the same? Weird. :dunno:
It's because anybody can win 1 game.
The better team rises to the occasion under the pressure. That's why the Super Bowl is ONE game, snowflake.
The Super Bowl is one game because people's bodies get broken in the NFL. The better team doesn't always win the Super Bowl. The 16-0 Patriots lost to the 10-6 Giants in 2007. Do you think the better team won?
The UK voted to leave the EU. So why do they want to keep things the same?
They don't. Which is why your straw man is falling miserably. :laugh:
Then you and the UK shouldn't complain when things actually are different after Brexit negotiations. You're an America aren't you? You should be thrilled that we get to take advantage of the UK now that they've lost the trade leverage of the entire EU bloc.

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