The Brexit treatment: Now Donald Trump voters are realizing they made a huge mistake


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
The rubes cut off their nose to spite their face

Voters make an impulse decision and come to regret after sober thought — sound familiar?

In May United Kingdom residents were convinced that it would be in their best interests to vote to leave the European Union. It was a choice that some voters quickly and almost immediately regretted.

So perhaps it’s no coincidence that Donald Trump has called himself “Mr. Brexit.”

Trumpgrets is a Tumblr page dedicated to searching and cataloging the remarks of voters who are tweeting their displeasure with the next administration. Take, for example, the tweets of Deplorable Jeff, a life member of the National Rifle Association whose Twitter bio reads, “We did it! The country spoke. This election was about saving The Forgotten Man!,” but who now wants the Republican Party to forget about its long-held intention to gut Medicare.

The Brexit treatment: Now Donald Trump voters are realizing they made a huge mistake

Guano is still butthurting...that buttache is going to last 8 years :badgrin:
Trump supporters here don't seem to be that regretful.
So now we all have to suffer. He will be lame at 2 and out by 4. The Pubs will destroy themselves. Paul Ryan , really now. I bet we see the biggest mid term elections ever in history.

Oh Trumpets, did you see MR Gore, who was President at one time, did you see he visited Trump and Ivanka who believes in Global warming.
Rush had a nightmare over it from what I read.

Trump keep your guts, save the ACA, Medicare, SS, and expanded Medicaid for all. Demand Devos to devote her time to Public Schools. Expand the power of the EPA and honor the Iran Agreement.

And please Trump do not make Ingraham or Conway Press Secretary, I won't be able to handle it. Ugh just the sound of their voices make me ill.

If you do all of the above, you will be liked by most , not by just a few.
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So now we all have to suffer. He will be lame at 2 and out by 4. The Pubs will destroy themselves. Paul Ryan , really now. I bet we see the biggest mid term elections ever in history.

Oh Trumpets, did you see MR Gore, who was President at one time, did you see he visited Trump and Ivanka who believes in Global warming.
Rush had a nightmare over it from what I read.

Trump keep your guts, save the ACA, Medicare, SS, and expanded Medicaid for all. Demand Devos to devote her time to Public Schools. Expand the power of the EPA and honor the Iran Agreement.

And please Trump do not make Ingraham or Conway Press Secretary, I won't be able to handle it. Ugh just the sound of their voices make me ill.

If you do all of the above, you will be liked by most , not by just a few.

Here is your global warming/ climate change....geo-engineered weather......
The rubes cut off their nose to spite their face

Voters make an impulse decision and come to regret after sober thought — sound familiar?

In May United Kingdom residents were convinced that it would be in their best interests to vote to leave the European Union. It was a choice that some voters quickly and almost immediately regretted.

So perhaps it’s no coincidence that Donald Trump has called himself “Mr. Brexit.”

Trumpgrets is a Tumblr page dedicated to searching and cataloging the remarks of voters who are tweeting their displeasure with the next administration. Take, for example, the tweets of Deplorable Jeff, a life member of the National Rifle Association whose Twitter bio reads, “We did it! The country spoke. This election was about saving The Forgotten Man!,” but who now wants the Republican Party to forget about its long-held intention to gut Medicare.

The Brexit treatment: Now Donald Trump voters are realizing they made a huge mistake

Yeah, Medicare is a huge concern for many, many aging Americans.
It really depends on Trump's vision for Medicare.
Will he support Paul Ryan's vision, that is the question. Should he do that, tens of millions will be negatively effected.
Ryan's plan, does not do one thing about holding down the cost of healthcare in this country. One of the major reason's the US has the highest cost of healthcare is because we have the only government in the world, that doesn't negotiate healthcare costs.
Tort reform or allowing insurance companies to sell across state lines, does very, very little to nothing about holding the the cost of healthcare. The rises in the cost of healthcare insurance only mirror the rising cost of healthcare. By creating more competition for healthcare insurance, does nothing to the rapidly rising of the cost of healthcare.
Paul Ryan's plan for Medicare will force a large majority of seniors to drop the Ryan Medicare because the cost of healthcare's annual rise in cost is much more than the CPI rises.
See the chart below.
4-7-11bud-f1 Paul Ryan.JPG
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The butt hurt runs deep in this one.
nope doing fine, not so much going forward for you uneducated white trash , you will reap what you have sown :laugh2:

My ass you're doing fine, you wouldn't be here posting one article after another if you were.
You were stunned and sickened by the Trump win and you bloody well know it. Suck on it goono. There is not one poster here that deserves getting shafted more than you. Your kind is exactly why Trump won, and we owe you all of our thanks.
Eat it raw pal.
The rubes cut off their nose to spite their face

Voters make an impulse decision and come to regret after sober thought — sound familiar?

In May United Kingdom residents were convinced that it would be in their best interests to vote to leave the European Union. It was a choice that some voters quickly and almost immediately regretted.

So perhaps it’s no coincidence that Donald Trump has called himself “Mr. Brexit.”

Trumpgrets is a Tumblr page dedicated to searching and cataloging the remarks of voters who are tweeting their displeasure with the next administration. Take, for example, the tweets of Deplorable Jeff, a life member of the National Rifle Association whose Twitter bio reads, “We did it! The country spoke. This election was about saving The Forgotten Man!,” but who now wants the Republican Party to forget about its long-held intention to gut Medicare.

The Brexit treatment: Now Donald Trump voters are realizing they made a huge mistake


We might disagree with what Trump does or says but voting for him was no mistake. The choice was the criminal Hillary.

You are a failure, Guno.
Trump is doing fine so far. I hope he disbands the EPA and has his head of the Dept of Education see to its dismantling. Rip up the agreement with Iran and he has a good start.
Wait until the over 65 rubes awaken one day to find their Social Security and Medicare is gone.

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