The brilliance of our founding fathers is being revealed in today's world

This was a constitutional compromise. To get the small states to want to join, they gave them superior sovereignty to the large states.
Thus a group of small states, could outvote several large states.
Why do we continue on with this smaller state euphemism? We can dispense with the fairytales and make believe white people. Slave states. States where people were more likely to be counted as property than as voters.
No, some of you are far worse. Willing to let the progs win as long as your neck doesn't feel the guillotine's steel until after ours does.
Most would not try to stop congress from certifying an election.
This was a constitutional compromise. To get the small states to want to join, they gave them superior sovereignty to the large states.
Thus a group of small states, could outvote several large states.
A compromise, something that MAGA politicians refuse to do.
Most would not try to stop congress from certifying an election.

Even if they believed it to be fraudulent?

And nothing was done that actually stopped anything. At worst it was an 8 hour delay to a vote that didn't delay the swap of power by one second.
Even if they believed it to be fraudulent?

And nothing was done that actually stopped anything. At worst it was an 8 hour delay to a vote that didn't delay the swap of power by one second.
Our legal system has multiple opportunities to expose a fraudulent election. Many, in the past, have challenged the validity of our elections through the legalm system. When they lost, they moved on. One of the closest elections was Gore - Bush. It went to the Supreme Court. Gore lost the appeal, not on a unaminous vote but a decision where a minority of judges sided with Gore. Gore accepted the decison and moved on.
Trump tried every way possible to prove the election was a faud through our legal system. He failed. Multiple cases went to the Supreme Court. All cases were rejected by the Supreme Court to be heard.

What does it take for people to realize the elecetion was not stolen.
Trump knows it. He is using you.
Our legal system has multiple opportunities to expose a fraudulent election. Many, in the past, have challenged the validity of our elections through the legalm system. When they lost, they moved on. One of the closest elections was Gore - Bush. It went to the Supreme Court. Gore lost the appeal, not on a unaminous vote but a decision where a minority of judges sided with Gore. Gore accepted the decison and moved on.
Trump tried every way possible to prove the election was a faud through our legal system. He failed. Multiple cases went to the Supreme Court. All cases were rejected by the Supreme Court to be heard.

What does it take for people to realize the elecetion was not stolen.
Trump knows it. He is using you.


Thanks for admitting that.

Thanks for admitting that.
Our Constitution provides the legal system as the major remedy to determine if an election is fraudulent. It has many ways to do so within the legal system. You can bring before many different courts, you can appeal. The ultimate judgement is the Supreme Court.
It has worked for 250 years.
The problem is not our legal system, it is Donald Trump and his followere. They want to blow up the system if it does not do what they want.
There were a few pro-abortion people who felt the same way as you when Roe vs Wade was turned over.
They and the Trumpsters are traitors to our Constitution and the rule of law.
Our Constitution provides the legal system as the major remedy to determine if an election is fraudulent. It has many ways to do so within the legal system. You can bring before many different courts, you can appeal. The ultimate judgement is the Supreme Court.
It has worked for 250 years.
The problem is not our legal system, it is Donald Trump and his followere. They want to blow up the system if it does not do what they want.
There were a few pro-abortion people who felt the same way as you when Roe vs Wade was turned over.
They and the Trumpsters are traitors to our Constitution and the rule of law.

The problem is making election day election season, mass mailing absentee ballots without people asking for them, and willful ignorance about these problems because your side is better at playing the system.

None of us are traitors, you fucking hack. Only melt minded SJW morons think political opposition is treason.
The problem is making election day election season, mass mailing absentee ballots without people asking for them, and willful ignorance about these problems because your side is better at playing the system.

None of us are traitors, you fucking hack. Only melt minded SJW morons think political opposition is treason.
Nothing has been proven of an election being stolen.
Those most responsible for standing up to the MAGA stop the steal idiots were Republicans. On the national level and the state level, the Republicans stood up to the big lie.

If you don't fix the system from within the system, you have to revolt to get what you want done. If there is a successful revolution, we have a new country with a new structure, constitution, laws. THAT IS A TRAITOR.
Nothing has been proven of an election being stolen.
Those most responsible for standing up to the MAGA stop the steal idiots were Republicans. On the national level and the state level, the Republicans stood up to the big lie.

If you don't fix the system from within the system, you have to revolt to get what you want done. If there is a successful revolution, we have a new country with a new structure, constitution, laws. THAT IS A TRAITOR.

We still haven't proven OJ did it, but he fucking did it.
The problem is that an unprincipled and corrupt government attacked trump first and refused to reform itself through democratic means

Attacked Trump first???? Trump's entire 2016 candidacy for President was conducted in an unscrupulous and criminal manner. The problem is that you elected a criminal conman as President and you expect the rest of the nation to go along with having a racist criminal running the country.

Trump's Presidency was a 4 year crime spree of graft, corruption and obstruction of justice, and those are the things he hasn't been charged with, despite mountains of evidence. He's only been charged with stealing documents and refusing to return them, and trying to overthrow the 2020 election.

Now you not only don't want to see him prosecuted for any of his crimes, you want to give him another chance to further destroy the country.
We still haven't proven OJ did it, but he fucking did it.

Yes, you have proven OJ did it. He lost the civil trial and was found guilty, but he hasn't been held criminally responsible.

But you still haven't proven any amount of fraud in the 2020 election, and it has still been certified as the fairest, most honest election in US history. Trump promised the election would be decided in the courts, and every one of the states made sure that their results could withstand court scrutiny - and they succeeded.

Trump shot himself in the foot threatening court cases over the results. Rudy Gulliani, Sydney Powell and Jenna Ellis, who brought court cases raising questions about the counts, have admitted they lied, and the women plead guilty to the criminal charges they face.

Gulliani admitted in that he lied in the defamation case brought by the two Pennsylvannia poll workers he produced the video claiming they were double counting ballots. That admission will be used against him in his criminal trial.
Yes, you have proven OJ did it. He lost the civil trial and was found guilty, but he hasn't been held criminally responsible.

But you still haven't proven any amount of fraud in the 2020 election, and it has still been certified as the fairest, most honest election in US history. Trump promised the election would be decided in the courts, and every one of the states made sure that their results could withstand court scrutiny - and they succeeded.

Trump shot himself in the foot threatening court cases over the results. Rudy Gulliani, Sydney Powell and Jenna Ellis, who brought court cases raising questions about the counts, have admitted they lied, and the women plead guilty to the criminal charges they face.

Gulliani admitted in that he lied in the defamation case brought by the two Pennsylvannia poll workers he produced the video claiming they were double counting ballots. That admission will be used against him in his criminal trial.

So we haven't proven beyond a reasonable doubt he did it, but everyone knows he fucking did it.

Fairest and most honest? FUCKING LOL.
So we haven't proven beyond a reasonable doubt he did it, but everyone knows he fucking did it.

Fairest and most honest? FUCKING LOL.

Yes, just like everyone knows that Donald Trump tried to overthrow the US government. And that's because we all watched in happen - all over the world, on television, during lockdown.

And we watch clowns like you continue to deny it happened. You will never convince us Trump isn't guilty because we watched him throughout the pandemic in full display of his ignorance, incompetence, and criminality.
Yes, just like everyone knows that Donald Trump tried to overthrow the US government. And that's because we all watched in happen - all over the world, on television, during lockdown.

And we watch clowns like you continue to deny it happened. You will never convince us Trump isn't guilty because we watched him throughout the pandemic in full display of his ignorance, incompetence, and criminality.

he did no such thing. At most the crowd on J6 delayed a vote for 8 hours.

Go suck off a beaver, you filthy canuck.
We still haven't proven OJ did it, but he fucking did it.
Some very good people think the earth is flat and Santa is real.
Why do people believe lies. Below are thre reasons. The article has more.

First, pain. The truth is too painful to face head-on, so we refuse to acknowledge that what we’ve chosen to accept as truth is, in reality, a lie.

Second, loss. To face the truth robs one of something held dear – often power or control. Rather than find our place in a new context, we grasp for anything, and anyone, who will affirm, and help us retain, our current status.

Third, ignorance. Though less common, some people truly don’t recognize a lie when it is presented. Lack of knowledge, feigned or actual, provides them a state of bliss.

Some very good people think the earth is flat and Santa is real.
Why do people believe lies. Below are thre reasons. The article has more.

First, pain. The truth is too painful to face head-on, so we refuse to acknowledge that what we’ve chosen to accept as truth is, in reality, a lie.

Second, loss. To face the truth robs one of something held dear – often power or control. Rather than find our place in a new context, we grasp for anything, and anyone, who will affirm, and help us retain, our current status.

Third, ignorance. Though less common, some people truly don’t recognize a lie when it is presented. Lack of knowledge, feigned or actual, provides them a state of bliss.

All that typing just to say "ME SO SMART, SMARTER THAN YOU HURR DURR DURR"

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