The Buck DOES NOT stop here...

Eight years of Obama passing the buck...Liberals defended him tooth and nail. Obama sends troops to Niger...and TRUMP is passing the buck?

Give me a effing break. :rolleyes:

He will never take responsibility for a failure. It is not in a narcissistic, sociopath.
The Comrade has his eye on something much bigger than the Presidency. He Tweeted this morning his congratulations to China's President Xi for his "elevation." Yup, folks you are looking at the possibility of this country's first "Royal Family." The Comrade will do his four or eight years and then Junior, as slow as he is, will step up and be next in line.

Remember, he has already said the Constitution in standing in his was.
Like Hillary rode on Bill's coattails to ignominious humiliating defeat.

King Comrade. You like the sound of that, do you? Putin loves it. Then he can move right in and tell the Comrade what he can and can't do.
The Comrade has his eye on something much bigger than the Presidency. He Tweeted this morning his congratulations to China's President Xi for his "elevation." Yup, folks you are looking at the possibility of this country's first "Royal Family." The Comrade will do his four or eight years and then Junior, as slow as he is, will step up and be next in line.

Remember, he has already said the Constitution in standing in his was.
Like Hillary rode on Bill's coattails to ignominious humiliating defeat.

King Comrade. You like the sound of that, do you? Putin loves it. Then he can move right in and tell the Comrade what he can and can't do.
Comrade Clinton? Of the half billion dollar russian speaking fee? Of the uranium deal? Of the bought and paid for fake russian supplied dossier? Cuz that's the only Amercian political coronation based solely on family association in our most recent election.

Not even a good try Jim. Back to the old drawing board.
And, the number of times the buck stopped at Obama was________________?

Never. Remember Obama's red line, he drew a red line, Syria crossed his red line, and Obama then claimed it wasn't his red line it was the worlds red line holy crap that guy was lame.

What about Trumps red line with North Korea, lil Kim has crossed it within hours of agent Orange drawing one!
Last edited:
The Comrade has his eye on something much bigger than the Presidency. He Tweeted this morning his congratulations to China's President Xi for his "elevation." Yup, folks you are looking at the possibility of this country's first "Royal Family." The Comrade will do his four or eight years and then Junior, as slow as he is, will step up and be next in line.

I could see Ivanka running in 2024.
The Comrade has his eye on something much bigger than the Presidency. He Tweeted this morning his congratulations to China's President Xi for his "elevation." Yup, folks you are looking at the possibility of this country's first "Royal Family." The Comrade will do his four or eight years and then Junior, as slow as he is, will step up and be next in line.

Remember, he has already said the Constitution in standing in his was.

Oh for heaven's sake put down the bong.
They knew what they were signing up for. grrrrr.

Look dumbass, those of us that enlisted KNEW what we were getting into.
Fuck you doc. You got what you deserve in Trump.

The problem you have is that I'm not a Trump guy AND that I am no a blind partisan piece of shit like you. WE who enlisted KNEW what we were enlisting for. Struck a nerve though, nice petulant response little boy ;)
Yes, I knew what I signed up for, and had the worse happened, I would hope that whomever had called my mother would have been a bit more careful with their words than that. Two things here, the treasonous fat senile old orange clown could have called the wife again, and apologized for the words he used, and there would not be this foofaraw. Second, that asskissing ex-Marine General did not need to lie and impugn the Honor of the Corp. Rep. Wilson never said what he said she did. Does one have to check in their Honor, Integrity, and Honesty when they go to work for the clown?
Good leaders take the blame often times when it may not totally be their fault. Poor leaders blame everyone but themselves.

Oh you just opened the barn doors wide didn't you? :) Thank you so very very much.

James Comey, Matt Lauer, Netflix, Putin, fathers, husbands, male bosses and boyfriends: Meet the Hillary blame list - FORTY-ONE and counting (but there's one absentee)
  • Donald Trump has accused Hillary Clinton of blaming everyone but herself for her election loss
  • Clinton has said she is accountable - but since Trump's shock November 8 victory has produced a laundry list of who she also blames
  • Now has rounded them up and found the list is 41- strong and counting

Read more: Hillary Clinton blame list - FORTY-ONE and counting | Daily Mail Online
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He would not have authorized the mission. Trump truly turned over missions to his Generals for crying out loud.

And cut the Putin crap. It's beyond old and now you just come off as pathetic with russia, russia, russia.

Here:Just google it. Especially the cnn article.

Trump gives Pentagon total authority over troop levels in Afghanistan ... › News › World › Americas
Jun 15, 2017 - Donald Trump has given the Pentagon complete authority to set troop ... giving our troops greater latitude to provide air power and other vital ...
Trump gives Pentagon power to determine U.S. troop levels in Iraq ...
Apr 27, 2017 - WASHINGTON -- The White House is giving the Pentagon greater ... The decision will give Defense Secretary Jim Mattis the authority to send more forces ... Trump's decision applies only to the two countries, and so far does ...
Trump Gives Mattis Authority to Send More Troops to Afghanistan ...
Trump Gives Mattis Authority to Send More Troops to Afghanistan
Jun 13, 2017 - Trump Gives Mattis Authority to Send More Troops to Afghanistan ... House to give the Pentagon and its military commanders more latitude to deploy .... the request as far too little to carry out the military buildup Mr. Trump has ...
How Trump is empowering the military -- and raising some eyebrows ...
Jun 26, 2017 - In Iraq and Syria, the President has also granted the Pentagon more ... has been empowered by Trump, regaining the authority to conduct ...... Going too far? ... to giving commanders more latitude, said he worried the Trump ...
The buck stops here.

Every president before has taken responsibility for actions taken in his administration. Except Trump. Sorry but I am sick of the way people excuse behavior that degrades the office of the president.
Trump saved this country.

Obama had it swirling the drain, and Hillary was ready to see it sink.
The Comrade has his eye on something much bigger than the Presidency. He Tweeted this morning his congratulations to China's President Xi for his "elevation." Yup, folks you are looking at the possibility of this country's first "Royal Family." The Comrade will do his four or eight years and then Junior, as slow as he is, will step up and be next in line.

I could see Ivanka running in 2024.
For what? A madam?
He would not have authorized the mission. Trump truly turned over missions to his Generals for crying out loud.

And cut the Putin crap. It's beyond old and now you just come off as pathetic with russia, russia, russia.

Here:Just google it. Especially the cnn article.

Trump gives Pentagon total authority over troop levels in Afghanistan ... › News › World › Americas
Jun 15, 2017 - Donald Trump has given the Pentagon complete authority to set troop ... giving our troops greater latitude to provide air power and other vital ...
Trump gives Pentagon power to determine U.S. troop levels in Iraq ...
Apr 27, 2017 - WASHINGTON -- The White House is giving the Pentagon greater ... The decision will give Defense Secretary Jim Mattis the authority to send more forces ... Trump's decision applies only to the two countries, and so far does ...
Trump Gives Mattis Authority to Send More Troops to Afghanistan ...
Trump Gives Mattis Authority to Send More Troops to Afghanistan
Jun 13, 2017 - Trump Gives Mattis Authority to Send More Troops to Afghanistan ... House to give the Pentagon and its military commanders more latitude to deploy .... the request as far too little to carry out the military buildup Mr. Trump has ...
How Trump is empowering the military -- and raising some eyebrows ...
Jun 26, 2017 - In Iraq and Syria, the President has also granted the Pentagon more ... has been empowered by Trump, regaining the authority to conduct ...... Going too far? ... to giving commanders more latitude, said he worried the Trump ...
The buck stops here.

Every president before has taken responsibility for actions taken in his administration. Except Trump. Sorry but I am sick of the way people excuse behavior that degrades the office of the president.

Where did he say he didn't take responsibility? He didn't. Trump trusts his Generals and the mission. He just couldn't answer any specifics because he was not personally involved.
Good leaders take the blame often times when it may not totally be their fault. Poor leaders blame everyone but themselves.

Oh you just opened the barn doors wide didn't you? :) Thank you so very very much.

James Comey, Matt Lauer, Netflix, Putin, fathers, husbands, male bosses and boyfriends: Meet the Hillary blame list - FORTY-ONE and counting (but there's one absentee)
  • Donald Trump has accused Hillary Clinton of blaming everyone but herself for her election loss
  • Clinton has said she is accountable - but since Trump's shock November 8 victory has produced a laundry list of who she also blames
  • Now has rounded them up and found the list is 41- strong and counting

Read more: Hillary Clinton blame list - FORTY-ONE and counting | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

I'm not defending Hillary, and she isn't the leader of the free world.

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