The Bud Light Military

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
Sing, o muse, of the wrath of Achilles, son of Peleus, that brought countless ills upon the Achaeans ...

Thus opens the foundational epic of European civilization.

Achilles is angry because his woman, Briseis, has been appropriated by Agamemnon, the leader of the Greeks. He expresses this discontent by going on strike. While the rest of the Greek army fights and dies outside the walls of Troy, Achilles lounges in his tent, content to sit out the combat until Agamemnon comes to his senses and returns his war bride. If Achilles were simply any other warm body with a spear, this wouldn’t be such a big deal, but he is Achilles – the greatest warrior of the Heroic Age. Without him, the Greeks are at a severe disadvantage. Achilles’ petulance is therefore a problem for Agamemnon.

The lesson is hardly a subtle one. Kings and generals need to keep their soldiers happy. They especially need to keep their best soldiers happy. If they don’t – for instance, by taking their women from them – morale will suffer, and they may well find themselves without the crucial support of their warriors when it most matters.

Washington seems to have missed that lesson, and now, they’re paying the price.

For the last decade they have been relentlessly and mercilessly whipping American whites: defaming them as racists, mocking their intelligence and manliness, tearing down their statues, erasing the names of their ancestral heroes, replacing their fictional archetypes with diverse doppelgangers in the media, disadvantaging them in education and employment, demanding that they attend racial struggle sessions. The list of outrages and humiliations is long and all too familiar, permeating as it does every one of our institutions.

But now, the Empire of Lies faces a problem.

You're gonna send your sons and grandsons off to fight for these corrupt dogs who hate you ?
Didn't think so

Draft the trannies and thier "allies "
The idea that those whom are most capable, would stand aside, and let those who despise them be slaughtered is rather the point...

Most of them will be replaced by AI and robots in a generation anyway.
Major recruiting struggles continue. If you can handle the CRT struggle sessions. :laugh2:


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