The Business of Government is to Promote Happiness or Business?

No, defense means to defend our borders and Americans from foreign threats.
Defense from threats foreign and domestic, actually. The epidemic of mortgage fraud that nearly crashed the global economy six years ago is a greater threat to this country than radical Islam ever will be. The current gap between the richest Americans and the majority also qualifies as a crisis for all those not lost like naive trolls in the 18th century.

I'm bailing on this argument on the grounds that you are an idiot.
No, defense means to defend our borders and Americans from foreign threats.
Defense from threats foreign and domestic, actually. The epidemic of mortgage fraud that nearly crashed the global economy six years ago is a greater threat to this country than radical Islam ever will be. The current gap between the richest Americans and the majority also qualifies as a crisis for all those not lost like naive trolls in the 18th century.

I'm bailing on this argument on the grounds that you are an idiot.

I feel your pain.
The business of a Democrat controlled government is to make it as hard as possible for a business in the private sector to succeed.
The purpose of a Democrat controlled government is to impose as many taxes as possible in order to force people to be dependent
on government thereby keeping Democrats in power.
And yet, business does so well under Democrats. Odd that. In fact, the entire country does well under Democrats. If Bush, Bush and Reagan are any indication.
For Jeremy Bentham the answer was happiness which he defined as the overall happiness created for everyone affected by an action.
"I. The business of government is to promote the happiness of the society, by punishing and rewarding. That part of its business which consists in punishing, is more particularly the subject of penal law. In proportion as an act tends to disturb that happiness, in proportion as the tendency of it is pernicious, will be the demand it creates for punishment. What happiness consists of we have already seen: enjoyment of pleasures, security from pains."
Jeremy Bentham An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation Chapter VII Library of Economics and Liberty

The happiness and business of men are... their own business. Not the government's.
The business of a Democrat controlled government is to make it as hard as possible for a business in the private sector to succeed.
The purpose of a Democrat controlled government is to impose as many taxes as possible in order to force people to be dependent
on government thereby keeping Democrats in power.
Democrats AND Republicans want to make it hard for small businesses AND labor unions in order to maximize shareholder value; that's why the US economy has "recovered" for the richest 10 percent of Americans.

Not that stock ownership is the only form of investment they hold but 52% of American households own stocks as part or all of their portfolios. They all benefit from the growth and profitability of the companies in which they invest. You just whine like a stuck leftist because you never bothered to become one of the 52%.
The business of a Democrat controlled government is to make it as hard as possible for a business in the private sector to succeed.
The purpose of a Democrat controlled government is to impose as many taxes as possible in order to force people to be dependent
on government thereby keeping Democrats in power.

Under Obama, business taxes have been the lowest in decades.
The last thing Democrats want is for the private sector to thrive letting people have freedom to grow the company.
They want people dependent on government programs in return for votes.

Total bull shit. My business has thrived under Obama.
Yet Democrats have controlled the Executive Branch for the last six years and did absolutely nothing to prosecute Wall Street for wiping out billion$ of middle class wealth. Both major parties serve the same one percent of Americans.

How do you prosecute someone that the former administration let do the damage?
You claim to own a business. Do you split all profits equally with everyone who works for the company? No? Then shut the fuck up.

Which, of course, has nothing to do with what I wrote. I backed you against the wall yet again.

You love socialist ideals so much, except that you don't want to practice them yourself. You're a fucking joke of a hypocrite and full of bullshit.
You love socialist ideals so much, except that you don't want to practice them yourself. You're a fucking joke of a hypocrite and full of bullshit.

Socialist ideals are nothing more than tax payer services and infrastructure. As a businessman, I LOVE infrastructure.

If you really want to shit your pants, puppy, perhaps you can tell me which political ideology free education for children and the abolishment of child labor came from.
It doesn't seem to be working in Venezuela.

Why is that?

Venezuela is a third world country, you dumb Canadian.

But isn't socialism supposed to create the middle class? How does a country become first world if not through socialism? Please explain the magic for us.

Here are some other countries where it isn't working:

North Korea
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