The Capital attack was worst than we thought

This is chilling. We were moments and a locked door away from our government being held hostage by a group of trump thugs. The Don planned the attack. He told us it was going to be wild. It was. These people planned to kidnap and or kill Congressional leaders. The investigation by the next DOJ will prove that trump orchestrated the riot. He willl go to jail.

Our democracy is on edge. Thank God trump is going in a few days...but the trump thugs will still be there. He wants Twitter back so he can organize his thugs...the red hats.

This is chilling. We were moments and a locked door away from our government being held hostage by a group of trump thugs. The Don planned the attack. He told us it was going to be wild. It was. These people planned to kidnap and or kill Congressional leaders. The investigation by the next DOJ will prove that trump orchestrated the riot. He willl go to jail.

Our democracy is on edge. Thank God trump is going in a few days...but the trump thugs will still be there. He wants Twitter back so he can organize his thugs...the red hats.
Yeah, I was reading some of the social media before the wasn't just a bunch of guys who broke a barricade and stormed the capitol. There was extensive planning involved. It wasn't very intelligent planning--the actual offices of most of the law makers are not in the capitol itself so when the mob got into the chamber, they were gone and zip tie guy didn't have anyone to go after.
When you cheat in an election, people get mad.
You guys have been lied to. Over and over and over.

The election was not stolen. Trump lost and was never going to admit that. The lie about a stolen election was just the easiest way for him to satisfy his inability to admit he isn’t a “winner”.
When you cheat in an election, people get mad.
Honest to God, Biden did not cheat to win.

You are believing in total fabrication...a world of fake media.

Joe Biden WON, by 7 million plus people, more than who chose Pres. Trump. We voted Trump out, along with an additional 2.5 million who voted against Trump by voting for the independent candidate.

President Trump, lost fair and square..... that's a fact, that's the truth, so help me God.

The stories of fraud are fabricated out of whole cloth.... by Trump, MONTHS BEFORE the first vote was even cast in the election.... then his minions came in to help with their phoney allegations.....

All easily debunked.
When you cheat in an election, people get mad.

I guess you didn't watch 60 minutes last night when the election officials played the whole video of the election workers taking two boxes of ballot out from under a desk they supposedly found but Rudy edited it to show the Georgia state senate and the world. I suggest you watch it if it happens to be on youtube, I haven't looked this morning. You think there are low life's in the congress? Rudy takes the cake.
When you cheat in an election, people get mad.

You were the one who was cheated. A man who had no respect for you, lied to you. Unfortunately for the nation, you Trumpers were too stupid to seriously question his outrageous premise that thousands of people conspired to rig an election without anyone coming forward to reveal the plot.

When I was a kid, I fell for a lot of false information. But maturity, in general, and adulthood, in particular, showed me that healthy skepticism could and would protect me from getting ripped off or burned by anyone trying to take advantage of me. Trump counted on your gullibility and stupidity. While Trump is a vile human being, in the end, you only have yourselves to blame. Take some damn responsibility, for God's sake!
I don’t see anything in that fantasy piece that implicates the President in the attacks.

According to the liberal lawyers ... The Donald can be prosecuted for inciting the riot ... there's limits to free speech ... again, the liberal point of view has The Donald's speech at The Oval just prior to the assault on the Capitol as "what a reasonable person would believe would lead to eminent lawless activities" ... like yelling "fire, fire, fire" in a crowded theater ...

I would like to hear from any conservative lawyers ... what defense could be mounted against these charges? ... what are the legal tests? ... all my normal legal advice websites what to lynch The Donald, so I'm not sure what could be done in court ...
Im not a lawyer.
I do think that Trumps intent was to stir up the knuckle draggers.
But I think that proving the intent would be very difficult in a court.

I would see the best avenue to take him down would be to focus on his many lies regarding the election and probably the perfect call to the guy in Georgia.
When you cheat in an election, people get mad.
When you get mad over cheating that didn't occur, you're mad because you're delusional.
When you cheat in an election, people get mad.
Good thing that didn't happen, huh?

This is chilling. We were moments and a locked door away from our government being held hostage by a group of trump thugs. The Don planned the attack. He told us it was going to be wild. It was. These people planned to kidnap and or kill Congressional leaders. The investigation by the next DOJ will prove that trump orchestrated the riot. He willl go to jail.

Our democracy is on edge. Thank God trump is going in a few days...but the trump thugs will still be there. He wants Twitter back so he can organize his thugs...the red hats.

The misdialed voicemail from Giuliani shows coordination between trump, mob, and the legislators that "objected" to the fomality of counting the vote. The intention of that call was to have Tommy Tuberville "Slow it down" in order to gove the mob more time to break through the doors and get their hands on the legislators (and Vice President) who were following their constitutional requirements. Which is to say that all the trump operatives were involved in LEVYING WAR against the United States

View attachment 441270
Even a radical religious homophobe occasionally shows some spine and does what the Constitution demands that they do.
He literally had no choice. The Constitution allows no other action by him.

We had "alternative facts" - Apparently now we have an "alternative constitution". ;)
When you cheat in an election, people get mad.

Yep, Trump mindfucked his sheep real good.
What a classic RACIST you are.
Look at you coming to the defense of WHITE officer Sicknick. I guarantee you can't link us to your posts showing your condemnation of the murder of BLACK officer David Dorn during the BurnLootMurder picnics...CAN YOU you filthy fuck?
Shameless fucking RACIST!

WTF? I condemn all violent criminal acts, no matter what color the victim is.

Go bark up some other tree psycho boy.
When you cheat in an election, people get mad.

Trump had 59 court cases and $250m to make that point and he couldn't....

Could you explain how Trump's Legal team couldn't prove any mass fraud? Trump's Legal team couldn't prove any mass voter fraud?
1. Not enough time
2. No authority to investigate and subpoena
Yet without investigation and evidence as you claim.... to prove their accusations in court, trumpets are claiming voter fraud, with no doubt that it took place?
  • Thanks
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This is chilling. We were moments and a locked door away from our government being held hostage by a group of trump thugs. The Don planned the attack. He told us it was going to be wild. It was. These people planned to kidnap and or kill Congressional leaders. The investigation by the next DOJ will prove that trump orchestrated the riot. He willl go to jail.

Our democracy is on edge. Thank God trump is going in a few days...but the trump thugs will still be there. He wants Twitter back so he can organize his thugs...the red hats.

English people.

The Capital attack was worst than we thought
I have no problem with a 9/11 type investigation... or each State having their own bipartisan commission.

This is chilling. We were moments and a locked door away from our government being held hostage by a group of trump thugs. The Don planned the attack. He told us it was going to be wild. It was. These people planned to kidnap and or kill Congressional leaders. The investigation by the next DOJ will prove that trump orchestrated the riot. He willl go to jail.

Our democracy is on edge. Thank God trump is going in a few days...but the trump thugs will still be there. He wants Twitter back so he can organize his thugs...the red hats.
All the planned radical left summer riots were chilling yet, not a peep out of the left and, lest we forget about other 'chilling' moments....

It was chilling that our FBI lied to a FISA court to wiretap Trump.
It was chilling when we saw leftists burning our flag and hanging our President in effigy.
It was chilling when a so-called comedian walked around with a photo of Trump's severed head.
It was chilling when celebs ran around thinking about burning down the White House.
It was chilling when BLM attacked DC.
It was chilling when so-called 'peaceful protestors' burned law enforcement cars and took over a police precinct.

As to the rest of your diatribe rant....The only thugs are most of the Democrat leadership who have acted like traitors for 4 years.
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This is chilling. We were moments and a locked door away from our government being held hostage by a group of trump thugs. The Don planned the attack. He told us it was going to be wild. It was. These people planned to kidnap and or kill Congressional leaders. The investigation by the next DOJ will prove that trump orchestrated the riot. He willl go to jail.

Our democracy is on edge. Thank God trump is going in a few days...but the trump thugs will still be there. He wants Twitter back so he can organize his thugs...the red hats.

This is chilling. We were moments and a locked door away from our government being held hostage by a group of trump thugs. The Don planned the attack. He told us it was going to be wild. It was. These people planned to kidnap and or kill Congressional leaders. The investigation by the next DOJ will prove that trump orchestrated the riot. He willl go to jail.

Our democracy is on edge. Thank God trump is going in a few days...but the trump thugs will still be there. He wants Twitter back so he can organize his thugs...the red hats.
Yeah, I was reading some of the social media before the wasn't just a bunch of guys who broke a barricade and stormed the capitol. There was extensive planning involved. It wasn't very intelligent planning--the actual offices of most of the law makers are not in the capitol itself so when the mob got into the chamber, they were gone and zip tie guy didn't have anyone to go after.
When you cheat in an election, people get mad.
You guys have been lied to. Over and over and over.

The election was not stolen. Trump lost and was never going to admit that. The lie about a stolen election was just the easiest way for him to satisfy his inability to admit he isn’t a “winner”.
When you cheat in an election, people get mad.
Honest to God, Biden did not cheat to win.

You are believing in total fabrication...a world of fake media.

Joe Biden WON, by 7 million plus people, more than who chose Pres. Trump. We voted Trump out, along with an additional 2.5 million who voted against Trump by voting for the independent candidate.

President Trump, lost fair and square..... that's a fact, that's the truth, so help me God.

The stories of fraud are fabricated out of whole cloth.... by Trump, MONTHS BEFORE the first vote was even cast in the election.... then his minions came in to help with their phoney allegations.....

All easily debunked.
When you cheat in an election, people get mad.

I guess you didn't watch 60 minutes last night when the election officials played the whole video of the election workers taking two boxes of ballot out from under a desk they supposedly found but Rudy edited it to show the Georgia state senate and the world. I suggest you watch it if it happens to be on youtube, I haven't looked this morning. You think there are low life's in the congress? Rudy takes the cake.
When you cheat in an election, people get mad.

You were the one who was cheated. A man who had no respect for you, lied to you. Unfortunately for the nation, you Trumpers were too stupid to seriously question his outrageous premise that thousands of people conspired to rig an election without anyone coming forward to reveal the plot.

When I was a kid, I fell for a lot of false information. But maturity, in general, and adulthood, in particular, showed me that healthy skepticism could and would protect me from getting ripped off or burned by anyone trying to take advantage of me. Trump counted on your gullibility and stupidity. While Trump is a vile human being, in the end, you only have yourselves to blame. Take some damn responsibility, for God's sake!
I don’t see anything in that fantasy piece that implicates the President in the attacks.

According to the liberal lawyers ... The Donald can be prosecuted for inciting the riot ... there's limits to free speech ... again, the liberal point of view has The Donald's speech at The Oval just prior to the assault on the Capitol as "what a reasonable person would believe would lead to eminent lawless activities" ... like yelling "fire, fire, fire" in a crowded theater ...

I would like to hear from any conservative lawyers ... what defense could be mounted against these charges? ... what are the legal tests? ... all my normal legal advice websites what to lynch The Donald, so I'm not sure what could be done in court ...
Im not a lawyer.
I do think that Trumps intent was to stir up the knuckle draggers.
But I think that proving the intent would be very difficult in a court.

I would see the best avenue to take him down would be to focus on his many lies regarding the election and probably the perfect call to the guy in Georgia.
When you cheat in an election, people get mad.
When you get mad over cheating that didn't occur, you're mad because you're delusional.
When you cheat in an election, people get mad.
Good thing that didn't happen, huh?

This is chilling. We were moments and a locked door away from our government being held hostage by a group of trump thugs. The Don planned the attack. He told us it was going to be wild. It was. These people planned to kidnap and or kill Congressional leaders. The investigation by the next DOJ will prove that trump orchestrated the riot. He willl go to jail.

Our democracy is on edge. Thank God trump is going in a few days...but the trump thugs will still be there. He wants Twitter back so he can organize his thugs...the red hats.

The misdialed voicemail from Giuliani shows coordination between trump, mob, and the legislators that "objected" to the fomality of counting the vote. The intention of that call was to have Tommy Tuberville "Slow it down" in order to gove the mob more time to break through the doors and get their hands on the legislators (and Vice President) who were following their constitutional requirements. Which is to say that all the trump operatives were involved in LEVYING WAR against the United States

View attachment 441270
Even a radical religious homophobe occasionally shows some spine and does what the Constitution demands that they do.
He literally had no choice. The Constitution allows no other action by him.

We had "alternative facts" - Apparently now we have an "alternative constitution". ;)
When you cheat in an election, people get mad.

Yep, Trump mindfucked his sheep real good.
What a classic RACIST you are.
Look at you coming to the defense of WHITE officer Sicknick. I guarantee you can't link us to your posts showing your condemnation of the murder of BLACK officer David Dorn during the BurnLootMurder picnics...CAN YOU you filthy fuck?
Shameless fucking RACIST!

WTF? I condemn all violent criminal acts, no matter what color the victim is.

Go bark up some other tree psycho boy.
That's what you keep you saying....yet none of you have linked us to any of your posts from summer showing you condemned the murder of David RACISTS!
Can Care4all or DrLove link us to such posts?
Save your false equivalency

The Capitol attack did not happen because of the George Floyd protests

It happened because Trump refused to accept certified electoral defeat
Yet without investigation and evidence as you claim.... to prove their accusations in court, trumpets are claiming voter fraud, with no doubt that it took place?

Please stop lying. Can you possibly do that? Is it possible?

There are at LEAST 1,000 signed sworn testimonies by workers at election centers that they witnessed voter fraud. That's "evidence" at any court in America. You don't give a damn because Democrats are evil from top to bottom. Evil in promoting abortion of unborn babies. Evil in promoting homosexual perversion. Evil in brainwashing kids in schools and colleges. Evil in promoting deadly socialism. And when it all hits you in the face, as it did with Hunter Biden's laptop, and the testimony of his business partners implicating Joe Crook Biden, you giggle and dismiss it, proud of your evil.
That's what you keep you saying....yet none of you have linked us to any of your posts from summer showing you condemned the murder of David RACISTS!
Can @Care4all or @DrLove link us to such posts?
No, they celebrated the burning of our cities.
Save your false equivalency

The Capitol attack did not happen because of the George Floyd protests

It happened because Trump refused to accept certified electoral defeat
Yeah they 'certified' fake votes. Just like they 'certified' a fake Dossier to get a FISA warrant. It's the Democrat way, lie, cheat, steal, loot, kill to get your way. No one should ever believe any utterance from a Democrat politician's mouth. Especially Democrat party leadership. They are all corrupt and probably getting dirty money from China. Name one Democrat leader who isn't a lying POS.
Yet without investigation and evidence as you claim.... to prove their accusations in court, trumpets are claiming voter fraud, with no doubt that it took place?

Please stop lying. Can you possibly do that? Is it possible?

There are at LEAST 1,000 signed sworn testimonies by workers at election centers that they witnessed voter fraud. That's "evidence" at any court in America. You don't give a damn because Democrats are evil from top to bottom. Evil in promoting abortion of unborn babies. Evil in promoting homosexual perversion. Evil in brainwashing kids in schools and colleges. Evil in promoting deadly socialism. And when it all hits you in the face, as it did with Hunter Biden's laptop, and the testimony of his business partners implicating Joe Crook Biden, you giggle and dismiss it, proud of your evil.
Sworn statements mean just north of zero when there is no evidence to support them'
And there was no evidence to support them

Anyone can say anything and sign their name to it. That don't make it true..or accurate
Sworn statements mean just north of zero when there is no evidence to support them'
And there was no evidence to support them

Anyone can say anything and sign their name to it. That don't make it true..or accurate
Sworn statements only count if one is a radical-left Democrat Trump hater then? They have made lots of fake sworn statements about Trump.
In 2016 the democrats went nuts about "Russian Collusion" and Russia stole the election. Remember? The democrats said Trump was illegitimate.
And no one rioted. No one tried to overturn that election. No one attacked the seat of government
June 2020 there was a five day riot. This was 45 minutes making democrats uncomfortable. Pffft.
Yet without investigation and evidence as you claim.... to prove their accusations in court, trumpets are claiming voter fraud, with no doubt that it took place?

Please stop lying. Can you possibly do that? Is it possible?

There are at LEAST 1,000 signed sworn testimonies by workers at election centers that they witnessed voter fraud. That's "evidence" at any court in America. You don't give a damn because Democrats are evil from top to bottom. Evil in promoting abortion of unborn babies. Evil in promoting homosexual perversion. Evil in brainwashing kids in schools and colleges. Evil in promoting deadly socialism. And when it all hits you in the face, as it did with Hunter Biden's laptop, and the testimony of his business partners implicating Joe Crook Biden, you giggle and dismiss it, proud of your evil.
How about you put your money where your mouth is and pick 5 or 10 only of those 1000 affidavits that you believe are true and could have affected the result of the election and taken a win, away from Biden.... and post them here, so we can debate them.....

Bet you don't know of any, and are just regurgitating nonsense, cuz it sounds good.
Yet without investigation and evidence as you claim.... to prove their accusations in court, trumpets are claiming voter fraud, with no doubt that it took place?

Please stop lying. Can you possibly do that? Is it possible?

There are at LEAST 1,000 signed sworn testimonies by workers at election centers that they witnessed voter fraud. That's "evidence" at any court in America. You don't give a damn because Democrats are evil from top to bottom. Evil in promoting abortion of unborn babies. Evil in promoting homosexual perversion. Evil in brainwashing kids in schools and colleges. Evil in promoting deadly socialism. And when it all hits you in the face, as it did with Hunter Biden's laptop, and the testimony of his business partners implicating Joe Crook Biden, you giggle and dismiss it, proud of your evil.
How about you put your money where your mouth is and pick 5 or 10 only of those 1000 affidavits that you believe are true and could have affected the result of the election and taken a win, away from Biden.... and post them here, so we can debate them.....

Bet you don't know of any, and are just regurgitating nonsense, cuz it sounds good.
Dude...he's just saying shit. He doesn't even believe it.

It's just stuff to say
In 2016 the democrats went nuts about "Russian Collusion" and Russia stole the election. Remember? The democrats said Trump was illegitimate.
And no one rioted. No one tried to overturn that election. No one attacked the seat of government
June 2020 there was a five day riot. This was 45 minutes making democrats uncomfortable. Pffft.
Save your false equivalency

The Capitol attack did not happen because of the George Floyd protests

It happened because Trump refused to accept certified electoral defeat
In 2016 the democrats went nuts about "Russian Collusion" and Russia stole the election. Remember? The democrats said Trump was illegitimate.
And no one rioted. No one tried to overturn that election. No one attacked the seat of government
June 2020 there was a five day riot. This was 45 minutes making democrats uncomfortable. Pffft.
This was an attack on our Capitol and defiling of our Nation's institutions, and a planned attack on the vice president, incited by the exiting president's attack on our constitutional processes.

There is no minimizing it, or comparing it to the George Floyd riots in several states.
When you cheat in an election, people get mad.

Trump had 59 court cases and $250m to make that point and he couldn't....

Could you explain how Trump's Legal team couldn't prove any mass fraud? Trump's Legal team couldn't prove any mass voter fraud?
1. Not enough time
2. No authority to investigate and subpoena
Yet without investigation and evidence as you claim.... to prove their accusations in court, trumpets are claiming voter fraud, with no doubt that it took place?
The bar is pretty low to start an investigation, see Crossfire Hurricane and Razor as examples.
The sworn affidavits and expert witnesses should be an adequate predicate.
A real investigation needs to be done, then after the facts are known we can accept them.

This is chilling. We were moments and a locked door away from our government being held hostage by a group of trump thugs. The Don planned the attack. He told us it was going to be wild. It was. These people planned to kidnap and or kill Congressional leaders. The investigation by the next DOJ will prove that trump orchestrated the riot. He willl go to jail.

Our democracy is on edge. Thank God trump is going in a few days...but the trump thugs will still be there. He wants Twitter back so he can organize his thugs...the red hats.

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