The Capital attack was worst than we thought

When you cheat in an election, people get mad.

What's even worse is when you lie to people and tell them there was cheating when there was none. It is beyond despicable that Trump would use his supporters so cravenly.
It is more despicable that you think his supporters would or did allow themselves to be used so. Save your slander.
That's not slander. There is no other excuse.
When you cheat in an election, people get mad.

You were the one who was cheated. A man who had no respect for you, lied to you. Unfortunately for the nation, you Trumpers were too stupid to seriously question his outrageous premise that thousands of people conspired to rig an election without anyone coming forward to reveal the plot.

When I was a kid, I fell for a lot of false information. But maturity, in general, and adulthood, in particular, showed me that healthy skepticism could and would protect me from getting ripped off or burned by anyone trying to take advantage of me. Trump counted on your gullibility and stupidity. While Trump is a vile human being, in the end, you only have yourselves to blame. Take some damn responsibility, for God's sake!
Start at the beginning, the democrats hated Trump from the day he announced. The MSM had fake polls giving Hillary 95% probability of winning, she lost.
Trump's 1st term was a miracle in itself, the biggest upset in US election history. Hillary and the DNC actually colluded with and paid Russians for "dirt" on Trump, the "Steele Dossier". Obama used the power of the DOJ, FBI, CIA and other Federal agencies to illegally spy on and setup Trump for failure. Operations Crossfire Hurricane and Razor, the Mueller Investigation, Russian Collusion Hoax, the MSM's constant 95% negative coverage and "fake news", Never-Trump Republicans, the Lincoln Project, globalists of every stripe, the entrenched Deep State who all oppose Trump's policies, the planted leakers and whistle-blowers, and the RINOs who'd rather shill for K-Street than work for main street. Then add to all of that the outright hatred shown by the House democrats toward Trump, to the point of "non-crime" Impeachment Articles, probably twice!!

We wanted an outsider and not another "establishment" president, Trump was exactly what we wanted as president, except for his "used car salesman" style of continuously lying about stupid stuff. His high negatives as seen during the 1st debate turned off too many voters. That said, we Trump supporters are not dissatisfied with Trump's "populist" agenda and his "promises kept". In the end General Kelly was right, Trump is a very flawed man, that is his legacy, along with his "promises kept" Promises Kept | President Donald J. Trump's Accomplishments

Seems like the village idiot has spoken..

He has his own little world with his dreams....

Most of the stuff he said has been refuted and laughed at... The rest is just made up
Did the police officer get a booboo on his head?
The one that died from the head injury suffered at the hands of those rioters? POS
We don't know how he died, moron. I've seen articles that say he may have died from exposure to tear gas.

The policeman disguised in your article has a small cut on his head. That's a shame, but things like that happen during riots.
You're a fucking moron.

During the struggle at the Capitol, Sicknick, 42, was hit in the head with a fire extinguisher, two law enforcement officials said.
What do you imagine that proves? Was his family there? No one is denying that he was hit with a fire extinguisher. The question is whether that is what killed him.

As usual you are pumping nothing but sleazy Stalinist hysteria.
Fucking moron, I didn't say the hit in the head with a fire extinguisher is what killed him. I said he was hit in the head with a fire extinguisher in response to your pathetic characterization that he just had a "booboo" on his head.
The guy with the booboo on his head is a different guy, shit for brains.
Fucking moron, there was no other cop mentioned in that article who was hit in the head. Even worse for you, when Jim said, "the one that died from the head injury suffered at the hands of those rioters? POS," you answered, "we don't know how he died, moron."

Now, like the fucking moron you are, you idiotically claimed you were really talking about someone else. :cuckoo:
You're confusing two separate cases, and I don't have the patience to correct your deliberate ignorance.
Did the police officer get a booboo on his head?
The one that died from the head injury suffered at the hands of those rioters? POS
We don't know how he died, moron. I've seen articles that say he may have died from exposure to tear gas.

The policeman disguised in your article has a small cut on his head. That's a shame, but things like that happen during riots.
You're a fucking moron.

During the struggle at the Capitol, Sicknick, 42, was hit in the head with a fire extinguisher, two law enforcement officials said.
What do you imagine that proves? Was his family there? No one is denying that he was hit with a fire extinguisher. The question is whether that is what killed him.

As usual you are pumping nothing but sleazy Stalinist hysteria.
So you admit he was attacked and bludgeoned with a fucking metal object. You know he died.

You just question whether being hit on the head with a heavy metal object can kill you?

You and FAUX, the forum autistic children, are deliberately conflating two separate cases.

I'm not going to debate your pure sleazy dishonesty.
When you cheat in an election, people get mad.

What's even worse is when you lie to people and tell them there was cheating when there was none. It is beyond despicable that Trump would use his supporters so cravenly.
It is more despicable that you think his supporters would or did allow themselves to be used so. Save your slander.
That's not slander. There is no other excuse.
Bullspit. You just mean you will not listen to any other explanation. I don't imagine your handlers will let you but it's still on you.

This is chilling. We were moments and a locked door away from our government being held hostage by a group of trump thugs. The Don planned the attack. He told us it was going to be wild. It was. These people planned to kidnap and or kill Congressional leaders. The investigation by the next DOJ will prove that trump orchestrated the riot. He willl go to jail.

Our democracy is on edge. Thank God trump is going in a few days...but the trump thugs will still be there. He wants Twitter back so he can organize his thugs...the red hats.
Please don't post your nauseating sexual fantasies.

“I was a private citizen and doing everything right and within my rights,” Rainey told the Associated Press on Sunday.

Prove otherwise, you slimy asshole.

“I was a private citizen and doing everything right and within my rights,” Rainey told the Associated Press on Sunday.

Prove otherwise, you slimy asshole.

I don't have to.. She has resigned. The Army is investigating her.. and she's on tape.

Too many loons to continue making excuses for Trump.. Oh yes.. and Guliani will be disbarred for his lies about "election fraud".
Did the police officer get a booboo on his head?
The one that died from the head injury suffered at the hands of those rioters? POS
We don't know how he died, moron. I've seen articles that say he may have died from exposure to tear gas.

The policeman disguised in your article has a small cut on his head. That's a shame, but things like that happen during riots.
You're a fucking moron.

During the struggle at the Capitol, Sicknick, 42, was hit in the head with a fire extinguisher, two law enforcement officials said.
What do you imagine that proves? Was his family there? No one is denying that he was hit with a fire extinguisher. The question is whether that is what killed him.

As usual you are pumping nothing but sleazy Stalinist hysteria.
Fucking moron, I didn't say the hit in the head with a fire extinguisher is what killed him. I said he was hit in the head with a fire extinguisher in response to your pathetic characterization that he just had a "booboo" on his head.
The guy with the booboo on his head is a different guy, shit for brains.
Fucking moron, there was no other cop mentioned in that article who was hit in the head. Even worse for you, when Jim said, "the one that died from the head injury suffered at the hands of those rioters? POS," you answered, "we don't know how he died, moron."

Now, like the fucking moron you are, you idiotically claimed you were really talking about someone else. :cuckoo:
You're confusing two separate cases, and I don't have the patience to correct your deliberate ignorance.
Fucking moron, these are your words -- "No one is denying that he was hit with a fire extinguisher. The question is whether that is what killed him."

There was no other cop who was killed in that rebellion.

“I was a private citizen and doing everything right and within my rights,” Rainey told the Associated Press on Sunday.

Prove otherwise, you slimy asshole.

I don't have to.. She has resigned. The Army is investigating her.. and she's on tape.

Too many loons to continue making excuses for Trump.. Oh yes.. and Guliani will be disbarred for his lies about "election fraud".
She's being investigated for what, waving the American flag? The government is persecuting people simply for being in the vicinity, and Stalinist douchebags like you applaud like trained monkeys.

No one has to make any excuses for Trump. He didn't do anything. People who lived in Germany during the 30s must be experience deja vue.

You are the scum of the earth.
Did the police officer get a booboo on his head?
The one that died from the head injury suffered at the hands of those rioters? POS
We don't know how he died, moron. I've seen articles that say he may have died from exposure to tear gas.

The policeman disguised in your article has a small cut on his head. That's a shame, but things like that happen during riots.
You're a fucking moron.

During the struggle at the Capitol, Sicknick, 42, was hit in the head with a fire extinguisher, two law enforcement officials said.
What do you imagine that proves? Was his family there? No one is denying that he was hit with a fire extinguisher. The question is whether that is what killed him.

As usual you are pumping nothing but sleazy Stalinist hysteria.
Fucking moron, I didn't say the hit in the head with a fire extinguisher is what killed him. I said he was hit in the head with a fire extinguisher in response to your pathetic characterization that he just had a "booboo" on his head.
The guy with the booboo on his head is a different guy, shit for brains.
Fucking moron, there was no other cop mentioned in that article who was hit in the head. Even worse for you, when Jim said, "the one that died from the head injury suffered at the hands of those rioters? POS," you answered, "we don't know how he died, moron."

Now, like the fucking moron you are, you idiotically claimed you were really talking about someone else. :cuckoo:
You're confusing two separate cases, and I don't have the patience to correct your deliberate ignorance.
Fucking moron, these are your words -- "No one is denying that he was hit with a fire extinguisher. The question is whether that is what killed him."

There was no other cop who was killed in that rebellion.
I didn't say there was, shit for brains.

You're having a hard time following this thread, aren't you? Do you need to take a class in basic reading?
We have sworn affidavits that said cheating did occur.
Sworn affidavits that were either never submitted in any court or were submitted but rejected by the court due to lack of evidence. And at least two of them which were made public contained lies.

You're delusional if you think Biden got more black votes than Obama.
It's not really my problem you're incapable of understanding Biden get 87% of the black vote than Obama did in 2008 when he got 95% or 2012 when he got 93%. Biden got less of the black vote than Obama. He did get more blacks' votes only because there were so many more voters in the last election. Over 30 million more votes were cast in 2020 than in 2008 (27%) or 2012 (25%). Of those 30 plus million votes, Biden got 2½ million more than Obama, or 8% more -- which is less than the 13% of blacks who voted in each of those elections. Meaning Obama did better with blacks than Biden.
Until the election fraud allegations are investigated by competent professionals, and a reliable report is issued, its just a food fight.
In 2016 the democrats went nuts about "Russian Collusion" and Russia stole the election. Remember? The democrats said Trump was illegitimate.
They've already been investigated. Complaints were reviewed in courts. Some states did recounts. No widespread fraud was detected. Trump's Director of CISA said this was the most secure election ever. Trump's Attorney General said there was no widespread fraud found by the DoJ. Every governor, left and right, certified their results. There was no widespread fraud. Just about every claim of such was debunked.

You were duped by a loser POTUS who lied to America in a failed attempt to reverse the election he lost. It's a pity for you, and for America, that there are people who are so brainwashed, they can't see that.
1. Trump director of CISA said the election was secure, and then it came out that Russia hacked the government servers.

2. The election may have been secure from hacking by foreigner, but democrats will always cheat if they can. In 2020 it was off the chart.

3. AG Barr said that there was no widespread fraud. Okay, so publish a report showing what all was investigated.

4. You may be right, that the voter fraud wasn't significant. But until a real investigation publishes the claims and results, there will always be doubts. No doubt Trump's negatives were high enough, as seen in the 1st debate to turn off many voters, but the optics are not good, Trump had it won, the GOP won many house races, then all of a sudden, Biden won?! If something doesn't smell right it needs to be investigated.
You have some serious personal issues.

1. had nothing to do with the election.

2. There is zero proof of widespread fraud, either foreign or domestic. Again, fraud was investigated. Complaints were reviewed in courts. Some states did recounts. No widespread fraud was detected. Trump's Director of CISA said this was the most secure election ever. Trump's Attorney General said there was no widespread fraud found by the DoJ. Every governor, left and right, certified their results. There was no widespread fraud. Just about every claim of such was debunked.

3. I don't have access to any such report. That doesn't alter the fact that Trump's Attorney General said they found no widespread fraud.

4. There will always be doubts among the brain-dead cultists no matter how many times it's investigated. No matter how many times it's proven false. Just like with Obama's BC when the right insisted all he had to do was release his long form. Turned out, that just breathed new life into them. And there are still many birthers to this day. Face reality, the cult45 doesn't want investigations, they only want to hear there was fraud because that's what they believe and nothing will ever change that.

And you want to see bad optics...?
0. My only personal issue is a serious distrust of lying democrats and their fake-news media.
1. Irony. You mentioned that the CISA director said that the election was secure, and then a week later they find out they had serious hacks.
2. There are many allegations of voter fraud, some obvious constitutional issues, and many cases of unequal treatment.
3. I want to see a report of what was investigated by the DOJ (and what was not investigated) and what the findings were. That shouldn't be difficult a 2 pager at most.
4. Trump is over, this isn't about Trump, this is GOP populists vs socialists on election fairness.

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