The Capital attack was worst than we thought

I didn't approve of what the Trump supporters did.
You very clearly do.

And you're pretending to ignore the FACT that a cop was murdered by that mob

Which cop was murder by the protesters?? The only one I heard about had a heart attack.

The only murder I heard about was the unarmed female protester who was shot by a cop.

No - A capitol cop was beaten to death with a fire extinguisher.
This video is so disturbing, YouTube had to put a warning on it - Click the Tube link and tell them you want to watch it anyway.
Hope you are proud of your tribe of Fascists.

So where is the cop getting beaten to death?
You can disagree with several to many of the voter fraud allegations, like the various judges did, fine, I even saw the GA Secretary of State disprove several. But what about Stacy Abram's sister (a judge) make a ruling on the eligibility of 4,000 voters? WTF? There are many more examples that need to be investigated.
A logical explanation for them would stop a lot of angry Trump supporters.
I'm asking for an investigation to root out the valid and disproven claims.
Any valid claims should be addressed by that state's legislature.
The secretary of state in Georgia did disprove several, but it didn't change many minds, did it? I think a lot of Trump supporters are so indoctrinated to not believe anyone other than Trump, that these arguments just don't work anymore.

Why would Stacey Abram's sister need to recuse? That doesn't need to be investigated.
Remember the democrat's whining about the "appearance" of a conflict of interest? Since when is postal data "unreliable"? Total partisan bullshit.
By that logic, Clarence Thomas should recuse from any case dealing with abortion since his wife is a huge anti-abortion activist.

Think that'l happen? It sure hasn't so far.

Your argument holds no water
Sure they were. Only in you fantasies. It was a protest. That's all.
Insurrection my ass. And there is more to the story than you will know.
It was a protest.
All the congress critters were right there, hiding, any one of the crowd could have grabbed any one of them but didn't.
Nope. I sure don't approve
You have approved of...defended...and lied about every aspect of this

Nope. As I said I don't approve of what they did. I never would have done it and if you don't believe me can't say I give a shit.
When you minimize an insurrection and call it a are approving of it

When you pretend that a murder didn't occur when it clearly are approving of that action.

Your own words damn you. Stubborness is no defense

When you minimize a riot with looting, arson and murder and call it a protest, you are approving of what went on.

The only murder I heard about was an unarmed female protester crawling through a window.

Your own words damn you. Stupidity is no defense.
Did the police officer get a booboo on his head?
The one that died from the head injury suffered at the hands of those rioters? POS
We don't know how he died, moron. I've seen articles that say he may have died from exposure to tear gas.

The policeman disguised in your article has a small cut on his head. That's a shame, but things like that happen during riots.
We have sworn affidavits that said cheating did occur.
Sworn affidavits that were either never submitted in any court or were submitted but rejected by the court due to lack of evidence. And at least two of them which were made public contained lies.

You're delusional if you think Biden got more black votes than Obama.
It's not really my problem you're incapable of understanding Biden get 87% of the black vote than Obama did in 2008 when he got 95% or 2012 when he got 93%. Biden got less of the black vote than Obama. He did get more blacks' votes only because there were so many more voters in the last election. Over 30 million more votes were cast in 2020 than in 2008 (27%) or 2012 (25%). Of those 30 plus million votes, Biden got 2½ million more than Obama, or 8% more -- which is less than the 13% of blacks who voted in each of those elections. Meaning Obama did better with blacks than Biden.
Until the election fraud allegations are investigated by competent professionals, and a reliable report is issued, its just a food fight.
In 2016 the democrats went nuts about "Russian Collusion" and Russia stole the election. Remember? The democrats said Trump was illegitimate.
They've already been investigated. Complaints were reviewed in courts. Some states did recounts. No widespread fraud was detected. Trump's Director of CISA said this was the most secure election ever. Trump's Attorney General said there was no widespread fraud found by the DoJ. Every governor, left and right, certified their results. There was no widespread fraud. Just about every claim of such was debunked.

You were duped by a loser POTUS who lied to America in a failed attempt to reverse the election he lost. It's a pity for you, and for America, that there are people who are so brainwashed, they can't see that.
1. Trump director of CISA said the election was secure, and then it came out that Russia hacked the government servers.

2. The election may have been secure from hacking by foreigner, but democrats will always cheat if they can. In 2020 it was off the chart.

3. AG Barr said that there was no widespread fraud. Okay, so publish a report showing what all was investigated.

4. You may be right, that the voter fraud wasn't significant. But until a real investigation publishes the claims and results, there will always be doubts. No doubt Trump's negatives were high enough, as seen in the 1st debate to turn off many voters, but the optics are not good, Trump had it won, the GOP won many house races, then all of a sudden, Biden won?! If something doesn't smell right it needs to be investigated.
I didn't approve of what the Trump supporters did.
You very clearly do.

And you're pretending to ignore the FACT that a cop was murdered by that mob

Which cop was murder by the protesters?? The only one I heard about had a heart attack.

The only murder I heard about was the unarmed female protester who was shot by a cop.

No - A capitol cop was beaten to death with a fire extinguisher.
This video is so disturbing, YouTube had to put a warning on it - Click the Tube link and tell them you want to watch it anyway.
Hope you are proud of your tribe of Fascists.

My God.

You have the BALLS tocall that a peaceful protest?

For ONE thing...on the ground in front of that entrance...was a cop being beaten and stomped on
Even a radical religious homophobe occasionally shows some spine and does what the Constitution demands that they do.
He literally had no choice. The Constitution allows no other action by him.
Utter horse shit. He had lots of choices. The raid was totally unnecessary in the first place, and the FBI could have just waited it out, but that didn't look good on the nightly news.
We have sworn affidavits that said cheating did occur.
Sworn affidavits that were either never submitted in any court or were submitted but rejected by the court due to lack of evidence. And at least two of them which were made public contained lies.

You're delusional if you think Biden got more black votes than Obama.
It's not really my problem you're incapable of understanding Biden get 87% of the black vote than Obama did in 2008 when he got 95% or 2012 when he got 93%. Biden got less of the black vote than Obama. He did get more blacks' votes only because there were so many more voters in the last election. Over 30 million more votes were cast in 2020 than in 2008 (27%) or 2012 (25%). Of those 30 plus million votes, Biden got 2½ million more than Obama, or 8% more -- which is less than the 13% of blacks who voted in each of those elections. Meaning Obama did better with blacks than Biden.
Until the election fraud allegations are investigated by competent professionals, and a reliable report is issued, its just a food fight.
In 2016 the democrats went nuts about "Russian Collusion" and Russia stole the election. Remember? The democrats said Trump was illegitimate.
They've already been investigated. Complaints were reviewed in courts. Some states did recounts. No widespread fraud was detected. Trump's Director of CISA said this was the most secure election ever. Trump's Attorney General said there was no widespread fraud found by the DoJ. Every governor, left and right, certified their results. There was no widespread fraud. Just about every claim of such was debunked.

You were duped by a loser POTUS who lied to America in a failed attempt to reverse the election he lost. It's a pity for you, and for America, that there are people who are so brainwashed, they can't see that.
1. Trump director of CISA said the election was secure, and then it came out that Russia hacked the government servers.

2. The election may have been secure from hacking by foreigner, but democrats will always cheat if they can. In 2020 it was off the chart.

3. AG Barr said that there was no widespread fraud. Okay, so publish a report showing what all was investigated.

4. You may be right, that the voter fraud wasn't significant. But until a real investigation publishes the claims and results, there will always be doubts. No doubt Trump's negatives were high enough, as seen in the 1st debate to turn off many voters, but the optics are not good, Trump had it won, the GOP won many house races, then all of a sudden, Biden won?! If something doesn't smell right it needs to be investigated.
You're just flailing now. Those are two different events.

This is chilling. We were moments and a locked door away from our government being held hostage by a group of trump thugs. The Don planned the attack. He told us it was going to be wild. It was. These people planned to kidnap and or kill Congressional leaders. The investigation by the next DOJ will prove that trump orchestrated the riot. He willl go to jail.

Our democracy is on edge. Thank God trump is going in a few days...but the trump thugs will still be there. He wants Twitter back so he can organize his thugs...the red hats.

The Quisling MSM played this to their narrative. Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists led by Pelosi and her felloe political ilk conspired with Antifa to caused the rioting to upset the counting process. You will never convince me otherwise. There were never enough forces there to keep a huge mob out if we had wanted to go in.
While any rioting is bad, the year-long (actually 6 years long, going back to the Ferguson riots) destruction wrought by the Progressive Marxist terrorist arm of Antifa and BLM dwarfs anything from the right.

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I'm sure there are many cases where there are reasonable explanations. But until they are all investigated,
They were. Over and over and were found to be without substance
Sure they were. Only in you fantasies. It was a protest. That's all. post nothing BUT fantasy

That "protest" resulted in people of them a police officer

And had that woman been allowed to breach that barricade...there would very likely have been a hostage situation with that mob taking dozens of lawmakers hostage...or worse

That's NOT peaceful protest in any way shape or form

It was a protest. Would I have flooded the Capital Buildings?? Nope. It was the wrong thing to do in MO. But, people make choices every day and they all chose to flood the Capital buildings.

The only death due to force or arms was an unarmed female protester.

Hostage situation? LMAO you sure like to live in a world of fantasy. All the congress critters were right there, hiding, any one of the crowd could have grabbed any one of them but didn't.
You piece of shit, the domestic terrorists beat a cop to death.

This is chilling. We were moments and a locked door away from our government being held hostage by a group of trump thugs. The Don planned the attack. He told us it was going to be wild. It was. These people planned to kidnap and or kill Congressional leaders. The investigation by the next DOJ will prove that trump orchestrated the riot. He willl go to jail.

Our democracy is on edge. Thank God trump is going in a few days...but the trump thugs will still be there. He wants Twitter back so he can organize his thugs...the red hats.


Hmmm .. The Federalist, Breitbart and Daily Caller ....
DING DING DING - You've hit the TRIFECTA!! :D
We have sworn affidavits that said cheating did occur.
Sworn affidavits that were either never submitted in any court or were submitted but rejected by the court due to lack of evidence. And at least two of them which were made public contained lies.

You're delusional if you think Biden got more black votes than Obama.
It's not really my problem you're incapable of understanding Biden get 87% of the black vote than Obama did in 2008 when he got 95% or 2012 when he got 93%. Biden got less of the black vote than Obama. He did get more blacks' votes only because there were so many more voters in the last election. Over 30 million more votes were cast in 2020 than in 2008 (27%) or 2012 (25%). Of those 30 plus million votes, Biden got 2½ million more than Obama, or 8% more -- which is less than the 13% of blacks who voted in each of those elections. Meaning Obama did better with blacks than Biden.
Until the election fraud allegations are investigated by competent professionals, and a reliable report is issued, its just a food fight.
In 2016 the democrats went nuts about "Russian Collusion" and Russia stole the election. Remember? The democrats said Trump was illegitimate.
They've already been investigated. Complaints were reviewed in courts. Some states did recounts. No widespread fraud was detected. Trump's Director of CISA said this was the most secure election ever. Trump's Attorney General said there was no widespread fraud found by the DoJ. Every governor, left and right, certified their results. There was no widespread fraud. Just about every claim of such was debunked.

You were duped by a loser POTUS who lied to America in a failed attempt to reverse the election he lost. It's a pity for you, and for America, that there are people who are so brainwashed, they can't see that.
1. Trump director of CISA said the election was secure, and then it came out that Russia hacked the government servers.

2. The election may have been secure from hacking by foreigner, but democrats will always cheat if they can. In 2020 it was off the chart.

3. AG Barr said that there was no widespread fraud. Okay, so publish a report showing what all was investigated.

4. You may be right, that the voter fraud wasn't significant. But until a real investigation publishes the claims and results, there will always be doubts. No doubt Trump's negatives were high enough, as seen in the 1st debate to turn off many voters, but the optics are not good, Trump had it won, the GOP won many house races, then all of a sudden, Biden won?! If something doesn't smell right it needs to be investigated.
You have some serious personal issues.

1. had nothing to do with the election.

2. There is zero proof of widespread fraud, either foreign or domestic. Again, fraud was investigated. Complaints were reviewed in courts. Some states did recounts. No widespread fraud was detected. Trump's Director of CISA said this was the most secure election ever. Trump's Attorney General said there was no widespread fraud found by the DoJ. Every governor, left and right, certified their results. There was no widespread fraud. Just about every claim of such was debunked.

3. I don't have access to any such report. That doesn't alter the fact that Trump's Attorney General said they found no widespread fraud.

4. There will always be doubts among the brain-dead cultists no matter how many times it's investigated. No matter how many times it's proven false. Just like with Obama's BC when the right insisted all he had to do was release his long form. Turned out, that just breathed new life into them. And there are still many birthers to this day. Face reality, the cult45 doesn't want investigations, they only want to hear there was fraud because that's what they believe and nothing will ever change that.

And you want to see bad optics...?



Did the police officer get a booboo on his head?
The one that died from the head injury suffered at the hands of those rioters? POS
We don't know how he died, moron. I've seen articles that say he may have died from exposure to tear gas.

The policeman disguised in your article has a small cut on his head. That's a shame, but things like that happen during riots.
You're a fucking moron.

During the struggle at the Capitol, Sicknick, 42, was hit in the head with a fire extinguisher, two law enforcement officials said.
When you cheat in an election, people get mad.
You guys have been lied to. Over and over and over.

The election was not stolen. Trump lost and was never going to admit that. The lie about a stolen election was just the easiest way for him to satisfy his inability to admit he isn’t a “winner”.

Right, we are the ones that have been lied to. You are being told the truth by the MSM. Censoring is ok..sometimes. Rioting and looting and burning is ok, but only in certain cases. Taking over government buildings for a month without police intervention is fine and not a real problem. Biden is NOT creating a racial divide when he tweets that the results of the storming of Capitol Hill would have been different if the rioters/protestors would have been a different color. Biden is NOT stoking a racial divide when he promotes the Trump Charlottesville lie/mis-quote yet again last week. Yep, you are being told the truth.

It is sad, but predictable due to our educational system, that even intelligent people can’t see how they are being completely manipulated and brainwashed.
Most of the rioters taking advantage of the George Floyd protests, were state problems.

The wild terrorist at5ack on the Capitol, while a joint session of congress was in session, with the vice president residing, to put in to the federal record the State Certified Electoral College votes was an insurrection, and this was against the WHOLE NATION and our Constitution, and It was PLANNED.

OF COURSE the whole nation is concerned about this....silly one!

This is chilling. We were moments and a locked door away from our government being held hostage by a group of trump thugs. The Don planned the attack. He told us it was going to be wild. It was. These people planned to kidnap and or kill Congressional leaders. The investigation by the next DOJ will prove that trump orchestrated the riot. He willl go to jail.

Our democracy is on edge. Thank God trump is going in a few days...but the trump thugs will still be there. He wants Twitter back so he can organize his thugs...the red hats.

This is chilling. We were moments and a locked door away from our government being held hostage by a group of trump thugs. The Don planned the attack. He told us it was going to be wild. It was. These people planned to kidnap and or kill Congressional leaders. The investigation by the next DOJ will prove that trump orchestrated the riot. He willl go to jail.

Our democracy is on edge. Thank God trump is going in a few days...but the trump thugs will still be there. He wants Twitter back so he can organize his thugs...the red hats.
Yeah, I was reading some of the social media before the wasn't just a bunch of guys who broke a barricade and stormed the capitol. There was extensive planning involved. It wasn't very intelligent planning--the actual offices of most of the law makers are not in the capitol itself so when the mob got into the chamber, they were gone and zip tie guy didn't have anyone to go after.
When you cheat in an election, people get mad.
You guys have been lied to. Over and over and over.

The election was not stolen. Trump lost and was never going to admit that. The lie about a stolen election was just the easiest way for him to satisfy his inability to admit he isn’t a “winner”.
When you cheat in an election, people get mad.
Honest to God, Biden did not cheat to win.

You are believing in total fabrication...a world of fake media.

Joe Biden WON, by 7 million plus people, more than who chose Pres. Trump. We voted Trump out, along with an additional 2.5 million who voted against Trump by voting for the independent candidate.

President Trump, lost fair and square..... that's a fact, that's the truth, so help me God.

The stories of fraud are fabricated out of whole cloth.... by Trump, MONTHS BEFORE the first vote was even cast in the election.... then his minions came in to help with their phoney allegations.....

All easily debunked.
When you cheat in an election, people get mad.

I guess you didn't watch 60 minutes last night when the election officials played the whole video of the election workers taking two boxes of ballot out from under a desk they supposedly found but Rudy edited it to show the Georgia state senate and the world. I suggest you watch it if it happens to be on youtube, I haven't looked this morning. You think there are low life's in the congress? Rudy takes the cake.
When you cheat in an election, people get mad.

You were the one who was cheated. A man who had no respect for you, lied to you. Unfortunately for the nation, you Trumpers were too stupid to seriously question his outrageous premise that thousands of people conspired to rig an election without anyone coming forward to reveal the plot.

When I was a kid, I fell for a lot of false information. But maturity, in general, and adulthood, in particular, showed me that healthy skepticism could and would protect me from getting ripped off or burned by anyone trying to take advantage of me. Trump counted on your gullibility and stupidity. While Trump is a vile human being, in the end, you only have yourselves to blame. Take some damn responsibility, for God's sake!
I don’t see anything in that fantasy piece that implicates the President in the attacks.

According to the liberal lawyers ... The Donald can be prosecuted for inciting the riot ... there's limits to free speech ... again, the liberal point of view has The Donald's speech at The Oval just prior to the assault on the Capitol as "what a reasonable person would believe would lead to eminent lawless activities" ... like yelling "fire, fire, fire" in a crowded theater ...

I would like to hear from any conservative lawyers ... what defense could be mounted against these charges? ... what are the legal tests? ... all my normal legal advice websites what to lynch The Donald, so I'm not sure what could be done in court ...
Im not a lawyer.
I do think that Trumps intent was to stir up the knuckle draggers.
But I think that proving the intent would be very difficult in a court.

I would see the best avenue to take him down would be to focus on his many lies regarding the election and probably the perfect call to the guy in Georgia.
When you cheat in an election, people get mad.
When you get mad over cheating that didn't occur, you're mad because you're delusional.
When you cheat in an election, people get mad.
Good thing that didn't happen, huh?

This is chilling. We were moments and a locked door away from our government being held hostage by a group of trump thugs. The Don planned the attack. He told us it was going to be wild. It was. These people planned to kidnap and or kill Congressional leaders. The investigation by the next DOJ will prove that trump orchestrated the riot. He willl go to jail.

Our democracy is on edge. Thank God trump is going in a few days...but the trump thugs will still be there. He wants Twitter back so he can organize his thugs...the red hats.

The misdialed voicemail from Giuliani shows coordination between trump, mob, and the legislators that "objected" to the fomality of counting the vote. The intention of that call was to have Tommy Tuberville "Slow it down" in order to gove the mob more time to break through the doors and get their hands on the legislators (and Vice President) who were following their constitutional requirements. Which is to say that all the trump operatives were involved in LEVYING WAR against the United States

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Even a radical religious homophobe occasionally shows some spine and does what the Constitution demands that they do.
He literally had no choice. The Constitution allows no other action by him.

We had "alternative facts" - Apparently now we have an "alternative constitution". ;)
When you cheat in an election, people get mad.

Yep, Trump mindfucked his sheep real good.
What a classic RACIST you are.
Look at you coming to the defense of WHITE officer Sicknick. I guarantee you can't link us to your posts showing your condemnation of the murder of BLACK officer David Dorn during the BurnLootMurder picnics...CAN YOU you filthy fuck?
Shameless fucking RACIST!
Remember the democrat's whining about the "appearance" of a conflict of interest? Since when is postal data "unreliable"? Total partisan bullshit.
A change of address form does not indicate relocation of residence, furthermore the purge violated the federal law on how to maintain voter rolls. Purging voters is a good way to disenfranchise people which is why you need to give them ample heads up and not just do it at the last second before the election. Doesn't seem like a real controversy to me. Just an effort at voter suppression.

Abrams isn't on the ballot, silly. No conflict of interest.

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