The Capital attack was worst than we thought

I'm sure there are many cases where there are reasonable explanations. But until they are all investigated,
They were. Over and over and were found to be without substance
Sure they were. Only in you fantasies. It was a protest. That's all. post nothing BUT fantasy

That "protest" resulted in people of them a police officer

And had that woman been allowed to breach that barricade...there would very likely have been a hostage situation with that mob taking dozens of lawmakers hostage...or worse

That's NOT peaceful protest in any way shape or form

It was a protest. Would I have flooded the Capital Buildings?? Nope. It was the wrong thing to do in MO. But, people make choices every day and they all chose to flood the Capital buildings.

The only death due to force or arms was an unarmed female protester.

Hostage situation? LMAO you sure like to live in a world of fantasy. All the congress critters were right there, hiding, any one of the crowd could have grabbed any one of them but didn't.
You totally ignore the murder of a cop and pretend that that mob had no ill intent?

How do you account for them chanting "HANG MIKE PENCE"?

What do you think would have happened had she been allowed to continue through that breach. Would that violent mob just stood there?

You KNOW that on the other side of that barricade, there were still as many as100 members of Congress right?
I'm sure there are many cases where there are reasonable explanations. But until they are all investigated,
They were. Over and over and were found to be without substance
Sure they were. Only in you fantasies. It was a protest. That's all. post nothing BUT fantasy

That "protest" resulted in people of them a police officer

And had that woman been allowed to breach that barricade...there would very likely have been a hostage situation with that mob taking dozens of lawmakers hostage...or worse

That's NOT peaceful protest in any way shape or form

It was a protest. Would I have flooded the Capital Buildings?? Nope. It was the wrong thing to do in MO. But, people make choices every day and they all chose to flood the Capital buildings.

The only death due to force or arms was an unarmed female protester.

Hostage situation? LMAO you sure like to live in a world of fantasy. All the congress critters were right there, hiding, any one of the crowd could have grabbed any one of them but didn't.
You totally ignore the murder of a cop and pretend that that mob had no ill intent?

How do you account for them chanting "HANG MIKE PENCE"?

What do you think would have happened had she been allowed to continue through that breach. Would that violent mob just stood there?

You KNOW that on the other side of that barricade, there were still as many as100 members of Congress right?

Boy, you should write a book. You would have great plots.

Murder of a cop?? Who would that be. The only murder I saw was of an unarmed female protester.

Can't say I care about Congresscritters. Most of them only care about themselves.

I didn't approve of what the Trump supporters did. IMO it was a dumb thing to do. But they made the choice to do it so here we are.
Even a radical religious homophobe occasionally shows some spine and does what the Constitution demands that they do.
He literally had no choice. The Constitution allows no other action by him.
I didn't approve of what the Trump supporters did.
You very clearly do.

And you're pretending to ignore the FACT that a cop was murdered by that mob

Nope. I sure don't approve and its nothing I would have ever done. As I said people make choices. Those folks decided to flood into the Capital Buildings so any repercussions are on them.
I didn't approve of what the Trump supporters did.
You very clearly do.

And you're pretending to ignore the FACT that a cop was murdered by that mob

Which cop was murder by the protesters?? The only one I heard about had a heart attack.

The only murder I heard about was the unarmed female protester who was shot by a cop.

This is chilling. We were moments and a locked door away from our government being held hostage by a group of trump thugs. The Don planned the attack. He told us it was going to be wild. It was. These people planned to kidnap and or kill Congressional leaders. The investigation by the next DOJ will prove that trump orchestrated the riot. He willl go to jail.

Our democracy is on edge. Thank God trump is going in a few days...but the trump thugs will still be there. He wants Twitter back so he can organize his thugs...the red hats.

No election reform, no peace.
In 2016 the democrats went nuts about "Russian Collusion" and Russia stole the election. Remember? The democrats said Trump was illegitimate.
And no one rioted. No one tried to overturn that election. No one attacked the seat of government
There was violence after 2016, Trump people were attacked in restaurants and harassed at home. Google Maxine Water's rant urging violence against Trump supporters.
The Trump wally started out as a "stop the steal" and then morphed into a riot.
IMHO the DC riot was much less violent than the antifa riots all summer that democrats said were "peaceful"
There is a lot of handwringing, indignation and virtue signaling going on in the MSM about DC’s riot. This has been building like a pressure dome under a volcano for 4-years and finally it blew, the eruption of a long simmering Mount St. Helens. No one was paying attention that the election needs to be investigated.

– democrats spent four years calling Trump a “traitor” and a “Russian agent”
– They called him “illegitimate
– They said he stole the 2016 election with Russian help.
– They impeached him for Biden’s extortion Burisma in Ukraine
– democrats denied the violence of Antifa and BLM
– For nine months that violence raged
– Nadler said it was a “myth”
– Hoyer denied Antifa was violent
– They said Antifa doesn’t exist
– Antifa raided and burned the Federal building in Portland while people were inside. No democrat even blinked an eye
– Antifa vandalized Federal property in Philadelphia
– During the violence in Minneapolis, Kamala Harris was asking for help bailing out the rioters
– Antifa/BLM burned the nation’s Capitol, including a Church, democrats weren’t especially bothered.

Remember this from Kenosha?

30 people have died in that mythical violence, among them David Dorn and Patrick Underwood.

– As Minneapolis burned in the background, Ali Velshi kept telling us it was “not unruly”

– Those mythical riots caused between $1-2 billion in damages
– 700 cops were injured
– Ayanna Pressley called for “unrest in the streets”
– democrat governors and the left are destroying the economy with lockdowns that are never going to end
Violence is wrong, you say? Let’s hark back to Chris Cuomo

You still wonder why there was pent up rage? Capitol cops murdered an unarmed 14 year woman vet because she climbed into a window. Unlike during the BLM/Antifa riots, no cops were shot. Outside of her murder it’s hard for me to get too exercised about this when no one on the left got exercised about antifa/BLM. In fact, they asked for violence, repeatedly, and justified it?!

I do not accept a “double standard”, rioting is ALWAYS WRONG, no matter who riots, period.
Sure they were. Only in you fantasies. It was a protest. That's all.
Insurrection my ass. And there is more to the story than you will know.
It was a protest.
All the congress critters were right there, hiding, any one of the crowd could have grabbed any one of them but didn't.
Nope. I sure don't approve
You have approved of...defended...and lied about every aspect of this
Sure they were. Only in you fantasies. It was a protest. That's all.
Insurrection my ass. And there is more to the story than you will know.
It was a protest.
All the congress critters were right there, hiding, any one of the crowd could have grabbed any one of them but didn't.
Nope. I sure don't approve
You have approved of...defended...and lied about every aspect of this

Nope. As I said I don't approve of what they did. I never would have done it and if you don't believe me then I can't say I give a shit. Your belief or non belief doesn't matter one iota to me.

Go write another plot for your next novel.
In 2016 the democrats went nuts about "Russian Collusion" and Russia stole the election. Remember? The democrats said Trump was illegitimate.
And no one rioted. No one tried to overturn that election. No one attacked the seat of government
There was violence after 2016, Trump people were attacked in restaurants and harassed at home. Google Maxine Water's rant urging violence against Trump supporters.
The Trump wally started out as a "stop the steal" and then morphed into a riot.
IMHO the DC riot was much less violent than the antifa riots all summer that democrats said were "peaceful"
There is a lot of handwringing, indignation and virtue signaling going on in the MSM about DC’s riot. This has been building like a pressure dome under a volcano for 4-years and finally it blew, the eruption of a long simmering Mount St. Helens. No one was paying attention that the election needs to be investigated.

– democrats spent four years calling Trump a “traitor” and a “Russian agent”
– They called him “illegitimate
– They said he stole the 2016 election with Russian help.
– They impeached him for Biden’s extortion Burisma in Ukraine
– democrats denied the violence of Antifa and BLM
– For nine months that violence raged
– Nadler said it was a “myth”
– Hoyer denied Antifa was violent
– They said Antifa doesn’t exist
– Antifa raided and burned the Federal building in Portland while people were inside. No democrat even blinked an eye
– Antifa vandalized Federal property in Philadelphia
– During the violence in Minneapolis, Kamala Harris was asking for help bailing out the rioters
– Antifa/BLM burned the nation’s Capitol, including a Church, democrats weren’t especially bothered.

Remember this from Kenosha?
View attachment 441278

30 people have died in that mythical violence, among them David Dorn and Patrick Underwood.

– As Minneapolis burned in the background, Ali Velshi kept telling us it was “not unruly”
View attachment 441279

– Those mythical riots caused between $1-2 billion in damages
– 700 cops were injured
– Ayanna Pressley called for “unrest in the streets”
– democrat governors and the left are destroying the economy with lockdowns that are never going to end
Violence is wrong, you say? Let’s hark back to Chris Cuomo

You still wonder why there was pent up rage? Capitol cops murdered an unarmed 14 year woman vet because she climbed into a window. Unlike during the BLM/Antifa riots, no cops were shot. Outside of her murder it’s hard for me to get too exercised about this when no one on the left got exercised about antifa/BLM. In fact, they asked for violence, repeatedly, and justified it?!

I do not accept a “double standard”, rioting is ALWAYS WRONG, no matter who riots, period.

You want to call Dems hypocrites? Fine that's your right. You're mostly wrong but it is your right

What you DON'T get to do is use any of that as an excuse for THIS
Sure they were. Only in you fantasies. It was a protest. That's all.
Insurrection my ass. And there is more to the story than you will know.
It was a protest.
All the congress critters were right there, hiding, any one of the crowd could have grabbed any one of them but didn't.
Nope. I sure don't approve
You have approved of...defended...and lied about every aspect of this

Nope. As I said I don't approve of what they did. I never would have done it and if you don't believe me can't say I give a shit.
When you minimize an insurrection and call it a are approving of it

When you pretend that a murder didn't occur when it clearly are approving of that action.

Your own words damn you. Stubborness is no defense
We have sworn affidavits that said cheating did occur.
Sworn affidavits that were either never submitted in any court or were submitted but rejected by the court due to lack of evidence. And at least two of them which were made public contained lies.

You're delusional if you think Biden got more black votes than Obama.
It's not really my problem you're incapable of understanding Biden get 87% of the black vote than Obama did in 2008 when he got 95% or 2012 when he got 93%. Biden got less of the black vote than Obama. He did get more blacks' votes only because there were so many more voters in the last election. Over 30 million more votes were cast in 2020 than in 2008 (27%) or 2012 (25%). Of those 30 plus million votes, Biden got 2½ million more than Obama, or 8% more -- which is less than the 13% of blacks who voted in each of those elections. Meaning Obama did better with blacks than Biden.
Until the election fraud allegations are investigated by competent professionals, and a reliable report is issued, its just a food fight.
In 2016 the democrats went nuts about "Russian Collusion" and Russia stole the election. Remember? The democrats said Trump was illegitimate.
They've already been investigated. Complaints were reviewed in courts. Some states did recounts. No widespread fraud was detected. Trump's Director of CISA said this was the most secure election ever. Trump's Attorney General said there was no widespread fraud found by the DoJ. Every governor, left and right, certified their results. There was no widespread fraud. Just about every claim of such was debunked.

You were duped by a loser POTUS who lied to America in a failed attempt to reverse the election he lost. It's a pity for you, and for America, that there are people who are so brainwashed, they can't see that.
You can disagree with several to many of the voter fraud allegations, like the various judges did, fine, I even saw the GA Secretary of State disprove several. But what about Stacy Abram's sister (a judge) make a ruling on the eligibility of 4,000 voters? WTF? There are many more examples that need to be investigated.
A logical explanation for them would stop a lot of angry Trump supporters.
I'm asking for an investigation to root out the valid and disproven claims.
Any valid claims should be addressed by that state's legislature.
The secretary of state in Georgia did disprove several, but it didn't change many minds, did it? I think a lot of Trump supporters are so indoctrinated to not believe anyone other than Trump, that these arguments just don't work anymore.

Why would Stacey Abram's sister need to recuse? That doesn't need to be investigated.
Remember the democrat's whining about the "appearance" of a conflict of interest? Since when is postal data "unreliable"? Total partisan bullshit.

This is chilling. We were moments and a locked door away from our government being held hostage by a group of trump thugs. The Don planned the attack. He told us it was going to be wild. It was. These people planned to kidnap and or kill Congressional leaders. The investigation by the next DOJ will prove that trump orchestrated the riot. He willl go to jail.

Our democracy is on edge. Thank God trump is going in a few days...but the trump thugs will still be there. He wants Twitter back so he can organize his thugs...the red hats.
Did the police officer get a booboo on his head?

Police Targeted With 'Improvised Explosives' During Tense Seattle Protests
I didn't approve of what the Trump supporters did.
You very clearly do.

And you're pretending to ignore the FACT that a cop was murdered by that mob

Which cop was murder by the protesters?? The only one I heard about had a heart attack.

The only murder I heard about was the unarmed female protester who was shot by a cop.

No - A capitol cop was beaten to death with a fire extinguisher.
This video is so disturbing, YouTube had to put a warning on it - Click the Tube link and tell them you want to watch it anyway.
Hope you are proud of your tribe of Fascists.

We have sworn affidavits that said cheating did occur.
Sworn affidavits that were either never submitted in any court or were submitted but rejected by the court due to lack of evidence. And at least two of them which were made public contained lies.

You're delusional if you think Biden got more black votes than Obama.
It's not really my problem you're incapable of understanding Biden get 87% of the black vote than Obama did in 2008 when he got 95% or 2012 when he got 93%. Biden got less of the black vote than Obama. He did get more blacks' votes only because there were so many more voters in the last election. Over 30 million more votes were cast in 2020 than in 2008 (27%) or 2012 (25%). Of those 30 plus million votes, Biden got 2½ million more than Obama, or 8% more -- which is less than the 13% of blacks who voted in each of those elections. Meaning Obama did better with blacks than Biden.
Until the election fraud allegations are investigated by competent professionals, and a reliable report is issued, its just a food fight.
In 2016 the democrats went nuts about "Russian Collusion" and Russia stole the election. Remember? The democrats said Trump was illegitimate.
They've already been investigated. Complaints were reviewed in courts. Some states did recounts. No widespread fraud was detected. Trump's Director of CISA said this was the most secure election ever. Trump's Attorney General said there was no widespread fraud found by the DoJ. Every governor, left and right, certified their results. There was no widespread fraud. Just about every claim of such was debunked.

You were duped by a loser POTUS who lied to America in a failed attempt to reverse the election he lost. It's a pity for you, and for America, that there are people who are so brainwashed, they can't see that.
We've heard the "free and fair" shit 10,000 times already. It's all based on lies.

It's a pity for all Americans that this election was a swindle.

This is chilling. We were moments and a locked door away from our government being held hostage by a group of trump thugs. The Don planned the attack. He told us it was going to be wild. It was. These people planned to kidnap and or kill Congressional leaders. The investigation by the next DOJ will prove that trump orchestrated the riot. He willl go to jail.

Our democracy is on edge. Thank God trump is going in a few days...but the trump thugs will still be there. He wants Twitter back so he can organize his thugs...the red hats.
Damn, so close!

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