The Capital attack was worst than we thought

This is chilling. We were moments and a locked door away from our government being held hostage by a group of trump thugs. The Don planned the attack. He told us it was going to be wild. It was. These people planned to kidnap and or kill Congressional leaders. The investigation by the next DOJ will prove that trump orchestrated the riot. He willl go to jail.

Our democracy is on edge. Thank God trump is going in a few days...but the trump thugs will still be there. He wants Twitter back so he can organize his thugs...the red hats.

Keep up your cheating, propaganda, lying.
Did you listen to Trump’s speech on Nov. 6 prior to the protest? It isn’t even close to inciting violence. He said “peaceful” protest. The MSM is spinning again and the left lap it up like the lapdogs that they are without actually watching/ listening to the speech.

Nov 6th? ... c'mon Bubba ...

Here's the speech from Jan 6th ...

Please quote where he incited or encouraged VIOLENCE. I’ll wait.

BTW, you call me ”Bubba”. It doesn’t bother me because I dont have a chip on my shoulder, but I dare say if I did the same to you using a commonly used “black” name that implies ignorance, you would be offended. See how that works.
I don’t see anything in that fantasy piece that implicates the President in the attacks.

According to the liberal lawyers ... The Donald can be prosecuted for inciting the riot ... there's limits to free speech ... again, the liberal point of view has The Donald's speech at The Oval just prior to the assault on the Capitol as "what a reasonable person would believe would lead to eminent lawless activities" ... like yelling "fire, fire, fire" in a crowded theater ...

I would like to hear from any conservative lawyers ... what defense could be mounted against these charges? ... what are the legal tests? ... all my normal legal advice websites what to lynch The Donald, so I'm not sure what could be done in court ...

Did you listen to Trump’s speech on Nov. 6 prior to the protest? It isn’t even close to inciting violence. He said “peaceful” protest. The MSM is spinning again and the left lap it up like the lapdogs that they are without actually watching/ listening to the speech.

All they do is lie continually. They whip themselves into a white hot frenzy over there own projection of hate, violence, etc. All of last year, the left condoned violence with the riots. Not to be forgotten.
When you cheat in an election, people get mad.
You guys have been lied to. Over and over and over.

The election was not stolen. Trump lost and was never going to admit that. The lie about a stolen election was just the easiest way for him to satisfy his inability to admit he isn’t a “winner”.

When you cheat in an election, people get mad.
You guys have been lied to. Over and over and over.

The election was not stolen. Trump lost and was never going to admit that. The lie about a stolen election was just the easiest way for him to satisfy his inability to admit he isn’t a “winner”.
Did you listen to Trump’s speech on Nov. 6 prior to the protest? It isn’t even close to inciting violence. He said “peaceful” protest. The MSM is spinning again and the left lap it up like the lapdogs that they are without actually watching/ listening to the speech.

Nov 6th? ... c'mon Bubba ...

Here's the speech from Jan 6th ...

Please quote where he incited or encouraged VIOLENCE. I’ll wait.

BTW, you call me ”Bubba”. It doesn’t bother me because I dont have a chip on my shoulder, but I dare say if I did the same to you using a commonly used “black” name that implies ignorance, you would be offended. See how that works.

Wait a loooooooooooooooooooooong time. It's right there under the Russian collusion
Taking over government buildings for a month without police intervention is fine and not a real problem
Uh, that was the family of Cliven Buddy that did that and they were pardoned by Trump.

Let me get this straight. Trump poisons the brains of his supporters to the point that thousands become violent and storm the Capitol.

And it’s Biden who is manipulating people?

This is chilling. We were moments and a locked door away from our government being held hostage by a group of trump thugs. The Don planned the attack. He told us it was going to be wild. It was. These people planned to kidnap and or kill Congressional leaders. The investigation by the next DOJ will prove that trump orchestrated the riot. He willl go to jail.

Our democracy is on edge. Thank God trump is going in a few days...but the trump thugs will still be there. He wants Twitter back so he can organize his thugs...the red hats.
Why didn't the police shoot them all in your opinion?
Yes. And we are tired of hearing your lies
The election wasn’t stolen. Trump just lost.

He lost over and over again. He lost on election night. He lost in recounts. He lost in audits. He lost in court. He lost in the electoral college. He lost in Congress.

Don’t screw around and pretend that he was not given a fair shot. He was given every opportunity but he lost. Every. Single. Time.
Only a racist would downplay the racism angle ... you know damn well if the rioters were black, the police would have shot them dead ... National Guard was deployed for the BLM protest ... they were a no show for The Donald's protest ... racism, plain and simple ... but Bubba's hates darkies ..
I don’t honestly know how different they would have been treated. DC Police and Capitol Police genuinely seemed to underestimate Trump’s mob and genuinely seemed to want a demilitarized presence. Retrospect is 20/20.

What it does show is that we are consistent about not wanting heavy handed tactics to be used unless absolutely necessary regardless of politics.
Please quote where he incited or encouraged VIOLENCE. I’ll wait.

BTW, you call me ”Bubba”. It doesn’t bother me because I dont have a chip on my shoulder, but I dare say if I did the same to you using a commonly used “black” name that implies ignorance, you would be offended. See how that works.

Bubba seem the apt stereotype for you ... you don't have the education to understand my post #16 ... the legal standard is "eminent lawless activities", which includes, but is not limited to violence ... you're lack of abilities understanding English means you completely missed my statement that I don't know if this would fly in court ...

Gee ... can't even give your side the benefit of the doubt ... well done Bubba, maybe try and finish Middle School some day ...
When you cheat in an election, people get mad.

You were the one who was cheated. A man who had no respect for you, lied to you. Unfortunately for the nation, you Trumpers were too stupid to seriously question his outrageous premise that thousands of people conspired to rig an election without anyone coming forward to reveal the plot.

When I was a kid, I fell for a lot of false information. But maturity, in general, and adulthood, in particular, showed me that healthy skepticism could and would protect me from getting ripped off or burned by anyone trying to take advantage of me. Trump counted on your gullibility and stupidity. While Trump is a vile human being, in the end, you only have yourselves to blame. Take some damn responsibility, for God's sake!
To the OT- worse than who thought? I've not seen much thinking going on from posters here, or in the media who make claims- I do see a lot of parroting propaganda though- I'm not sure why that's called "we thought", when it's perfectly clear it's regurgitation, which is what parrots do- they mimic their owners-
you're lack of abilities understanding English means you completely missed my statement that I don't know if this would fly in court
Speaking of English- note the bold- the contraction of you are- that is a prevalent mistake posers make- it is your in the capacity you're looking for, stupid.
I don’t see anything in that fantasy piece that implicates the President in the attacks.

According to the liberal lawyers ... The Donald can be prosecuted for inciting the riot ... there's limits to free speech ... again, the liberal point of view has The Donald's speech at The Oval just prior to the assault on the Capitol as "what a reasonable person would believe would lead to eminent lawless activities" ... like yelling "fire, fire, fire" in a crowded theater ...

I would like to hear from any conservative lawyers ... what defense could be mounted against these charges? ... what are the legal tests? ... all my normal legal advice websites what to lynch The Donald, so I'm not sure what could be done in court ...
Im not a lawyer.
I do think that Trumps intent was to stir up the knuckle draggers.
But I think that proving the intent would be very difficult in a court.

I would see the best avenue to take him down would be to focus on his many lies regarding the election and probably the perfect call to the guy in Georgia.

This is chilling. We were moments and a locked door away from our government being held hostage by a group of trump thugs. The Don planned the attack. He told us it was going to be wild. It was. These people planned to kidnap and or kill Congressional leaders. The investigation by the next DOJ will prove that trump orchestrated the riot. He willl go to jail.

Our democracy is on edge. Thank God trump is going in a few days...but the trump thugs will still be there. He wants Twitter back so he can organize his thugs...the red hats.

Oh there was more to that protest then we know. Should be very interesting this week.
Not worse than I thought. Worse than enough people understand it to be, and that may be what is worst.

Wait....the mob was ready to KILL the Vice President and take hostages of numerous Congress people and the president was excited. And the wife of a far right USSC justice on social media cheered the Incursion on.

And you are still downplaying this Violent Coup Attempt. How many people have to before die before you understand trump is a fascistic and authoritarian who us willing to destroy the country in order to stay in power.

Not worse than I thought. Worse than enough people understand it to be, and that may be what is worst.

This is chilling. We were moments and a locked door away from our government being held hostage by a group of trump thugs. The Don planned the attack. He told us it was going to be wild. It was. These people planned to kidnap and or kill Congressional leaders. The investigation by the next DOJ will prove that trump orchestrated the riot. He willl go to jail.

Our democracy is on edge. Thank God trump is going in a few days...but the trump thugs will still be there. He wants Twitter back so he can organize his thugs...the red hats.

U all lie.
Did you listen to Trump’s speech on Nov. 6 prior to the protest? It isn’t even close to inciting violence. He said “peaceful” protest. The MSM is spinning again and the left lap it up like the lapdogs that they are without actually watching/ listening to the speech.

Nov 6th? ... c'mon Bubba ...

Here's the speech from Jan 6th ...

January 6, 2021 a date that shall live in infamy, but only for the establishment, msm, and statists everywhere.

When you cheat in an election, people get mad.
You guys have been lied to. Over and over and over.

The election was not stolen. Trump lost and was never going to admit that. The lie about a stolen election was just the easiest way for him to satisfy his inability to admit he isn’t a “winner”.
1. Agreed that some of the voter fraud claims are hogwash, but I believe that many are true because many sworn affidavits prove it.
2. Agreed that Trump probably lost the election due to his high negatives, as seen in the 1st debate.
3. But until all of the voter fraud allegations are investigated thoroughly, by a competent investigator, Biden is illegitimate.
When you cheat in an election, people get mad.

I guess you didn't watch 60 minutes last night when the election officials played the whole video of the election workers taking two boxes of ballot out from under a desk they supposedly found but Rudy edited it to show the Georgia state senate and the world. I suggest you watch it if it happens to be on youtube, I haven't looked this morning. You think there are low life's in the congress? Rudy takes the cake.
I saw the GA Secretary of State explain that video. Something like the vote counters were stopping for the day, then got a call to keep working. Okay.
I'm sure there are many cases where there are reasonable explanations. But until they are all investigated, Biden is illegitimate.

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