The Capital attack was worst than we thought

This is chilling. We were moments and a locked door away from our government being held hostage by a group of trump thugs. The Don planned the attack. He told us it was going to be wild. It was. These people planned to kidnap and or kill Congressional leaders. The investigation by the next DOJ will prove that trump orchestrated the riot. He willl go to jail.

Our democracy is on edge. Thank God trump is going in a few days...but the trump thugs will still be there. He wants Twitter back so he can organize his thugs...the red hats.

U all lie.
This either answers another post than that which is quoted or someone has a reading problem.
Not worse than I thought. Worse than enough people understand it to be, and that may be what is worst.

Wait....the mob was ready to KILL the Vice President and take hostages of numerous Congress people and the president was excited. And the wife of a far right USSC justice on social media cheered the Incursion on.

And you are still downplaying this Violent Coup Attempt. How many people have to before die before you understand trump is a fascistic and authoritarian who us willing to destroy the country in order to stay in power.

Not worse than I thought. Worse than enough people understand it to be, and that may be what is worst.

Sure they were. Only in you fantasies. It was a protest. That's all.

Where were you when Antifa and BLM were looting murdering and burning buildings to the ground in Portland, Seattle and Indi. You Dems were called those pieces of shit protesters and even bailing those that got arrested out of mail.

Insurrection my ass. And there is more to the story than you will know. Italy is at the forefront Enjoy. Should be an interesting week. Enjoy. I sure as hell will.
When you cheat in an election, people get mad.

You were the one who was cheated. A man who had no respect for you, lied to you. Unfortunately for the nation, you Trumpers were too stupid to seriously question his outrageous premise that thousands of people conspired to rig an election without anyone coming forward to reveal the plot.

When I was a kid, I fell for a lot of false information. But maturity, in general, and adulthood, in particular, showed me that healthy skepticism could and would protect me from getting ripped off or burned by anyone trying to take advantage of me. Trump counted on your gullibility and stupidity. While Trump is a vile human being, in the end, you only have yourselves to blame. Take some damn responsibility, for God's sake!
Start at the beginning, the democrats hated Trump from the day he announced. The MSM had fake polls giving Hillary 95% probability of winning, she lost.
Trump's 1st term was a miracle in itself, the biggest upset in US election history. Hillary and the DNC actually colluded with and paid Russians for "dirt" on Trump, the "Steele Dossier". Obama used the power of the DOJ, FBI, CIA and other Federal agencies to illegally spy on and setup Trump for failure. Operations Crossfire Hurricane and Razor, the Mueller Investigation, Russian Collusion Hoax, the MSM's constant 95% negative coverage and "fake news", Never-Trump Republicans, the Lincoln Project, globalists of every stripe, the entrenched Deep State who all oppose Trump's policies, the planted leakers and whistle-blowers, and the RINOs who'd rather shill for K-Street than work for main street. Then add to all of that the outright hatred shown by the House democrats toward Trump, to the point of "non-crime" Impeachment Articles, probably twice!!

We wanted an outsider and not another "establishment" president, Trump was exactly what we wanted as president, except for his "used car salesman" style of continuously lying about stupid stuff. His high negatives as seen during the 1st debate turned off too many voters. That said, we Trump supporters are not dissatisfied with Trump's "populist" agenda and his "promises kept". In the end General Kelly was right, Trump is a very flawed man, that is his legacy, along with his "promises kept" Promises Kept | President Donald J. Trump's Accomplishments

This is chilling. We were moments and a locked door away from our government being held hostage by a group of trump thugs. The Don planned the attack. He told us it was going to be wild. It was. These people planned to kidnap and or kill Congressional leaders. The investigation by the next DOJ will prove that trump orchestrated the riot. He willl go to jail.

Our democracy is on edge. Thank God trump is going in a few days...but the trump thugs will still be there. He wants Twitter back so he can organize his thugs...the red hats.

I don’t see anything in that fantasy piece that implicates the President in the attacks.

You are one of those cult members who saw trump literally mock a reporter's disabled arm...and the say..."NO HE DID NOT MOCK HIM?"

Cause you are a mindless cult member with orange all over your lips.
This is chilling. We were moments and a locked door away from our government being held hostage by a group of trump thugs. The Don planned the attack. He told us it was going to be wild. It was. These people planned to kidnap and or kill Congressional leaders. The investigation by the next DOJ will prove that trump orchestrated the riot. He willl go to jail.

Our democracy is on edge. Thank God trump is going in a few days...but the trump thugs will still be there. He wants Twitter back so he can organize his thugs...the red hats.
Spare us the "we care about cops" speech. For the past year now we have watched as the left attacked, murdered, and called for defunding the police. They burned police stations and hundreds, if not thousands, of businesses. They vandalized and destroyed Federal and State monuments and statues.
They used a fake pandemic to destroy businesses and unconstitutionally change election laws.

And now want to lecture the right and pretend they have the moral high ground.

Give me a break... :lame2:
1. Agreed that some of the voter fraud claims are hogwash, but I believe that many are true because many sworn affidavits prove it.
2. Agreed that Trump probably lost the election due to his high negatives, as seen in the 1st debate.
3. But until all of the voter fraud allegations are investigated thoroughly, by a competent investigator, Biden is illegitimate.
1. The sworn affadavits are less convincing than you think when you actually read them. Most of them are honest, and truthful, but come from the perspective of people who don't understand and don't trust the process. They are not actually indicative of fraud, let alone proof of such. Consider Carrone's affidavit, she claimed that the workers were counting ballots repeatedly by sending them through the machine repeatedly. She claimed tens of thousands of ballots were done so. Problem is the roll books aren't off by tens of thousands, so her claim is pretty much impossible. Given that she had about an hour of training and is a devout Trump supporter, she is likely just wrong. She was conditioned to think fraud was happening so when she saw something she didn't understand, it became fraud.

2. Cool.

3. You don't investigate illegitimate allegations. These allegations need to have some degree of rational basis. People claimed that a truck delivering food to workers at the poll place had ballots in them. It's nonsense. We couldn't possibly entertain every crazy theory from every corner of the internet. Even if you could, the theories multiply. Knock one down, three more form. It's impossible to satisfy people who have made their minds up.
I just saw videos of Repub Congress members locked in a room REFUSING to put on masks....even when offered. They are selfish...sanctimonious Assholes. They don't care about anyone or anything except themselves. Do they have families at home? Do they care about anyone else?

I guess they get their direction from their Dear Leader that is now an Insurrectionist and an Authoritarian Wannabe that has BLOOD ON HIS HANDS.
When you cheat in an election, people get mad.

You were the one who was cheated. A man who had no respect for you, lied to you. Unfortunately for the nation, you Trumpers were too stupid to seriously question his outrageous premise that thousands of people conspired to rig an election without anyone coming forward to reveal the plot.

When I was a kid, I fell for a lot of false information. But maturity, in general, and adulthood, in particular, showed me that healthy skepticism could and would protect me from getting ripped off or burned by anyone trying to take advantage of me. Trump counted on your gullibility and stupidity. While Trump is a vile human being, in the end, you only have yourselves to blame. Take some damn responsibility, for God's sake!
A man who has no respect and lied... leave shitstain obama out of this.

There are almost a thousand sworn affidavits of those who came forward to reveal the method of the fraudulent election.

No judge accepted this evidence. The reason being once it becomes unsealed evidence it is in the public record and we can all see the fraud for ourselves.
1. Agreed that some of the voter fraud claims are hogwash, but I believe that many are true because many sworn affidavits prove it.
2. Agreed that Trump probably lost the election due to his high negatives, as seen in the 1st debate.
3. But until all of the voter fraud allegations are investigated thoroughly, by a competent investigator, Biden is illegitimate.
1. The sworn affidavits are less convincing than you think when you actually read them. Most of them are honest, and truthful, but come from the perspective of people who don't understand and don't trust the process. They are not actually indicative of fraud, let alone proof of such. Consider Carrone's affidavit, she claimed that the workers were counting ballots repeatedly by sending them through the machine repeatedly. She claimed tens of thousands of ballots were done so. Problem is the roll books aren't off by tens of thousands, so her claim is pretty much impossible. Given that she had about an hour of training and is a devout Trump supporter, she is likely just wrong. She was conditioned to think fraud was happening so when she saw something she didn't understand, it became fraud.

2. Cool.

3. You don't investigate illegitimate allegations. These allegations need to have some degree of rational basis. People claimed that a truck delivering food to workers at the poll place had ballots in them. It's nonsense. We couldn't possibly entertain every crazy theory from every corner of the internet. Even if you could, the theories multiply. Knock one down, three more form. It's impossible to satisfy people who have made their minds up.

You can disagree with several to many of the voter fraud allegations, like the various judges did, fine, I even saw the GA Secretary of State disprove several. But what about Stacy Abram's sister (a judge) make a ruling on the eligibility of 4,000 voters? WTF? There are many more examples that need to be investigated.
A logical explanation for them would stop a lot of angry Trump supporters.
I'm asking for an investigation to root out the valid and disproven claims.
Any valid claims should be addressed by that state's legislature.
We have sworn affidavits that said cheating did occur.
Sworn affidavits that were either never submitted in any court or were submitted but rejected by the court due to lack of evidence. And at least wo of them which were made public contained lies.

You're delusional if you think Biden got more black votes than Obama.
It's not really my problem you're incapable of understanding Biden get 87% of the black vote than Obama did in 2008 when he got 95% or 2012 when he got 93%. Biden got less of the black vote than Obama. He did get more blacks' votes only because there were so many more voters in the last election. Over 30 million more votes were cast in 2020 than in 2008 (27%) or 2012 (25%). Of those 30 plus million votes, Biden got 2½ million more than Obama, or 8% more -- which is less than the 13% of blacks who voted in each of those elections. Meaning Obama did better with blacks than Biden.
When you cheat in an election, people get mad.

You were the one who was cheated. A man who had no respect for you, lied to you. Unfortunately for the nation, you Trumpers were too stupid to seriously question his outrageous premise that thousands of people conspired to rig an election without anyone coming forward to reveal the plot.

When I was a kid, I fell for a lot of false information. But maturity, in general, and adulthood, in particular, showed me that healthy skepticism could and would protect me from getting ripped off or burned by anyone trying to take advantage of me. Trump counted on your gullibility and stupidity. While Trump is a vile human being, in the end, you only have yourselves to blame. Take some damn responsibility, for God's sake!
A man who has no respect and lied... leave shitstain obama out of this.

There are almost a thousand sworn affidavits of those who came forward to reveal the method of the fraudulent election.

No judge accepted this evidence. The reason being once it becomes unsealed evidence it is in the public record and we can all see the fraud for ourselves.
I hear the number is 40,000 affidavits. Which number should I believe?
We have sworn affidavits that said cheating did occur.
Sworn affidavits that were either never submitted in any court or were submitted but rejected by the court due to lack of evidence. And at least two of them which were made public contained lies.

You're delusional if you think Biden got more black votes than Obama.
It's not really my problem you're incapable of understanding Biden get 87% of the black vote than Obama did in 2008 when he got 95% or 2012 when he got 93%. Biden got less of the black vote than Obama. He did get more blacks' votes only because there were so many more voters in the last election. Over 30 million more votes were cast in 2020 than in 2008 (27%) or 2012 (25%). Of those 30 plus million votes, Biden got 2½ million more than Obama, or 8% more -- which is less than the 13% of blacks who voted in each of those elections. Meaning Obama did better with blacks than Biden.
Until the election fraud allegations are investigated by competent professionals, and a reliable report is issued, its just a food fight.
In 2016 the democrats went nuts about "Russian Collusion" and Russia stole the election. Remember? The democrats said Trump was illegitimate.

This is chilling. We were moments and a locked door away from our government being held hostage by a group of trump thugs. The Don planned the attack. He told us it was going to be wild. It was. These people planned to kidnap and or kill Congressional leaders. The investigation by the next DOJ will prove that trump orchestrated the riot. He willl go to jail.

Our democracy is on edge. Thank God trump is going in a few days...but the trump thugs will still be there. He wants Twitter back so he can organize his thugs...the red hats.

The misdialed voicemail from Giuliani shows coordination between trump, mob, and the legislators that "objected" to the fomality of counting the vote. The intention of that call was to have Tommy Tuberville "Slow it down" in order to gove the mob more time to break through the doors and get their hands on the legislators (and Vice President) who were following their constitutional requirements. Which is to say that all the trump operatives were involved in LEVYING WAR against the United States

Untitled drawing - 2021-01-09T173942.595.png
I'm sure there are many cases where there are reasonable explanations. But until they are all investigated,
They were. Over and over and were found to be without substance
Sure they were. Only in you fantasies. It was a protest. That's all. post nothing BUT fantasy

That "protest" resulted in people of them a police officer

And had that woman been allowed to breach that barricade...there would very likely have been a hostage situation with that mob taking dozens of lawmakers hostage...or worse

That's NOT peaceful protest in any way shape or form
In 2016 the democrats went nuts about "Russian Collusion" and Russia stole the election. Remember? The democrats said Trump was illegitimate.
And no one rioted. No one tried to overturn that election. No one attacked the seat of government
I'm sure there are many cases where there are reasonable explanations. But until they are all investigated,
They were. Over and over and were found to be without substance
Sure they were. Only in you fantasies. It was a protest. That's all. post nothing BUT fantasy

That "protest" resulted in people of them a police officer

And had that woman been allowed to breach that barricade...there would very likely have been a hostage situation with that mob taking dozens of lawmakers hostage...or worse

That's NOT peaceful protest in any way shape or form

It was a protest. Would I have flooded the Capital Buildings?? Nope. It was the wrong thing to do in MO. But, people make choices every day and they all chose to flood the Capital buildings.

The only death due to force or arms was an unarmed female protester.

Hostage situation? LMAO you sure like to live in a world of fantasy. All the congress critters were right there, hiding, any one of the crowd could have grabbed any one of them but didn't.
You can disagree with several to many of the voter fraud allegations, like the various judges did, fine, I even saw the GA Secretary of State disprove several. But what about Stacy Abram's sister (a judge) make a ruling on the eligibility of 4,000 voters? WTF? There are many more examples that need to be investigated.
A logical explanation for them would stop a lot of angry Trump supporters.
I'm asking for an investigation to root out the valid and disproven claims.
Any valid claims should be addressed by that state's legislature.
The secretary of state in Georgia did disprove several, but it didn't change many minds, did it? I think a lot of Trump supporters are so indoctrinated to not believe anyone other than Trump, that these arguments just don't work anymore.

Why would Stacey Abram's sister need to recuse? That doesn't need to be investigated.

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