The Cappucino Corral

Good Morning, Cappuccinitis!

Today is the kickoff for KARNEVAL in Germany, with the traditional WEIBERFASTNACHT festivities going on today. Woohoo.

Have a good one.

Have fun.....seems like only yesterday I remember you posting some pictures....must have been last oh my, how time does fly!
Good Morning, Cappuccinitis!

Today is the kickoff for KARNEVAL in Germany, with the traditional WEIBERFASTNACHT festivities going on today. Woohoo.

Have a good one.

Have fun.....seems like only yesterday I remember you posting some pictures....must have been last oh my, how time does fly!

I did, and look where I did:

The Front Porch Swing Page 43 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum


Damn, time goes fast.
Good morning and TGIF, oh Cappuccinisti-Brethren of the Etherweeebz!

I had a chocolate Cappuccino this morning. And little Miss Statalina also tried some, so loved it. :D (Like 1 Tablespoon full).

She is playing games from a German TV program called "Die Sendung mit der Maus":

Neues von der Maus - Die Seite mit der Maus - WDR Fernsehen

Especially this game:

Schneeballspiel - MausSpiele - Spa mit der Maus - Die Seite mit der Maus - WDR Fernsehen



This Children's program has been running as a massive hit since 1971; their main production building is in Cologne, about 16 miles away from my house:


We have visited the studio a number of times. In the background: 2 of the 4 spires of the Kölner Dom (the great Cathedral of Cologne).

And a great 5 minute "Maus" segment about KAFFEE:

(Even if you don't understand the language, you will love the 5 minutes)

More about the Maus on St. Valentine's Day, I promise.

Have a great one, folks.
G'day, y'all. I cannot but think that I have strayed into an unusual haunt. The last time I entered a "hugfest" thread there was a general feeling that I should piss off shortly thereafter. But if this is fair dinkum then I'll give it a quote the erstwhile US Pres when he visited our shores not a long time ago.

We are not far from Autumn here and I can see some of the tress starting to turn. As you hope for Spring up North I can only say that I am looking forward to cooler weather which, despite some predictions, will soon enough be upon us. It is strange but yesterday I provided my office(us workers that is) with a coffee machine; Breville...but have yet to work out what type of coffee it is able to produce. Espresso seems to be its calling but I do prefer a Cappa or Late myself...though the "best" when in need of a hit was one I bought in Bulgaria some years back...just arrived from Oz and badly jet lagged...but cured miraculously by a street vendor's brew at about 3am local time. Didn't sleep for two days!!

G'day, y'all. I cannot but think that I have strayed into an unusual haunt. The last time I entered a "hugfest" thread there was a general feeling that I should piss off shortly thereafter. But if this is fair dinkum then I'll give it a quote the erstwhile US Pres when he visited our shores not a long time ago.

We are not far from Autumn here and I can see some of the tress starting to turn. As you hope for Spring up North I can only say that I am looking forward to cooler weather which, despite some predictions, will soon enough be upon us. It is strange but yesterday I provided my office(us workers that is) with a coffee machine; Breville...but have yet to work out what type of coffee it is able to produce. Espresso seems to be its calling but I do prefer a Cappa or Late myself...though the "best" when in need of a hit was one I bought in Bulgaria some years back...just arrived from Oz and badly jet lagged...but cured miraculously by a street vendor's brew at about 3am local time. Didn't sleep for two days!!


And a hearty welcome to the Cappuccino Corral to gtopa1 !!

Glad you are here and hope you get a chance to relax and just shoot the shit.

Here's a delicious Cappu for you:


I remember being on tour in Chile in December, 2009, in the middle of the German winter and the Chilean summer. It was wild. Lots of us northern Hemispherers forget that South of the Equator, interesting seasonal things happen!!! :lol:
Can I get a donut?

If you spell it correctly, yes.

We spell donuts here correctly. I deliberately misspelled the title so that it sticks out. .. also explained in a posting somewhere at the beginning of the CC. ...

And welcome to the CC family, mindful!

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Went to a Valentine celebration last night. Our Harley club had a Valentine's dinner at a Mexican restaurant in San Antonio.....all the gals got a beautiful rose, and my husband won one of the door prizes....we also played a game (information about our spouses) to see if the group could identify who it was....that was a hoot! Also, Mr. Mertex bought me roses for Valentines.....they are so pretty.
"I am your father, Luke"

In honor:

It's KARNEVAL time in Germany and 8-year old Miss Statalina has decided that Papa needs to be Darth Vader this time around, so I bought a Vader mask. lol. But first, Miss Statalina, who was also roller skating before, during and after the sale :D , wanted to try it on. Eh bien, voila:

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Notice the elegant kneepads for roller-skating!

But, it was a short-lived existence as good old Darth as the mask quickly found it's proper owner:

20150213_163157 (Large).jpg

BTW, anyone seen this new reality show yet?

20150213_160821 (Large).jpg

Or is it starting on the 23rd also in the USA?
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