The Cappucino Corral

I am not sure what it is called but I made some "sugared bacon" last year using brown sugar and ...bacon. Spread the sugar over the bacon and grilled. Eventually didn't burn it and was very yummy. I think they called it "candied".


Mine were slightly darker in colour...sorta charcoal.

Candied Bacon Recipe


Yes thank you for the invitation. 55 degrees currently in FT Worth, TX but turning cold next week so we all plan to get out and enjoy the weekend.

Yes thank you for the invitation. 55 degrees currently in FT Worth, TX but turning cold next weeks so we all plan to get out and enjoy the weekend.

55oF isn't "cold"..????....brrrrrrrr

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You will find resistance to be futile.

What is a flat white? A guide for Americans on Starbucks' next hit

Life and style The Guardian

Buying a coffee in New York City poses an interesting cultural dilemma for a Brit who has just moved to stateside after a year and a half living in Australia: how to order a flat white.

Before moving to the antipodes I was a coward when it came to caffeine, opting for the chocolatey halfway house of a mocha instead of full-strength coffee, which tasted impossibly bitter in my mind.

The flat white changed my life. Or, more precisely, slightly altered my morning routine. It is both creamy and intensely caffeinated. It is still the only coffee I really drink.

But the expression on most New York barista’s faces when I ask for one here is a mixture of confusion and mild annoyance. Some make the effort and give it a go, others point-blank refuse. A small handful have the flat white on the menu and only one coffee shop – owned by an Australian – has been able to make it right.

All this might change now as Starbucks, the world’s largest coffee shop chain, announced it will start serving flat whites around the US from Tuesday.

A "flatty" is cool; not readily available in NZ??


Yes thank you for the invitation. 55 degrees currently in FT Worth, TX but turning cold next week so we all plan to get out and enjoy the weekend.

Unseasonably warm here this week. I am not complaining.
"I am your father, Luke"

In honor:

It's KARNEVAL time in Germany and 8-year old Miss Statalina has decided that Papa needs to be Darth Vader this time around, so I bought a Vader mask. lol. But first, Miss Statalina, who was also roller skating before, during and after the sale :D , wanted to try it on. Eh bien, voila:

View attachment 36773

View attachment 36774

Notice the elegangt kneepads for roller-skating!

But, it was a short-lived existence as good old Darth as the mask quickly found it's proper owner:

View attachment 36775

BTW, anyone seen this new reality show yet?

View attachment 36779

Or is it starting on the 23rd also in the USA?

Statalina is so adorable, even with that Darth mask........she sure has fun when she visits you, you're a a great dad, Stat...:)
Overcast and dreary. 1 degree centigrade. 87% humidity.

We're having spring weather here in the Hill Country, Texas...........currently 64 degrees, but climbing to 66 degrees.....pretty near summer weather for some.....:)
"I am your father, Luke"

Hey Stat. Thanks for the kind invite. As you can probably tell, we're not used to civility from our liberal friends in the sewer (a few exceptions)

85 degrees here in Los Angeles today.

And a BIG BIG BIG Cappucinoesque welcome to Rawley and Mindful for joining the CC today!


My little daughter is with me this weekend, so I post in between things like cooking dinner, playing soccer with her (yes, she loves soccer) or having a drawing contest.... right now, she gets a late night double header of GARFIELD, so I have like 10 minutes to type.


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