The Cappucino Corral

Little Miss Statalina did 2 straight hours of rollerskating today. Papa did 1/2 of inliners and then I walked with her while she skated. She is starting to skate down hills on her own now. Fun to watch. Then we played "soccer" :lol: for about an hour and then afterwards, I made Stat's famous Sunday pancakes for a middle of the day meal.

In Germany, this is common on Sunday afternoons, either pancakes or homemade waffles, but with fresh fruit on top.

She is showering right now and for the first time, will blow dry her hair all by herself seated next to me in the living room. The deal is when she does this on her own , then she gets some Tiramisu for dessert after dinner. Bribery is a wonderful thing.

She is loaded for bear and has energy for the next 8 hours, at least that is the feeling I get. I am ready to sleep now. Little Miss Statalina is wearing Papa out!!


Would you like to have more kids Stat? You seem like a great parent. :)
I wanted 3. The one G-d granted me is love enough for 3.

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drifter is that a bong? OMG!

Uhhh, what's a bong....



More disturbing is that Mertex recognizes a bong when she sees one! ;)

It's not rocket science.....I've never used one, but I've seen plenty....this one ^^^^ is most ingenious...:)

Oh, and I have 4'd be surprised what you can find hidden in their closets, sometimes....:D

Now you are admitting to snooping in your son's closets? :eek:


Damn right.....:) Fortunately they are all now past voting age and have their own closets, away from me....they can keep whatever they want there........:D
Little Miss Statalina did 2 straight hours of rollerskating today. Papa did 1/2 of inliners and then I walked with her while she skated. She is starting to skate down hills on her own now. Fun to watch. Then we played "soccer" :lol: for about an hour and then afterwards, I made Stat's famous Sunday pancakes for a middle of the day meal.

In Germany, this is common on Sunday afternoons, either pancakes or homemade waffles, but with fresh fruit on top.

She is showering right now and for the first time, will blow dry her hair all by herself seated next to me in the living room. The deal is when she does this on her own , then she gets some Tiramisu for dessert after dinner. Bribery is a wonderful thing.

She is loaded for bear and has energy for the next 8 hours, at least that is the feeling I get. I am ready to sleep now. Little Miss Statalina is wearing Papa out!!


Be glad you have the energy to keep up with her..........just reading about it makes me tired.........:(
I went to see American Sniper....Wow.....that is some intense movie. Very well done, and hunk Bradley Cooper is excellent in this movie....bring some tissues....
So after yesterday's slip and fall on the ice I was ultra careful heading out to the gym today. Yes, it was a little icy but nothing like yesterday. Fortunately my hip didn't give me a lot of pain so I was able to swim but I suspect an impending cold prevented me from doing more than my usual stint.

Ah well, breakfast and a hot of tea makes a world of difference.

Happy MLK day everyone.

So after yesterday's slip and fall on the ice I was ultra careful heading out to the gym today. Yes, it was a little icy but nothing like yesterday. Fortunately my hip didn't give me a lot of pain so I was able to swim but I suspect an impending cold prevented me from doing more than my usual stint.

Ah well, breakfast and a hot of tea makes a world of difference.

Happy MLK day everyone.

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Falling sucks. I used to be a big jogger but had someone drop something really hard on my foot and ever since then cannot run without my bones in foot hurting.
So my little cousin is a stroke of genius:) Little bundle of curly joy is now 4 years old. Her mom hit an unplanned pregnancy, again, can you imagine that, it will be her fourth. So the little munchkin puts her head on mommy's belly and asks, how did her baby get there? Now always the original one, she said "the stork put him there":rolleyes:

And my little cousin is all-- >
and then she folds her arms on her chest, the adorable thing she is, saying, totally serious, "Mommy, you're not fooling me!"

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