The Cappucino Corral

Good Morning, Cappucinistas of the World, and TGIF to all of you.

Here, a Cappuccino for you:


In and out a lot today, cold as H-E-double fiddlesticks here!!!
Morning, I have been tired all day.

not enough coffee to deal with it, I guess I will nap ( I feel like a senior citizen) :lol:

I resemble that remark! :D

I've been trying to change my habits (time management) anyway I joined the gym at my school, I want to run again, but I have this foot injury and every time I run the next day my foot just hurts so much.

I was looking into those toe fitting foot shoes and everyone said they would be worse to run in.

Now I am doing elliptical and rowing machine.

My school is 25 miles away, and a few days I have to get up really early for classes and a couple days I can sleep in.

My sweetheart is mostly out of town for work but when they are in town it throws my whole entire schedule off sleepwise and then it effects my homework and exercise.

Today I am just tired and a little spacey n crabby.

Thanks for reading my vent (my apologies) :lol:

Does your gym have a pool because that won't hurt your foot.

Oh, and don't be tired and crabby with your sweetheart, he might not be as kind and forgiving as I am. ;)

I'm terrified of water but do work out in a pool. Its really nice. The arthritis assoc says you get twice the benefit for half the work.

I wish I loved swimming.

For now I will just try to stick with elliptical and rowing since it's free.

I just miss that zone you get from running. I guess those days are gone......

I used to be a runner and loved racquet ball - until chronic shin splints and wear and tear on my knees. I wish I loved swimming too.

Now its a stationary bike, elliptical and weights. And I always wear ankle weights all day long. When I'm sitting down, I always try to do a little mini leg workout and when doing other things, I try to stretch and bend and twist and turn and ................

I am so afraid of becoming that person who has "fallen and can't get up". And, I'm afraid of heart disease, cancer and diabetes. My whole family is loaded with all of them so my whole lifestyle is geared to avoid that.

I'm the oldest surviving of my sibs ... so far, so good.

I resemble that remark! :D

I've been trying to change my habits (time management) anyway I joined the gym at my school, I want to run again, but I have this foot injury and every time I run the next day my foot just hurts so much.

I was looking into those toe fitting foot shoes and everyone said they would be worse to run in.

Now I am doing elliptical and rowing machine.

My school is 25 miles away, and a few days I have to get up really early for classes and a couple days I can sleep in.

My sweetheart is mostly out of town for work but when they are in town it throws my whole entire schedule off sleepwise and then it effects my homework and exercise.

Today I am just tired and a little spacey n crabby.

Thanks for reading my vent (my apologies) :lol:

Does your gym have a pool because that won't hurt your foot.

Oh, and don't be tired and crabby with your sweetheart, he might not be as kind and forgiving as I am. ;)

I'm terrified of water but do work out in a pool. Its really nice. The arthritis assoc says you get twice the benefit for half the work.

I wish I loved swimming.

For now I will just try to stick with elliptical and rowing since it's free.

I just miss that zone you get from running. I guess those days are gone......

I used to be a runner and loved racquet ball - until chronic shin splints and wear and tear on my knees. I wish I loved swimming too.

Now its a stationary bike, elliptical and weights. And I always wear ankle weights all day long. When I'm sitting down, I always try to do a little mini leg workout and when doing other things, I try to stretch and bend and twist and turn and ................

I am so afraid of becoming that person who has "fallen and can't get up". And, I'm afraid of heart disease, cancer and diabetes. My whole family is loaded with all of them so my whole lifestyle is geared to avoid that.

I'm the oldest surviving of my sibs ... so far, so good.


I hear ya! It sucks getting old. The exercise for me is about both physical and mental health.

Like I said before I spent a year after my families deaths just being lethargic and school was all I could do.

When I workout my mind feels better too, not just my body.

I resemble that remark! :D

I've been trying to change my habits (time management) anyway I joined the gym at my school, I want to run again, but I have this foot injury and every time I run the next day my foot just hurts so much.

I was looking into those toe fitting foot shoes and everyone said they would be worse to run in.

Now I am doing elliptical and rowing machine.

My school is 25 miles away, and a few days I have to get up really early for classes and a couple days I can sleep in.

My sweetheart is mostly out of town for work but when they are in town it throws my whole entire schedule off sleepwise and then it effects my homework and exercise.

Today I am just tired and a little spacey n crabby.

Thanks for reading my vent (my apologies) :lol:

Does your gym have a pool because that won't hurt your foot.

Oh, and don't be tired and crabby with your sweetheart, he might not be as kind and forgiving as I am. ;)

I'm terrified of water but do work out in a pool. Its really nice. The arthritis assoc says you get twice the benefit for half the work.

I wish I loved swimming.

For now I will just try to stick with elliptical and rowing since it's free.

I just miss that zone you get from running. I guess those days are gone......

I used to be a runner and loved racquet ball - until chronic shin splints and wear and tear on my knees. I wish I loved swimming too.

Now its a stationary bike, elliptical and weights. And I always wear ankle weights all day long. When I'm sitting down, I always try to do a little mini leg workout and when doing other things, I try to stretch and bend and twist and turn and ................

I am so afraid of becoming that person who has "fallen and can't get up". And, I'm afraid of heart disease, cancer and diabetes. My whole family is loaded with all of them so my whole lifestyle is geared to avoid that.

I'm the oldest surviving of my sibs ... so far, so good.


Yesterday I realized that for all that I am in pain from falling on my bad hip I am not "feeling my age" which is what used to happen to me. Now it is just pain but I know that it will pass and I just keep on going. I will be skipping the abs classes for a couple of weeks until this heals and then it will be like starting from scratch again. :eek:

So survival means moving because when you stop moving you die. As a devout procrastinator I have decided that there are advantages to procrastinating about dying. At least I intend to give it a try, tomorrow, or maybe next week, whenever ;)
I've been trying to change my habits (time management) anyway I joined the gym at my school, I want to run again, but I have this foot injury and every time I run the next day my foot just hurts so much.

I was looking into those toe fitting foot shoes and everyone said they would be worse to run in.

Now I am doing elliptical and rowing machine.

My school is 25 miles away, and a few days I have to get up really early for classes and a couple days I can sleep in.

My sweetheart is mostly out of town for work but when they are in town it throws my whole entire schedule off sleepwise and then it effects my homework and exercise.

Today I am just tired and a little spacey n crabby.

Thanks for reading my vent (my apologies) :lol:

Does your gym have a pool because that won't hurt your foot.

Oh, and don't be tired and crabby with your sweetheart, he might not be as kind and forgiving as I am. ;)

I'm terrified of water but do work out in a pool. Its really nice. The arthritis assoc says you get twice the benefit for half the work.

I wish I loved swimming.

For now I will just try to stick with elliptical and rowing since it's free.

I just miss that zone you get from running. I guess those days are gone......

I used to be a runner and loved racquet ball - until chronic shin splints and wear and tear on my knees. I wish I loved swimming too.

Now its a stationary bike, elliptical and weights. And I always wear ankle weights all day long. When I'm sitting down, I always try to do a little mini leg workout and when doing other things, I try to stretch and bend and twist and turn and ................

I am so afraid of becoming that person who has "fallen and can't get up". And, I'm afraid of heart disease, cancer and diabetes. My whole family is loaded with all of them so my whole lifestyle is geared to avoid that.

I'm the oldest surviving of my sibs ... so far, so good.


Yesterday I realized that for all that I am in pain from falling on my bad hip I am not "feeling my age" which is what used to happen to me. Now it is just pain but I know that it will pass and I just keep on going. I will be skipping the abs classes for a couple of weeks until this heals and then it will be like starting from scratch again. :eek:

So survival means moving because when you stop moving you die. As a devout procrastinator I have decided that there are advantages to procrastinating about dying. At least I intend to give it a try, tomorrow, or maybe next week, whenever ;)

A toast to procrastinating about dying!!!

Probably get most of the list done in 2015. We would like to move into the countryside. Planning ahead for old age with all the essentials on the same floor, attached garage, an out building for my landscape equipment and land for a tree nursery. If I start in the next two years, I'll have a very nice collection of expensive ornamental trees to sell in semi-retirement.
I've been trying to change my habits (time management) anyway I joined the gym at my school, I want to run again, but I have this foot injury and every time I run the next day my foot just hurts so much.

I was looking into those toe fitting foot shoes and everyone said they would be worse to run in.

Now I am doing elliptical and rowing machine.

My school is 25 miles away, and a few days I have to get up really early for classes and a couple days I can sleep in.

My sweetheart is mostly out of town for work but when they are in town it throws my whole entire schedule off sleepwise and then it effects my homework and exercise.

Today I am just tired and a little spacey n crabby.

Thanks for reading my vent (my apologies) :lol:

Does your gym have a pool because that won't hurt your foot.

Oh, and don't be tired and crabby with your sweetheart, he might not be as kind and forgiving as I am. ;)

I'm terrified of water but do work out in a pool. Its really nice. The arthritis assoc says you get twice the benefit for half the work.

I wish I loved swimming.

For now I will just try to stick with elliptical and rowing since it's free.

I just miss that zone you get from running. I guess those days are gone......

I used to be a runner and loved racquet ball - until chronic shin splints and wear and tear on my knees. I wish I loved swimming too.

Now its a stationary bike, elliptical and weights. And I always wear ankle weights all day long. When I'm sitting down, I always try to do a little mini leg workout and when doing other things, I try to stretch and bend and twist and turn and ................

I am so afraid of becoming that person who has "fallen and can't get up". And, I'm afraid of heart disease, cancer and diabetes. My whole family is loaded with all of them so my whole lifestyle is geared to avoid that.

I'm the oldest surviving of my sibs ... so far, so good.


Yesterday I realized that for all that I am in pain from falling on my bad hip I am not "feeling my age" which is what used to happen to me. Now it is just pain but I know that it will pass and I just keep on going. I will be skipping the abs classes for a couple of weeks until this heals and then it will be like starting from scratch again. :eek:

So survival means moving because when you stop moving you die. As a devout procrastinator I have decided that there are advantages to procrastinating about dying. At least I intend to give it a try, tomorrow, or maybe next week, whenever ;)

I like this - procrastinate about dying.

And yes, I'm a firm believer in

If you rest, you rust.
Probably get most of the list done in 2015. We would like to move into the countryside. Planning ahead for old age with all the essentials on the same floor, attached garage, an out building for my landscape equipment and land for a tree nursery. If I start in the next two years, I'll have a very nice collection of expensive ornamental trees to sell in semi-retirement.

We're retired and we're able to live well, travel, all the things you plan to do but still, we have several business enterprises going. None of them pay enough that we could live on them but we don't have to and, as posted about above, its more about keeping moving. We're both artists and its fun to make money from selling how-to's. We've talked about doing You Tube videos but we've already got a lot of irons in the fire.

The last thing I want is to sit in my easy chair watching TV.

Good luck with your trees. The other day, we drove past a xmas tree nursery. Just rows and rows of small trees.
Probably get most of the list done in 2015. We would like to move into the countryside. Planning ahead for old age with all the essentials on the same floor, attached garage, an out building for my landscape equipment and land for a tree nursery. If I start in the next two years, I'll have a very nice collection of expensive ornamental trees to sell in semi-retirement.

We're retired and we're able to live well, travel, all the things you plan to do but still, we have several business enterprises going. None of them pay enough that we could live on them but we don't have to and, as posted about above, its more about keeping moving. We're both artists and its fun to make money from selling how-to's. We've talked about doing You Tube videos but we've already got a lot of irons in the fire.

The last thing I want is to sit in my easy chair watching TV.

Good luck with your trees. The other day, we drove past a xmas tree nursery. Just rows and rows of small trees.

Spruce and Douglas Fir can make some money, but ornamentals are five to ten times more valuable. Since I sell cars now, I'd probably also find a few lower priced vehicles to sell as well. Sort of interested in setting up a glass blowing/stain glass tourist style shop with a resident artist. Have thought of combining that with unique 800 sq. ft. cabins with different themes as summer rentals.
We were going to go on a bike (Harley) ride this morning because the weatherman said it was going to be a nice day.....going up to we got up at 6:00 am, but it felt awfully cold, so I asked Mr. Mertex to go check the temperature before I got out out of was 28 degrees! OMG! I said, I'm not going.....I didn't want to freeze my ass on the way to the takes us about 45 minutes to get there. We were going to ride to a little town close by for breakfast.....but I can't stand that much we didn't go....:(

Instead, I spent the day vacuuming my kitchen....and other work...........maybe we can make the next ride. We're supposed to have a nice's going to be warm tomorrow, too.
I'm going to need scientific proof your ass can freeze off. Before and after pics with some type of certified documentation is fine.

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