The Cappucino Corral

I'm going to need scientific proof your ass can freeze off. Before and after pics with some type of certified documentation is fine.

Here's the after......Brrrrrr, it was so cold...


I didn't take a picture of the before............:(

I must magnify that pic and really make sure it is REAL!!!
According to the weather boffins we are in for anywhere from 6" to 30" of snow over the next 48 hours. :eek:

I have opted for safety first and am going to work from home because I have no desire to slip and fall again.

The snow was already falling at 4:30 am so time for another cuppa and I will be back with an update.

Stay safe and warm and don't travel unless you have to.
I have been enjoying all the variations of clowns these last few days. The only problem I see is I often ID everyone by their avies and you all are starting to look alike.
According to the weather boffins we are in for anywhere from 6" to 30" of snow over the next 48 hours. :eek:

I have opted for safety first and am going to work from home because I have no desire to slip and fall again.

The snow was already falling at 4:30 am so time for another cuppa and I will be back with an update.

Stay safe and warm and don't travel unless you have to.

Looks like its gonna be a doozy. Talked to our son in Cambridge yesterday. He said it was already starting there. They're tough though and go out to play when its really bad. He said he was planning ahead to make a snow slide for our grand kids and already had the base built.

To each their own ...

Hope you all stay safe and warm.
Good morning folks. I hope the day finds everyone well thus far. I am about to go and shovel all the walks but sadly the snow looks very heavy.

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