The Cappucino Corral

I'm going to need scientific proof your ass can freeze off. Before and after pics with some type of certified documentation is fine.

Here's the after......Brrrrrr, it was so cold...


I didn't take a picture of the before............:(

I must magnify that pic and really make sure it is REAL!!!

I knew you would.........:)
Good morning folks. I hope the day finds everyone well thus far. I am about to go and shovel all the walks but sadly the snow looks very heavy.

I hope you didn't have one of those blizzards they are telling us is going to happen in the NE!
Good morning folks. I hope the day finds everyone well thus far. I am about to go and shovel all the walks but sadly the snow looks very heavy.

I hope you didn't have one of those blizzards they are telling us is going to happen in the NE!

Sadly we are not. I enjoy getting a giant snowfall and being cooped up in the house with some board games and wine. Who doesn't love a good Snow Day? We have about 4 inches right now and possibly two more in the mail. I've spoken with my family and friends in NYC and they are preparing to get thumped. lol
Good morning folks. I hope the day finds everyone well thus far. I am about to go and shovel all the walks but sadly the snow looks very heavy.

I hope you didn't have one of those blizzards they are telling us is going to happen in the NE!

Sadly we are not. I enjoy getting a giant snowfall and being cooped up in the house with some board games and wine. Who doesn't love a good Snow Day? We have about 4 inches right now and possibly two more in the mail. I've spoken with my family and friends in NYC and they are preparing to get thumped. lol

According to the weatherman, it's going to be a really bad storm. We're having weather in the 70's right now....and all we are going to get in a few days is more rain....which we need, still, so I'm not going to complain. I just hope people are prepared, and don't take risks.
I had to hurry and watch episodes 3,4,5,6,7,8 and 9 of Jane the Virgin....I wanted to be caught up before tonight's Episode 11.....I'm still enjoying it.

Also, we started watching "Sons of Liberty" on the History channel......really interesting and well's like a mini-series....3 episodes.
Day 2 of the blizzard in the north east. So far so good. Had a total of about 4" here which doesn't sound like much but it is really fine icy snow.

Digging out from under that is going to be a real chore but since the gym is closed I guess that is just going to substitute as exercise. :D

Back to work while the interwebs stays up.

EDIT: Hmmm, seems we won't be getting much more in this area. But the NE states are getting hammered. Looks like we just ended up with a "glancing blow" instead of the full force of the storm.

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I had to hurry and watch episodes 3,4,5,6,7,8 and 9 of Jane the Virgin....I wanted to be caught up before tonight's Episode 11.....I'm still enjoying it.

Also, we started watching "Sons of Liberty" on the History channel......really interesting and well's like a mini-series....3 episodes.

Watching Sons of Liberty too. Looks like they are replaying Monday night and will do part two later tonight?
I had to hurry and watch episodes 3,4,5,6,7,8 and 9 of Jane the Virgin....I wanted to be caught up before tonight's Episode 11.....I'm still enjoying it.

Also, we started watching "Sons of Liberty" on the History channel......really interesting and well's like a mini-series....3 episodes.

Watching Sons of Liberty too. Looks like they are replaying Monday night and will do part two later tonight?

Looks like a well done production....I'm really enjoying it.

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