The Cappucino Corral

Afternoon folks! I hope the day finds everyone well. I am having my mom and dad (in-laws) up for board/card games tonight. There is a new Thai place that opened up right down the alley so that is where we plan to dine this evening. Not having to cook is a rare treat. I haven't decided want I want but I think I might be a piggy since I've eaten so well this week. Cheers to all of you!
During a visit "down-under" in USMB, I discovered some new members who I would like to welcome to the CC and hope they stop by quite often:


Welcome to the CC, gents!

Here, havacuppacappu!!


head over heels
And a hearty welcome to some more new interweebs space-faring creatures whose mothership has landed recently:

Cassy Mo Wobbly IcebergSlim LVatorman SgianDubh polutropon InstantOn the professional ChesBayJJ Olde Europe cnm RhinelandCityLimits X.Onasis Eyepublius Lilah regan2

A complete description of the CC is here in the OP:

The Cappucino Corral US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

This is a great place to get away from politics/religion and such for a little bit and just hang out. We at USMB have made the experience that often, by meeting people we consider from the "other side" at places like this, we learn to value the person and forget the politics - at least in here. And that experience makes us wiser posters on "the outside". People of ALL persuasions are welcomed here with open arms.

This thread is self-moderating: no talk of politics, no talk of religion, no flaming, no attacks. Those things are VERBOTEN! :D

You would be amazed at some of the coolest conversations people can have here at the CC. Many come here to start their day, a kind of way of checking in. Many say good night here. It's our way of making sure that all is well with our friends. It's a way to build a bond of kindness and trust and just plain old have fun. And I hope that each and every one of you gets a chance to feel VERY welcome here in the CC. The CC is what you make of it, but an important stepping-stone into the Forum at large.

I live in the GMT +1 time-zone, which means that I am often sleeping when many people are very active on the interweebs in the late evening in most of America, but there is almost always someone here who can help; If you need assistance or just want to shoot the shit, this is a place where you can do that. Mertex , Luddly Neddite , Derideo_Te , Wolfsister77, Dot Com or LoneLaugher - just to name some, can also be of great assistance. They are seasoned veterans and also totally fun to chat with.

And with that in mind, the world's biggest Cappuccino to welcome a whole spaceship full of new, fine people:



Bienvenuto, I Cappuccinisti della Terra!!
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You clowns are causing great consternation with the conservatives.

I am sorry, we don't talk politics here. And every Conservative in USMB is every bit as welcome here in the CC as every Liberal. BTW, glad you are here, hope you are doing well.

In fact, I want to re-invite one of my very favorite Conservatives, one for whom I have developed a lot of respect: CrusaderFrank

Frank, you are ALWAYS welcome here.

Here, haveacuppacappu:

Sorry for transgressing the rules. It's too late for coffee, but I would enjoy a beer.
I brought my fav - is that okay?



Glad you are here, sit back and shoot the shit. Call some of your friends over. Don't forget to read my introductory posting for all of you, cuz the rules of the Lounge are within.

Hate to do this to you, but it's 00:30 where I live and my daughter is somewhat sick today. She's been going back and forth between chills and sweats, so I suspect that it's going to be a long night. If you go to the first page of the CC and start reading through it, you will get a good idea how we roll here. HUMOR is a very valued thing here.


Very happy that you are here, bring more from the spaceship!!!

Are you German? Your French is very good.



Merci beaucoup

De rien, Madam(oiselle).

Je aime l'ambiance francaise.

Moi aussi, mais je parle allemand....

I am a US-American, but fluent in a number of languages, first and foremost, German.

Sometimes, just to egg on my friends here, I go off on a rant auf Deutsch now and again... :D

Vous parlez Francais, oui?

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